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Show 'Denver Adds a New ! f- Chapter to Its Pub- lie Scandals ; ! "J: Denver Dec. 15. Harry J. Arnold, assessor of the county of Denver, and Bwho claims that under the consolidn-w-ction of tho city and county ho should retain that position, was ejected from . his office bp u band of city hall cra-Igiloyes, cra-Igiloyes, policemen and detectives, if whom (he assessor declares wore farmed, at an early hour'todav. 'f ' Hiram Hill, a btate senator, allgn-Jed allgn-Jed politically with Mayor Robert W. 4 Spoor, took iK)ssession as assessor, if with tho aid of the officers. Hilts, at ian adjoin ned session of the board of I supervisors two hours earlier, had if been confirmed by a vote of four to 5 three on the recommendation of, tho ' mayor. i The change of assessors was attend -j. ed by great disorder. Arnold was nt-,-; tending a meeting when ho learned k ; that the supervisors wero taking ae- t tion summarily to oust him. Acr-om-' pauicd by two deputies, he hurried ; to his offico and locked and barri- ' caded tho doors. AVhen Hilts and his ' fiupporters appeared they were denied j admittance. An iron bar was procured pro-cured and a plato glass window ! l broken. Through this opening the f police crawled, followed by the new assessor. After a long argument, ' during which Arnold refused to leave, ' he was told that unless he gave up. - the offico ho would be carried out. Two detectives took him by the arm and led him out of the building, : his deputy being treated likewise. Then tho new regime placed a guard at tho door of tho offico and the ': crowd dispersed. 5: It is said that Arnold's refusal to ' spread on the books an additional ; lax levy of three mills precipitated :i tho action of tho Hilts faction. Bc-j( Bc-j( foro tho window -was broken, it is j said that tho telephones in tho sis-5 sis-5 sessor's offico -were put out of com-jf com-jf mission by cutting tho wires, or plug- glng vital parts. "There was no tiro of offering re-I re-I slstanco to tho armed force which. -' carao to take possession of my office," i, said Mr. Arnold today. "They nad t laid their plans long nofore they came to tho court house. This is shown i bv the fact that tho telephone wires w were either cut or plugged. The best lawyers in Tfcn$er . are off,c ring-j ring-j '-me their services gratis. I have not ; formed my plans fully, but I have not J attempt toretako tho office by force. I? Every action will be legal." unncirocK, ijorvaiiiK, ure.; scconu ami third. I'nlvorslt.v of Wyoming. Kwc lamb, Urst. second and third, I'nhersity of Woming. Pou of four lambs: First. Unlver- slty of Wyoming. Championship ram: I'nhersity or Womlng. I ! ! ! II PI I limil'lll'IIH1 II HI II II I I" H I I II I M |