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Show FRAGMENTS. Jukie DAnTCii will bold coorltomor. row. Tnit fourth fjnorum of fiflvenllos will meet tlila ovtnlngot the Twenty-lint ward mooting houiioat hair.paat7o'clocfc. A full attondanco It dcilrod. Tint grand Jury of tho Third dlitrlct court, aftor noarly n mouth's respite from bnslnos, got Into hamem again Ibl morning. AnoUT ono handrod men are buy at work digging out tho illtoh and laying wooden piiot al ttio Warm Hprlngi, to carry the water from tho "hobo" spring down to tho Xatatorium In ltd city. Tun trlil of a damage ault brought by William Cilaeanian, ol thla rtly. ua.itn.l IheUreiionUuorlJ.lnoA Utah Northern lUIIroori company hni hcon the chief feature In Chief Jii.lleo Zano'a court to day, A long tlrno wai oocuplcd In stcur-lug stcur-lug a Jury. Toll, the carponter who fell from tlio Karrlik buUdliM and Milalued aoriou injuria on Prldayia tlll lying In a critical condition at Ma homo In tho Tenth ward, llo U unconscious moat of tho time and Ida recovery la doutitrul. Krit Krt.LT, tho champion klepto-manlao klepto-manlao and conttant companion of John llarleycorn was sent to Ull thla moriiing for nttcf u daya for ideating a toy nagon which hoanld waa atolvn frojjhlmatiurt lr aftontarria but which the pollco nay ho bought a tlaak of cheap whlaky with. |