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Show o e o THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS, LAYTON. UTAH ;EWEC1WD)7SW fcJEWQ BV 0.0. MSIIMTYRO. jutrraftaJtuhrijftmaf not aimcm . tjiarp Not) SchtMtllTe vlanocel Oluchllche Welhnachteal Weeotych Swlit! Merry Christmas I Hundreds of waya to say Tt, And It all meau the aa me Joyous thlnge - health, steadily Incrcasaecurlty, new frlenda. and crowning all, a love for the adven tura of living such aa no year haa ever brought before! , You've doubtless henrd It said that Christmas ts a tremendously old custom far older than the opening of the Christian era. That 1 partly true. However, aa gen- erally celebrated eccleslnstlcnl fee tlval Christmas la less than 1,000 years old, having brought with It Is still the center of the peoples celebration In all the Latin countries of Europe and South America, having brought, too, the creche of the. first Infant, worshiped tn- the Middle ages, and still Inter brought the carol singing and the gltt giving by St. Ntcholns, the children's saint. But the other side of our Cliflst was gayety the purely seoulnf mcr . rymaklng began tor accompnny home-mad- e - ... . know t! bewhiskered head and listening for familiar footsteps hs ho longer hears. He has the forgiving heart of the loyal dog and doubtless, were he able, would lick. the hand of his conscienceless poisoner. If be could talk, he might even say: "It wasnt very nice of you, sir, to take me from those' love and who love me. I only tried to make people happy in an unhappy world." Likely he, would Bay thtft For Rainbow was a gentleman bosn and neve'r In his four years-o- f Joyous (Jv: lng dld.be bear malice. Ills bright button eyes Beemed forever pleading that he was trying not to be In the way but had JUBt barged In 4 mo nent towe that you were. not lonely It is- the lervtfnt prayer tt his grief stricken ttilBtenb that wh6r .overlie la he will buffer. ijo pangsof the JonclInesVhe trTed so carnes-jlto relieve among these he love'd. Rainbow loved every humpn, belsg Clrive ac;0M 0ne.0f. hj9cholce8t pals whs Joe, tbq ash man. far-of- which, though how much changed In meaning and practice, still cling and to our holiday speak of hospitality, good will, and renewal of old friendships. All the while, Yulctlde gayety In Alerrle England grew faster and faster, until, In the reign of Queen Elizabeth and King Jamcs-l- reached n sort of frenzied peak, to drop al most at once quite out of sight, with the advent of Cromwell and the Turltans, who rigorously banned Christmas by law. But before the ban at Christinas time every Saxon table bonsfed wassail the spiced hot ale swimming with roasted apples and drunk with toasts to health, happiness, and long life. But the more the years tke more the fare I By the end of the Fifteenth century the tables groaned Indeed while Henry VII ate his astonishing feast of one hundred and twenty dishes. It opened by the ceremonial entrance of the boar's head on s golden platter and was climaxed by a roasted peacock g t with tall outspread! And what of the other one hundred and eighteen dishes I One we know which was alfcnys present In 11 homes from the king's' palace to the hut of the cottager was the The lloatou and I. are missing Rainbow more than he will ever realize on our evening sundown walks. Always the Boston Is looking, back. Rainbow was the Bhort legged laggard, grousing along 20 paces or so behind, BaveMn the park when a squirrel would flash across our path and go scurrying Impudently out on Aiwigh. then Raipbow was all electric quiver and staccato barks. Sometimes wken Ills tardiness would Inspire a rebuke, ha would quail under the stern point of sehuk'lng finger, roll. over on his hack and look so forlornly cvntrite.we would wind Up scratching him behind 'the ear. years he had perfect that he could tear Into and Lrounctf hhn soundly. three bigger dogs In one For two realization the Bostqn He routed fight. . roast beef and the Until two days ftcore Jie made fits 'minced pies" which were really oMler-Hkthe sturdimeat pies pure and simple. Of .the est, hooltlrieslexit, he dasfewer I've 4og known, rest we hear stories of swans, stur- Llffe was s. per blancgeon, conger, herons, ant petual remp. On mange cleverly formed Into etltl this morning more animal shapes. Plant por- Harry,, a butWi ridge, or frumenty; were early Eng- 'who fed him 'and lish favorites and probably ihe finder wliiise hvd grandparents of their. stUTer tfiic- he 'slept, wis cessorsT plum puddings. lartntd lfseause Roast goose was another old he did qot cat! time Christmas custom In England Nevfer suspectand probably entered tTussdd, spit- ing an. fusnllos ted, and garnished somewhere be- poiSa was bringtween the boar and the peacock. log his life The baron's cook would have told .swiftly to iso Ipse, 'we thought lltfle you, as will any old English cook of it. All d.v hiJ spirits seemed feast true for the calls book, that Interwhich, being dWy, but he.hopped Into his win'green" goose dow preted, means a bird that Is young the for'lishe ajternmn vigil. Durlrfg night 'en;ed restless, .In the and tender a youngster of about not eat, be morning between again. nine four months weighing and his thivSt sA'niqd nntjurnchable, test same The and twelve pounds. . ! will determine Its "greenness tt olddays. J'et.game to the e nd, 6? brought day aa In the his red play ballbut would piake And when the goose "hangs to flfort trdlrkv! It. Instead, he high? words signify that the gazed vdcantly Into nowhere. In my Those been singed, ajm most of the agonizing day he green goose haa within and with- mlnglad Ms little whimpers and pa dried washed, and tient wighs wifh my unashamed out and generously salted. tears. Alleys wifen 1 spoke hlsname modern In brandy England, Today, feebly hla stubby tail. At Is still biasing about fat plum pud- ,he 5 p. n, his window are being pulled vigil hour, he dings, crackers seemed ifeeping naturally. Tenderly honored merriment, tlpie much amid he was placed ou a blanket In a bathtoasts are being drunk, and roast room whie his master and mistress Inspiration), turkey (an American rejoiced at recovery signs. But his are mince and pica plum pudding, sleep was one from which there was still undlminlshed. no awakening in this world. A half was apwhile early England hour later we found him cold and Christplauding and condemning stiff, the his a gush of blood trailing from mas. Germany, passing through mouth, his p ajjhall only a few more feet away. Reformation, added twotraditlon-t- pleas, he tV nrea to the Christmas LA'.;4 SitJHili. childrens carol the and tree lighted singing. Christmas e e -' - - "But ; U. : 1 J t I' Indo.try th "tof K Vhlo&' Saeeaufnl towns nrs Mdt, And pstronsfesa t horns, is Hat Avals in ths "shaM". . t . ' sM . , . up, like tjiey do grand iE?S PATRONIZE HOlflE fNilTS9 when tbey cant undersand opera . e , ( . line, But as tong; H a fish htw gifne te thetreuble to lay the eggs, (especially when, they go away up hr Russia fo lay em)r-w- e gotfl$h 6ere hat must 'lay ,efegs,t but we dontpay to theih, an. moje than we Just a Habit would io.an American lecturer. Th dent often fimoun! Ip' Advice home.tal-4nt- . . eggs pur flsh;iay are Juet InucH, said Uncle Eben, .but so-They are J,ust a kind of , local folks get so much enjoyment oul dat you cant hardly t 'shoulder pads egg. But-J- f the Bame flsh'went Wert ef givin it wasgames, chtton-IJnewait t ' tboJe ' eggs, it ever and m Russia sq,irw6 sntirely say laye'd v: '.protect (he players; fct the movies' . ' time bec&me invportant then tHey wh'y spectators view pictures qrojte Instead of Just a. settfog of from cotton-madfilms; tennlq play-- t egg. become caviar. Caviar is' THIS WEEKS PUIZE STORY , thfey . ers cotton shoes; op gblf links jggs, e that tHlng yojl afa supposed to eat cotton flngs fly. on every grdeh j'an'd beforea'meal. lowlf Jrou got a goqd at .the baseball park,' . Wow RoosSveK hs mads 4 plan ns well as thepse with eottqh cor meal coming; whats the Idea o,f eat-onr country, ts s' man, . ' t bags mark threeifbases. of .tbe'dla-tn'otifl.Whereby ' as It erlng. ' fngo'methlng before Jt. If , dun prosperous be, 0 all srmsi. . , , Bpoll your. meal, "for ilia lian Is known as N R A 'Ierlinps the bedrooms, ionialn' "Cotton bagging for cotton bales' gobd It would too 7 'H It ws And Well, krs l tv muoh of Jt, and If more col tqn than, any other-rooyou would eat Is taking the place of Jute bagging not &ny goodit will spoil jjour My plow Is fust called B. I. S. In the home.. Cotton sheets, 'pillow .Jts tt a" slight extent In some pnrts Of meal good one, yon wilt se. anyhow. Fo it Just tooks like And It's cases, quHtjs, and blankets, for beds the . country. "Buy Intermountain Goods' and hS we felognlzed Russia In .order te A are widely used,,Whtle In tpenslind boMlac for Prosperity. , One who holds In his hands wanted te give 'the Russian fish, that woinen'.s wardrobes are., handker. . MRS. ALBERT JEFF pound of light, flqffy cotton, will - . chiefs, underwear, night clothes, find It difficult ts realize that about lay eggs a chance.- ., jCaliente, NrvadSk Now of course' there lfir some parts lounging and bath rohds. and house 12,000,000,000. such handfuls .were ef the world where there ts certain AT 400' .slippers of cotto.n. . In on the world's cotton plan produced fish that aTe better, bilt. you wwwld-- hang cotton towels, and wash. .tatlotis last yenr. Pressed Into Oil Refininf ent hardly think there was anyclottisv and & cottoh shower curthese farmers hand bales,' Stations Service are fish better, especially tain, and lri- the medicine cabinet Is fuls would make about 24, 000. 000 where eggs of Democrat course a But 'eggs. ' being fluffy qotton Itself as well as bales. in Utah and Idah and not a' caviar eater, 1 tfoht know bandage gnuz'e."More than 40,000,000 acres, otm anything about It. I like the cock"On the 'bathing bench cotton afeor nearly as large .as Worth All One Gets tails though that they put with qm, bathing suits and shoos are seen; New .Jersey, Delaware Kissing the blpriiey Btone Is fit thats about all 1 can see In. caviar; difficult job and is well worth th at ' boxing, thatches, .boxers- swing combined, producp l The pext big importation that cotton. padded gloves; at football American cotton." ."gift of gab it imparts. get from Russia outside of a Betting of these. eggs is a thing called ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FO .vodka. Npw vodka Is a. fluid, but Its what Could rightly be. classed as a deceptive fluid. Its aB harmful a look-- , fng thing as a nice goard' full of COUGH SYRUP branch water. But there the com . NOSE DROPS parlson stops. Its made from ter1 , mented Rftsslan rhept, Ah INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUC Hundreds .of homeless men .will As workmen were busy turning the or weed, Just barlpy, alfalfa, Jlmpsuq sleep on piers extending out Into pier Into a grent bedroom, men, deAnd Driver Sense, Toe the East river this winter. But nn spite' the chill In the air, slept un which ever one of these they happen Ab 'says thpt no matef Uncle rnntter the winds or how der the runway and under the stepB. to have handy. Now any of em. as I what you may say about horse low the mercury nmy descend, they 'Some even slept while standing up say Is the ground work. Then they there's an awfdt lack of aw sense, wont freeze to- donth. .Instead 0 And leaning against the side of the Start adding the Ingredients; tomobile sense. , I Potato peelings lp one of em". theri ' lying on newspapers or old rHgs Bier structure. Russfian over You boot know tops. In packing enses or bnrrcls, they here we have the tops of cartots and Earn while you learn' Barberlng. will sleep In rent beds and thus, even Many homeless sleep sUmdlng up onions and all A Tqrmaneut Busihcss with a over well there those; the coun though the thermometer should slmVv fn this, the richest city . so wear all these boots, Big Income. . they high zero, they will be warm aiid cunv tcy. I never go by Carnegie hall y.ou Just take the tops of as many I Tortahle since their dormitories will lute at qlght but what see at least Molers Barber College .Russian boots, as you can get when be steam heated. They .will be able three leaning against' the. cold III Resent St., Salt Lake City, Utah the nten are asleep, you harvest em to wash themselves and their bricks sound asleep. Also In the 40s, Ws meet your stats requirements em shock Just abovp (he ankle, you In fact, though their the beds-omany. are the wnills qf up like clothing. of one then wheat, bring lodging will cost them nothing, they bulldlflgA 'those Russian carts along where I . Memorial of 100 A. D. will have mnnj) hotel conveniences, these Is ft high yoke up over the A stone set up te ft memorial and more conveniences VVlth certainly New York now past a hot horses neck. You know a Russian Roman soldier by his "heir about comfort thnn In some flophouses muyoralty , campaign, a campaign horse always looks like he la going ,100 A. D. was recently fotind near w hich are,, for good reason, culled Story of Indianapolis of yfears ago under an Arch de Triumph. the English town of Chester. The city has taken might not be out of place. It con-- , "scrdtclips." The next Ingredient (the Russians over certain piers and turned them enrua JLew Shanks, several tltnes alwafa deny this to me, but I have Utah High School of Beauty Culture Into annexed of the municipal lodg- njnyoi of Jhat city. According to always believed Its true) is the 1M Bo. Main BL, Salt Laks City the yarn, he bad cards printed whiskers. They shy that they dont III ing houses. taltvi Prafissiii Knows 11 DiprtssM Isavtj , A bearing his opponents name. put em In vodka, that they are only 'Ton can now learn a pVofwslon that wUt Tvyo of the filers were lo qse trusted henchman would start out. used In that soun called borsch. ,haks yon Independent for the rest of year days. (IS per month only for tho complete last winter. A third, taksn over fn a tour bf the gin mills with those New then ybu add all these things courio of lis months. Phone sr writs , card& Laying a nickel on the bar, (hen Its got to ferment Well It dont from thd department of street clean for our catalogue. Mail in soupon. h would call for a glass of beer tafce long for anything to ferment In lng, Is now being put Into shape for NAME hnd as he drank alone, would ex Russia. They are the winter. It was used as a stor ADDRESS.. hurt Iris hearers to vote for the man .a natlcKthtft can a as wu for and wagons age place Uhumdi on the cqrd. Then he'd nr tarf stewing nlclpal bathhoufie, where the. ' . Sate Bet went to get clean when It was der another beer, and having drank you know It. he never bwap Jud Tunkhis says warm enough or that To, get the It,, would depart leaving behind a N'tiw then you bosses while crossin a stream. He Shortly , wngons In. Uiere Js a long runway. fopd supply ofthe cards. get this vodka picks out a good ferryboat in 'the after he left, another Shanks henchbuilt up, and if first plaoe. man vold appear. Hed buy drinks Its concocted GOING TO THE SHOW by Iron Smelting Long Ago for everybody present, and lri . a good architect, In .Babylonia have Discoveries hearrounds would Inform his Its Just as clear disclosed the fact that Iron smelters ttiAj Lew Shanks was the man find Innrcent ing was without a doubt known at whe shduld be .mayor of Indianapoaa a looting least fi.000 years ago. But It was lis. . stein of gin. That a "lost art for many rcntnrlcs. isjtls before you For no gobd reason at all, save start sampling It. Lizard Absorbs Wat.cr t that he was once a public office Well when you do you) qyes begin Although the horned lizard doe .holder, the storyof a gentleman who expanding, and you eays bfegin to not drink water it absorbs it when (ortsisvently won at poker comes to flopping like a mules Its the only it is sprinkled on its skm. mind. So regularly did he clean out drink where you drink and try to with those who sat at the table grit your teeth at the same time. It rer wh will h. paid til 3 with Mm that they ganged up on. gives the most Immediate results'll! I1 heat u)u.lJlJ him to get revenge. n ..Why So they hired any llba'tlon ever cflneocte3, you don.t ,rc hould nw Intermountain mad. hale to wait Yor it to act, By the a professional, noted for hls abll Good. Similar to above. Send Ity to deal whatever he desired, to tljne It reaches the adams apple It your atory in prou or vert to Intermountain Product Column, P. 0. give the feeder at the public trough kasafted. A man .stepping on a red Bo 155 Salt Lajf City. If yonr " hat he had coming. The profes hot poker could show r.o more ImmeIn thl story Appear diate Its the sional alleged that It he couldnt only drink ayimatiou. column yon will check for take him nobody could. But tie evl where you can hlt the mau that dently overestimated bis ability, as landed It you betore he can possibly the politician Jook the professional get away. It pays quhker dlvlinds Week No. W.N.U. Salt qLak. Cit5 than any libation ever assembled or plenty. You dont go through that periot Produce Heavy Fluid where people say, "Silas Is getting Wheu the score had been settled Scientists have produced a clear, Say brother when gila9 Uft(J .tIghr the conspirators met with their hire- that glass, Silas Is transparent fluid that is four times getting tight a heavy as water from the rare ling and reproached blm caustically. Silas Is out. I "Well." said the professional, metal thallium, on which all of the Jts a time saver. It should I diado couldn't a Whenever thing. to Americans. Ail ready lor the Ureut Western appeal There Is precious stones, including on monds, will float. at hls had be glanced eye him, nothing so dull In American life as Live Stock show at Los Angeles me. Gentlemen. I've seen many an that period when a This magnificent prime steer is on drinker Is Jnst Snakes Look Like Twigs and at that stage. He Is a pest hls way wlrh hla pretty mistress eye but never one so bard ainoylng the winter hibernation of exclaimed cold." I" Usually to Idiot Why. you everybody, hut vodka eliminates Raised to capture May Phillips. animals is accompanied by conceal-- r was ot one "That the conspirators. are never at that pest blue ribbons since he was a wahhly 'nt but this is not always true of the reason we put you on that side rerlod. the watersnakes legged calf, the huge benst was x of him. That cold and hard eye Is of Louisiana. A leij V, nii4 I me. These reptiles hibernate in swamps pected to walk off with all the prizes glass." in the prime steer class. and may often be seen lying on the & tJL BU Syndlc.t. WNU Srrlc. bottom like so many dead twigs. ,! V f 1 airman 'Colton. Is Indispensable .to Modern Civilization. t d -- . . . - itfnshlngton.-Cotto- 1 - n - ton surpluses, tot ton- i - ernment , limiting acreage, keep AmcMcaV 'best kfuiwn flbe.r. constantly' In the public eye.' AVhy the, great public ; Interest. In. cottoq? . . Because abo'ut ofietenlh ef.the population 0 the .Unlteaf States, and cotfon-growlri- - d - . - o'f people on Pefih-sylvanld- , . . we-wil- AFEll corn,-oats- oon-tnln- protected IrrbuL'd.;. how-col- Cant Get Away From It. - "Or go. yachting.' Your ship, no lloutit, will be equipped wltli .cot ton awnings, Ijntch covers and 'lin ens.'- - Or' try to evade the liber by climbing' Into an airplane; You vt lll discover that cotton fabric covers the airplane wings and that cotton dissolved In chemicals Is the 'dope' that protects the wlpgg from wind and weather. The engineers of our railroad trnliTS wenr cott'ort overalls, and the Ylndow hndvs and siat covers of modern passenger cars onhe w.ere a part of Jhe snow.whtte landscape of a cotton field. "Stroll down .'Main tnvt' ef a modecn town 'and cotton In ninny forms strolls with you. ou pass monMio tvear cotton ffom their to the linings of their s.hecs. Id white, black andt all the rators of thtfTnlnhow. you obsicve coftoa tie?, hose, shirts, sulfs, collnrs, uniforms, overcoats, and shoe laces. TVe fili Inlpe compntllonJ.of thje cethm-Vlamen wear hats nd dresses.-an.carry umbrellas of coMtm. t A'glnnee at thmlsiuids of baits of cloth on stove slielves meals tbaf between .the time cofe hat-and- . s the planlnthfli . rejaller,. It nssumfes .five anil-reache- s ' . tort.. "In a typical Annvlcun honveot; fon has ennedt the right t be J called king 0 f texilles. . Slop over rh threshold nirtl your fwt may alight upon 71 cottmr rug; pictures yalls covered with cotton cloth; yon'rmiw In jt .chair uphol stored with cotfeoh and listen to a phonograph record wWch .contains cotton, playing a recent blues song Inspired by life .In tt south rrn cotton bejt Wlthliseyesljot are cotfon drifperlcs,' window shades, sofa tusjdonk, and chair mid table covers. , . thj Uses, vin the dining rom. perhaps the table 'Uneiii Is cotton p;tr! cotton. and cotton wicks protftule from artistically designed cafldlea mo ttos Bi In h mi pret publ lb lng t 3s a year juan ' tour be-fo- rj F.ot Inance. 'If many dNgups. ymk.pnrchivse calico, creronne, tor duroy, or chintz you are hiring coti1 NS End qf Met Clai , !. . lfnvei ,. f -- hum; on . - every continent, depend upon cotton for .a irvellkood with been use, It Is Indlspensiible 'to znoderh .'clvlllza llofK miys ahulletln from thg Na ' ' tlonal Geogruphlc society.' "Go where you will, by auy pieans of transHirtatlos Is the crvlllz.ed world, and Colton will he yptir trnv Cling companion.' Step Into aft au tomoMle' and you are. supported by tires C.ontnlnlng cotton fabric. You s sit oil upholstery that proh.lbly njid are fatten t'hrcnds, .by a top to whlch rorton con Ted- - m 'the-bathroo- ... 'nwire- inlUInns d . prices,, cot- production, consu nipt Ion and export figures,, new uros of cottiMi, aml. nipre recently, pew regulations iij the feddm'l gov. e cotton-.c6vere- Ha Earned. Right to Be Called King of Textile. .There b as a logllacd .touch Rainbow, a clown with a thin tint of sadness, lie was always unwit- many Involved In some outrageous- tingly ly preposterous comedy, He awk Wardly upset upright lamps, and .missed the ensuing crash by an eye lash. He would. walk Into mlrYors, and got himself hopelessly entangle from neckties to curtain hangthgs. Then, his moments qf srrlerq pensee a. picwhen he would sit statuo-llke- , ture of utter dejection. 1 now woo der In those melancholy megrlns If some Instlnctlvenens was not warning' him, a thin rustle across. Hi 4 void, of mankind's often Inhumanity toward dniph, Jrhstlng and lielp- . less anlirnik. "c world) e vcr-halre- d s' s, Just lap A-n-d carols and religious services while of that empty wlndowl The window England was still In the Middle, where UalhboW sat' watchfully while ages, and It was.the.se ceremonies a dear all lardy of 80, w.hom of the boar's hend, the Yule log, and he loved, napped gently. close. by In the evergreen tree, the wassailing thb of (he lute afternoon. Not and feasting and the masking and evenquiet a bone could Hire him from this mumming which found their start daily vigil. V f back in pagan times and 169-paper- of confidence la pecfple In their Russia, have We recognize)! country. but you woufil be surprised at the amount of people that are not golpg there to settle. Their big Importation Is caviar, (thata kind a gooey mess sf.flBtt eggs that 1 suppose la without doubt .the uoorpst dodder In the buA It costs a lot and thb rich - to know, t6p, RalnboW might that Ills Bostoq ploytfiate, who. at fectod to Ignore In more scdalqyears the absurd puppyism of hlsjunlof, now trots around tbe wpartmenT In dplglng questioning' sniffs and squat ting wonderlngly hof ora the pathos merry-makin- fa imagine him, .a bit bewildered in bis sudden Iran sltlon, cocking a mOYKUX HILLS Well all f Juki what I read. An and what J hear from the boys that tailing. The're never was a time any wbtfli' V people naf fhelf hqada together like a quartette, and they aint all singing the blues either. There Is an awful lot of not bnly hope, buf a whole l?t BEVERLY NEW YORK Our Sealjbam la j.ji'uif romping through Elyslan fields thither side of the Tell. It TV the midnight mass which Our-- Pet Peeve Iqthe kitchen one nWynlVScover a cotton bag for crushing Ice. a cotton flop cotton wiping cloths; and perhaps cotton ons part In the manufacture of the llivdeum on the flixtr and the oilcloth on the table. Open the pnn try door and again you dud cot ion One of the newest methods of pack lng small quantities hf oranges, po tatoea and onions Is by the use of coarse mesh cotton hags. Of course the housewife long has bought Vi jar. salt and lav In cotton bags. nn 'lyesti berg T1 Arne It ddtice was the :K lllus ima f tl W f tym .has tr ro-ci-v e for Is m "It w eet ',)lshe villa thane - $3.Q0 dorf with melc a gu Uer t , brok So ' nt desk poen espe-cial- Mch sung To had larlt; rachi mak and beca sprei Th Grub t V |