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Show WEEKLY NEWS - EXPRESS, LAYTON, UTAH, Weekly Hews-Expre- dont pretent to be wise farm prices tc.U raised. We do have a fretin? though .fthsjt there never them to was n !tBf40 5mi yc7 s low. We do ftoJt wfiit until die before we hM icady send for the doctoe. At thtf first f something wrong, Indication Steps are takrti To eorrecU ft. policy, should Jirevaif In' the natter Of farm prices in this 00 uh try. Correct the wvil before it Rets so had thn ( pulls nvefything solves. LAYTON. UTAH. DEC 7 urn Entered aa second-clas- s mattef the Postoffice at Layton Utah, under the Act of March 8 1879 ' JOHN STAIILE, JR, Vr. Mgr. Postoffice box 202, Layton, Utrt popularity means mucA JiVV tt J 1 iTW)-$cm- 9 NORA ATKlriSOrt rIRGINiA WIXfOlt ( rnLlfMAIKHTObl lARIE, WELLING . . . -- Situation Hog growers are nuare than eVerconvinced that whatever proeessng taxes are levied By the Fqd gofemmerit upon meat packers are actually paid by the lower prise .for iq getting iis hogs. ThifC was evident wheB a tax ff k half eerrt a pound was placed on hogs November 5th, and it was still more .apparent December, 1st, when fhe Tessing tax tf I paying a tax .thafe often difference between breaking evew and suffering a . severe every hog marketed. In the far western stated, production is only a, fraction the demand hog me,nfo not WB(! to be forced to join in the ment program calling for rf.Ufl ticni ef herds. To .those who dc no wish to contract to reduce. hci-the tax js veii more oppressh, than to the middle, s&esterft fare- - ' era who Inay be willing fo jBiq j a the pork reduction, program. It seems manifestly out of question for packers to ibsorV tho heavy tax. The packprcxpfewj, . that he vfill . c&ntlnue y0l the producers hogs all that thtraffic will bear. But they must figure the tax as & part of th . cost. Instead of the ferofrej ting Rve cents, & pound that ihe hog juay, now cost the packer, th grower Is actually getting fou . cents and the gvernmenl j tv;. (llinliSiiM ;ffrt (Pouf days freedom provfded.'by tlVe Thanksfo fcflmati rH rfV3 ?vfeen Subscription price $2.00 per 'oaf ajre jfomethin mprevefoM, giving helidays exand 610X11110 fought ii oyt along with vast are which the Davis Btudents potctftiafl the Jine f 16 fias Ike pioney --that describes return Civil ew tremely grateful. Everyofle th nd question so swept the tnty.'An Works. Administration. 8 fa, in'ed Monday in high spirits. TAXES n it another deal entire to blow taetd good were else importanl the worflof the President, ready now than it was Iheh-flry- an: who 'at the, dole, at mentally debilitat-wanfe- d weeks trork. to try v.ev cfonfcary ing charity which fa ofteft aS. ThU fast SepTemtort the fjatiofc wa only a tandidabs. ' IssemelteS1 chologiciflly destructive to h"e in al debit had reached the stagger- - Prankliif Xoossvelt Is k was increased fro one deent a pojind. destruc-tivdividual s is President, it cofially Packers bids were sharply lowtion iJ like, ing total ef 23 tiillkm dollars. Few With wnprceedenfAJ powers. '?e.eJ?ht of e have airartged a rabE en to the country at large. The bilfcf when the adWhat most Jy definite barrier have aa conception Keoentfy, Ififlatidrf Sind, (ftflation purpose fa to give 4,000,000 men teraining program for Wednesday er on December 1st, to speedy and complete would eqifire all gold, became ef-- , tax s. dollars ft lion ditional processing wfork ttiis winter on, projects A family of musicians who have recovery.' buying, fioll xlcpreciation. the mew 3000 most Ve At income el w'osking and pll ho, thcr" plipse moment, ta of extensively fetiv. tit mans .that th hog growrather the wdiero at least 80 ent xif each traveled the New York Tmes, according the national 100 years and eceivmg $3000 at problem, hatfe dwarfted verythint dollar spent Will go for Vages. throughout the West will partici- er fnust finally tfirn fiver to the debt i3, $23,000,000,000 an almost yeaf just to pay the iniereai at Adjustment Admihave Almos taken the d elflp; All pate. Thejr have broadcast over Agricultural fivrsons wow mconceiveable sum, that must 5 pi rent. What ii true of Ihe Na- NR A They a total oi $2.00 on fund nistration u pf 4hr deadlines. They tpay relief, are fo be given reg- many of our local radio stations. each e markets. bo in a leas have submerged eventually be paid from the earn- tional Treasury Is a very real the musicians of This useful at WAges pFoldein farjjn ular, family jobs of business and individual!. degree ef every state, eeanty.and apd the Lrreign problem. Definite jYWo million people fall in this extraordinary feature and we w Ak present prices, this means a ing Recent the United the in district treasury battdo Tinw a detail havr formed. Each classRTcation. Two nilli5n vhore, anticipating . tax of 33 per cent, figuring real trenh ed report appropriations, cents of the National Indus, States. The condition aim extends side 4s plentifully at of home value three kogs to also on not are with the feliet rolls trial Conference Board points out, down to the case of the individual. experts. Each siife supplied pound. has its Corps jLe provklpd with jobs. Creajl stVcss Jh v.ery interesting program was alone amount to more than half of Th interest requinfemnts may of big busireni men and littl is laid, on the ehflusbce this will presented to the Davis high stugfowerS are beginning to flog the indebtedness now on the debt carried by the Na husin'esa men. And the 29. Nor. in the have outstanding public dent body Wednesday, complain about the high fax. While fublic, increasing This is not a criticism i is sim- tion, stal and individual are irp readA the disptcbos it m come; and sending more of the R. Merrill, Drs Harrison presthey admit that it is possible that ply a fact. The public works tilf proaching point where they auto a stnte t1 bewilderment. reins ent editon of thfi Improvement Eva blood of money tftroujfc may be ting one rent. large aha' of the tax The tax corner at a time afcwi smothef all development mntically contract The who tp totaling Pas tif trade, faay the wind fclo'wt?irSProPriation3 tnlertained hi3 version of Thanks- returned to those $3,150,000,000. num- the usual wihtdr, marketing seagoi The agricultural and progress, lly the time the iq first shown with the and herds the their reduce resignation giving. This provedvery pleasing i3 under full swing and when i Undmt-ctarUOO.OOO.OOO; farm terest requirements are met .there aCt,? $2 of the Treasury to The students. Numbers which ber of hogs marketed by 25. pec normal frf . Editor is na 485, 00, 000; and how woney left tax improyements Achcson. a eonscruatiVe and sn the yoarst marljet values ii ? feel h'edvy thpt were significant of Thanksgiving cent, they loans, $2,200,000,000. and development, It .reminds us wnrcfcrrling bar! low. h Ris at seasonally can It is more than is and '.man. Me at time orchestra this they money the wbre given by "The who havfr that the bank deposit gu- of the story of the stcnmbvat Ihdt was immcdiaTcly followed into rethose by hoped Still are Poy. Girlti Glee. afford to pay. Hag prices aj arantee law involves a total had such m targe whiull .that tirement by Dr. Oliver of the government in do the ti0. charge few and low cases, very fjpragn, wild In B obligation of Chapman Mongolia, Roy every time the whistle was blown one? a financial 'pdvisop to tlie $2,000,000,000. program, that supplies would hi .ATIILETIOft r prices Veceied by the farmer Andrews, famous No all of this cost money is lost fo th boat stopped, lly the. time we Bank rf England, to yrhoat 'soft greatly reduced this '.winter beof the projuctioli. up the bones of monstM-the taxpayers, of course. Some feaskctball Squad grt our interest paid tfwre isnt money is even more fflstmitcful. deaddigs They .point out that the admini- cause of the six milliofi pigg (hat inilliosn of years. Ifl the of loans which will he repaid any left. , WpoiTln, who has been Zululand of ATrici, Earl von Ilbff-mastration ofilciabs have not. yet even wore slaughtered last fall. Apand in the case of the New that the football scaeon is torn of hie between hfo gtaat definite plan for those parently eyen this huge reduction banking law Russiorv adventurer, sets Ihe presented a the e.vpcnse is entirely dependent occupies basketball in'passed, his contract and they. do campaign did not cut down sup te lho wish chief,' and .tys IigafeS Compile! from studies a lion. The gripping A number of ' gamps not feel it at all lfkely that upoh future events it mny cost - trap for, limelight. belief stinctive the plie.4 as mhch es had been hoped, in R. laws. .State of T. fonservativi Agg of .famoOs men .vll bo have been played in a class series the taxpayers nothin and it may by Deaji show the went nancibl from come probably because of restricted pur benefit that njight policies, following operat away on an j)aK of tj,c r(lii(lifl(? dict n .stpre and cost them the entire potential obli- College these garner the through indefinite be until will of nta leave an mile chasing, power n .the part it colds of tai paid driving absr;n. fuV boys' in 1931, per adbording to caches have been able to determine paying the gation.' Again, in times of emer- ing consumers. lire the In automobile oq several types of hi plai'e stepped Ifwy Morgen-lWor- d meantime, they the Spring. from .just received' gency, there may be reasons fo roads. . the bvst prospects few this year's ' Concrete, gasoline . 1.09. tJ.au, .Tunmr, acion of a famous jitor sf HIE AFRICAN B.QV team. a . at rate he that would tires and tublos. 2lf, car uplu'cp fihnncml fnmily, who sirs rye to YOUTHS COMPANION Jading ruwflfrTrd insanely nrodifal . in of Out; the forty four boys who T Jieep well and, fair breathe preceding year. Havtaver, New with th .cost on Total eye practit.49, depreciation f.2fi, Irgsidcfit Crowdfor the .team .twenty-fou- r mrie drdipary times. But tlmr is tW Inil will-tried 1931 iiCiuetf of. The Yorkers lost over $48,OOO,0(k Ia-- t . air. on eoncretc 4.07 cents. cally everything. ., most . liliely plenty of fresh chosen as werethe Cbnriie. ample evidence here" pointing to Intermediate with With ed fJehind all thus achotifr is year in fraudulent stocks, adventiiny quirt, ty;n loads: gasoline, thf reed for extreme rtire in fu- 1.3t, tiros and tubes, .4, car up- Jly figure, and a name-whicMorgan, in the Artie, with Douglas prospects. Thcty are as follows: Am f as careful as S can be ! rarely ture .cvAenditui-eRay. Davis, Byron and, as the New depreciation, t.39, tcta.l conies before .the public. Jt 1b that Renfrew of the Royal .Canadian Reed Oviatt, A World War' veteran, who ti York Tiroes observes, the critical keep E7?,mile 5.0(5 cimts. I.owcr of George Fixvdcrick Warren; an Mounted, with Jim Tierney, , .the Nelson, R. Adams fcowley; Loftus don't watch out your out west for hi3 health, has dropcosl per If you HarGlade Rassmbssen, importance of maintaining type ron.ds, dirt, poorly kept, gas- agricultural ecoponfist of Cornell. retired deet,ive w'ho cant stay re- Sheffield,. electric irons will be sad icons.. ' ped his war risk claifn ef $10,000 inPedcral credit. . oline 1.61, lircs and tulwis J54, cr Tast year hd wrote a book,.raI!ed tired, the American Boy subscrib- old GaiTey, Max Weaver Uoyd the government because 'In brief it would he poshibl to uptec'p 2.1 1, deprcciaUow 1.57. to Friccs, whwicn became, the biLlo of er, will enjoy tho new experiences Brink. Water Willey, Clifton You pay most for safety when against conditions of in the;country. He Dale v so Mann, much in seeking to bring tal ost pc mile. $.)X. spenji the Committee bf t'ho Nation, an of bis favorite fiction .charaoters. Owens, Jim Briggs, you try t get along without it.. oft in a million. Lemuel McNeil-David Hedgepath recovery that the weigh of Stories that help, prepare 0 boy organization of business fnen sek chieve-Tnowould make that Child, Bill . fftr college and fob business, help- Louis Blodd, Dean a way t5 recoycry. It is ing Think dont gaess. do w hot all he ' ft Bob right, Dick WqolslAy-e- f may . To go aboqt your work with Swan. Nelson, and. impossible. spprts, theais, as Times pifts it, ful articles on hobbies ' . rretent e know but it .doesnt that 'Mills. and to greet others with a famous and men, Kajl with interviews and demand are opt supply Lifg isn't io hard for th pian pleasure, and word out a but quadruplets. II holds witf of remarks look practical to kill theatpigs timer to be 'ThC( Houston Post twins, encouragement, on guard. , . under th wheat Ji fine target has been Installed the the the for. editorially that conthat and of unfortunately, ploy a ing magazine'?, happy is present(in yotfr price commodity great number o people determined jjot in the basement of t"he high scheol .there jire too many of two kinds when fident the is this future reader?.. . in t , df . carefulness may A lifelihie , are Going without food ahd cloth- and demand for only by lupply end of the building. horth the at a have useful . of-- people congenial pessimjsts spent the it, careBOY that of a be second THE byt' AMERICAN destroyed by ; made by and. inherent optimits and hqth ing. ft appears that some plan supply and demand for . . S. Grover,. . . gofd is uf YOUTHS . . costa Prepn rations are being lessness. COMPANION , . ter commence their in the extremity of theif opinion, shpuld be worked out where the equal importance .in the archers establishing just $2.00 a year. Until January, practice. Several of the beat ar.have been profoundly impressed Surplus eould be wade available the commodity's ciost.To rtfise 1, Look to ybur own. safety dont who- has a lack and the Life, is' made' up,, not of great man to you may obtain a three-the - by tjio NRA. The natural coo?eprices fnpans to .lower the value year- subscription for. $3.00, A sav- chers will compete with other depend on thersr.sacrifices We don't it. for preoq dutjes, but of little quence of such extreme of the dollar, and opinion producer paid ago .Dr. ing of $3.00 ovetf the rate Bchools ii our district. in which smiles and kindthings, Is described as "a sour wagging of tent to bp smart enough to work Warren scoffed at' thelong 7 idba of trying for three years. lf you wish to obligation, give heads by the chronic crepe hang- jhes problems, but that is the Coach Forsberg is sponsoring a Thoughts Seriou'9 ness and small to reduce the dollars value be the of BaVing, take distance. looks t at are what.. win and prethis advantage it habitually way ers and a lot 0 joyful ant class and ktill maintain its gold contortt sure to evdry wrestling Tuesday subr serve th eheart and secure get your three-yeat. : ping by thb children of sweetness Momenta . unimpaired. He prophesised many scription in before January J. Thursday night and a boxing class Sip Humphrey. Davy. dowft ft cede laid a NRA wnd light, both being ifncmaturo." The has and . . Quite Wednesday. Monday hiore of years depression Unless drrrct. to THE A (rusting public, blinded by the To .those who neither tonsider- - governing church dinners. Here- the golff standard .was thrown Send your orderBOY YOUTHS number of boys are bntering ipto AMERICAN it' will of quick riches, at last awakand this is it ed. the new deal damned at the after, churches serving meals for overboard, the dollar revalued. Its light The, grand casentiala hgped sport of hap- -' 7430 Second Blvd., ens. In New York state losses to piness-areoutset nor felt it was the millcij profit must employ paid help in- no secret that Mr. Rooscelt has .COMPANION, successful. , , preve to do, some. Detroit. Mich. something volunteers. investors in .worthless stocks- fell thing to love nium," the Post declares there i tend bcew disappointed, by the slowness and. ta something off $11,008,000 in 19J2. from the much for assurance and satlafac- . f. F. F. with which his . legislative acts , hope fof. Chalnjers. , The best investment the foufig have stimulated business improve- SPARKS. g tion and counsels FROM The project Bonks of all F. F. A. people to stop and take attic k. man can mak is in himself, educa- ment, and he leant, a ready .ea- - to These are ultur. members must bp in by December from reliable tion, Df. Warren and to Professor ftog training, Reports thoroughly 15th. om? of these bopks are be sources, which none has denied, Investments that falling markets era of Yale, whose ideas )are sira . show ery.. conclusively Wither a and changing values will never ef- lliar. A little latter, VALUE' UNDIMtNISHIN . JN iiig handed in at thft present time ; commodity resource dark premise. that the country is fect. They will create rices began Jo sag, pVcciftcly s ard ave ring checked by the .Farm man can E(r. Warren said they would. Upheaded for the abyia nor a bright and an asset to which Management class. tineertimes .pf Spiritual During' promise that a neiy Golden Age turrt as long as he shall live. Home shot was the Presidential order tainty and pconomie-chaowhich . On December 22. initiations fpr jn will dawn with the morrow, but stuily and night schools have that lent the United SURcs info meg are influenced toward radi- all those unfortunate enough to ther is sufficient indication of ulthat is boys many a man for breakers the tvorld market fof gold, louri-c- d calism! ef un- - be green bands, stands one timata recover to moderate the ahead that he did Pot know were dollar value in foreign exchange diminishing value quality who taken F. F. A. be hive tot . . like a light fallacious opinions of tb extrem- there while he was preparing him- and began the long process if re- house to held. for rituals will Plans be fore; su Tins humanity. guide sa that they may share with self to meet them. to be. Used in initiating .these hoys . valuing it. ist, . lcrb qqualitjr is character. ' the average American a spirit rf Then the critlcism'bcgan gather . , are nearly complete. and slocks bond The of value increased faith.',' The club has sent for two .plays, Advertising while it van per- injf. The 'Chamber .of . Comniorce Cluctoate, the trend beftrg especsome remarkable It summarizes that upwards of form things of the State of, New Yorll passed ially downward in unsetlled times. one of w.hich will be presented to 4,00fl.fl0(J men have been returned cnnnel achieve the impossible. Ad. Vcaolution calling for sound All material values increase .or the school by fhe F. F. A. hops. Our' wage; thatttotal pay rolls vortising cannot bring people to a mpney. It was at once rebuked by decrease ns the oronojnic .pendu ,Thti two plays We Entitled Fing in reporting factories " 7"? The Old Country increased stare thqt is poorly managed, an eco.nonllst forthe ccrmmitrtee of lum Motto' swings. But character is (10 from $1,156,000,000 last March to poorly equipped, untidily kept with the Nutian, jvho defended the termined by tho individual hlOn. yPf Voh derid-- . $1,468, 000, OflO in September, a rise merchandise poorly arranged and President, saying '!elr ef thno. i. the Chamber Tlc writer of old may just aS well will be . of abodt 30 per cent. Pyices have displayed nothing ran chi that if is not even representative of thq ihhve a good Character is ,J written i .risen t2 per cent, thus .reducing thp customer tan gn some place commercial point of view ?f. tko to be chosen wither than great . .. "WE GREET YOU ' , N'ew the nej wage raise to 18 per cnt. 1sd. ' York. of GIRLS DANCE city .Thcnj Alfred riche.4. An increase of 27.9 per cent in 4lie ,E; Snjith took a crack at.tvfiat.he fut youi; intleppndence on maContentment is a rrtatTtt term termed the baloney dollar, in a terial Tba event wh:c is eagcjlV ftn- '.employmeht tindcx from a ypar things and when they fail ago m of rertird. with an.atCPilaht and depends upon one's attitude of New Outlook editorial, Hd intim- you stand in despair. BuiM .yopf tripatoj by everv jirl at Dnvis ris of 43 per cent in factory pay mhrd. One person i extremely mw ated that the country yneeds an- .Character on honesty, love Jfor high te net far .distant. On Deccm To the Presirolls, which amounts to $40,000,000 cr.nbl with tho same income and other Cleveland, If WeShould Fail To Do Scr' fellownian, truth and a faith, ber 15 the annual Givi's dance will Auto possession that would make dents defense came . Republican youf . more in , envelopes. in God, x?ven thqugh. J our Vordly be held. Al this dance the gfrls i mobile sales increased ,150 per rent very happy and ronteht. Borah, a if .brilliant ajid erratic ft goods decrease you 'can always will Bj the privilcdgc of US Senator as the country ever Av. oontmand respect afid bnjoy hap gettinjf thft dates, buying tjie and other increases in commodity vdt-to- n Who said 210 Heres thaC fer the were: Wool, the something was tickets, filling in dWnce programs, consumption question per1 5 piness. t . , tnt; totto, 115 per eerf; pig growers ! rondo-.- . Thf man- not o;ie df sgund or honest mo.oy, we ceafe to miistake values apd all ,othetr .rights that were', May , non, 245 per cent. Business fail- ager of the Nudist Magazine that tV cfold .dollar is the tnost Selfishness, greed and loveof case formerly feserved fof the males. ures Tell from 503 in the last week state .that there are now 130,000 dishonest .(idllifr .ever cfeateiL That re at the base of most of onr .The gymnasium will, on the of October 1932 to 57, for the' mtdists in thin country flnd. in indfeatas, hov party linos 'have ' night of the dnnee le trtfnsformed troubles, even economi. - UTAH LAYTON last week of October 1933. tom ,1935 fhis numbee wilt bv 'jh-- c bvolccn ah . ..Chinese ganlen beautifully presiGood character is the bulwark rofo million. avefaffe of ringed, t , dential. randidnte sides against of the guide for shund business decorated with cberry blossomy , v f jmred with the , he .head of his party, and the best.' the basis for 457 per week for the period 1926 w.fitbwiM I community life, and Oriental reesand beautiful flowmI fkw f fe an Acres a matt the ether 1932. And farm prices an October, tnown. Senator , Rpablican joins of the nation. ers. , foundation the dy very and early November are steadily Who said prosperity was here. In iis allies! Finally, the President R.nnemlfer girts its yoifr chance spoke ut Savannah ii ascending, wheat beinc? around 81 his opinion any man who. tould linirt-lBernard Kolisch of Kansas City to show somptyoung fellow a good cents from 45 cents a year, ago. live nd py bis debts these limes of his. policies, scored What eloped with his aunt and when ar; time. Dont be too late in getting AMI UHHHfl HU II I II III M In the same period cottpp. has, was enjoying prosperity. , 44 1 1 II U $ II M je cired Tory critics, and found rested said: She fascinated me your man come up from 6.4 to 9.9, oats from mountihg applause from his aud- as a snake charms a bird. The NRA has fas&e! what 26 to 46, rye from 47 to 80. with a. BOY'CLOGGPNQ CLASS v might be OaUctf the emdtjonal crop- shortage due. There you have a picture' of stage of parade and ted fir And ; boys efugging class superi . . vised by Miss Tcterson is reflectprogressive recovery, slow, but is setllihg down to the fnore.grim . side and adds: Wrt and ualerjqk-i'ngPost, practical steady ing improvement at each instruc says the - , . Recall what the President sajd; tion. Forty or fifty boys attend , Our troubles will not be over tothe classes which 'are held TuesThe world piayV owe gvety man morrow, but we are on our way. day and Thursday! from 3.30 to -- What is needed is not extremists, a living but collodions Ire pretty 4:00. We ar pleaded bo find that . 0 mourners the at or , such either present, poor time., boys interest is being, taken by ballyhoo , at the national bier, but Americans the bdys 06 our schoil. It may hot ba nrcessuiy that with patients, forever firm in the faith. you get into Whos Who, hut it is riay Tor.Be Jrfsentcd , quite necessary that you know ; TTie Ichdol, to know whats what.., . We do not pretend or econfinance directed everything about Strangers, Ave The lucky fellow is the fetlojr omics or sound money or inflation will be presented I !! Burniigham, but we have figured out that the who can do the things he is happy Monday evejiiiyr at 8:00. Parents and all others interested are init. quickest way to restore prosperity in doing and mako a living vited to attend. We feel suS-- you it to restore the buying power of Some one -i L ! Bemitiful Ringletto will appreciate. suggests that s.ince we the farmer. There is enough .worn nd Permanent Waves codeshave out farm machinery and unpainted taf', everything, else we : ADULTS $4.00 . buildings an dold automobiles scat should have a gqdv regulating CHILDREN $3.50 , tered throughout the agricultural strikes. Slogans or all types of Beauty Treatment and advice section of this country which if Ysju must eat well to feel well. tka money was available to replace Let us be content, in&ork, to rnONE 22SJ them would start the mills and do things we CAN knd not pre- Matches have heads buf no to and sume fiyt becausa it so little factories runmag at full time brains. You have both, use them. E. B. Browning. , give every man who wants it a job. This, however, la one of the Teople who knock like motors Our friends see the best in us,' instances in which it la easier to need adjusting. N- - R eft out the problem than it is. to and by that very fact call forth A. MEMBER aolvs it. We believe if farm prices the best from Success is a habit. So is safety. II H I f 444 1 1 1 H ! The-saju- STAND. e producer I IN THE WAV e- psy-periftie- nt f. ablo-Bodi- itrue 200-poun- & Livestpck. d) vr NEW? SCHOOL Presi- tis Uow-inf- f 0 DAVI3 HIGH 19 Ilapjiefii-f'that affect the Dinrfbr dents. That's where mattees stand at .3.,aibw Dividend Checks writing. Its easfly fRe most VsrJ T.ax Bills of, important problem of thfi time it Ever Individual tan Nat-ieamake or breaV the recovery and International s program, aqd make j&f. break tlh'e,, frkom, Inseparable v administration while i'ts doing jfc.Ji Welfare. ThB climax Instill b weacheq. ',fT,0URh j.houl.1 at! ience. The Roosevelt personality is as potent as ever and personal Economic Highlights ss' DECEMB$t 7, 1933 d - , j ch -- Iroiji the esti-me- I t d American r ch scientiat-explor-e- -- V s errfi-sis- ts p, fi fi- .i 4 - - F a ! t i s . . onS-dcn- i - tub-atio- , it nt s J reeprd-break-- heTp-roun- .1 II 1 : - day.-rEd- . wip - . . 8 V - - one-ye- 8 ar -- C. for b rope-skip- 'L com-fpr- g -- . f: n r. , a - i sober-thinkin- Lifes anvil .e f. rl J ! s pro-pare- ood d , Semce:;',' - to-liv- fn . 't v an-eth- h .Sniile' 2 yp er UEMIfin gh-ff- ? ! -- OF DICK'S SERVICE STATION v d; n? ' ( v K cl Pi Ik hi ir f( hi ii ..." ' .. 1 ar mu iV H4k it m wm f de-eft- se l - L r" . TRY ODR PRICES . Nbw-J- fof the . . 4 and be amazed atthe low prices -- - 4 bringfo youby onr !ov margin Cdcbratioira a-- t of profit apd low overhead i- - .D.'A.NiS'I . ' SERVICE AND GROCERY u.-Bl- ack. ' - e Safety CALL Virgimias Beauty Shop Hum b s . al th cc er of pr Ei wi ar r th pr mi ac mi mi SO po ot! es1 as 19 tei cei ca |