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Show S o 0 0 O 00 & o jS o eo 0o a THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH o o Ihe ANSWER "Thcy's a gentleman, lUJ'.im X, had warned her to be on her guard appointment, an he dldng sue IHl ugalnst Bii. li an occasion. This mnn name. An h$a got the tnui tlo- ws g reporter, a subtle nnd Interviewer vlio hnj pln fever saw down me wind of her fights up an 5SS occupation. fcroen nvenoo made Into a horsesldw aad Aie was Indlgcd to be In 1 Sn;!f Stiwfccd. ISlalnlj gunman had arrived ,CHAPT&Fk onlj" adh'erUsMeif heena the caiAs jivhfcA 'i hoiil. nyiilVd te a lie he f ety that k ha y - Qpoiey U the rood t.t ; dlaappolathspnt and the baelneoe iti,t o fy had iWotet, eome to Jet ,. e&iH'VUtlofi JHfRKE make my getaway. ms-terliwisl- WtfsU ontrWr(i , , kil00. 1me tlfilngo t that AOJ tUore that f want t Fra going fn as ari kjuwv yoit,1 cuipe htrwfo tlmt. then I tost jny nfrv.t Mart Fteifo? tf 4 , again." ,, Tod certainly hath, fiSwlf AjtreetJ the nerte It the ftwvently, ii wo iM." fwvidte hlA remark alaiul wttoplnce. "tfcd n aivant.tr' 11 wlmle , back 1. ahe fcjsd ,V herwMf regretfutly, anthlhdurd a,i had proved Anti) the aflwni of (it A getaway, hlU ahe rocQgnlrefl WHO toetv wUh Re eajertilcl korrtn. ak& hkff AtMai in character for A Aa tifierald .Sofscaho did tef vTcidnltely Ahandnwed lhal theofy. To fust eoe tenant Jeuri eta I frlaad o( CliarU-enew genu he Aer hitA This was luggeel li doubt Ooatmned is the eolo4 fact film IT wa aurf Mw evtlth t A net was M diwpetad e? he eurroainding Giese aa tom Jb wlat J- - yes , dearie such an wflognment would repovterf eh I Tie "Aye yew aha at oac,e twgaft truculently, thing erlefitaV tnyatceioua and me gulte aa violent a he winter' ow vnoaldfirtsf bt eltor-fit- e ijalred. Smlf atepiwi) A ene way. festle ahouk he youngerl aUtef flow the , the ttveory. hick ahe had never aensed hefure. her? Wot hal M ftiattefrl. hint I rare it alk la tuothee l( "No, laid the Hwo. . aufprlaiptf lot,- ehe aal hucelnct-lfSmlfl" ahe eidi hi 14 fA wihvw why should Jvtt opportunity 0 ihtffvkw A Thl 1 why vantai te iwk hook her head, Wat ntiue. piestloa wief te foe, Mn dame. Therat Just a "Medium Suite, ah earewt 1 gunman It was, however, A fltrd p l.,y -"Isnt f i ew eftence i toe-u- t ffaionf. '' tilt SIC QUESTION Uwct CNitlR m4lav4 h0t.,fi ht. 8 . 0 hd t that even yat ahe hat he wished toeoimiilt 10! ha allly," laura faoln0d "What t the world pettishly. would I want te eornitt you elvoett I only wanted te yrm. Yota twod not hae come het t do that, Smlf pointed out. f.aur'e rejoinder wa tart 1 had te eome to limt ut !f jo ahow of nlly were making mieh Wltr eft foe fetug te apeod te psnirt ,. for tt Why didn't Jeu vacation?" ahe ask me what I wae doing, : Depend cvI'kI i whe out. man ji Hftf tll ene t-- t tDCt ON to man?" etralght tf And a hnt de you want m. Jtflsa Madam Geofs-t- t lxeljV asked. I'm ready te help feu, you know that." 1 want ?'! fe toe Wadooml elle tvotine for A few tolnafee nmVa aura of Mra flamprojwaie faersleya fv hefoee elie aeee wir. flmlf ahoer.t tooth In a highly tnaliolona gfl eijd Madame !" Georgetlt ejanitated God eete Ym wonldnt he fakin addinyj money t1f Ua iwe 11 . !-- j j - ' tCrrely?- - He ko a for the see, a iharper. 1 rkmcj," it SUPPED fcr - rv- I thought you of uema. Fardo toe, I . left off the . What adject!?!- . rtra said ma - $ Adjcc-- - . XJmlted. . make flieie wltlMtrt olntjvrente ewU her ptensiuc. b; rintr. yoj. Wuildnf elng?" said lightly enough. other sniffed, "I could sing, all suppose I his friend, Answer! Magazine. notes. Extreki af k Kind' were the spoiled discussing They ;ooDf iDEk ; on of a mutual friend. "He has bees ordered by the docf ?fe ftnh toofe As Just returned' tor to take aotne eierdee, said Aron feifi He India, and Insisted Black. , "And is her guerked White. upni iWaerihlog the fope trick., koa esif keUeve what you HkJ?, "Well, If Jumping at conclusion M bift t leW yow gome of and running eg Allis te eierciae, astpd, thee fakir esn ttieow rope fip Iftto yes.. the elf, ihos eitmh op K tbeigselYea ABd Them, emijeely fanlsh. Aft e hori alienee eM Yelloty i( "f'siv yon, hy eny chance, do Atilt to-- 0 W m .one or that tkk '1tv. 4e M f luiaA eke What Itovrgvf fN Jt V hfd lie R- -rt Jofttr her Brown hne offered N .-evil at 'Vhicij eu7- - ti1 ls f t Moth faay Yaatlfi Wlio'a the tirlghleat Tommy? rln, Hilt Nmltht Tommy In your to t I am at awful talking til laiura wm eager te wmke the argument commonplace and te drive home her fotiteMlone, "Th truth ta, what you wanf la money, aa yo owned at first; and wet for charity or any high faluttn object hul Just for aelf Indulgericf. .Toe want te hny had loreljlej. All right, nay you eould htiy ft fmek, what would you do with It?" cart make tt self ewpportlftg, which la what Hltl l.e oaight e Yu'r fOM TIIE done- - ok, luowto e Ue In fa Cmaa Wfty ffo you keep a parrotf Becnuse I like t beat H Jalk. The. p.nrroj Is the enly creature gifted wMk the power ef sirecli that Is content te repent Just hat It hear wlthput frying to make a king ptory. at lt,1 YlontKoaJ Sta. Iffaa af tw-' Tbnta the econd lime tpdaylve seen that man- following that woman la anotfc-eear, yelling et lev all the r lie pretend he won't have t study I . AIs low flgure- tdee? EFrECf? lime. Yet, ffkat'e' Vff Johnson, He teaching hi wife te drive, hut hel ot taking any rinks tlmtolf I", prig.1 hare surely ymittolfr-iaii- lte ttughlng alV t)h, fvr Juef 1 S H pounds a foot." aloe w ene tInt.No. He said, Male ft A (jHlrtef, and YiJ foge eiytolf,- Button! apisaed heertnf trey wn of wulef, an ; w hich were w fde amt the aandwlchtw. Saving yln?y. o ymlf eyed the f-- 4 ieas you fvn.ttierfjN,,, did the ms to figlitlng aculo. You've lent foe two tie estd, front teeth. .Teve, Its llko thoae? win Non -- No. loin he huy "esnt gtwt pop; g eaa te t would cat one of youra while hee pvlut, kto !" Its g1p09 A aumher goM, g t liio fn toy fife I am ueful mem-her of society. am ashanm! whear t think of the yea m wastes! im lji.st it for a mere nw wortk ever twenty blatghf nr tp . ft8 gong, Vow'nicem 1ht jntt earf fwetv-ul- t Of the year.-v- hf me profeastonklly! In that cue 1 c back te the welting mm end Nddir you kvu'W lhal wvi esalA whet l'rr roady. 111 aeivA fee y- -a tea go n Jot ! g china ehovT Id weally like te oblige, " the Wien AesltMH. "tiut I dont ace how Hii 0 fia Wavik Whifw f could, even If There waa any boom "I dropia'd tilckel In front wf A risk of losing Mind hegyar o1k to to If to tt. Id N faking filel my nerve eg:ilw end running sway. U P- And C enty actually weed your ed wvit, dM - f my-If,- " he said to I could bnve The right, but f conlJn't get the right tfooa?t "Show the gentleuma Into the . od melting rooie,- - li veil Thci round trig cwrher t tl.o g Mull's Ich efiop. fit ha aandw lotos thSay. and cfc!n-chw'- ' Y'oifteA duna In git, YoUtp ti; got Money? rl at tons, ntid tan Ve.irn, ourslf. tahed on Ida errand, Supproraing Ami', pm if eWt Thlg cede foe entift torn u h'f head alowly. ueual, hmlf took her iiiiicii tt.io "I am not making at.ow rf dally to Ave. devising hr she said. "I nm making mod-etriwt, And that la w. hut I act out t To eait for Ituftmie coming, o I have e use foe money. touted herself ! "Most jHvipIe have." tauira beusticd chair 1m the twinge end i;;:M,d g this aside, VToufe only j)iMlnt, cigarette. M had dl nigh h'niif. You must know thla cant g effort (A miming tor imvr, mi. U can't kaca one alstee end twfora aa engagement miiti aa a tor of charlutaw. client ehe Alwayg trlial to empty on the gulHltlw 1 am rot a charlatnn," hmtf returned wit limit henf. 'Tor fti firs prne-t'cin- ?f he haa mme here tfl epy on me. I would- .- .Vmlf declared. -- fihe deeefrea to tie punished. Moreover, tn any rase, to make he appreciate that tide ta a aerloua bflslnc.ii she he made te pay eerlona money for a aight of me. And, of eouree, ahe wont pay w penny tf ahe knowa win Madame Saltoo ta. So I'll find out that winch before aea her.- . You certainty ere wfne Madame fleorgettee admiration wa unaffected. . itnt Id. better eend yon Jalna. Shes new alnce Mrs. Hammeraley hough! anythng off me, there'll he fn rlk that ahelj recognlae her. A few minute later tanfw'e eoll-fud- e was hroken fn upon by the ab lent entrance of aedjite hlack. roVd figure, notebook la hand. ."Good .morning, Madame, the girl said. The name la Mre. lame 0 he tr t. e, y-- Uh 'ln'l Wea wfte Madame ffaltes le and Tia eome te consult fi ia goo faith. Hut II Laura tiai eome snooping and tliat le hat t snepect t mean Tie hr, shook his head sadly. plot of land over there T' h!s companion. year that See Ifecaska J'l!heratJ;gjkinee knvnri? ff, Well. It. Unk tfthg to run off. he rejbluvi. .i ftuft'y 1 (jnn lwaya Wa hf Sbe--The- tjd l ikfFS pocuredv i't 1 The man Little Smi Jtervlewftfi. 0 It an ltista nf she inis on l&r feet "fftie dfor lo Just Ixgilnd 301 l,iya fi JllSt ffisln-unkin- g THtf BtFFlCULTY Hie 0cpatlw bee a big rrkenff, to Artlst-F- Ve man gplng lo you r atudlo every day Io the lust week. I Rw flitting fer you? Artist No; he'ft Wying lie' e hill eellcctoe. fr ftv Toe No? aw If Ttule! nne a lot ef yardsticks, . Laura eweid Ignoring the Interruption: t "And (hat would only he postEatlih Aayway Uatnmersleyr. tTef, air wae busi- poning the evil day. tt U hound to What wakes you nesslike. . ask dbk(eh out tha of . you, family. go Kokomo Is prospering" now? Yes," Lanre eonftrmed this what do you think would liecome I gw tsatisl the WII eo Hi Tishtlsh Welk I law grdvy Bt&lna "tie Dm It ws ah let Tee graciously. Since ahe had foolishly of the xitanlatlofi after you dted? . his vest, never have gtrea her name, ahe eew no help Youll any children, and her mini? of eprculatfovis and ef coins la fuld siiftVMloA at But- - J ' fee it to of ste'd left If . (t .ue, . yow any a lie tic as well a of her toil who caught them dftrrly amt,! , Trla Tar fbto-f- f The girt made. tt entry m a he only toe amloua to sell It fow Ttlsa ew fH eeretrto A grl o Ms freckled face, with Hul alio waa case. prevloua ur blank page. And the addresa? hand .SinIT, lie Then I won't kiss you. ffojack What do you do With. (get It sff to docile client win made off without waiting fo oMcrs. Khe Wei), I think IM serve at aay you dull old r.r.or blades? That tow wav aurrendefetf tw dou'l be an Idiot lie satisfied with stayed where they were put. Feeling ttmt th eltuntlofi bad Fkdofcumv-iRJiav- e with them. ay. tnctantly because tt wa useless to something aiiitable. Ill get Jim to ' tVinn ah we mmMw te now gon quite bayoed he font rot, fluently dear Utile place ip fhe control a atart when attempt t hide IL hug you vole et Sinlf mutely held out fhe plate. He "Thla le e first cnftulatle, I country. In Virginia, (? tliata what her elbow, In anything but g tn f gniest bellied hltnaelf and believer . you want; and, If yoi renjly. need eald: took flpology, R large bite before apenklng. "Tea. fAfiothe entry.? , . It, we'i) manage aa allowances fil-tJfadatu Excuse me, you're ! Hwert eandwlcbra he fiumMT. one hundred dotlare-f- w The fee -. Laura meant to be kind pmf ene arent you?Toa live the Algh, don't you?advance," of tw of her argument had struck ' .The gunman, if Afid oure. he young womew looked ta hflr iaterest t tbl new epecl-meheme. Amlt had loiig been sure she Buttons, bey valiant prolwfof, was o humanity, ffmlf forgot he pectantly., f would never marry and asked . absent, I aever carry auch as amount nf watched het olHitot help bald the hunger why brutality ofjbe Tes, she reptled, t timing grid fat- himself ind money with wiel- Ijitir exclaimed. statement that she woyld- - oevet another anndwich, ttie te him telly. Bet eyebrows rained, Naturally not," Jain .returned, have any children had given her ing first hhvln disappeared, as ahe . a whole alf ef twsentinant he , your check will he entirely "like e rPjiirw'e e But was it ;tevwar ufh the sugpang? I am Madame Salfon. At tha Mr Nammersley. .1 ran gestion. that the ehould-.llreout Moment t am engaged. When I an Vabblt hlanft ehecfc---Osupply jrott with "Do Raw k Mfldwfch," he Tfttlled her lire dependent pa' Jim Upnj, to c yotk joe win be hundred dollars or aofhlngl merslcy'e bounty that roused her to ready . g Re hospitably, seizing the fast . The thought raa prtposterou Laurg rebellion. ad. fcr Aasde . , end Atof ab fumed fie back efio plate from hesitated1, fiheuld ahe refuse Te pay Youre ry gene'roue . Tor. Jim, Mm, elpecting him to accept W It to fie. hering 'll inf re away? . . , , Laora, ahe aldt angtllj. ."Please dismissal. Instead he same iwlftly What' did en A (e but fa Alt nH- Seeming to read he theaghi the forget that plan, 'a I shalk J gm himself seated place-aand iavidwt the vhe late lounge utlegetranger closed her little book.fc girl entirely Able to Support myself. Im en a rhal facing he, hanging hie enb's office aid wolfed ene' lunch? -N yow pfefe to postpioh the sorry If you (Tont approve of my Stnlf acknoWledge that ahe did bo she laid cheerfully too business. I find ft both r.emuhera-tl- kat and boat 00 Its hark. lnattef te tell wanted know f didnt, yon "I and, dtcceptlng hi Infltatlo enly cheerfully, Laura thought .Tlalnly ahd enjoyabfe, and I propose trf want 4 see yog et alf. te to have oae ef he owe aaodwlchea, that was The tdeaThl was 6ne Continue It. It U useless to aiue munched mildly. compaplonahly, regarding atrgted of Smlf She farther.- gigantic AdulTs, ehmkTcff of hefaelf Siblf tin ihe whlla, la apiyalsingly spite La urn fohnted tefliaaf kijd Seeing t fast that her first . ef- Tt had atnlck het that this wal Asldh fYon the pla, bis attire wa would Chortle wltk.oy i ridding fort had bee'h wrongly directed very gentle gtwiran. Andthvtewai coavenlonal. tlie KjuiI, herself J (er. ji IllUe TAura tried cntreajfes. In time even something mif aldf perjiaps, hui well ut and bo-ebarmlng 1 wdrf Jusf Wfttidpflng If f tad Working herself up 4$ thd poinj .clmcklew. . vine mf: my. .own fheoks wrfh Ills shoes eacelkrntL Jilt Coming. e. . tsar. , . That ? kad, ahe said tfllf hands, by which- ehe was flveft to' 'Lauta .said' deliBerately. "You caw "We toveloif, SmLf," alxe averred: twinkling, --Tccane Jon art eeeliky YydgltPg character, were leta, ct-00ldnd'me afev t lippos J pr. Tlow can, we bear te have yofl rbn me, arent you? What do yoi eup. . fhs a stuk." , stfing.;,WjrlY preportloneff, Vorr, - TUEN thiugs ere planned,, under The fingers n nit hew long eot short, powe eirn fit done about ItF Open to visits-froVas Saltotf, nerhTv!fated, she 'ft-ooNEVVIlOl'SEI.. THE at be vlsltoekvoted t . theyll "AbtTUng., jrbmjited, a dhe tilled out the chp ck tfle osp awfuj- people Jn a public bhealls wpl) ckrefffoe, but Bofpof-IshdAlmost every important event social or end handed.lt thb waiting glrk building like thlA WJiy,,I met the Hep without rracldng a smile. Fll The hands of a maa ef taste, , busincss-rh- as "And how f Jlopb for its locale Salt Lake' ahe decided, and fihoa smiled broad-lwill not 1b tnosk tiiTlbl .Creature, .4. gunman ace, flxlamholy 1ft Iti.lean eleva-fo- r Wa oht Jit of undr? f'w eyes eomlng the .Finest gray as Hotel. accounts for. its overah sandbj to ur, That her eat he dnv suggested. continued delayi long," tI 'ltl a huge horseshoe stralgfjf black fcrowl. Eyes Hint wiches with tejlsh. The word struck trot accustomed to waltlngi" , whelming popularity among . were looking at her withaWlty her. as peculiarly Appropriate le the Jplna wai pleased, yflth her iroit ,la hls.neekti.to . tool . . guestL, i SLmlf burst ehiflaughlng,, , that threateoed lo degenerate Into, circumstances. role. People with the Inflection Mrs. Ilkmmerisley. employed always , To. think whaj I. missed 1" she a stare. If wag not I face that fle(f the Newhouse .Hotel You caq have Ihst sandwich," cfled:. Unfortunately your rubbed her' the wrong way. the emerald. It occurred to her she volunteered, w.eakly giving way Balt Lake "No longer than is necessary, wajs cot one of my clients, that it-- was not a modem face, its to t'he Instinct Innate In womevery I. assure you Laud. . V . You may as well break llkd'had looked out upon her iram an from, the time Eve shared her Madame, she said.Moroni. ethers . that there's noth- canvasses by It t ttie It Is a. concession: on Madame a SPECIAL only apple with Adam, to feed the with Smlf. .As usual, Im pot so, sure now .that t dont male of the part to receive, you at all with- ing to will species. "Bultpos ' Intermountaln Double out an appointment. She bowed She's a.s obstinate as a mule. Keep want fo see, you, he. remarked with be here soon with more." Rate herself out, and agAIn Laura was them; from1 .bothering me and Ill an effect ef casualness, plunglng Sure .be Indont you wknt.ltr Plus 50e Rate. his forever. now And Single run hts hand la podkets, and .conleft to her owp devices. Time bless you, as .nursery manner dictated, quired lo 14.00 $2.00 a Single her contractunder to like good Buttons girl. My times tinuing study at. last along passed slowly until took and went Doable It while she (.,.$2.50toS4Ji0 ekgerly, . worth money." ed brows. Youre good. All this, you . appeared once more. her steps to know" He. withdrew a hand, on wltli her mental appraisement "Madame Raltou will see you now .As Smlf All Outside Rooms Unexpectedly his voice, broke in Eech With Private Beth If you will come this way, he the middle of the lounge, thought- waved It around the room vaguely : . said, and led her past the angles fully tapping her lips with Lauras and again plunged It back up to the on her thoughts. Garage facilitiea of the corridor Into the, lounge at folded check. Buttons entered from wrist "Well, what's your. decision) I Adjoining recalled thaLTharles hope to the lord I ilont look such a the rear. the passage. Then Smlf fool as I am. . The room was "modernistic, the . walls sharply patterned In black, He was not unobservant then. . . THE STORY FROM THE BEGINNING . red and gold ; the floor black, highly Perhaps even he had affected bis polished; the hangings of the little Fonowinf lb wedding ot her niece, Clnb-n- , which hf he fin. need. Matilda Smith Intense Interest In. the sandwiches stage red velvet, a tone softer yet Lovely (Smil," by her own ineiatenc e), yeungeat and phyic.lly th weightiest ot the tour to give her the opportunity to study as vivid as geranium. The boy went Lovely sUtere, find hereeM in decidedly ftraitened circumhtancee. Sh haa made plana him. Mra J. H. Waters , W. E. Sutton out the way he had come and again lor tha future, however, which aha refuaca to divulge to her elatera, prominent figuree in Chaunrey W. West President with unusual Buttons, Ass t tirn'l Manager General York aodety. The Lovely eeUte, Lovelylea. hi Virginia, la owned by SmiTa brother, arriving' New ftlanager waited. I.Aura Then the curtains but be la living in Chile, while tha aetata ia rented to a Mr. Johnatena Netbit. expedition, relieved her of the neparted silently and Madame Saltou SmiTa d earet eriah ia to own LovelyUa. Under the name 'Madame Saitou" ah a cessity of replying. advanced. haraelf aa a Litti Slater aI tha a consultant on, wot. however, . fM 11 and-Oh- THE EXTRAS- - 1 a , y . MORE SATISFACTION ANt BE DOUGHY d o. -- n (?00 tsar-sel- de-Cla- re intri-loh- eatle-factar- . , ne eott-fled.- " emp-tyin-- , . . Oerfc-Te- a, I think S t ea afford thoUr t marry. I'm saved Marly tend! dollar The Pose I'll Iffmlt that the tat- - ttal scat t aet C real hut the -- n X v ; WWCItPAY DATt rt ' .. - :0 At The -- o I. i ' 8, sflch-rkji- T its m ff-c- ' t Say, old. mail, 'lend me k Aver aptll pay day, will you? . What kind of pay day, when f on .f et your envelope or when you will pay me?, ' , . . - . . DONT register teown-,m?sd- y erid out-of-tow- n . gun-m- at - Sal-tou- Be-do- . HOTEL Staylate lour father la an early riser, isnt he? Alias Bored Tee; did you hear him stirring? mid the iwlnclpal to Wfl teacher who does wot believe In Sparing Ihe rod. J)o you ne them every period? "Welt, I don't are tlbem as a rule. NEWHOUSE Bill-Le- e. aatab-Baha- Rich, ft (TO BIB CONTINUED.) |