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Show I SEWS OF THE WEST. ft Tba Chinese Troubles In San Francisco V are Increasing. B SEIUOCS ACCIULSU AT OUIIKX. B A JUIrlmonUlSult IdtoItIdc $10,000 B llimagn. Alnii.t a Doubla K Hnlclde. IB' Tb.UUck Hnwk lire department Is lm mkliiK nrrnmeinenla for touruf H raer.t to be lield Usr. the 1-outlb of B July next. H The prospects for lively summer for I'flca re eatJ la bo Terr bright. H Tba ornelutf up of tht Ulflereut sspuall ft dsposlU will mse lirtil amount of IBBi extra work, and wage will be batter. IBB Jamei I.amoreaux, of Idaho FnlU, KK. his brought mil In the Fifth district llffi ocurl agelntt the liusor Institute of FfRL foialello for U(0 dsmeges became i'Sbb ""y ,,,,J lo nU '"J tu 0U'6 'iHv Ihelquorhablt. rB' The ele'trlo light com) any nl l'sjson HHj had a eerloui iliniotiltr dutlne: the BY early part of the week on account of H Ibemudln the water filling thobolltr He tubes. They wore forced to abut Hy down temporarily on that account. H Ugysand girls of the I'atlflocoait t are deprlTcd of tradta and work In nearly all tranche! of Industry by the E ue of cheap Cblneie labor. It le uot B raoa hostility but MlNprcaervotlon H whluh renders California fathcrt nod Jj mothsrs so bitterly opt ctsd toAelatla cheap labor VenvtrAeui. B On Haturday at noon lid Willie, a f waiter, whllo lnloxlcatvj, immllod B Jobnliejer, a eteward at tlio National F Hotel, Nevada City. Ileyer etruok f! him Willi a cleaver, fraoturluir ble WK, skull. Willie will probably iliv. Heyer I wu arretted and bound over In the f sum of $3000 to await the result or tbo Y Inquiry. .' AcaeelnvolTlDRlho title ti atccr allcjed to have been puiclimid it Hut city fouiiuuiatttr a louple of jtais Co, waa tried beforo Jualioo WIIsjii on iiiuriday, and mulled In avcrJIit f t the uroimser. It la llkvly tho one will be api taled, and uwy mull In an l. vtMlgitluu aa to tho rriiulanly of pioooidlnga In dlip.elog ol ntrayt uiiiitr the city ordinances. l'a'jtm UlUc. The truitcee of the Pueblo, Colorado, waterworks have ilosad a contiact with the street railway company for tbeereitlouof an oltotrlo fountain, to be located at the Colorado Mineral palace. It will be operated by dec Klclly, will throw one itream 100 Icet 'i high and four others eeveuty.flvo feet blgh. Ily tba uie of very strong 1 search lights and gists slides the water will he given all varieties of color. The fountain Is erected solely as au attraction aud will require three men lo operate It. It will only bskert going during the evening. Mr. Llnder, head of the lltuograptilo firm of Jjlnder, Kddy & Claua ut Now Voik city, while visiting Mr. Krlti Kohler of (Joluen, Colo., examined some of be recently discovered lllho-graphlo lllho-graphlo atone and pronounred It the best he has yet seen In the United HUtes. The samples he examined was fioeu the C. I". Clark's Quarry, near Cloldco, which have Lul recently been opened. An eiamlnatlouof the products of tbequairy Is being made by Mr. I.lnder aud If Ibe results are lallsfaitoiy the quarry will badeveN oped, sa It Is thought that when greater depth le attained a dnerriual. Ily will be brought to light. While working at a planer In Gird' mill at Ogden on baturday, M. 1j. Kerry caught tale left bsnd lu the machine and lost all of Ibe Augers on that hand. Drs. Powers aud Joyce amputated the terribly mantled stuuia and drened the poor man's wouude. Dr. Powers was eaily ou Huudi) morning called to the residence of , U. Burton on Twenty-third street to attoud to the Injurleaor a five-year-old of the household who wai stepied upon by a borae. The little fellow waa playing around the animals iieele, with the result naniud. Ills left ankle was dliloealcd and the leg fractured. Las' week when the turbulent stream in He llder crsek tore away a length of the lualu that euppllea the water works sj stem of llrleliam Clly, the reservoir was supplied by only a small stream that flowe Into tbe mains this side of the break, wblcb ooiuired Intbeiatt end of tbe canyon. 1'or several days tbe water was low In tho pipes aud the usual force was client, Jlul when the break was mended the reaervolr fllkd at uuce aud now the uausl preaauro la stain found In the plpis. The oveillow plpu at lllu teervolr, which waabod out a large excavation last weak, baa also been repaired. Uilgham CUyJIugler, Mr. John Newman, of Proa, Bum-niltiounly Bum-niltiounly met with a serious loas by lire on Wednesday last. Mr. Newman as a farm la Uaklry irecluct wbire b.itackstho lisy and keepa the grain huiheied from it. J.. Denuoy and W, H. Walker were burning brush lu the bottom land on the day mentioned, and a high wind ooinl' g up, Iheipaike wait carried to abe alack and about ovaii ton of hay were burned. The tire alto taught lu one of the bulldlnc of Mr, Newman, but bjtheefloits of parties who ware at worlt near the Are, It waa saved, however, not uutll bjiuu tjamage bad boon done to tho building A war of ratea In psaiunaer trans-lortatlon trans-lortatlon from Ylinlali, Nevada, u Hsno la lu jnogrras between tho Vlr. glnla and riuckeo llallroad ocnipam, uiid r. 11, MoUain, proprietor of u laat Irelghl aud alagu lllu. McUarn I, n rrcmlnaut local merthout uud tl o only onrwho has bad the nil vo to br n uu i f his raercnandUe Irom Ilei u t this place over the Qelgergrado wagiu road during the paat seven jiois. Iwo , yeareagobe began tarrylne aan K's to and from Virginia for $1 50, one-hall the faru oharged by rail, and . auccreded In securing nearly all inu through travel telween thteotolnte. Au attempt by tl.o tallioad manuiie. inent to ahut him out by luduiloi: the county commissioner to kajo the county wagon road, and charge a high ratu of toll failed through protest agalcst the measure algned by more than two thirds of the voters, A dispatch from IluOalo aejg thai nu oQlcer has gone to Montana after John Pcavoler, charged with com. I llclty In the killing of Ulrch and lied, fjtd, two men iisiasalualod In tho UK-Horn UK-Horn baalu about n yiar ago, I'mvi-ler I'mvi-ler lalnjailandanquhltlon bssbteii lasued by Cloveruor Uetmrnu uion the Montana executive, Illrch aud lied ford, whuweto Supioreil ti belong to Jack llllli's band of horae thieves, were arreated for cnatlng it dlatuib-aooo. dlatuib-aooo. They were Inaultlng to the court when arraigned bofore a uitlip aud were fined for contempt, I'hey paid and demanded a changoif venue. Thla meant a trip of ninety miles They were slatted forthoaiijolulna; precinct under escort ol Peaveier and another sprolal ofllccr. Durlni the flrat hour of tho ourney the prlaom i wero killed, lloili men wetu abet In the back. Prnvelrr and hla fellow euard eald Illrtli aud lliklford wen. taken from them by a parly ul half a diten masked men. Tho two ifllcera soon left the country. Had btood permeates the veins ol every Chinese III the city, aajalhi Han Krauclaco CAronfo e. 1 aita which csme to light yialetday ahow that not only the hlghbludera are ixai orated beyond miaiuie, but that the merchants mer-chants and the (residents of UieHlx Comianlrs are similarly allllcted. Woruy combats, eudlni; lu physical attacks, have taken place In the eup-posed eup-posed solemn dellbeiatloLstl the m niter ni-ter a of the 8lx Uouipaults. , At the same lime the blac'uualllng hlghblnd-ere hlghblnd-ere have reeorted to their old methods of bulldoilng the kaejrrs of hrolhela Into laying tribute. Savnal things have orcuned In ropld order which will tend to rove the truth cf theae aaaertlons. Tno secret of tuitlng of the vlcloua circulars agaluat the prealdent of the cUm Vup oom any hsa at lunst leaked tut. At n atcrtt mcotlugof the ireaUonU of tho Hla Companies auJ proiulnout tuerthsnta ol C'liluatwou, which took laco a week ago, Ihero win atni acunrs, auchaahao never been paralleled lu the history of Ibeso coiiiiulee. Tho raarrlsgu cf Catherine Handell, aged 711 Jtarr, to John Handell, Bt5-yeur-old barber, waa the f jundation of mult before JuJga HaiiUeieon aud u Jury at Hn Francisco onHiturJa). riiu defsiidanU In that suit wero Mis. HaHdell'a daughters, Amelia I.. Shot-man Shot-man uud Marginl C. llroder, and their respective huabondf, Ubadlah J.. Uheimaunud Jaiwu llruder. Tl.ey are asked to pay IlU.tlUU daiiiBgia for bav. lug In a spirit of l tquo or auger alter tbelr mother' marrlago had beraum-incited beraum-incited litfjro JuJgoColIeyun u chnrge of mental lnoomuucy. Tho Judge heard all the circumstance! surround Ing her strange ruarrlagu tu young Handell and prorn tly decided that the old lady was tompelent nnd fully able tu manage her own ullalrs. The rjandclls charged In their complaint for damrgia that the action of tho two daughters has bean luall.'lous. It waa sought to ahow on Haturday that their action waa not InllueuceJ by a lear that their mother was Incompetent so much as by tbelr dealre to galu pua-aesalon pua-aesalon other property, valued at be-tween40,00Uand be-tween40,00Uand jill.UUO. 1 ho case Will bo resumed today. What nearly proved to be n double aulclJo occurred at Woo, Colo., on Haturday, Twosporilug men by the name of Frank Daly, known as "daw-buck," "daw-buck," aud Kirk Croeahy, took morphine mor-phine and Daly l dead and Croaaby woulJ bo but for bis friends keeping hi ni walking continually. Daly waa addicted to morphine. They had been drinking together. Crosaby eaw Daly taking aomothlng wblto and aakedforsouielnajoklugway. They bantered eaoh other t lake big doae, aud ci'ler dolug 10 they went to Cross by's room and laid down. About 7 o'clock In the evening aomeof their Irlendawbo knew they had taken the morphine, thlnkloR they were sleeping unusu illy long, went to the room and found Daly already dead and Oroisby Inaorltlcal condition. Dr. I ""Ion was called aud applied the usual tern edles. They walked Croaaby all night and all day, with the exception of half an hour's sleep, by the Doctor'a orders, lie wanted them lo let him die. It la thought that "dawbuck" knew what be was doing, aa he had tolJ several perrons during the oit week that he would not ho alive In another week. |