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Show LAYTON, Driver Permit Issue Plans Are Drafted avton. Sam Schofield e returrei hospital, Tuesday. f He been there a couple o' Mrs. Andrew Wilin--'e- nt had h d .' t-- - - ' ( rvt D-- o. e Ruth-Linford- FARMINGTON d ... . I o I 1 d i KTd Ford e y Biu-ningha- Burn-ingha- tf m $61,-861.- Lund-strom- , KAYSVILLE south-boun- LAYTON m Mrs. Fred Rampton Of Bountiful Dies After Operation j , Ha-rol- d. Mur-lan- Be-id- r-- 1 Dealers Meet To Outline Campaign 7, 1933 day. M T. A Thf North Davis a1 s road show vnrds pace their Fn-- t T.avtrm, Tuesday speedy distribution of drivers l- Tuesday evening at Kaw'WV and Tn'trn anP l " givenolhfs Friday even the two LavtonJ wards and this icenses. . at Vst Point, Clearfield und The organizatlo nby which the Friday night the show w;ll ve in the remaining wards of cvrBnoe. , state tax commission plans to di rr'-s ' ui Flower camp of . the tribute 150,000 auto drivers li- Hie stake. of Pioneers, w?M a ftaiirhers is move foot censes between now and the first' on Utah to widen Tbpr? ha-Xnws e party at the of the year will be set up through the road that leaves the state thi o out the state by Commissioner highway at Senator Mams home lr Winram Galley mh. AssHing Roscoe E. Hammond and ' Harry and running northeasterly to con- - Thursday, ' will ? U. Baker, who leave hntowM nect with-throad. mountain This ? to Friday , wart. Tfrs. Mrs. visit all county seats and confer road is now four rods wide and it . 'ra with county commissioners. would probably be made P a six Alta Needham, Mr. Mamnue Bar-,.rn jjaic, enter- Emilv Burton. ton anrtMr. Some county official, .Is It Street. stated rod tnin.vl that the a familv dinner at their probably Mr. and Mrst Ralon Williams borne, Thursday for M'r. and Mrs. the county assessor, will be ashed county would probahly purchase to issue applications and licenses. the land and the relief workers end 6n. Par. s.nenfc four days rPr,.v jj. Faijcr)PP of Provo, Mr. Nenhl. On the applications, and Mrs. Henrv FaH'ner and fam- drivers will would move the fences and do the last week in A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. p.v ,,f ,qajt ne asked to give their name, age, prading. This would make quite an .jr3 Roy jj or the eyes and other important short cut to- Weber Wendell .Nance at Ft. Marks hos- If!es and family; Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer and family also of Fait pital. Wednecdav evening. Per- canyon. characteristics. identifying Lake. sons between the ages of 16 and The sidewalk lending from Main, Dick Sarton entertained a 18 must have the consent of their street to the Bamberger depot has friends at his home, Tuesday afer been greatly improved by those noon in honor or nis lotn mrtnciay guardians or parents before are eligible for an application.they doing relief work. The depression anniversary. Mrs. father Anderson of Ogden Attached to the is over Kays creek has been brought last wk-euW1th her sisa license, which willapplication to fence and a erected to a 'spent grade Patrolman Owen Lund has reconveniently fit Into the carrier's card case." On prevent anyone from falling Into ter. Mrs Joseph Jarman, turned home from the Fait Lake oied Thursday jthe back of the card will be blanks the creek bed which Is some fifteen j CClifUm AnthonVeterans where had under gone an horpital hospital appendicitis the entry of traffic offenses feet below. .morning n the . . operation. committed by the holder. . Forty-twJ;a J. Wells Hess graduates of Dn.vlo In very ill nT Lane Halt A. Curtis J. spent Licenses, costing 25 cents each county high school are attending John F. White, father of Deputy Thanksgiving with his, daOgntej, Sheriff LeRoy annually, must be held by every- - the Utah State Agricultural-col- White, is in a Salt t Lake hospital, suffering from a .on. T drive a car a lege, according to a recent report Mrt. wen Robins. My. and will be a misdemeanor. .from the registrars office. .The hemorrhage. Mr. and Mrs. White The commission expects a rush sttldents from Layton who are at- - are spending a few daytfin Cali had been traveling around for ' , of applications between January .tending college include the fallow forma. ' their health for the oast few of Salt D. Strong ' 1st and April 1st, during which ing: Florence Briggs, June Dibble, Mrs; Emma with months as Mrs. Whites health time examinations for drivers will Richard Stevenson, L. Dale Harris, Lake rpent last week-enhas not been vary good, .untij her not be necessary except for those Lillian Harris, Spencer A.. Harris, her son, Clifford and family. husband to had go to the hospital, Mr tnd Mr.. Vtrnou Robin, bf aid by peace officers to be unsafe Nora Holbrook, George Stevenson a of drivers. Alice Whitesidesf, Joe WhUosides Ujrton tnnonnee th. arrival here. Bessie Wilcox and Norma Nalder. girt bor Wednesday at.the Dee Marvin Barkdull rrtwm! home The majority of these students hospital the latter part of last week from J The Latem" club was entertain the Intend to spend the Christmas hospital la SaJt Lake where at th close of ed at the hqm.e of Mjss Stella he had been operated on for apholidays afternoon Wednesday fall quarter, Decembec 21, 1933, Criddle ' and Mrs. Alta pendicitis. Ford dealers from five states and will return to the college at Mrs. Carol Collect Mrs. Miss Ruby Stringham, , county Millie Bur winter quarter, Needham assisted. demonstration agent, will Attend Kingsbury Hall, the beginning1934.of and lesson ton sjiowec gnve the. a four-daconference of extension University of Utah campus,, to Janunjy 3. by Frank W. Jtensbn hear the first guns fired in the Twin girls were borp to Mr. and etchings service workers in Logan the first A wedding reception was giveh of next . Ford 1933-3- 4 sales battle. The con- Mrs. Dorian Hunt of . Clearfield, week. in. meeting the WprI Layton was formerMrs. Hunt. Bids for paving th better thafi ference marked the 30th annive- Saturday. house for Miss Sarah Lay tom two and a half daughrsary of the Ford organization. ly Miss Ada miles of new road, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mrs. Mr. and daughter constructed just to connect th Henry Ford and his sop, Edsel, ter of of Bountiful. Joseph son Layjon, and Kenneth Roberts, main with th Mountain spoke direct to the dealers by highway A portion of the roof of the of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roberts, o road at Secrlst hill the comwith amplified long distance telephone. Movies demonstrating the lat- Sunset meeting house is being Layton who were recently marriec pleted section of the secondary surA wedding reception for Miss est in Bales methods were shown reshinglcd and the grounds highway just east of the O. S. iZ Is Helen the being building Gailey ami Sherman D station, were opened the first of the group of approximately 350 rounding Layton, was held in the Wesu the wek but no award was made. lealers, from Utah, Idaho, western leveled and put lpto nice shape. assessor The article that county Layton hall, Monday. 'The evening Ther6 were six bidders from Wyoming, eastern Nevada and Ben Brown wrote has con- wns spent In dancing. During the aroused southwestern Oregon. F. E. to $66,129.60. Ryberg siderable interest in Antelope Is- evening th guests, numbering Brothers, the firm that paved manager, and E. F. M- land and has caused a number to about 400 were served at smal cPherson, assistant manager, greet something over fiv miles of the go over and see it for themselves. tblos on the Btage. Snap dragons road Bouth of the O. S. L. station, ed the salesmen. and ferns were used as the center was the lowest The public announcement of bidder. piece. The bride was charming in the car will be made in advertiseThe children and grandchildren a gown of pink taffeta. They rc of W. M. ments and by dealers displays on Mayfield, about thirty in ceived many beautiful gifts. at number, Saturday, said Mr. Lundstrom. turkey and the tooth A colles ion took place between some Natder Mr. nnd Mrs. .Howard on with that things d car driven by Gen Thanksgiving withgohim. Theit, chil announce the arrival of i girl a evieve Turner of Kaysville and a dren born at the Dee hospital are, W. O., C. T. and Marion The Kaysville American Legion North bound ear driven by Eugene Mayfield and their families of Salt T, Harold Evans is at the Dec hos- auxiliary and the Bountiful and Page of West Point FannieMiRS Lake; Bert Barber, L..T, and Ilaf-ol- d with was Layton riding ladies at the met treatment for Farmington Mayfield and their families; pital receiving Memorial court house in Farming Turner and several people were In also Mrs. W. A. Wood and son, rheumatism in his left knee. While branding cattle Stanley ton, Monday. State President, Mrs the car with Mr. Page but all bn Vernon and Mrs. Wayne Mayfielc) Ellison suffered a burn on his Worthing and her secretary and Mrs. Layton escaped practically of Farmington. national defence woman. Refresh- unhurt but Mrs. Layton since has David Clark returned home eye. been confined to her home. The from Trenton, Cache The football game on Tuesday ments were served. Valley, a few occurred on the Btate roat days ago, where he had of last week between Layton and Mr. and Mrs. Newman Reeves accident spent a Clearfield resulted in a score of and family left for their home In almost infront of the Davis high month visiting with his sister. The city council met. Wednesday six to nothing in favor of Layton. Inglewood, Cal, Tuesday. They school MrA. Sarah Robins spent Tues- night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Egbert of were called hci'e on account of the Wendover, Utah, were guests last death of Mrs. Reeverf mother, Mrs. day in Salt Lake with her daughMrs. Rachel IIolliRt, who reFred Rampton of Bountiful. week of Mrs. Laura Egbert. ter, Eda, who has been very ill the returned from the L. D. S. cently much im'provec The evening bridge club was past month, but is Beryl Taylor left a few days where she had spent near hospital ago for LaGrande, Ore., after entertained at the hflme of Mrs at this time. months with a broken hip, three )y anc Moss Mr. and Mrs. E. O.' having spent three months, in .Wendell Barnes, Thursday. enjoyed Thanksgiving day with Thurs Bountiful of A of local people attend family number aptfnt Layton. her sister, Mrs. Annie Bourne only Mrs. Wallace Gailey and daugh- ed the lecture by Professor Kent day with Mr. pnd Mrs. Rulon Moon who had been at Henry ters, spent Friday in Salt Lake. at the Lyou house in Salt Lake, Bamps. S. hospital for Borne the L. D. A son was born to Mr. .and tMrs. Mrs. Golden Draper was a visiter Monday. to receive medical treatment; reweek. last Colemere . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ogden of Claude In Salt Lake, Thursday. The son of George Morgan of turned home, Sunday, somewhat An eight and a half pound son. Roy, Miss Myra. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. MoCrendy of Ogdon were East Layton is in the Deo hospital improved. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worsley FriDee Evans at the hospital, Sunday guests of Mrs. Nathan suffering from a badly broken, arm were dinner guests of Mr. and caused in an accident. day. Mrs. Evans was fonnerly Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Cnpener and son Mrs. Tracy Hess, Sunday. Miss Erma Stott. , Mrs. Bessie Reeves of CeppeYton About 35 of the children and and daughter of 'Riverside, called A shower waa given Saturday-evenin- was home last wovk-enof Mr. and hire. grandchildren Wfflnen in Kaysville, at the West Layton hall Ml, and Mrs. Lloyd lless of on relatives Arthur Hess, Thanksgivenjoyed in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Farmington, announce the arrival day. old family home. th at ing Mrs. of Oscar Greertsen Ogden of a daughter born Sunday mornThornley. Mrs. Archie Brown returned is visiting her daughter Mrs. Way Kenneth Roberts, son of Mr. and ing. . lome Monday from a weeks visit Mv. andiMt!, John Barker en- nard Bennett this week. Mrs. Lee Roberts, and Miss Sarah Mrs. Ruth with her daughter, MillA1 en Darvcl Mrs. and Mr. Mr. Mrs. and tertained at a family dinner, SunLayton, daughter of and of Syracuse Smedley family tertained 8 guests at their home Leo Layton, were married last day. Covers wete laid fot 2J. his arm had George Spackman Mr. and ,Mrs. Wnynnrd Btnnett Saturday everting week and a reception will be held to the his car and lurt damaged Mrs. Amos Odd was operated en in the West Layton amusement have moved into the Fred Kershaw about extent $25 of early very Dee for appendicitis at the hospit hall this Thursday evening. The home. in an eutomobile Sunday morning Mrs. make and Mr. their will Uulon al, Mopday, Williams of young couple II maintains Mrs. Elcnor Jones of Berkeley, collision in Murray. with home in West Layton. Logan spent fast week-eny but got i the had Calif, who is visitinb her niece. James Wiggil who was taken friends and rclAtives hfre. was damwhich car another lit by to the Dee hospital in Ogden last Lynn Robins, who has been sick Mrs. Wendell Barnes, was operat aged too. ed on at the Dee hospital last week was reported slightly im- for some time, is no better. Sheriff Holbrook returned reweek for removal of a goiter week. Woodman of the The and middle Woodfract proved the trip to St Mrs. Walter Buhler entertained cently from a business Helen Gailey, daughter of Mr. lodges gave a surprise party ort Commissioner County George. s.rri Mrs. Wallace Gailey and Sher- Mr. and Mrs. llyrun Sandal), at a shower at her home Friday larton, County Clerk Quayle afternoon in honor of Mrs. Henry man Layton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday evening. and Roy David Stoker Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Williams Kidd John H. Layton, Jr., were married commissionformer Cook, county in the Salt Lake temple Friday and Mrs. Jennetta Mansell were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cottrell accompanied the sheriff to the and a reception held Monday even- guests of Mr. and Mrs. William announce th marriage of their son er, Utah metropolis. They southern Kelton, to Miss Merle Gibb of also visited Boulder Varney in Roy, Tuesday. ing at the West Layton amusedam. The took was The was A son marriage ment hall. The reception borq to Mi, and Mrs. Marysdale. lot of a wonderful sheriff says Sunday at the place Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter work had been accomplished since largely attended. The young couple Alton Hamblin, honor Mr. in West their home of Hamblins sister, Cottrell entertained will make their home in le was there something over a year ago. The dam is now some 10 feet above the river bed. Hundreds of people visit the dams daily and 4,000 men are working The -- DECEMBER South and West Bountiful and Centerville as he had lived in the Mansell spent t'a la- -t towns mentioned above twelve week-erI o':? in her Bonn. Lloyd ajd Lawrer.ee. years. Salt lit is a native of Italy and was a Mr . a" Gurn ra 75 Mrs. and Mr. y .ars old. of psne wrp t' Surviving are, his wife and six Graham, Friday. Diry ' r . Mr. Packman jvl word children. 'a ki brother, Roy. and Mrs. 'Thomas, there, Mrs. h Vcv. had been" Mrs. Russell Earl of Salt lake ' ' c, Kilmer and Mrs. Mrs. Mr. Leltoy M. BohW left for NtWadaand attend-rive- n Louis Eiz2err and Peter. A. f'&ren-zof Auburn, N. Y,, also 22 ed the funeral which vas held at grand children. Midway, Sunday ,. 0r,H ttoWrd Tnon.as. rf Pa1t Uke , t jhanksgiving .sfh D. Thorros. a,j Mrs. W. r p ia7,Mr i of j,,,, ciiests Fait Lake were of Mr. and . p Jlancev. Saturday, nr if - i1 son,return,,', bn" from the Dee hopi!a state tax commission to'inv prepared to set up machinery fnr UTAH, THURSDAY, d Mrs. Fred N. Rampton, widow of the former manager and owner of the Farmers Feed Si Produce Co. died very unexpectedly Wednesday evening, Nov. 29, of a complication of ailments discovered in an operation earlier in the day, at the L. D. S. hospital. She had been ailing for some time past but her condition was not thought to be serious until the last few days. She had been a resident of Bountiful practically all her life and she would have been 62 on the 15th of this month, however, she was born in Woodruff, Rich Co., are majoring in the school of agriWOODS CROSS culture and are to be commended for their active participation in Jacob Gierisch will leave for the extracuricular activities of the San Francisco, next week to spend college. his fifteenth winter on the coast. Speaking of carp in the Jordan Mrs. river, mentioned in the Antelope Miral Island article he says, they were into this state from Dies , not introduced Her Spencer Germany until about 45 years the pioneers came to Utah. .Home in Clinton after Miss Leah Howard, daughter Mrs. Iretta Miral Spencer, wife of Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Howard, of F. M. Spencer, died, Iov. 29th, and Mr. Arch Peterson of Wayne at her home in Clinton, after a county, were omarried Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple. The lingering illness. She was born in Kamas, Utah, young couple will leave this Fri33 years ago but after .her mar- day. for California where they will make their home. riage in. 1919 moved to Clirtont The family of Samuel Mills all Surviving are her husband, her father and seven brothers and met at the Mills home and celesisters. brated Thanksgiving day. This was Funeral services were held Dec. the first time in eight years that the family had all been together. 1st, in the Clinton ward phapel. William F. Cahoon, 64, a brothPhil: I need five dollars to pay for my room this ..week, and I er of Roy Cahoon of South Bounhave only four. tiful, died at his home in the city Bill: Well, pawrt the four dol- Sunday of heart attack. He was lars for three, and sell the pawn-tick- captain of the Salt Lake fire defor two dollars. partment for 27 years but had been retired ten years ago. FunerAbraham Lincoln never said hel- al services were held Wednesday lo central, or dodged an automobiel afternoon. Iretta at et with her parents, James and Alice Neville and their parents helped to. pioneer. In her early life she was quite r and fola successful lowed that quite a little before she was married to her late husband who died a few yearsago. Iler mother passed away last spring and he father died not many years ago. She was an active member of the Church and took a prominent part in Relief society work. She was a member of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and the American Legion auxiliary and was also an active civic worker. Surviving are, three daughters, Salt Mrs. Ethelyn Newstrom, Lake and Mrs.' Eldora Reeves and Mrs. Nevilla Babcock of Los An eeleB and two sons, Fred L. and Clifford J. Rampton of Bountiful Funeral services were held Sunday, Dec. 3 at 2 p. m. in the Bountiful First ward with Bishop Quayle Cannon In charge. Interment was in the Bopntiful cemetery'. ; dress-make- SALES AND SERVICE a 4 . . Promptly and Courteously Towing and Wrecking Serive ,,, . . Mr. Osmyn M. Williams, son of December llfch. Numerous entertainments are being given for Miss Rigby. Clyd Decker of this place, Melvin Wood and Melvin Burningham both of Bountiful, were winners in contests sponsored at the Utah State agriculture show held at the college on November 18th. Mr. Decker was winner of the fruit exhibitors contest for which he will receive a $5 order of nursery stock from Porter Walton Company, Salt Lake. He was also third place winner in the apple identification contest. Mr. Wood and Mr. Burningham tied for first place in the vegetable .exhibitors contest. Prizes were awarded them by the Porter Walton company and the Utah Idaho Sugar Company. These enterprising college men . , BRtGGS-LAYT- ON PHONE 100 turning to Utah. Mabel. Rigby, daughter of William Rigby, and Seth WrigHt, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wrght of Brigham City, will be married in the Salt Lake temple, Monday, . " Notice . in a Moments CENTERVILLE Mr. and Mr. Joseph E. Williams, was recently notified that he had successfully passed the examinations for admission to the bar of the District of Columbia. Mr. Williams was admitted to the bar of the supreme court of the District of Columbia on October 11. 1933, and on October 14th he was sworn ip as a member of the bar of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia. Mr. Williams plans to continue hs study of law in Washington, D. C., before re- . , ' v - ' ' LAYT.0N, UTAH , Incorporated ' ' Childrens. Colds v Best Treated Externally . Thatg why modern mothers prefer , Orgulatum tipt delicate stomachs. it cannot tlifoat and chest, it acts two' wayehealing vapors are inhaled direct passages, and it draws out Bofeness - . Rubbed on at once,, its to. the air like an old fashioned poultice. . Chest colds today May be Dangerous Tomorrow. 35$ a Jar Dont. Delay Our Layton friends are again recognizing the 'same old kilid of drug store service we are giving, thenl and we appreciate very much the support they are ' -- , V , , now giving u. 1905 1934 . BIRICIN PHARMACY ' "The Old Reliable KAYSVILLE - - UTAH - MEW IDEA The Lifetime d right-of-wa- n( n Reliability can only be had by tb'e use of the best lining and thoro, skillful servicing. , . Best equip here as we specialize on Brake Work to insure your satisfaction and safety. . O i i (Csita Garagjo Utata Layton there. Before Thanksgiving there waa some turkey and chicken stealing going on in different parts of the ounty. Four turkeys were taken fora Mrs. W. A. Stone of Clinton Jonday night Sheriff Holbrook warns people against leaving clothing out on the clothes line over night as some clothes lines in the county have een robbed of late. Michael Parenzin Former Davis County Resident Dies in N.Y. Mrs. Samuel Backman of and Mrs. W. A. Thomas of West Bountiful received word, Tuesday, last week of the death of their father. Michael Tarenzin, which occurred that day in Auburn, New York state. He died ofj enlargement of the heart. Deceased was well known in Cen-ervil- le The Spreader you will never need to replace. Come in and look this machine over. It will be worth your time. MODEL 8 (GET THESE FACTS r FRAME Riveted. Steel three times as strong as ordinary farm machine steel. Less than 40 BODY inches high. pine. Each board Finest yellow painted separately. CAPACITY 0 to 75 bushels. Ample for the largest farm; just right ior the small farm. DRAFT Claimed by users to be the easiest running spreader made. I twomherse spreader with three -- horse capacity . CLEARANCE 16 K conveyor chain. inches ! under BEARINGS All Rigid roller braced at all bearings firmly important points. The unequalled DISTRIBUTER NEW IDEA Distributer, the original DRIVE Positive. Flexible steel self-alignin- g. wide-sprea- d. chain. 11 consecutive links with sprocket at once. mesh FEED NEW IDEA Direct Axle Feed. No pounding, vibration or noise "WHEELS 7 inch, with cleats and lugs to insure smooth, traction. Spokes SIDNEY STEVENS IMPLEMENT non-skiddi- ng hot-rivete- d. COMPANY HARDWARE, MACHINERY, VEHICLES AND IMPLEMENTS O G D E N UTAH ) |