OCR Text |
Show WANTKO-THUrJTtVOHTIiy ANH artlrit irt-riilotnoii nr ladle Ui lrav-1 fur r.h)MihlH, t-alabllthe.1 Ikhmi- in UUih, Mjiilhlv IWU) and r'ii-.- I'iKit i.n elndr. Hrlennrp Kiii-Io-b a.-lf a.hlr.w-.il ilnip.l ent.-l'iiH-. The lliiiiiliiiHi(;iuiMiiv, DepL 1 ltiii;o. (.'all at mir yarda and v nlll ulc plrailre In aliowlni; jniiaml iiulliig p.v on Ilia nianj immiiiiIhI 11101111 menu and hi-ailXnni'i now on hand. Kiiuiuilt Mitlilettiirka llrtjtaville, Uinli. WtNTKD-TltUfflUOItrilV AM ai tin- eviiilemeii nl ladlea In travel fur lHril.l eatalilMml hnuw In Utili Mouihly Vi CXI hiiI eapen.ni I'uiltKin ili-fldy. Iti-leri-htH' Kni'lor elf aildireml ilnuiia-d rnvpkiH. Tin-iNiiuinloii Tin-iNiiuinloii Company, Kept. Y Llnragu Ynn ran't rum roniitmption but you iinmold II nnd euro every uthrr firm of ibriKil'ir luiigtruiible by the nxiul One Mliiiito tuuh Cutu. John IViydeu A. Bon WANrilU-lltUBTWOUTIIY AM) actlvo uetitlemi'ii nr laillei tolrmel fur lnania hie, I'atnbliihnl lii-nti lc Utah. Mnuthlv flH (K) und eenea 1'oaitluii iteady. Itetrrencv Kncb m ll-iiililrvfenl atamiwd envelua Hit Humlnl1.11 tiimpany, llepl. Y t'lili-afo. IEOHL MOTICtS. mi NUTJCK Kllll PUIll H'ATIOV -UMI (If flmatrullUkaUir, 1,'uh, Nor HIM -Autlca U bffttiy ln Ihat tti lollmlac ntmt-i ariUrr ha AleJ nolle of her inu-ntlou to raikoflnal itl la mi-iutl ul lir cUlra. ana thai MM tiniol will be ua la Wlorclbf Cuolr J.1'.' Si ,"'ori" euuatr. Ulab, at Hi 001-a at CuaWIIU.UUh. on January 11,1m. Til llan-nihM.WpiLaMllTiaaol llan-nihM.WpiLaMllTiaaol (,'IiatlM 11 Wilt, (or " J i N W .. N W H S W V, Dm. 71. 1 H, It la.A UK tAah, , lla nrai (Via lollawlog wltnMii ta erava bl eoauuooua InMidm -noon aDvalUTailon o( laid Ua. via. KMvIa rniuoJio, jTekl auranl, rrwm.oil.llii nm wiUoa.nl it llojunu., ujniaJI ooualr, Uutl . II. M Mroaie.ltettiur SUMMIT COTJITTY , Marble:-: Works., Hpytsvillc, Otah." s v ; . i ffeforo yon send your tnonev out of your county, get onx priced on Granite and MarfJx Manumcntj, Hetdttonei, etc Work guartuiteaxl. ' C. H. WU3T, Prorr., His nm Si, AIvafiUih rVotii. - Shaving Ticket t.ro forlr.oo. PUULIC TUUHPUONR JIN CONNHCTION." Ti ibiriDilh. ol Iteaort Saloon. JOHN SHERMAN, Proprietor. OSOAR P. LYONS, Notary Public and GonTejancor. Collection Promptly made on OommluioD, OffllaUa I'OSTOI'lICi: IIUILBbNG. I'rea, Summit Couty, Ctab. f Joseph Jones, in tinnerv I Shop, one blorl: east'of Stake House. Coalville, Utah. w 11 n ' Schilling's Best tea f 4w-4aaQ!Bwa is always the sam. I' jr 'air In I'ccp c n Mi-rcrntilt Comp.mv, Coilvihc, Utah. QIM'.VII.I.K MIIMIK Ml.il, l.tl.O.F. Met rvr ry Tnu -liv feiiiinr at 7iti it I (J.O. ". ', Hnjiiiiriiliig hreihrrn nirdlatly Irvi'r-'. T. M. I'ISNKO, N.tl. IIOMMKI Mrir, Si'v. X)R W.VISICK; HKSIDEHT DENTIST, CoaUllle, Utah. etar7"()lHii- teim veil In r. rlilriiie, iipiNV iio the lrl kei Im iniu- BlHIIAKt'K hMIIIIC, Attornoy at Law. Notary Public. Lntid lutsiticss nttcntled to. t7()lllue Imo doora north of Ptak Homo. Coalville, Ulah. JAMHS U. IIOSMKR, M. D., riiyalclnn nnd Nurfeon, OKrtCi: ATItliSlllKNl.IT. CnlvllU. Ofllco honr from II a. in. fr) t i and 7 p.m. tllwhncaiir)lioiildolmirtthcm)hour a near a puiilble. r.Ti. ititi:tvi:u, NOTARY PUIir.IC, IlKNittfitu, Utah. Collections promptly, inndc. Postofflce Stored PB)OA, Summit Co., : : : TJtah. 0. f.Tyons, (leneral Dealer In Alt Kind of ' -'AMD - mi SDFPUES If You Want ScIiqoI Kooki, Note Book, Paper, lJnvelopes, XableLi, Blanks, Pens, Pencils, Tnk, Rulers, Erasers, Slates, Fishing Tackle, or auy-tliiu In thai line, give me s calt before purchasing. Postofflce Building, PHOtV - - UTAH FrTvi CopvmoMT Ao. Anrnn lnilliil a i.lf h aaj newrlrtlim mar i ilrklr awnain our opinion, fra. nlh.r an HiUMMttellreiiaaJeiilUL lluult.nnafnl'aleliu nil Iraa. iftdl airenrr ttt aMjrinapalfou. l-aianu Utea itnrath Uunn AVk nralra irwii art ka. wIlhiHit vnarva, lo tb Scientific American. A huutioaii-lr lllmlnlM weeilr Jar.nl eJe ealaUai ol .nr .rtehiini hiurn.1. Tnva. II . aar . rr ulb. 1 1 ultl h j ail nnadeahwg. rilUNH &.Co.38,B"-'- HewYorK aiaark limi. ei V HU WaihlBjiWi, li. C. CoalvilleCo-op. ' r For anything and everything in General MerchAndisE, Come to the Coalville Co-op. NEW GOODS! S ' Large stock of 9 Winter Millinery, etc., Hosiery, Underwear, i and Notions. 1 Prices Reasonable. I MAGGIE SALMON. J loXJJBE GOODS Are tbe best money can buy, and an examination examina-tion of our sbelyes will 50911 poByincc you'our. GrQeeries.j: Coffees & '' 1 .1 Wbea you need Teas or Coffees trr our OETASIJ 5k SAlf-DORN SAlf-DORN SEAL BRAND JAVA AN'D MOCHA COFFER, COF-FER, CHASB Be SANBORN SXAI, BRAND' JAPAN TRAS, Tim eim$$T and PUIUJST OBTAIIC i.9L. CbeA:SaboHi fresh coast coffee, prime RiOj.at o eU, fec lb. - We cflrnf a ftll lino of Fancy anil Staple Groceries, Candies, (. V- Our Prioos are Just Right. Wc solicit fur rjatronc and guaraut satUfattion at WRIGHT'S. ; At the top. No otic cnu doubt the value of this store as a quality giving, money saving ts'takUshment. Everybody i finding it ont. Good news travels fast. Winter wearables are being sold here at far less prices than at any other store. Investgate! Investgate! You'll soon sec, and you'll surely lay here. Overcoats: The handiomcst loom products of the woria. Hicbest quality, lower prices, better clothes for less moacy SUITS: CV" 'S'S! t6i f8; ,0; ,,3i t0 $i' Such fine garments were never sold before for so'little money. 5.5o; 6.Soj f8; 5ro; $i3 to f3o. ' Underwear: Fine, soft underwear at ft, $2, Jj.as, 3. Tliesc are better lvalues lval-ues than can be found elsewhere. SHOES: Yourshoe money may be limited to r.So, or it may reaee the 5 ."ark. That', your busing You kmfw what you can afford to pay. Our business is to see that you get your money's wotth, no matter what you pay. Your money back if not suited at |