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Show 1 Dry and Irrigated Farm Lands I JU In Eastern Elko County, Nevada, Reached Directfy 1 WW by the Main Line of the Southern Pacific vfa the I fftl New Eight Mile Branch from TuSasco-on the 1 jflG Main Lineto Metropoiis, a New Town Located 1 im 'm the Heart of om of the Richest and Most I lM Fertile Agriculture Regions of the Bntemrcountain i A West Six Hours Ride From Ogden. I II At the J'mes "'crc awarded exhibits of OATS, DRY LAND WHEAT, I,'! I Ogden Four- W00D RRrER apples, wealthy appt.es. climax ami m If J B State Fair SILVER PLUMS grown on and near project. M I ', I Water for the Is furnished by a complete system of irrigating canals and lat- gl - 1 I Irrigated ?r.ftJS tll watt'r being stored in the great reservoir in g $V H Fisrmc Bishop Creek Bawin, where at present there is under construe- ffi J a, r aLlll tion an immense dam of concrete, rubble reinforced with steol, H i" D and earth fill. H ,; For Grain, t The land embraced in this project is unexcelled. Oats this B J I Vegetables -5 'cnr avcraEccl 88 bushels to the acre and took first prize at the I Wi-M Qnrf "i?niic ' IflSt Sclen Four-State Fair in competition with Utah, Idaho jja H rrUIlS -; - and Wyoming. Apples grown in this section took five first t V jH prizes at the same show. . . P Q I Rich Soil Turkey Red wheat grown and harvested during the fall of 1911 m v! I Oil Drv averaged 7.8 bushels to the acre. The soil consists of an allu- 3 -?' H " T J Va deposit , rJcu loam, free from shad scale and grease D v il JbariTl JLandS wood, and bearing sage brush from five to twelve feet in ffil M hcight m 'J jB One Of the ' ERECTED AT A COST OP OVER $75,000 will be opened tlm K w M Finest Hotels month, with rooms with bath, electric lights and hot and cold J UM B In Nevada running water at METROPOLIS, the new town with a modern 3 lM townLOTSS waterworks system, electric lights, school house, comment side- 13 R iH NOW SELLING ! v walks and graded .streets in preparation for paving. H flf Iffi Terms -AM our contracts of sale are made on the basis of 10 per cent 3 13 IH nf ovm, 5 per cent November 15th. 1912, 5 per cent November vi rH o i " " 1-th, 3913, and the balance in eight equal annual payments of Kj lH Sale 10 per cent each on November 15th of each year, with interest Bft 1 'H at Per oen Per anuum on deferred payments. Eg If Pacific Reclamation Company I I'l Ogden Office Salt Lake City OlSiee I 1 1 370 24!h Street 712 NewSioiise Building 1 III- PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION ' ' To" ' San Fraeelseo I Via 1 I D.&R.G.-"dWESTERN,PACiriC J I Dec. 28, 1911 j I Mound Trip Only $39 1 Through Cars from Ogden without change. - g ! For Full Information and Sleeping Car Reservations Write or Call on ! jjj F. FOUTS, Agent -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- Ogden, Utah t City Ticket Office :-: :-: :-: :-: Reed Hotel Building El ! Rio Grande Western. Pacific 1 1 The World's Pictorial Line i I Electric Appliances j 1 are the most up-to-date Christmas gifts. They can be used all year to I (' I bring pleasure, save time and reduce the labor generally about the house, j j 1 You will make no mistake by selecting any of the following: I i I Coffee Percolator Toaster Flat Iron u 1 i Chafing Dish Disc Stove Heating Pad E 1 Shaving Mug Curling Iron vVacuum Cleaner I I ' "' Washing Machine' I - I Make This Am Electric Oirfslieas E I I Utati LigM & Railway Co. fel ''Electricity for Everything." 1 EXCURSIONS FROM Ogden and Salt Lake City TO East and Return Missouri River points $40.00 St. Louis, Mo 49.00 Peoria, III 51.10 Chicago, III 55.00 StoP'Overs Allowed. Datoc 1 Nov. 18 0T &ale j Dec. 21, 22. Reduced rates to other points. For further Information, address C. F. WARREN, Gen'l. Agent. A. T. . S. F. Ry. 233 Judge Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah. P3 1AY3 Pp SHOP Ogden Lumber Co., Cor. of 20th SL and Wall. . I Overstocked. i OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN. i 2xC. S in. 12. U, 16 ft $18.50 per M. I 2x4 samo lengths ?19 per M. No 1 Cdar ShlneieB, S2.C0 por M. No. 2 Cedar Sh'nglcs. $1 C5 per M No 2 V. G. Flooring, $32 per M. No. 3 V. G. Flooring, $24 per M. No 2 special V. G. Flooring, $27.50 per M. good grado of 8-inch ruGtic $25 per M. Excellent ceiling $22 por M. 1x6 Sheathing, good, ?18 per M. COME QUICK WHILE IT LASTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN, UTAH U. S. DEPOSITARY. Capital and Undivided Profits v275.O0O.O0. David Ecslca, Pres. 1 G. H. Tribe, Vlce-Prea. . u John Watson, Vice-Prea. I M. S. Browning. Vlce-Pres. I John Plngree, Caahlor. Job. F. Burton, AssL Ca6hler. NOTICE 500 Latest and Most Up-to-Date Victor Phonograph Records just arrived. Conie in and hear them. OGDEN MUSIC CO., "Everything in Music." 2370 Washington.- j Read the Classified Adc. Electric Way Between ' Ogden and Brigham Effective Nov. 12, 1911. Eleven Trains Each Way Dally. 7:30 a m., 9:00 a. m.. 1030 a. m., 12:00 noon, 1:30 p. m., 3:00 p.. m :30 p. iu 6 00 p. mi, 7:30 p. m. 9:00 p. m., 10:15 p. m O. R, T. Depot 11-10 p. m. Care leave Brigham 6amo time as above, with "the exception of last trip, which is 10:30 pi m., J. W. BAILEY, SUPf. UNION DEPOT TIME CARD EFFECTIVE OCT. 25, 1911. (.Mountain Time.) UNION PACIFIC R. R. CO. No. Eostbound. Depart. 20 Mall and Express 8.30 a.m. 10 Fast Mall 8:35 a.m. 2 Overland Limited 1:05 p.m. 8 Los Angeles Limited... 1:15 p.m. 4 Atlantic Express 6:50 p.m. No. WoBtbound. Arrive. 3 California Expross 6:30 a.m. 9 Fast Mall 11:17 a.m. 5 Local Passenger 11-20 a.m. 1 Overland Limited 1:59 p.m. 7 Los AngeleB .Limited .. 3:35 p.m. OREGON SHORT LINE R. Ft. CO. No. North of Ogden. Depart. 1 Butte-Portland Express 1:10 a.m. 131 Ogden-Malad Motor... 8:25 a.m. 13 Idaho Express 9:15 a.m. 3 Butte and Portland Exp 4:00 p.m. 11 Cache Val. Maiad Local 5:25 p.m. No. ...North of Ogden. ... Arrive. 2Butto and Portland Exp 9:10 a.m. 12Cacho Val.-Malad Localjl0:20 a.m. 4Seaule-Buttc Special.. .( 3:35 p.m J32Malad-Ogden Motor .. 4:40 p.m. 14Utah-Idabo Express ...J 8:55 p.m. No. Soutn of Ogden. Depart. 201 Local. Salt Lake 7:05 a.m. 22lMotor, B'g'm to S. Lako 8:35 a.m. 2)From Seattle, Butto ... 9r20 a.m 12 Cache Val.-Malad Local 10'30 a.m. 24 Local 11:40 a.m. 32 Local 1:05 p.m 34 Local for Salt Lake 2:15 p.m 8 Los Angeles Limited .. 3:50 p.m 4 From Seattle, Portland. 3:55 p.m. 36 Pacific Exp for S. Lake 6:00 p m. 14 Idaho-Utah Express ... 9:05 p.m No. South of Ogden J. Arrive. 1 Butte-Portland Express. 12:50 a.m 19 Atlantic Express 8:10 a.m. 13 Utah-Idaho Express .. 9:00 3.ra 21 Local from S. L. Int.. 11:05 q.m. 23 IDcal 12:45 p.m. 31 Local 2 05 p.m 7 Lqs Angeles Limited .. 12:55 p.m 33 Local I 6 30 p.m. 3 Butte and Portland Expl 3:1? p.m LllCache Val.-Malad Local 5.20 n m. 37jMotor, S. Lake to B'g'm 7:00 p.m. DENVER &. RIO GRANDE R. R. No. Depart. 6 Exprcsb for tho East... 7:15 a.m. 10 To Salt Lako 9:C0 a.m. 12 To Salt Lake 1:15 p.m. 2 Atlnntlc Express 3:50 p.m. 4 Atlantic Mall .. ' 6:00 p.m V' I I A ..In. 9LocaItfrom Salt Lake'.. 11:25 a.m liLlroSted from the East. V45 p".m. 6JChicago Ex. from East. 350 p.m. 11 'Local from San Pete... 7:10 p.m. 3AtIantlc Mall 12:10 a.m. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. No. Westbound. j Depart 3 Pacific Expross .., 7:10 a.m. OFast Mail 111:07 am 1 Overland Limited 2:15 p m. 5 Pacific Express 4:20 p.m. No. From West, Arrive. ClAtlantlc Express C:20 a.m. lOlFnst Mail 6:30 a.m. 2Overland Limited 12:50 pm 'Atlantic Fxnrpc; ri-Ti H m r. AA'lhitvtJAdj tfUUiJCJTiJSiS KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Ojxdtm Lodge No. 2. Knights of Pythla6, mcels at Castle hall, Utah Natiopal Bank building, every Mondny evening All K. of P.'s requested to meet with un L. E. SOMERVILLLE, C. C. W. G. KIND, M or E. W. L. UNDERWOOD, K. of R. & S. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. Improved Order of Redmon. HIa watha Tribe No. 3. racetfi in Eagles' Hall, every first and thirj Monday evenings, at 8:00 p. m Visiting chiefs cordially invited. J. G. CASEY, Sachem. E R. GEIOER. C. of R. A. B. WRIGHT. C. of W. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN. OGdcn HomeBtcad No. 1505 meets nt 2 nnd 4 Tuesday evening at K P. Hall. Visiting Archers are cordially invited to meot with us W. S. O'BRIEN, Foreman, P533 Gramercv Ave. O. B. WILLIAMS. Correspondent. 2214 Jackson Ave. ORDER OF OWLS Ogden Nest. No. 121S, Ordor of Owls, moots every Thursday evening in Eagles' Hall, oast of Reed hole!. at 8 o'clock. Visiting Brother Owls arc Invited to attend the N"st meetings. meet-ings. JAS. E. JENSEN. President. T. S. SIIAUGHNESSY. - ' Sucretarv. 451 25th. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Wasatch Division, No. 124, O. R. C-meets C-meets second and fourth Fridays nt 2 30 p. m., in K. of P. Hall, corner Washington avonuo and 21th street. All brothers aro cordially invited to attend. GEO. ALLEN. C. C D. L. BOYLE,. S. nnd T OEIPPLED SHOE SPECIALIST No matter wbat they look like, you will got them baok ntw. I In 15 minute n. OGDEN SHOB ' REPAIR FACTORY 3S3 24th Ctrcot J - - " ' . FRATERNAL flOOIETTES- ODD FKLlWS. Ogden Lodge No. 5, Indopendont Order Or-der of Odd Fellow's, meets In I. O. O. F. Hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting Vis-iting brothers cordlaHy Invited to be presenL T. W. JONES. -Noble Grand. HENRY I'JSSEL. Socretary. Queen City Rebekah Ixjdge No. 4. I. O O. F., meota second and fourth Friday evenings at Odd Fellows' Hnll. Visiting members invited. AMANDA JENKINS, N. G. KATE HOWE. Rpc Soc. ROYAL ARCANUM Fraternal beneficiary order. Insuree men at low rates. Rosorve fund ovor six million dollars. Rocky Mountain Council No. 637 convenes second and fourth Thursdays at I. O. O. F, Hall R. S. WOTHERSPOON. Regent. J. W. WOTHERSPOON. Collector. GEO B. ROBERTS, Socmtarv. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Sliver Hive No. 3, L. O. T. M.. meets every Tuesday afternoon a,t 2-30 o'clock in Eagle Hall, 427 25th St- Visiting members are cordially' invited to attend. MRS ALMA LUDDINGTON, L. C MISS I JENNIE PROUT, R. K. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, Fvatornal Order of Eaglos, Ogden Aerie No. 118, F. O. E., meets overv Wcdneaday evening at Eagle Hall, cast of the Reed howl, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brother Eagles are Javitcd to attend tho aerie meetings. GEO C WESSLER, W. Prcpidont E. R. GEIGER. Serietary. DR. N. M ESTES, Aorlo Physiclnn LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. Loyal Order of Moose, Oijdem Lodge No. 311, meets everv Friday evening at 8:00 p m.. Eagles' Hall. A. T. ITESTMARK, D. P. A KOHN. T. P. F. K1RKEND.VLL. Sec'y ROYAL NEIGHBORS' OF A.MERIC . Excelsior Camp Nc 3219 mcet3 every ev-ery second and fourth Monday evenings even-ings of each month at Ihe rag)o3' Hall Visiting members cordially Invited. In-vited. INDIA SAWYER, Oracle. 1948 Iark?nn Ave. LILLIAN NEWTON. Recorder. Room 31, Iowls Dlock. BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY TRAINMEN. Ogden Lodge No 6.S meets even Wednesday eve. at 7:C0 at Odd Fellows' Fel-lows' Hall. No 2416 Washington Ave. O M-. DAVIDSON. President N. C. FREEMAN. Secretary 2S42 Tlngree Ave. C-S-'f WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. Women of Woodcraft. Ogden Circle Cir-cle No 581, raeotB every Wednesdav night at 7:30 o'clock, K of P. Hall. Visiting neighbors Invited Dues can be paid to Dr Alice M. RIdfc, M. D., 57-58 Lew 1 block. ELIZA PIGGOTT, f N. 348 Twenty-eighth Street MARIE CRITES. Clerk, 2731, Monroe Ave. Sego Lily Circlo Np. 174 meets every second and fourth Monday nights nt 7:30, in I. 'O O F. Hall. Visiting neighbors eordlnllv Invited KATE URRY, 295S Jeff. KATE KEYMAN. Clark. Bell Phone 1241-Y. MASONIC. Queen Esther Chapter No. 4, O. E. S., regular meetings held at Masonic Hall, on Washington avenue between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth street? the first and third Fridays of oach month. Sojouriinc members eordlnllv eordlnl-lv Invited to attend MRS. MARY H STEVENS, W. M. MRS. CALLIE CAVE. Sec'y. ROYAL HIGHLANDERS. Th- Rovnl Highlanders meet the first and third Mondays at Union l.n-hor l.n-hor hall. 363 24th St Visiting mem-oers mem-oers cordially Invited DAYREL D. SMITH. I. P. ALTCE COLLINS. Sec and Troas. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Utah Camp No. 9990 meets every Tuesdax nlpht at S o'clcrk at EagleV Hall. 25th St Visiting members invited in-vited to meet with U3. CARL C RASMUSSF.N, Counsel. J. H SHAFER, Clcr! WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Weber Camp No. 74 meets In K. of P, Hall In the Utah National Eank Bldg, every Thursday evening at S o'clock Visiting Woodmen cordlaliy Invited to attend J D HARRIS. C. C. E. AUTH. Clerk, First National ank Bldi;. Ogden Business Directory Advertisements in tfiis column cost 75c per line per month, payable In advance. HAIR GOODS Mrs. C. E. Lee Is ready to do your combings etc. Switches for salo. 2C02 Washington Ave. il-11-lmo JUNK OGDEN JUNK HOUSE If you have1" any kind of Junk, phone us up: wc will call for It. Bell phone, 325-K; Ind., 725. NOTARY PUBLIO NOTARY PUBLIC. 380 Twenty-fl'th Street 11-12-lmo PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. A. FERNLUND, Physician and Surgeon Office hourn 1 1 to 4 p. m. Now Pcery Bldg. Hudson Ave. fpd. 515. Residence, Ind. 503. 616 Wash. Ave. 6-lHf SANITARY WORK CITY SCAVENGER.. NeU McCarty, 2728 Grant. Bell Phono. 324-Z. SECOND-HAND GOODS NEW AND SECOND HAND furniture, clothing and shoes, bought, sold nr exchanged; also trunks and suitcases suit-cases cheap. A. Slner. Bell phone 1321. 179 1-2 Twenty-fifth St.7-9-lvr TRANSFER COMPANIES JOGALONG TRANSFER" VAN & Storage Co., moving vans, all kinds tranfer work; pianos a specialty. Office Of-fice 326 1-2 25th St. Phones 233: UMBRELLA REPAIRING PA.RASOLS and umbijolias rccovprerL Ind , 433. XJell, 571-X. I-5-tf READ THIS! ADVERTISING PRIONS Want advertisements cost ona cent pr Word each lssue or 5 cent per lino of five words per day, no flmt Insertion less than ?5 centi, or two or more lines per week at tho rate of 25 cents per line per week, or 75 conts per line per month. Romembor five average words make a line. All advertisements on this page" must bo paid In advance. No exception to this rule. L HELP WANTED FEMALE COMPETENT girl for genoral housework; house-work; two in family. 2436 .Madison. .Madi-son. . 12-14-tf GIRL, must be good ccok, will receive high wages. Apply 505 27tb St. 12 12 lwk. GOOD girl for general housework. 1911 Lincoln ave. 12-lV-tf GIRL for housework 574 23rd. 12-9-lWk i HELP W ANTED. MALE:' EXPERIENCED man with automobile wants worl- 371 ' 2nd St 12-9-lwk SITUATION" wANTED-MALE wANTED-MALE MIDDLE-AGED man experienced jn Holiday novelties, sporthig goods, toys-, etc.. vants position. Address B. K. No. 12. Pcery npts., city. 1 2-5-2 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THOROUGH UK ED Poland Chiua male hozs. Ivcllfbliasis Crjsinil Wtslte Orpington and Rliode Ij':aitu Red uock-eieLs! uock-eieLs! E. W. Riuokur. 47S V. 20th St. Bell phone 159L 12-lo-Jwk VICTOR PIIONOGRAPH-28 double and 25 single iccords. Cheap, lul 31st. 12-15-twk TWELVE Rhode Island Red pullets, guaranteed to la, and one Cor-kcrol, all thoroughbreds. Bell 1024-W 12-14-1 wk SECOND-HAND SAFE, applj Ogden Wholesale Drug Co. J2-ll-tf 100 LAYING White Leghorns. 100 lnlng Rhoie Island Reds. bGO 2nd st. 12-13-lwk 1 1-2 HORSEPOWER gasoline engine. S5G Wash. Bell 9U9-Z. 12-"1'S-Iwk JERSEY cow and calf, also sweet cider ci-der 2Sc a gallon. 1 170 Cahoon., iS'ob Hill. 12-12-lwk GOOD Kl-2 ft desks, cheap. J. Williams, Wil-liams, 2633 Adams. 12-11-lwk THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn Cockerel'', $1.00 each. Inquire 951 25th St. 12-11-lwk 'GOOD HORSE and buggy for salo. Inquire In-quire 241 W. 21st St. 12-9-lwk MERRILL Pianos, strlctlv hlsh-grade. Prices rlghL Pantone.' Bell 1227-Y. 12-7-lmo 50 PURE-BRED White J epliorn Pullets Pul-lets at from 73" to 51.K0 each. 20 Buff Orpiugtcn Pullets and Hens. Call it once 2641 Quincy ave 12- -ti ONE nenUynew Moskr Safe, cheap; one Oli'er Typewriter, nearly new, at a bargain, can be seen at 2420 Wash, ;ive. 11 -23-If FOR SALE Gojo work horse, weight 1.400 lbs.; sound ?nil eliable. $75.00. G. A. Horn. Phone 1421-Y. 11-15-tf GAS ENGINE cheap, i. to 3 horsepower. horse-power. Inquire between 10 a. m-and m-and 3 p. m., Press Room. Standnrd building. 7-1-tf COPYING MACHINE FOR SALE A second-hand neoUie, used less than a dozen I'mes, In firsl-clnss order, or-der, for sak Printing office has no use for ..opylng machine. Inquire at lic Standanl office 6-6-tf MONEY TO LOAN D. D. DRAKE, room 5, ocr Paine & Hurst, furnishes money to salaried people without security, on easy payments. pay-ments. All dealings confidential. Your credit once established you can get moncv at a moment's notice. Phono S60-Y. 12-C-tf MONEY to loau ob watches, diamonds dia-monds jewelry, firearms, etc.. Uncle Sam's Loan Office, established 1SS5. The Money Leaders Of Ogden. 278 25th SL C H. Smith, Prop. 9-4-lyr MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farm or city property HUNTER & KENNEDY, 211 First National Bldg. 5-12-tf FOR"RENT offices- LARGE ground floor office for vent-Apply vent-Apply 129 21th St. .. . 12-5-tf FURNISHED rooms, also unfurnished unfur-nished rooms, suitable for offices. Enouire at Orphcum Block, room 19. 11-17-if OFrr'E ROOMS. I. L. Clark vt Sons 'Co U-16-tf WANTED MISCELLANLOUS CLEAN white rj-jia ai Scundx-d oiT.co. 12-17-tf FOR RENTMISCELLAlEOUS PIANOS at reduced rHtes. N. J. Thomas. Bell 'Phone, HS7-Z, 11-25-tt LOST EYE GLASSES (bifocal) go;3 frame. Return to Standard officd and be rowarded 12-9-lwk FOR RENT ! FURNISHED HOUSES MODERN furnishod or unfurnlslied; 4 rooms. Inquire 560 2nd hi. . i2-i;:.iwk 5-ROOM furnished house, 55C 23rd. 11-23-lmo FURNISHED ono unrurnished flats 263 1 GranL S-10-tf DRESSMAKING , j DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Roar new High school. Ind. 441. U-16-lmo Read (he, Coined Arts.1 ' FOR RENT ti B FURNISHED ROOMS Ig NICELY furnished 3 and 6-room aptpI la II steam heat, bath, gaB; close in; no i U children, 2341 Adams. 12-9-lwk I 1 FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeep 'J I lag, at fear 2339 Adams. 9s:u C f 1 LARGE outside room with closet for 'i 1 housekeeping, $2.25 per week. 2326 fc; . i k Lincoln Ave. 12-15-lwk It - ( j 2 MODERN furnlBhed l-ooms for K fc . housckeoiling. Room 1, Ogdon The- f ' ' ' ater. j2-12-lwk M J TWO NICE housekeeping rooms. Goo f i range, closet, lights. 155 W. 30tn. & I ' S 12-11-lwlc f 4 NICELY furnished rooms; fnrnacc jf f heat; rates reasonable. 371 22nd at. i 12-9-lrao '1 . !l FURNISHED rooms for housekeep- $ ' f 1 Ing. 2220 Lln:dn. 12-7-tt rjJut THREE fumlshod light housekeeping Kl rooms, 2338 Wall. ll-30-tf. P! NICELY furnished rooms, 600 2ilh. P 11-27-lnio THREE for housekeeping, Apply 2630 Adams. n-25-lnio H HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 2353 Mon- H HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 171 22nd. H FURNISHED housekeeping, cheap. 536 31st. 10-24-lrao H ' FOR RENT. ' H UNFURNISHED ROOMS. M ! . i H TWO LARGE rooms with bath for H rent cheap.- 341 23rd Sl 12-14-lwlc H FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD H BOARD and room for two at 254S lH Gramercv avenue. 12-13-lwk IH ROOM, BOARD reasonable. 2639 Jof- H forson. 11-22-lmo H B"OABD H TABLE boara, home cooiclng; prices reasonable. G14 21th. ' 9-1-tf fH UNFURNISHED HOUSES H 2 NICE 4-room modern apartments, H low rent, 2014 Mon. .7. Williams, M 2633 Adams. 12-13-lwk M i-ROOM house, modern, 2833 Pingree. H 515.00. 12-13-lwk M A SNAP I modern rooms for rent, H 12.00, at 652 2Sth st, or call Bell M 373-X. 12-12-lwk M 5-ROOM house cheap; rear 2C27 Jeff. H 5-ROOM house, strictly modern, $'C" H por month. 2973 -Adams. Ir. t H Mrs. S. C4 Stephens, 352G O'Iet ' ,H 6 and 7-room houses, strlctlv mo r j M Inquire 248 29th. Bell 50G-V H S1IALL brlci; house at 573 2(iit. "- H ' Call Bell 249-Y'. "'J12-U - H 3-ROOM house and barb, $7.00. - & Herrlck. 12-9-1. H MODERN S-room house.' Inquire 12S 25th SL 12-S-tf 'H 5-ROOM brick, 422 Herrlck; east of -H Wash bet. 26 and 27th. Inquire 313 H 27th. 257-Z. 12-2-tI H 5-ROOM modern house. 5-room house H ?10.Q0. Furnished and unfurnished .,H rooms for housekeeping. WEDELL. H 5-ROOM house, TV. 30th St Inquire 'H Chrifitcnson Shoo Store. 10-4-tf H FOR SALE REAL ESTATE M 5 AND 4 ROOM house, modern. You H will bo surprised when you know H the price. Call 2S29 Pingree ave. M 200 ACRES alfalfa seed land, 100 acres H seed crop this years; primary water H right and 20 flowing wells If sold Jjjl before Jan. 1st will take $55 00 per H acre. Terms. Address owner, M T. H Jamison. 243S Wash. Ave., Ogden, H Utah, 737 BelL 12-14-lwk U BETTERTHAN PAYING RENT! Buy this good five-room home, com- H plete with bath, toilet, lavatory, clec- H trie lights, screened porch, cellar, ce- H ment walks, large yaid, lawn and H shade. Close to South Washington jjH and onlv ten minutes walk to City H Hall. Worth $3,000. Can' bo bought jjH now for only $2,800. About half cash, H balance payments. Stop the rent bill H today and live In your own home. H IVES REAL ESTATE COMPANY, H 380 Twenty-Fifth Street. H OR TRADE Land In Idaho for Og- H don property or livestock. Bell H 14130C 12-9-k H 5-ROOM brick, 432 Herrlck: oast of M Wash, bot 26 and 27th. Inquire -3 13 H 27th. 257-Z. 12-2-tf H CONVENIENT, desirable, small house H with 1 1-1 acres, rich soil, in young H bearing Elbertas. Owner 720 7th St. H MOST BEAUTIFUL CORNER in Og- don, pa?s S por cent interest on H 3j0,00() Investment Address Thurman, !H caro Standard. H BACK to the farm or a smell tract of 'H ip.ud is the t-es: solution of tho LA- M BOF PROBLEM. For tho man who M uesl'rcs to be Jadepcndent of "THE H BOSS" and provide himself and fam- 1 I'v with a good home when ho ha3 H lost his Job or has become infirm. H Wo have listed with us some fine JM acreage on the Street Car Line near jH enough to City to live on and work in H ,,,,,, This land will be sold ou your M own terms. CALL AND SEE US. H KELLY & HERR1CK. 11-15-tf jH SMALL house and ono and a quarter H acres bearing fruit Owner. 720 H 7th St.' 10-19-lmo H ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE ROOMING house and farm, cheap; party leaving state, 2346 WTaah. M 11-29-lm0 B MISCELLANEOUS. 'U , . , H WE REPAIR furniture. Wo sell new fH and fiecond-haud household goods, B stoves, etc. C. H Stratford & Co t H 371 33rd. Phone 929-Y. 11-21-lmi B |