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Show H THE COUNTY NEWS Bj OATHBRKO DY OUR ALKRT COM- BB niBPOMDBNT. Hll trtva IihU t U. Hk Fr NMtlf 1 Intl T.wa U oil 0.t7-VVavt BBBBl Th TlBM'a" BtftiwMIIrM Hat M r L VVHUAb.!. BB ro. H T.2b !'. Utah, lc, 30, I8V7. H EunoaTiiiett H Mitt Miry M. Walkir I home for the K lllthop Walter went to Coalville tin H flrtt Hit week. Ttie weather li.t moderated to a murk- e I degree during the pail three day. H llltliiip i1it tin been quit ill K aluce ho returned home ttuui CoaUllle H un Tuetday. B 1br dance Chrlitmet alter- B tux A lor the children auJ Ihey hu a BBBBl In time. BBBm 5 .erearetouiauy lulfcrlne: with bad BJ cold IhalonecaniyniptthUe with an Kj other, anil that feelingly. BB Mr. Itebecca lleecroll .1 Vatk City, H anil h.nuulhir, Mrt. W. M. While ol K Sakley, were vliillag Iritnilt In J'eea 00 H Toctday, R ll week wu loll ot enjoyment to H thote who could be out, Tueiday night B iheie vraea couctrt, whlth, by Ue way, H wat ao enjoyable affair Friday night K thero wu a dance followed on claturday ft night by auotlier, allot which were well Bj ptt onlred, It tald. , HHLp! One of the ruott enjoyable dance ol HL, the trtBun wa I eld 00 Tueaday night HHkr In Marahat'rhaU.iVMLUWalkr, Tj llobert Milliner, J. It. Marchant and HHjp'! other lurnlihcd the inuilc, free of cott HHj'i ami Mr. Marchant (ornlthed tho hull M tor whh h hu made no charge. Tony B that the ktiidncla wu appreciated and K that all went In lor n Koed tiniu k H. without tayini!. There will boa dance HHj In Iheiauio lulloii I rlday nUt.t und H one nln on B.iUmlny niclit. ; II. It. Willlamt wu uilltd to Coal- H I llleo:ibunda) oiiir lu thu death ol H hla brother. K Vk. H'' UoiKioiir, Utah, Hie. ft), IHU7. H HlllTOk I'lMUBl i MitiClura I loi llu h. return td lioni H, Tlioliltlo Bonot II. i:. bmniont hit V' Uuuiultu tick lorthulattlrwdayt, Jninu I). Miilin nml ltlihuril Hlddo- B way nuduu triptobalt Iketlie lint ul Jolm llortlu hu 110110 to Ma till to H- tpend the holiday with lit ttitvr, B, Mr tleoriEe Ilench. S Win. II Maker If It fur Halt Lakeou E? tho 2Jnd to attend the wedding ol hi Bi many ttrandchlldren. H Mt Ilyrnm Homer ol tho Homer Hj ranch epent Chrlttma with her molhi r, HH Mr. Harah K. Ulabon. B Tho Y. M. M. I, A. ladle will give a H butket party lu tho ltockport Hoclul H Hall on Krlda), January 7, 181)8, tor the benefit ol their aiioclatlon. B Clirittiuawaipcatery quietly here, BBH a there wa not eveu a danca lor the BBB chlldreu, but the dance lu the uunlng BBH wa a very pleaiant affair, flj A Chrlitmu prucnt one may well lie K proud ol came to the home ol Mr. and K Mr. Wm. Coiwy, and a It I the B eeientbboyln tuccttilon, It will bo B ueeleta to try to dcacrlbo the joy ol tbo BBBBB happy pair Id to imall a paper a Tua BBBBB cduiiu Tiut. H December 37, 1897 la the day that h 111 B lon be remembered by lour ol our BBBBB young men. K. M. and Wllllaai fitakcr, J. K. M til 11 and I). K. tWumoni went on H an eiploriog expedition and tound the VgBBBBJ Weber river to be navigable lor tkalea H froui I'eoa to Wanthlp by croralng on H floating ice, and by carrying a pole ao a B to Jump the atream where it 1 not Irnien WgBBBJ rntirely over. I. K. B. WAKKItir aaauir, Utah, I)r. 28. IKV7. KiimiaTmui The danre on Obtlalmae Ke wa rrowdeJ. An old time party waa given Chrlit-mat Chrlit-mat night. The tbtldrtn were glv adanee en Clirlilnlei day. l'etti and Mark lliraon went) Kail Lake to Jptud Obrlttmat. A large nambei from her atteoded the tontt it at Coalville oh Tnerday evening eve-ning The Chrldma program wa a nice affair and wa will rendered, and Chrltl mat trrewat loaded wllhmee pretend lor all llot.it McMldieal ol the Blaki I'retl-denry I'retl-denry wa here In the Inttrrit ol the Mutual on the evening ol the Wth. lie wnt acroiupanled by Oeo. (I. ltrdden. Holli luudelnttructlve and In terttllni; remark The children' rantata wa gien In the ward meeting houte latt Thur'day the23rd. It watnpl very well patroalird. The rhlldren did very well contldcrlng thothort lliiia thty Hirv preparing far it. Y. !ioithili.m lloviariua, Utah, Dec. IU, 1M7. Kimtob Tiaiai UhrltlmaaiUvl find mytell Jaunting down the Hear Ulvtrvaller Irom Ktanr ton to llandolph, S3 mllet, on the tlice , which at thl lime ot the year la a tlelgh covered lu and fitted up with a love. We mad the run down In five hoart.ehanglnic liorte once, aad ex-chining ex-chining mall pouch-i at A tiny N6"-f Almy No. 6, and Wnodrufl. ttandolph euwewhat ptm ranchlott lowtTbur'tlie rouniy irat ol lllch roanty. It ha a I4.0PO ccurtbouio, a 13,000 brick Hioolhoutn ol ettjil ilepartmenta, twn grailro, an -l.l tlinx adolni Mormon (hiirih, with u rUge and curtain in one en I. Th Hound Up ptinllni; olllre (which turn t out u weeklr paper J three hotett, athvetn Inctory within linen or four iiillm, two tan mill t, three thrtihcri", whlili turn out 11 bout UH,PO0 huthel ol grain hero, one harm-i thop whUh inakee completo harneea, unit nevcial Urge raucric', reaching foriiillvi lielow lUudiilpli. Two of the Inritt uro tho OriiMlurd much uf ,KUJ aire, huh IIVif.l for tale, and thelleckwlth Comiiuirial itinpunr ruLch rraihlnga llkx ill tuuee Irom J'chu to l'roa, unit hatlO.OOUtoU.OOOlKiul ol tattle on it ul thu pri'tunt time, which am madu lo rimllu without hay or ahcllir till luti r ill the H'lHcin, whuu it I calculated t lint one ton ol hay per liiud will act limni ihrutigh. Tiny cut thl paat kmiioii IJ, 000 tout it lmy Jml tlilak, thl hum fainou troHirty, which 1 located twenty mill below hare, waa the lloytitllle Co-opeiallvr ranch 21 year ago, ud w hlch, II they had held under good lumiagt luent, would have been a paying Inveatiurui to-day, A ahorl Mine time, 10 Iuiiiiii(rmixl,n Kngllth company made the prceent ownera an ouerol300,00U, but It .a held for more The telephone line from here lo Evantton will bo In operation thl week. Thl I owned by Kaudolph, Woodruff, Almy and Uvniulon, a home company. Ily tho nay, 1'ret. Woodruff waa the tint tctllcr of Randolph and hi homo It now mod a one 0? the hotel. Hear Like, IS ml let Mow, I a beautiful body ol water. In the tlrepeil part they have endeaored to tound it ulth a 100-foot 100-foot line and lead and found no hot-ttm. hot-ttm. It abounds with ilali. In one draw recently with the net three wagon load of fine fltli were brought out. Woodruff, ten mllet above Randolph, it an enterprising little town of about tlxly (amllli't, named after Tie. Woodruff, Wood-ruff, Milled in 1H71. -It ha a 7,000 brick tchoolboate, teveral department modern atyleol architecture, a hot air healer in bateineut coaling but 5C0 the whole dealgned br Joph Neville, one ol their towlniueii. Tlie main pro-duction pro-duction ol thll "lace 1 hay, bnt lately thev have been very tucceiilul with winter wheat, ol which thouiand ol boahelt will be railed next aeaaon They hav a brick and lime kiln, a btackimlth thopind Moraiou ihiirch ol I nek, large and ot modrru atyle, ctwllng ,&, (XX) Jutttwu mile below thl town we paued the dreary ho'lew where Ok year ago I at Oooghlln wat extcittd. The town ol A.ray I quite lively at prtieat. o. S and 0 are adrert'ltlug ler 60 minor wanted before January lit by tht B. 1'. company. lied Canyon and Aluiy No. 4 each bate a goternmtnt potlolllce, yet only od tulle apart. Oar marble carver, Harry lAtnberl, wear a thoughtful eipreitloo thll week. Ana who wouldn't when wt eon-tide eon-tide r that he hai at lilt got a well, not a marble boy, which wa declared perfect per-fect aud a natural a life, and a perfect Image ol hi father, Tnl drdaialion wat made Tutidu) nlgnt. roraiculpt-or roraiculpt-or Marry cannot bu beaten III Utah. Harry hat alread) taken nir hit niui-lachtaiid niui-lachtaiid preared nlmiell to take up the trial ol a dutiful father, and ihuna thelmldeol our worktbop The little lour year old boy ol Mr Marv A. lloweii I Jml recovering from Iho icarlct feer C. W . IIKNKFKH. Iltnartu, Utah, Dec 30, 1807 KurroaTiuMii A Happy Now Year to all I W llllam Bdwardi, ot l'ark City it on a vltlt her. The concert on Ohrlilrmu eve wa a grand tucceti, Mlcah V. llama ilarttxl for Winter range on the :8th. Tbomat Harris 1 on builntt In Ogdrn thl wtek, Mrt. Kmllne llond I tpendlng the holiday in Morgan. , . jMra.'iiar th 'tlond ol trtmaltlver we vliTTlng relative during 'thelioilday. A grand concert will bo given here on Wathingtmi'a birthday lor the benefit ol thechulr The jwople ul Hciiclir wcru out In lunonl tlieiiuiiirde bill, at lxlio 1111 thn IVlh. Theyouug lulkanro waiting atlcnlly (or a animatorm mid then thu merry lelglibellt will Jingle. Vinitor, wcru here from Halt Lake City, l'urk Git), ami uverywhere ilto except China lo Mnd Iho holiday. Tho Itoml luud iIii)ckI for thu dance at Croyden 011 Chritliuait night ami tcteralol our folk apent Iho evening there Your oorriiontlc'iil hern hut been appolntvil Hitmaiti r, lucorillnc to tho pri'imllipatihe, hut ha nut been olllcially iufiiriiiedjet. Curlit J. l'aikut nml John 1 Moon, til lent ul tho II. Y. Academy, l'roto, were mlatlorurio at the afternoon icr vice here oil Hiiuday till. MlMltrtu Wlrlh, tiller of lh I'rliiri-pal I'rliiri-pal ol our telioo', und Miit barali Hod-eon, Hod-eon, titter lo our primary teacher, took part In the program of Iho concert. Tho children had a dance on Chrlit-mil Chrlit-mil day, and nine ot the adult patictl tho evening In tho aamn manner, but the -naln party wa held on Monday night aud wa crowded. l.eillo Hhlll and Andrew Fife returned homo from Wyoming during iho week. They have been engaged there lor tome time working with thu bridge gang on the U. I. W. II |