Show SUES MORAN FOR FOK C. C S. S Kinney and 1 M. M E. E Wilson attorneys at at- filed suit uit in the city dh court against 8 P. P J. J Moran oran for alleged allege to tobo tobe tobe be bo duo due for professional seT services rca ren dered The Tho attorneys contend that the they acted for him from Juno lune G 6 1000 Jon to March arch 1907 1901 in the suit of the P P. P. P Smith company against Bowman Hod Hod- der er Co E. E G G. Wilson Vilton an and F. F j ii E. E McGurrin Me- Me e- e Gurrin The They contend that they worked on the tho case until after it went to tho the supreme court |