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Show tuvi: iiiu un hue. Our partiality for Watermsttsr Harvey Har-vey will not permit us lo remain silent while hi own organ bold him up to ahlnlug ridicule and bellea In a dotcti place thocnly ordluary lulelllgenoo which providence bat given him. Bald eriian haJ a whole mortal column ol an Interview In small type on Hun-day Hun-day morning, In the ooure of which Mr. Harvey Is quoted ai expatiating on rellglou, Ineplratlon, "old-llcao Mormons Iho crooulug followers of Joseph," "working by revelation," 'no thanks to Moroni," "wlae oie," an I much inorool tba tame kind of lnnddle,wlth Incidentally n Utile upon a tulject which Mr. ilsrvey la paid for attending: to the water. Wo tuslst that thla la libelous aud false; firstly, because whatever bit glfis uwatermatter,Mr.Harvey Is Incapable ol tho IntellteUial tUorl ueceitary to Ihe coinage ul tuoli languago aa It attributed to blm; and tecondly, bo la not tuch an Ignoramut nt to try to divert publiu aJmlratlon Irom hit Irllllautantl-rloolctuipalgn to public pity for an argument which It only a I rolongeJ inter, and for contomptible Impudence on the part cf a servant toward hla materlhe people. No; Mr. Harvey didn't uae the languagetho Trliuneujs be did; for he knows that u publlo officer who could ao fir forget the proprletlea woull deserve to be kicked out bodily. That which hat been oflencoiumendtd to the witorruaster himself with sincere sin-cere desire for his wolfure ought to be by him In turn coalmen led to his Imbecile Im-becile nowtpiper champions: that la, to engage In the patrlotlo and profitable profit-able task of minding their own buslneti. |