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Show 1 (SsKSfft I ? J 'i mio VOLUME NINE Sclical Jas. Lave of Layton Grads Dies At Syracuse And at the Age Russian . Of SixtySeven - . , - i. c V. xak vArftsn.tr, iecembi:b 7, t au NUMBER Train-That- Loo!i3 ' Like a Reptile Fanners Push Tax Co. Commissic fte.visioitr With View .: Fashijf Tax Burden Busy Consid cn--J James Love of East Lsyfoft, died Clinton Improved at the home f hi Li JLeve, soft, Friday. THIRTEIII Jbu Assessments, E- - I-- He was tmfft ift MolbcrwelT, Scotland and was 6? year old1 eri 'ticallj pvtfry tounty unit of the Minutes of a regular meeting of j the 9th of Minutes of meeting of board of last March. If was ' llsl JHnte Fnru Bureau federa countv .commissioners of board held education the at the son of Hugh nd Janet Lilley Love held Vom-daA - s V , V . tioe. will demand election of office in Farmington, Utah, Dec. and came to Utah 62 IVeember 4; being pztitzt year ago annual eloCtions this month Commissioners A. B. Barton, O A. 4, 1933. with hi (went a who m- will si)fport the tax .program Present: R. W.. Adams, presid- verts to Mormonisnv. E, o. Muir and CUrlc .tfi.f work fas election of Jogisla-wil- l Stoker, Cannon. ' ing; Jed Stringham, John W. , Quayle 3 He bested in East !ay1o Turtle . progressive C. Samuel and Howard of Minutes meeting' Thornley, . previous ago. years farm ' , read and approved. Rcroy B. Smith, members of the His wife, Ida Green whotn 1hi ktaterngnt was fpadifl Fatur-ra- y and fe' and treasurer the directed The was hoard, superintendent he martied Dee. 22, 190.1, tid hy Tracy R. Wftlling, exec.u-i- v accept 766.81 in payment of lf-3the clerk. Feb. 24, 1930-; etate farrft taxes, front Brigham C. Tfio minutes of the meeting of ws'try vf tbs vffrt Funeral service . itiffsur, flup-brook. November 20 were read and ap-- . Tuesday afternoolt. Yhe speaker gplming . porting th program, proved. D: Jlaoet Joseph tl. Williams, Frank W. Adatrvs, were,. Irarfifiblly all the tmits'ef thfi fng the sfate road commiasloa. Mr. Smith reported that the Nalder. and Jabes S. Adam. itnte feilrrationVlpcI officersf this WR9 prC!int aT1( asked that Dv d i Civil Works Employees have David F.. Lay ten offered the openifionth, whi wi and fixed up the grounds at ing Tnvr10 county, give a quit claim deed far . h(f IlugWe MeCWart prayef ' the Clinton school and are prepa- offered the benediction. A yuartid mm!c.,9i rJTTAt0tr, strip of kind on either side of rood- . gW'-'Ifor of the the front delinr.urht taxes, also to grounds at ring sang the closing , nut tb hrure g,vew t Moscow Gut of what the Syracuse school building for numbers ndopening this ; as picturlzjitlou ; wind a th oa v. cpiues pHy foriT)0rlv ownpd by Hen(jTn. Ella Burtoet tenderverj alst devetoruivwl U t?u j which n era Is an the planting of grass. electric ball that Solo and Lib Tn guos tssreiKf 0ffcT'; ed Investment transirtatlon. and a a of "ihilcw wheel, and Layton trajn grooved rultuve indieate that IS pet aU(litJr.8 Mr. Howard reported that ' the Blanche Adams dwdr of Sovlcf a Induatrlnt ko( the hmtcatf tracks. Officially Authorities state that evperluient with the rlf of the farmee ay sang 'NLced Yhoi incoiM ti. gross of: Associated MortgtJpresent arrangement of the trans- My SouJ have show. rvcvnt fnjlts. Its Inaatnuusi prvi is Goin arid ITome. wllv la esesiM $4 a heuf. lakea bv tax1 al efllv'A-Investmen- t company and Rokjl portation at the South Bountiful There was large atten&hcv and a4A "With time, Mr. Welling school is satisfactory and that the beautiful floral directed to is-- ' anditerr Cahoon N. Intery prevalent market eontfitinaj tvs CWA h'as removed the irrigation ment wa.-- ia 4he offerings,e deed. , 100 per eenl of the farinr sub Ben Brown, culvert from near the school build cemetery. Assessor . County , rr't net income taxes, arrived 4 hat the following errongoes ,l - - ing at the South Bountiful school with the farmer's family, being to the south line of the grounds. be corrected: : forced tft live on availably loans. eous assessments ET. P. Bryson reduce,' also ..He $738,693 reported t.hat the people Jtose 'This compares with In Utah of the communities at South Boun-- . dqctl tafe ineom (as of 3.'J7 per cent sona property $40.00,Hsaw.-TTDlltfrt'A A. IjTV ask: M.and liful and West Bountiful are F.' sesjimentr; Cfoyef net income o$ $9,000, duced average on ing the privilege of applying the personal property (lJ.CO and eur explain nphaai on in double assessment; Euorutfnfe Clarence 'II. quoto appropriation made last . some tax revenue as will Til benefit both proifucet ahd 738,69?. compared Ltffc, flt al, reduce personal propApproximately tl fiot tificonimon al fbi with 3?ear for improvement of grounds l the genrj-aproperty tax. Utah wheat growers by consumers of poultry products, paid scasoft of the year to sc the combs in the purchase of materials so double assessment; Mr. WelliRg also stated that erty $130.00, . Hall, the school buildings may be paint- - j . Stories tof. the decline of AnwK-ca- the federal government for cur- majfor rode of fair competition on some fiulltt in the flock valnatiop reduce improveWilfprU of farm property in the 'industry arV 'present pros- tailin'? 'pbodiietirm in ,feJtah fbr for wholosaTe group engaged in shrivel ufr, the birds stop laying' double . ed by the CWA. 450O.OO, assessment; ments,, , pects of gradual restoration upder to prelimin- procuring and distributing poultry aad even go through a romplet state for the past 10 years, other Aloaze and lone M. acgocordirtg The superintendent reported an NRA Knight, fe related daily at hearings ary things being cquali had (Trdpped 'in.' the office .of and eggs i molt before formulated 8.38 to have Nung for body residents from resuming 4.87.61 produe reduction, application code of fair competition sub- Diilpcto Williaib Peterso?, man- through discussion with officials tion yhis is an expensive experi- 25 per fenk, whilit the income ffom cept the Green bus of Layton go one on , acres, kit 3 block' 3 and plat NMC mitted theto Recover National ager of the agricultural adjust- of tlU Agricultural Adjustment ence', because it ij the period of the yroprrty had declined more taxes $19,30, for ye.rs 1931 and half mile north from Orson Pages . Administrati. Members of trad- ment administration for the state. Administration. The proposed code high price fo gg s and the older than 50 yn't eent. corner to pick up several children es 32; ij. L. Keller, reduce personal the I'rovisiona of fftVratioh tbll how tat taxes, Gf the moetin the foregoing amount about applies to lh marketing division birds nofmalfy moll and are out they jf T. A. Phillips, reliving in that vicinity that are ekpens'a of increased pay rqjl by M9,61& wifi be tmid to county amd of the industry. Where its provis- of production during the late fall program include an income tax de duce personal property $16.20; now walking down to the corner. te raise miximum of rev economies in Operation, community jmmitteemen, practi- ions .were inadequate to deal with and. early winter month of the signed The President thought that an old effecting Alvin Sessions reduce personal val which enus were fhising rates, feducihg nation, $95,001 R. Simmons, they impossible whom Carl wheat say are exhas Utah it keen year, grow- rdgfonal problems, cally allof Frischknechl, established route could not be before rtiace ff tax-eOwwiptloBn and eliminating were permitted by er, for their services n acquaint- suggested, according to tn an tension poultryman points out. tax sale redxap-tio- n to $143.8 changed to accomodate a few pa-- i law to they cooperate with competitors ing the farmers with th proposit- nourtcement from the AAA. that should sets; expansion of luxury taxes, a tfust why some pullet 1932. Irons for fear of upsetting the1 For in a code conexample, discussing out or codes to and molt ion', start while selective sales tax, higher inhot lAying s.top fillifig supplementary applications, regional .The regisnation of H. B. Ftrkin system in other parts of the proposed by manufacturers of tracts and the necessary supple- could meet local firoblem. The others i the flock continue In pro itance taw and diversion of por- as road supervisor of South Boundistrict. tae gasoline tax into tiful was 'accepted, same effective glass the secretary of the mentary papers inquired hy the code is designed to fenuov unfair ductign i wot too well k'noww. U tion ff The superintendent reported window, chaohels--al- l thesw revenues trade said association pther there that t the pullets that start 1 Washington office. practices and wastes in marketing ually it that Vernon Nichols is asking that were 43 window-glas- s to be ti'sed ta reduce the general as of December R.and the appointin factories first last thd to or to those According reports poultry and.egga ,tbus increasing lay ment of Amasa Howard to suchandicapped the Ward bns be routed down the this country irf 1925. By thei end fetching Direftor Peterson, a total returns t to producers and assure in some way by parasites that go property tax, inceed Mr.. Parkin .was confirmed. . road south of Haights creek of 1930 the riumber. had been re- of 4,557.377 bushels of wheat are maxim tun results itu grading and out of .production wTiffS tfits rest stead of the Green road so as to Meeting adjourned. duced to 20 and at present there represented by those who have standardizing pooltry products, in of the flock continue tq Jpy. Fre ' is child who in his the pick up Under present Conditions igned'contracts out of a total behalf of consumers as well as quently this condition has bed n obfirst grade and a cripple living, are has it breij possible to increase .average production of 5,554,981 protecting farmers with high qu- served in pifllcts that we're forced this school. nearly two miles from through im- bushels or approximately 80 per ality products. A code' applied to Into heavy .production soon after According to a Ldndon film critic These cases were referred to the productive Capacity in provements expan- cent oi tHe states wheat produc- 6,000 commercial hatcheries processes, has they commenced Joying, sayiMr'. n maitjis- history pvjer inspired board sion in and the ; superintendent such ado.ratioh from women ns did some units, and elimin- tion and 80 per cent of the wheat already received public hearing. Frischnecht member. . ation. of wastes in operations and aeresge. Payments will he made Valentino, the. fafned . The Very 1tths stwity has bee naV liudolph reported sales, thus , superintendent Italian-horfilm Wha star died in sufoverhead as s'oon as tho papers are cleared of this, problem to date, hut that he had authorized the bus ficiently to .reducing , . 1926 al The ago ot 3h an absorb in approximate Washington. inclined to believe that drivers to use our school buses to 33 classes will be given in trymenare ' Clothing admirers Fire hit cent in increase Individual county, and district per wages i due the condition among year .ago te it all transport people to the Wednesday inaugurated the cqmmunities of the county flnglish.wortien formed thh August 15, under .the allotment payments follows: Cache the blrd.It J, Valentine and body Wfj?ht women next wetk, actra'ined night course of lectures, provided President's Reemployment byow which association, Agree- 8119,224.40; Rich, $3,678.09; Bo a mistake o fores young pullets kuw branches .these riding will pay for the gas ment. The to Ruby cording in Stringham, home countries. .many principal topic under, Elder, $253,724.78; Weber, In spite of the mary irfto Heavy production when they and drivers charge. demonstration agent. whom kf these few discussion was creatio.n of a tribwoijicn, tvhrch surronnd those ac- first start to lay because all . the By $4,904.02; Morgan, The superintendent reported unal 'ever Vaw him pxeept en the erreen. .'Tho classe will be held once or for fixing and Summit, Wasatch, $12,096; Fait cused of crlmCj a good mufty responsible recrowded too are buses consume are our nutrients they that He Hast been eldvated te something twide a week until February 15th, grades ef Lake,. $38,122.09, Tooele. persons Suffer , imprison- quired for egg production apd he this year and will necessitate the maintaining standard efneo-hideath and arid possibly longer. No l irge , glass. Duchesne, Uintah, Dag- ment, an even" death, as the result bird may actunllv Jose 'body ljje sainthood purchase of additional buses for hie,niory fist kept alive among will be made those registerfcj for gett, $18,900; Utah, $59,772.16; of perjured ov otherwi unreliable weight. Bullets that have bbep his another year. them by making gifts in hil name, the course, but it is imperative" . omidence. A few. Instances Juab, $31792.65; Sanpete, 7e reThe superintendent reported that cared for properly should wpigh rjistributing his photographs, that all interested persons eertaet Iron, lated by Margaret W. Stewart of about 3 pounds when they come $142.58; Beqver, he is working to establish classthrough, eorroflporidencs And i,n their local farm bureau learm or 4813.75; Millard. $19,132.54; Wash the Library of .Congpe?.li a re- into production and continue es for Adult Education sponsored to. other Relief society presidents at once. . . .. inttton, $2,983.32; Sevier. cent article. . in size and weight unti Itbey gain by the CWA and also classes for .The courses will include remodeduca received h good Piute, $667.85; Wayne, Thera is the- etme jf William average about 4'& pounds at pnu tioyalentino , Emergency Education under the , and eling, came tailoring, general sewing, hia in. native Italy ' Garfield, $1,027.70; Kane, Wilson of Alabama, eonvicted, in year of age. . direction of the state for unemuse of patterns, dry cleaning, pres.. first to the States ia United 113, $588.16? Carbon, $839.61; Emery, 1914onf jh ohkrge of murdering ployed teachers. as a danceTr, theft in sing of men's clothing, and stain Evry.poultrymail 4ioiricf Jntesf Mary llortence On motion of Mr. Howard the Barbep, 38, $9,521,21; San Juan, $8,437.41; his wife aqd given.a life sentence. a little monejr In a good pair, of appearing mfisical comedy, and after feeing removal, and will bo of great value superintendent was authorized to- wife of C. Arthur Barber, diejl for expanse of filling out necessary After hp had servtw tmc than scales witk jvhich jaeigli his stranded in San Francisco lie en- to all attending. ars th supposedly .mur- chickens. Pullets shefujd be proceed to do all he can in estab- Saturday at the family home in p&pfrs, $49,618.56; total payment thsee Weigh- tered notion pictures at Hollywood to a of was foymf living in ed when illness state, short $788,692.87. wflman gfter dered Syracuse, classes and procuring lishing they first start to lay taking minor parts'. He .scored his W. was WilsJn and pardonIn pneumonlh. these fields. , , teachers Indian, and it is a good plan to make- reg- first great success in "The Four She was born in Beaver, Mdy the ed. was $3,508 given by The superintendent imported A oT a 'certa.iq .numHe, ular Horsemc'n," after which his career of s asscia-tio- n 15, 1895, a daughter of Mr. and state .as partial recompense for ber ofweighing eaeh until his death was a succession that the designated ltfyer.sin his wrongfil imprisonment. are asking that the appropia-tio- n Mrs. Edward Thmpson, and lived He was twice marpen selected at randomi six To .ten of How much personal freedom a Of for improving the grounds be there until NovemlJef 5, 1919, Another, victim, J. B. Browi of as a guide to correct feeding prAt-- . riedtriumphs. twice divorced. He died and she was married. They made husfiand and wife should permit Florida, served 12 year for a mur applied in Kaysville in fixing up when home . tices. from- peritonitis following, operain Syracuse. each other is a qquestion that has der. of whuh be was finally found a lunch room at the grade school. their It is often difficult to keep Jan tions for gastic ulcer and appen-- Mrs. E. B. W. Bingham, sister rMs. Barber was active in the.b&n thh subject of much discus- entirely innocent. The state gave The board had visited all the dictis. of Robert Walker of Sunset, dld early February-hatche- d schools in the district except the various L. D. S. auxiliaries. At the sion both in public and private. It him $2,492 ifi iryitallments, or uary ajidf as his this at moltinr from great at her home in Trenton, Cach ability .Conceding pullets time) secredach in ye&r time death she of her for a was is suspected that good many about , $2Q0 high school since the last meeting feed actor his an per-anand of charm with tlw of feut the proper year, Valley, recently, funeral tirvicea tary of the ward Primary associa- husbands grant their wives as prison. 'and the members expressed satis- tion. dur-- 1 sonality, the fact that he is still were care those later, hatched held Sunday. not so was as quite little liberty while Mississippi possible, faction in finding the schools in the months of March and April literally worshipped by thousands was the wife of John She ing She who is survived Moses all with Walker, can her them1 husband liberal condition. for by get taking they such good is not women world of now the should be throughout ham was born in Ogdan feel;? increasing only and a and two false daughters, Fay and Laree selves. And In a good many cases served five years under Bills were presented by the clerk , size and weight but in their egg somewhat difficult to understand. 75 years of age. She had lived L&. in him Barber. $500 awarded and upOn wife her but a members. similar the the Syracuse attitude. charge, grandadopts and approved by Perhaps the reason we don't Trenton since 1881. production. , The grand prize for leniency to on his release. motion of Mr. Howard the bills mother, Mrs. Rebecca Thompson, understand all this is that we She was married to C. A. Etuwil These payments by the states a husband, if such is entitled to a were passed and ordered paid as Beaver. dont women. understand from whom she was divorced Funeral services were held Tues prize, would seem to be due Mr.s concerned were made through the approved. nd later married Mr. Binjam. their in bills afternoon the of Hood by day of Louisville, who passage special Syracuse Rhoda Meeting adjourned. husband died several years chapel and interment was in the gave her husband, James E. Hood, legislatures. Two states, North ' habits ago. That minor personal Syracuse cemetery. a card signed by her reading as Dakota and Wisconsin, have permanent laws providing compensa- have no important bearing upon follows: I ones ability is illustrated by a This si to certify that I here- tion for wrongful imprisonment. A University of Pittsburgh surGeneral late to the hard little is anything that children imagine husband joke to go It by permit my vey mads of Pittsburgh In entrast with the ever increas- where he pleases, drink what he more tragic than the punishment Goethals, builder of the Panama the Juvenile appearing before When such Canal, was fond of telling on himMore elk were countrl on feedcourt flawed that 60 per cent of ing number of automobile deaths, pleases, and furthermore to enjoy of an innocent person. seems In every line of industry and ing grounds in the Jayson Eol that it fatal self. accidents to occurs, on of the of broken ladies company or unhappily passengers any lady them wtr products tira in railways of the country have, he sees fit, as I know he is a good compensation should be made a Long before the new ubiquitous trade higher wages are operating (Wyo.) region last Romes. costs. any previous year, CesemtionL dwindled almost to the vanishing judge. I want him to enjoy life fixed public policy in every state. "coffin nails became popular, or to increase production due to better equipment while he can, as I know he is go- No money payment can really com even respectable, the general be- Things are going to be more valu- Protector A. P. Nelaos, of the Peotl of the United States con- point, than money, and at such a United States Department and the in greater exercise of safety ing to be dead a long, long time." pensate for the mental and phy- came an inveterate dgarett smoker able sumed 1222,972,513 cigarcta time free buying is the part of Agriculture, reports. At tbe EH the a than by When major, Mrs. Whether sical suffering experienced Goethals, Hoods total precautions. attitude May, the largest monthly tts. Etj-m- q Based on the experience of a was a wise one is open to question, victim of false imprisonment, but was assigned the difficult task of prudence. Refuge, maintained ever recorded. him enin "Thre is ScTTt7 least in assist this after of Biological country an leading transcontinental railroad, bnt it probably saved a lot of argu it would at building the canal in 1907, tlsee had fail- ormous latent were counted, animals a ment. Her card of manumission making a new start in life. could power. other eminent travel buying around beach passenger engineers policethat is It reported L-Along-sid- e edmore on- three nearby i'--J is an it found even i' to world the times newspaper came a an when water2,400 without was ed, it Washington found smartest light men at Nice, the to enormous on his latent for tt demand t;tu Hoods itor commented unfavorably brought accident, and many times that far in grounds he ing after had pocket French Riviera, the on ing place Our clothes recount ret:At ertr things. killed 1,250 am After about without killed. shabby, 11,229, selection been the frean for and by job. being automobile, carry measuring sticks automobiles rattle, our houses before counted. Tta czzX'KfA Safety measures have achieved while walking alone and sober on ing the failures of others to ac- our quently apply them to see that need even the Baltimore painting. We need nearly ev- raid cooperatively t7 C 1 lostreet. newspaper the a too task, complish greater comparative results women feathers do not expose erything, and for 4 years we have gical survey, the with respect to railroad employees said: much of their figures. been buying the very starvation and the Wyoming can name A CV r After 27 in And heavens reduction of what judging 5,870 glasses of per eent in the , minimum. We were afraid to buy toss inhis f-NRA ) who in About a under we man number 2,C, Tonational parts of a the contest casualties to of in railroad fixing at Pr.ice of jelly expect its opening From the time coCsn-seeJ- .' because had smokes diand fallen tons of 7 100 is and a and prices middle codes 500 Kan., in workers was attained in a single peka, hair the 1932. steadily illegal tasting asmples in dustrial 1915, cj until June 30, and we were afraid of losing our were used during wfct ' commercial vessels had pass- year. It is figured that 'on an one day, Miss Florence Atwood of rect violation of the state consti- cigarettes? It was canal t tie the in the build do a jobs. Saturon Nebraska to elk did Yet Goethals one of these would be the thing feeding the Agriculture college tution, attorneys contended 4 ed thru tbs Panama canal, of average downward his to not the But of Nelson and two barbers continued spiral. Protector is defense tosat reirts. 120 had to it able he part for each work in dinner. jelly although years for day which 29,000 were United States, accident to do smoke when and is thing hair hair in the middle that would happen to everything charged with giving J and 18,000 were British; Japan him. C going the other way. Lower prices violation of the NRA. as long as he lived. 4000. in Jacques Vorln of cigarettes with cuts, third nearly ranks save. arr-unemployment, At present, it is pointed out by prices policeman who 3 Higher When Thomas Francis of Nor-bur- reemployment, buy. That is good promenading witkc-- 1 -- 7 c a recent writer, railroading is counBurglars seem partial to a cer111 It is claimed that books in Gen England, was arrested for sense and good business. tain neighborhood in Evanston, last longer than in safer than banking or any other try libraries houses robbed in were seven Herman Kennar " tl f he had five razors and eral Johnson. A passenger on there begging important where because calling. libraries " the city landed In jail fer i four bottles of beer. seven nights. air. a railroad train is safer than he 7 are less injurious fumes in the tJZ-ThCharles of Adele e a The Smithsonian Institution in Blagg Zeredme, popular Mile. Nottingham, ding ring for lls to con- would be sitting in his own home Paprika has been found Miss Jane Crews of London was Eng., was fined because his son earth is ze?? ta southern Idaho has found fossil dancer of Vienna, r bought an show. a vitamin much as attending Many large times tain four water in a for put for her of which two coat French whipping cats that evident-killin- g ermine pail from poodle given a jail sentence ing at the rat cf five systems go a whole year without skeletons C as oranges and lemons, hitherto cow kicked part of the milk. of existed $5,000. cost before a a kitten. long . every 1000 years. the ice age. at a ly ssenger. to be the only source. s. !? y, fc it--. V offi-gert- ftf - lev, . , 2 repr" L- - lev-ilc- j L Pp- ty .. 'Layton-KaysaiU- pfy. .vr - prjie-tioall- Utah Wheat tifawers Fottltry IVoitucts Foutlryman Warns ... Code la Under T Gel Against Forciitff Til Consideration nment Fnym - - Business Meit Tell How NR Permits P 5-- n 1934-35- I - ae $16.-24- ty s Worship Dead Ac.tor ll m Classes Next Vcc!x. -- .. Wrongful n, Imtirisonmfent . Ruby Stringham Announces Clothing 6; l sftfe-guafe- - ds Da-vis-, $12,-450.2- 0; s Mary. Hortenc6 Barber Dies at Her Hoirte in Syracuse $42,-425.2- 0; $15,-382.0- 2; $2,-881.- Binclii Mary E. Sister R. We!!;:? Lenient Wife parent-teacher- Sunset, E2:3 - let A Critics Error Her-seco- With Advances Certain Now is The Strange But True Railway More Elk Last Vintcr Time To Buy Safety wter ti - Code Price Fixing Termed Illegal In Barber Case 7 64,-96- tit 35-ce- nt y, thought M 1 v A " Z |