Show II SOCIETY I ITHE Ii IiI I THE WEDDING G of or orthis Miss this B Beaste llo A A. A Bean Benn and William I 1 L. L Dunn took place last night at ILl the home bome of or th the brides bride's parents Mr and Mrs rs William Bean Dean 61 Fifth avenue The ceremony was performed per pei- formed b by Judge O. O G G. Armstrong Tho The bride wore oro R R. very pretty prett gown gonn of white cr crepe p de dc client chews or o taffeta made princess prin prin- I cc cess coss An Interesting r feature In fn connection connection tion with the marriage was Wf the tha fact that thal It ft was the tho wedding anniversary annl of the tho brides bride's grandmother l Mr Mrs Francis Francia Armstrong Arm Arm- strong strong- Mr Ur r. r and Mrs Irs Dunn will tw be at home after January 1 at tho I Keith apartments apartments apart apart- I ments MRS IR LOUIS CIt CLEMENTS JONES of ot b Salt lit Lake Italic City and Charles Charl Henry Henr of or Ogden O were were- married quietly yesterday af afternoon at- at In St St. Paul's Pauls chapel chap l by tho the Rev C. C E. E The They wilt m make mako th their lr home In Ogden MRS l G G. G B B. B WILSON will entertain nt at ata ata ata a bridge tea Saturday atu l afternoon TUB CLEOfA cr I Is meeting nutting this afternoon afternoon after after- noon with T Mrs firs W D. D Biter Riter A MASKED BALL HAIL will Trill be ba gi given gin n to tonight to- to night at Unity hall TIlE THE WEDDING of ot Miss 1183 Rattle Hattle Barnott Barnott Bar- Bar nott daughter of ot Mr and Mrs l Herman Hennin Barnett and n. n P. P of or Bay City Mich will take place December 17 11 17 MRS W W. t L L. I. I WETHERBEE announces the tho engagement of ot her daughter Myrtle Myrtl s Earl Kurt to M M. P 1 E. E Hamilton of or Nevada Ne the tho wedding nodding to take tak place plc th the tho first of 0 th the year MISS ESTHER ALL ALLEN AiLEN entertained forty of ot her bor girl rl friends y yesterday after niter noon at her hom home bomA I MISS MELBA DUNYON entertain ln d five of ot her little friends yesterday afternoon at a Teddy Bear Dear party Everything E was waa In inn Teddy Bear fashion GEORGE T T. ALL WALLiCE will entertain at dinner tonight MR R. R A AND D MRS FRANK GUSTIN win will entertain tonight nt at cards MRS IRS W n V. V RIC RICE IB is entertaining c this thU afternoon at 1 b brid bridge c party THE SEWING CLUB Is fa m meeting this afternoon with ss il 1 Florence Florenco Grant THE TE TA CLUB Is meeting mating this thle afternoon l with Mrs Or Orson withers on Howard Hoard MISS MINNETTE DARn BAHR has returned from an e ett trip In New York MR AND MRS T T. H H. rAN will spend tho 10 holidays with r relatives lames In fn Lincoln Neb Nob RUSSEL TRACY return returned d today from a weeks week's vIsit in fn California p 1 E II U. GA GAYLORD has haa returned from a 3 visit Malt In n California |