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Show H run Nuvr null. B i "'" ' Clirlitaatehai eaueind tone, and to- H ( Biiiof lb Maw Tear nakej ter la- H Ma) tow, What lb ojralni Iwetr B eaaalki hato In itr (or a (a ot caari H rWdle but waean tb llaendi to H giaattr' or teia dgr bf ear own H 4lmi tad oondact, and aolta tba H etdil tor totter 'or (or wort In great H f -iOf row niix ew Mi1go4 rt B IqIIodi will to lotto td be lor nlglit HHj iMaallton will (uttrMii broka, HH Biliomeoilhem will, to kept, and to HJ kra Ibem eft U tey are ahattared, Hj will done harm. H rttjet are mor rmittft Itiia. thm HH jiertalnlog to moral eoodiat tiiat ahtoJd HH -"balarraed br lh coamonlty at large, HH -and which, It ouried out, would ma- HB torlallj add U tb prepertr ol all and flBJ aipllliai!Md, HH AooDg tbeio rMolutlodi iltoold bo" HH , determination on tbr put ol our cltlaena HH to wake op, look a boat them, and pmh HH ereij legitimate enterprli In our HH jmldat for on the laecwM of each enter- HH prieoe depend In great meaaura tb HB proiperltr ol all. l'atronua homo In- HB itltntloni In prefereuca to thoaa that BBf take jour means out o( circulation In BBJ jour uldit, nerer to return. If 70a BBjf bv 13 fij a Itn rnt mor at home, MBJ 70a will 11111 to totter off at tb end BffJ l the jrar, lor the monejr that jou BJ iprnd here will JUd Iti wajr hack to Dfl jou through the chaunel el builticu. BJj Our builntu men ahould alio look BBJ about thrm, anl encourage the eitab- nH , llibment ot new Indualrle In a aub BJB I itantlal waj. It lie miitaka to think Bfl ithatw h all tba eitabllihiuenta BB that the ecmmunltj will aupport. IBj "Competition I tbe Ilia ol trade," and flj ' tbera are tnanj natural reiourcea at uur BJ ory tlcore that could to made to bring H In capital, ItMtead ol tending It out, and with raptll wtr good cilliene and H ware n.i,'Ii)jnwut for Ihote alreadj H here. They weuld etlinulule builueei, BB arouia the dronei .Iroin their ilumbcn, BB wmmmmmm 1 a id ilirlil, puh ami titrnj wumM Uk tlieplarauf ptaalralnaillriti. tat rrerjruu reaolr to do I hi, acd tti mult .-rmiioI lit l l-ni-(laul. |