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Show WHAT WOOL MENWANT Duty on Wool Now Favors Fa-vors the Eastern Manufacturer Omaha. Neb., Dec. 15. A wool tariff that will protect, was tho subject sub-ject of tho address of F. "W. Ellen-wood Ellen-wood of Red Bluffs, Cal.,. at the second sec-ond day's sobsipn of tho National CWoolgrowcrs' 4Sth annual convention.- Mr. Kllcnwood's address was in the rihtnro of a protest against what he .rcpresonted as unfair treatment of the wool grower by tho manufacturers. manufactur-ers. He produced figures to show that tho so-called "compensatory duty" on wool cloth, intended only to rojmjj tho manufacturer for the money mon-ey paid by him, either as duty on Imported Im-ported wool or in advanced prim for domestic wool on account of the tariff, tar-iff, Is too high, because it Is briscd on the false assumption that tho duty on first -grado wool Ip en.'Kil to 3" cents a pound computed o na scoured )a8'is. He also complained that the compensatory com-pensatory duty is paid on goods. onl a small portion of which Is of wool, thus giving the manufacturer an au-' au-' vantage to which ho Is not entitled. . The present law is baBed on the supposition that greaso wool shrinks two-thirds of Its weight In scouring. Tho rato of 11 cents per pound on grease- wool Is supposed to equal 33 conts on the 'scoured product. Importers, Im-porters, by selecting the leas dirty portions of tho fleece, reduce this shrinkage to an average of 39 per cent, so that tho eleven-cent tariff on groase wool equals only about IS Cents- figured on a scoured basis. Mr. t EJIen wood urged a change in I lie law so that the tariff shall be computed , on the acpurcd basis in every case. Mr. Kllonwcod produced figures to show that tho wool in a $50 suit of ' clothes brings the wool grower onl ', about $2, thus refuting the charge that the tariff on wool Is responsible for .the high prices of clothing. 1 Other addresses were on the prac- ' tlcal work of sheep growing The prize winners In sheep wero nn- "naunQed today. Among tho winners .;. -wefoir, ''V ; xitK&&' -' "Uncolns: Ram, 2 year-3 old. first. I'nivorsitv of Wyomlns, Laramie. Wyo. Ewe, one oar old. first. M. S. |