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Show H i NOT ALL SCOUNDRELS. K i i , The day after the jtfc-Naraaras confessed, the Salt Lake labor K! anions passed resolutions, demanding that the 'dynamiters" be Kr . ' given the extreme penalty. The Salt Lake Tribune, in .an editorial M J ' -of severe denunciation of the criminal element in the unions, says: i . Those who affirmed so heatedly and so unreservedly i their certainty of the innocence of the McXamaras, and K their firm judgment that the eases against them were H J "plants" in the interest of capital to discredit labor, are H'U now among those who are discontented because the ItfcNa- &j maras were not sentenced to be hanged, and are denounc- Hr ing the court for its lenity towards those self-confessed pHHj ;, blatant humbugs are in terror lest the McXamaras may pHjj. change their minds and conclude to tell all they know. It pHj would suit these fraudulent protestors far better to have Kyj the McNamaras hanged than to have them live 'with the Pk ' possibility hanging over them of what the McNamaras pVI might tell to their criminal discredit. U is high time that pKf the genuine, honest labor element cut itself free altogether Hf from those 'loud-mouthed humbugs; that it weeded out VH . from its ranks all of the blatafit shoutcrs, all of those who Hi , simply use the labor cause and the labor organizations for Hlj thejr'own idle and evil purposes. It is'evide;ii that the LHj . labor organizations of the country must do this in order to pKa regain in the esteem of the public the confidence in them Hf . f which has been shaken byv their yielding to the dominance H and guidance of such self-seeking scoundrels as have hereto- H fore too often appeared as. representatives of labor that HII - they themselves, vile windbags, would be the last to share in. Hi ; That is the severest castigation the "blatant humbugs" have kHL - received in fact the condemnation is extreme. There are men in LE tnc laDOr unions who believe that the only remedy for the evils LLt? of the capitalistic system is force. They are not "blatant lmm- H ' bugs" or "self-seeking scoundrels;" they arc simply misguided pK ! champions of labor who, in their fanaticism, are injuring the labor VR cause. It mav not be generally known., but it is 51 fact, that there is a growing element among the working classes advocating that might makes right, claiming that, inasmuch as the capitalists, through vicious enactments in state and national legislation, are allowed to J be a law unto themselves, labor, through force, should likewise be- come a la3T unto itself... jj yien 4)f that distrusting nature, in whose minds the wrongs 3ufforedbyr,-the laboring classes arp magnified and made insur- F mountable except through violence, 7arc 'not morally bad or vie- jj iously mean. They Avould be patriots, if their cause were a I national one; they would be heroes, if patriots: but, serving the I submerged part of society, they are nothing but deluded emotional- ists dynamiters. w Theirs is not all the fault. "Wo are all' somewhat to blame for any large body of men failing to have faith in our laws, our courts 8 or industrial conditions. Too many abuses in high places are al- lowed to go uncorrected and unchecked and money is given too much weight in the scales of Justice. "While those inequalities exist, there J will be resentment in thought and action on the part of the ag- I gjrieved and violcnco is to be expected from the few whose minds are highly receptive, whose temperaments are impulsive and whose self-restraints are weak. |