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Show SUNDAY M'.llVlli".S. Tcsllnimilea lo llielrulli nf I ho (ioipfl by.scrtral .'peskcra, Itellglous services were held In Ihe Tabernacle, Bait Lake City, Bunday, May ilat, Jb03, Klder Angus M. Cannon, l'resldent of the Btake, pre-sldlng. pre-sldlng. The cliotr sang ILo hymn commencing: commenc-ing: llarkl llalcatotbotrainpcleral Ibey found for eolaatcera 1'rajer by Llder Aurcllus Miner. Thu choir saugt eiod taorea lo a roriterloae war, ilia woodera to crforui- Tbo frtestbood of tbo Bixteenth ward vUlclate-d In tho admlulitrallon of theBacrament, j.LiiLit it, ir, DUirirr, a mUilouary reconlly returned from tho Haudwlcli Islands, it Introduced by I'lderAtiguiM. Cannon. He tald be wss happy to be with tho Balnts lu Kiou again. The Lord has been with him among the peojle Willi whom be had been laboring and by Ills aid many difficulties lisd been overcome. The Halnla there ate very kind and try Ihelrbeat to make the Llders comfoit-abe. comfoit-abe. Tho people as a ruls are Intelligent Intel-ligent and some uf them highly educated. edu-cated. Tho speaker cloiey his brief remarks by asking tbe Baluts for their players In behalf of his beloved wife, who Is at I resent stlllctid with sickness. sick-ness. I LDKll Joeci'lf U M'UUIIIUM waa the next speaker. Ho wlabed to havu the Inspiration of Ihe Holy Spirit while lie waa endeavoring to occupy a short time sr taking to tho congregation. He bad Joy and Rial-nets Rial-nets In bis heart, In as much as he bad a testimony lu to the truth of tho work In which wo are engaged, and ho waa always willing to uear this testimony. Our gathtrlug to Huso valleys Is by the power of Qod aud according to tbe predictions of ancient prophets of God. fho testimony nf tho previous speaker suggests the fulfilment of tbe words or the Jlaok of Mormon according to whloh thu Inhabitants of thla ton-tlceutaud ton-tlceutaud the branches In the Islands or the sua shall bo brought to a knowludguof thu Uospel. When we hear iiilsslouirlcs testify tnnt thu Lord has been with them In their work, wo bavo Indeed cauao to rejoice. Many nations of tho earth aro represented repre-sented today In this congregation. Whereer th eOos pel hat been preached, souiu have accepted It and como here. What brought us hero and made us feel that wo sro members of one family? It wss tho ()osol us taught by Jetua Christ. Nobody waa Induced to come hero lu order to gain uirthly nd-vantagis, nd-vantagis, but to learn more of the ways nf the Lord. The missionaries canto to you, not with the learning of thu world but wllh truth; not attack-lng attack-lng religions of tho worlJ, but teaching teach-ing Ihe lira: principled of the Qoapel. One of the comraatUtneula given by the Lord was that His dlicl lee should preieh the Uos; el.and this we bellovo Is uur duty, too. Lveryone who has the l'rleslhood feels It his duly to bo prepared, it called, to go as ruessemrors of xalvatioii, and when they are sont out, they uuderstund that they have not lo preaoh the Individual opinions of any one man, not even Josei h Smith's or lirlghani Young's, but tho evcrlaatiug Uetpel of Jesus Christ. This Is fultllllug tbo vlelon of John the llevelatir who eaw an angel Uy in the mldtt of heaven Willi the UostHil, pre-ulous pre-ulous to tho Judgments of Uod Almighty. Al-mighty. Uod has not ohangod; nor hns the Gospel. It Is thu same as It ever was.aru what was required of men formerly as a ton mion oi salvation Is still eisenllal. Hence when anyone oaks what to do to be saved, the answer an-swer Is the same as It was lbOD years ago: "Hepent and bo baptised." Tbe Berlplurea were not given Ivy (ho will oi man, but litly men spoke as tlioy were moved upon by the Bplrlt. They are therefore capable of dlreollnir manklud In all matters pertaining to llfo and salvation. This Is Ihe ground on which m stand, livery man's teaching eboul 1 be tested according to the law and tho testimony and that should end every controverey. The sieaker went on to explain tho first principle i of the Uosielas let forth lu thu New featauieut and pointed out that the Apostles of Chrlat warn the Baluts lo have couimuulou with those who had abandoned thoso prlndi le. We are taught la contend fir truth, for a time Is twining when the Lord shall be revealed to take vengtauee on those who do not obey, Wu warn nil men and teitlfy theto things ti them. The Lord Is our Father, and lie has spoken tu His chl dreu. '1 here Is no Improbability In the statement that tho Lord lias niralu 't an angel any more than thtro Is lu Ibu utr-rative utr-rative tint Paul saw und I'oriverieJ with Jesus alter His death. Thousands nan bear witness to tbe truth that the Lord has ajulu spoken. Bometlmothls people shall bn known lor what they really are This work la true. May tin, Silnta hoU fait the principles they hno isfouied and the Lord will be faithful lu His dealings with His people, J'LDFIl AMJUB 51, (UNMIX sal 1 ills heart had iclolced exceedingly In the te.llffiony given by thu previous si rakers and ulsu on previous occuiione by President Woudrul! and others, mother Woodtuir Is so much recovered re-covered Hint he could, last Friday, visit tho Temple and sot apart Hldrr Lorenxo Hnow to preside there. The Lord bHt truly rullilled the promises promi-ses given lu l'riildent Wojdrutt years ago that he ihoul I llvo to ten the I cnn. I lo cimpleled aim lead the ICldcrs Into it to administer In the sacred ordinances. ordi-nances. Now It Is ready for tho Baluts gu there. The pjwerof fbj Is working work-ing wllh this peorlo and permeating their hearts. It la a matter of joy that Ihero la an opportunity for all who have not commuted the unpardonable eln to have thctr sins temllted and tu renew their covenants. What people Is there who havu morn cause for Joy and thankfulness than wu have? 'Ihe beails of our fathers havu beeu tinned to us and our hearts aro being turned to them. This Is the dispensation of the fulness of tlrucs. rhu speaker looked forward to a time when Ibis work would grow more than ever before. The Leans of tho Ualntl will be Hill more filled wllh the divine Influence. Wu have aein this desert be trantformed Into a uarden until even outelders con. fere It Is a marvel. Qui will be gloil-fled gloil-fled In His teople. 11 us tetnur houses III order, look up the genealogy of our ancestors and transmit n record tn mir children lh.il curwoiksmay follow ui. Let ua hive many of our worldly caret and tnnt In tho Lord. Wu weru happy under destitute clr-rumstancrs, clr-rumstancrs, wo csn bo happy now. (fid Is our Father, whu will hear His children. Let us listen to Ills counsels coun-sels and discontinue all evllbablts that wo may live even w hen oilstultlee ie-fall ie-fall the world and that wo may finally final-ly meet our hlndredalu Joy aud eternal eter-nal happtneas. Tho choir sang Ihe anthem! Uod be merciful oato ai aad bleia ua. llenvdlotlon by Llder J. M, HJcdahl. |