Show VATER M IES i IE E COLLAPSE I ILLIN ILLING LLIN 7 BURG Pa Dec 11 11 High it et night caused the thc coli col col- i lIlt tew br bridge l o lu iu course o of coulter con cou acer lter the tie west branch of tho the thou tea ia river at lin ei eight ht ih th of hero here and ami reunited resulted in of s sven seven en men nin and tho the injury ly IT a a score of ot others hers t two tto per per- jy 1 y Forty rort men were nt at work traveler Ul on the thc middle spat span of tare dare tur when it collapsed They thrown into the swollen r river Selin s Grove Oro ILLES ft 11 Selin's p Gro I TRITT Beaver Y Valley 1 IS T Geor Georgetown to n. n LARD RD BO BOWMAN BO X B B. B FEAUX nd address un un- I t linI I Boyer er York back hack I v probably fatally hurt spine spino in- in in-I in Id hI punctured Ired pro probably ba bl fa fa- nl nl Bd lc leg broken va Rei le leg frac fr-ac- I 7 f I fm m Mower le leg broken hr f T Eckerd shoulder dislocated I Ei hrar shoulder dislocated 1 I Dalton general cn ral con contusions r C C. C cr ri right ht le leg general contusions arm On broken i ta Weiking III getter general cuts i fractured I leg I U pt of the hr bridge d e wa was caused ri rise 13 in th the thc r river cr The rite wa v.-a- Ting the tho day ilay at t the rate rat of s root foot an n hour and md debris r-brij T ibo tho stream bv In the thc flood flood- the tk false filee work of the tho bridge and A large tree c trunk j Ue he work iu just l before the fid nt occurred at all d I e In nen work n were cro Preparing to aban- aban |