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Show '.'' H - ' f I "i . , -i H INDIANA nnPUDLICANB, H tnrgelr AltendrU tWfrrmfe Adtpcnltug H Currency Itrrorm. H Indianapolis. Ind.,I)eci. o Flrelmn- IS drwl representative of tho Itepubllran M parly of Indiana, outside of the city of ffl Indianapolis, held n conference fef fD tcrday The meeting irss for talk and nt lllltu else, and was tho largest off-year Jf ineellnif tha party ever held. The 30 meeting waa held a little Jator In tho Wi year In order that the United 8talos H senator from tho state nnd tbo llepub- B Ilean representatives might bo here, W and they all ennio. ' jM The Influential men In tho party ' Kg were encouraged bj tho statement of M tho senators and rrprmetitntlves that jfl thcro Is huun.foricurrcn.oy reform, not ifB radical legUUtfon, but audi an will jfiS Jend to set the partv' rl(jbt Iwforo Urn Ml people T be unanimity of the parly My In'tho alpje on Urn proposition thattho H currency must bu rofohned ivaa a sur- Mb prise to a good many men nltcndlng H IIiV coiifcrcuco Ibe DrinocraU, It Hi yrs.s.'jyerred, n ,Uclarofor free all H vor In fhcTi next' state plntfonn nd , M the Itepnhtlcans vill of course, take H hejpsj)c tiiv1"1' In the event uf Iho failure of congress to tako action H lurking to tbo reform ot tlm currency, meiiiKr.of the rn'ftt said the parly In H thla alalc vronlil feiS Into the slate, cam , H o'W?.,"""'"" and on tho defen- " H & M!rti"ne) ataf tii. ,J H , In tlio'ltel lobbies, there waa a ill!' H (front deil nf talkfnilnst Ilia civil "'' B eervlrolaw, Imtlt'oauw largely from -V H VnVn who madr) aplijltlon for ofilco T,, I j H Immediately after ,(hsj;nonilnatlon ot "" H McKlnley and linvot'lwen dlanppclnted. H Tbo prominent mcnVAho party agreed H that no one nceil fesr that tho Itrpub- H llcana of .Indiana wtll ever declare H sgaltlst tho latV. l sHI Tbe.c,hl9t speakers were United H Statea Senator Charles W. Fairbanks H nnd Oovtrnor James A. Mount. Senator H Fnlrbanks.paldahlgh tribute to tho ' H liresldent. Hi "In my bumble opinion," ha mid, "n more pslclatlo citlre'n ol tha republla H never graced the chair nt the chief H .executive." H llcfoi ring lo the subject o( currency H reform, Senator Fairbanks aatdi H "Tho ltepubllcan parly, with Mo- H ICInlcy os our leader, Intends to keep H faith and to preaervs the gold aland- H ard unimpaired to the American H people, Iaaw the president but a day, H before coming here. I asked him H It bo had any measugo for tho B Ilepubllcans of Indiana. Ilea commls- M slonel mo lo say lb ou that ho grate- B fully remembers' the encouragement and assistance which the Ilepubllcans B of thla aplndld athba havo glfen htm H iierjtrjamlh.rurH.eraaMiL'Inmr , , ilnket?'tltdT7mn3- ' A to vindicate the sound money plank In, M Iho HU IkiuIs plktbrin." H |