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Show uu GRANTSVILLE PIONEER DEAD Grantsvillt. Utnh. Dec. 15 Aroct L Hale, a pioneer of GtantsUlle, rtan died hon yesterday. Mr. Hale was born May 18, 1S2S, being S2 cara of age. He came to Utah in 1S4S and lived In GrantsIlle until he was callM on a mission to Las Vegas. N , lu 1S5G. Ho also went on a mission to tho Muddy in 1SG7. He was one if Senator Clark's guests on the trip of Ihe pioneers oer the old trail to California Cal-ifornia at the opening of tb Salt Lal route, which followed the trad of the Mormon missionaries, of whl'-h Mr Halo was one or the number Hf ! survhed by nineteen children who live In Idaho, Oiogon. Wyoming. Cn'o rado and Utah; also forty-nine grand children, a number of great-gran 1-rh'ldren 1-rh'ldren and one great-grcat-grand-chlld |