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Show H H at Garland of Sim's IMInj Hhcr was mora to tell When Krovered him with Alice Thotpe, reo years before (Mi, h was Ktho girl that he had become i to her cousin Ethel, and was jtHlher (o plead his esse with the fanB""1 mother of til betrothed. 'SF"ihe day you left, 81m, I've bectrBj changed man snd a drop ot llquoWam pasted my lips. Uut It Is no oWmiself but of Allco I would pen1-8''' was ever true to you, snd, thougfMshe thinks you dend,sho Is still truo t.Ryour tncrnury and tonight by tho (lift In tha old home, where sho gavo vlu her love, she Is weeping for a doadfon who thought her false" Tho I torm continued the next day, but In 111 tint wild ,ml nn mum held two htlpier hearts than those of tho brothij reunited under tbo cave of tho nvslm-ho far up the Sierra Ulan-ca. Ulan-ca. I Shortll after this Blm Ilelden sold out his llalui and accompanied his brother to the east. They took Pedro Pe-dro wlthihem and sent him to tho Indian In-dian school at Carlisle, whero ho bo-camo bo-camo n teacher Every w year he vlilts his guardian guar-dian and bis wife, and tho children of loth brothers lovo him. Ills knowl-edgo knowl-edgo of Ragiuh Is perfect, and ho fully ful-ly comprehends tho story told him by 81m Ilelden In tho mountain shack tbat Now Year's eve |