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Show Throaili Held and lulluw." 1 A rltoloe lOllortUm of original xns by Jsin llcairsa I'm a. V. Tenuyaon Neolyi lit llflh Arniu. New York, ( (jomn Htreet, londan, I'uUUIicr. Cloth, gill top, tl.ou Ilelow I sn eilrncl from scrlllclta by a well known journallat:' It li not alwoya lh brilliant work which appeals to ua moal keenly. Karonim and rhotono hats their p'-im, but tho book that lloa on tbo desk and la found In tba meudln f Jket It the look, nlao line oul often, '-al droli with oreryilay Ufa aud awrcpa a roa lh atrlnxa of the heart. Nhllo.Mra. Vsga'awork, 'llirough llrij and Tallow,' often touches tho aubt leml nor chorda, It Invariably awolla to tho tr uinphant major ami rings ilnur und Irus lu sweolneaa of undying Iiohi aud umiuaiMh ablo faith. Much of lira. laira's work haa appmrnl Aral In oursmtl daily newaiai-rra, but Ua llfahatbren loae cpheuirrel than Ibelr. Hera and Iheru s woman haa trnaturrd ah u In her scrap book) a man has '.ped a varao and put it away lu tho ir it III deak marked, "prlratn." vV.ihi.ror later In thla llttla yolurno tho reador will flud the om tlmt wak written for him. l'alhrr Ityan onco wrote: "To uplift lbs ilnwpcAil, to awvetm any Ufa, t fool that wo In foma wny bare holl to llaht-errthalHirdsn llaht-errthalHirdsn that rests upon mankind thla Is tho only real ciHnwnaallon that mnvra U tba not." TliU remwprnaa will ba Mrs. I'niis'a. Mr lag la ths daughter of H. IC I loop er, General Taaaenger Agent of theDenrer .V lllo OraiHle ltallruad, through whom ordera for the book ehould be aent. |