Show I I ITS 1 J I I j TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS I i Ii i ORPHEUM Vaud Vaudeville GRAND GRAND Thorns Thorns Orange Blos Blos- LYRIC LYRIC- Michael LYRIC Michael 1 ELITE Moving ELITE Moving pictures PRINCESS RINK RINK Roller Roller skating k AUDITORIUM AUDITORIUM Roller Roller stating The rho nn sale of tl seats seals Indicates n a T h largo larKo o o a at III tho contort concert of or the Symphony u IJ on host Nostra rn In tit Salt Lake theater at 1 I t C ck relt Friday afternoon Tho concert promise to 10 be one of tho best sl ever given sl t L Ly the orchestra ap a program of or merit has been arranged I and the ha have been eminently successful With tonight's performance th the I I Thorns aw and Orange Orl Blossoms company com com- company pany pan will lost close Its Its engagement nt rat tho the I Grand theater Th The Tho play Is Is out of the ort or or- ImP ima Commenting t dinar run inn o o or in H I Uirl Girl will ITO Ie I tomorrow night nl The he Show tho the attraction at lt Hie tle Grand G I Michael Is pro a 11 drawing draw ha hains wIn w- w ins ing card carll at al the L Lyric this week All the tho numbers number nJ on Oil this weeks week's Orpheum Orphe Orphe- urn uin bill are art now IaCI and the tho entire performance performance per per- I Is being en given afternoons and ind h nights ts |