Show UTAH INCREASING OUTPUT Contrary outran to the th reports from rom time the ea east t that tha t th the CO Copper company compan of or fling JUnt- hunt ham had received ed a t r request t to to curtail tho the output of or copper from rom the tho United Metals Selling company Manager Iana r D. D C. C J said aid that lh there rf was not a n nord word ord of or truth In iii time Ihn statement Ho Ito said that It was w wand and would continue to lo be tho the folI policy pol fol- I k icy of or the tho Utah Copper Coppel company to tn InI in increase increase In- In I crease rather than titan curtail all It Its output arid and with this timis end cud In view tho Iho company expected to add ndel the eighth c to Its I mammoth milling plant at Garfield Galfield within with with- i in a few days ars Mr r said that his company had hadI I received cd no request st from Crom the I I I I Metals Selling company or an any of or the agents of oC th the Utah Itah Copper company compan to lo I reduce leduce production arid and that as at his hula compan comI com com- I pans pan was as anxious to gt l Its Iti big milling I plant running at full capacity at the earliest ear ear- liest date possible In iii order that the company com coma- pan pall might get sonic some Idea of the saving sa that could be made he tie did not anticipate that ther there would be any tn proposition tenI tendered ten ten- tiered dered to his com company pan to curtail production tion I While It li s true trul that bat the time Amalgamated d and Col Ryan Cold und and other I large copper producing properties s have ha cut their output more than 50 per pel cent and In iii a number or of Instances Instance have ha ceased d operations en entirely en- en there re Is 11 a method in this curtailment curtailment curtail curtail- ment meat from some lome of oC the tue properties In addition to the fact that these large companies companies com com- panics do not wish Ish to flood the market with copper It Is 15 shown that some Bome of or orthe the time mines mine can not produce the time oro ore at nt tho tue present market markel prices an and In a A. number num nurn- ber bel of or Instances Instance the tIme margin Is entirely I too small to he be worth time the willie while On theother the tho thoI I other hand th the ham Copper prop proper proper- rI r- r I I ties have lIa a aCl Cl very cheap mine freight and treatment charge and find there are arc fc few w mines In the world orld that can produce copp copper copper cop cop- p per r at Rt such uch a low cost Mt to the pound In ono one Instance the copper has hai been placed on time tile market for less Ies titan than 5 cents and any of the producers' producers cost costI I will III proba probably h not exceed cents |