Show I AMUSEMENTS I the play lay was VI th the thing few In the thoe Ia large tl at I the SaIL IIII Lake theater lat last ni night bt would have sat t through the tle long ex ot of the urea or of society which Ibsen gave ve t to the al stage cc when hen he wrote TOte lied II tie abIer It was Wall the all compelling delineation or of which held beld them While the bro portion porton of the audience volt voted t the Ule pia play a Interesting study au an plan Ilan e around the house UI that l the majority w were devotees at the shrine of optimism and all 11 that goes to lire life brighter and better ter The e enl eve nl nine war on 00 profitably dedicated to analysis or of the art or of one or of the worlds world lUll and between acts acta the rae faces of t those wino Abo followed her ber stood out the pua features or of the young OWl men and the me u un u the ra races a of their partners Hedda Gabler Is Je to lo lotke the lO tore U Ir of awry II I III n well II frOnt from k a Jealous bated woman who marries ma an easygoing mediocrity curd un J then shirks the r pon of wed wedlock wedlock lock Thank heaven lac art leave much to the with but Jut Juat here bar and them a w so tIon It b I hard tutI to realise that the wine woman depleted Nora In t DoI Dolls Metes Howe but a brief few hours bour before for tor the of lie Hedda ida ud and Nora Horn are In ment pasture and dell Interpretation of the divergent rote reM I hi genius Iu Th There I is no DO to tw the drat two towo aW w ties grasp the character she he I U depicting from the moment she 00 make hr her entry try and d It is III had bard to 10 soy which comes 0 uppermost or she hates her husband bunI lie as wildly JIA as she fen I she aho detests det hi his tow toua toe fed her old lover lovere tempts e u ham w is drink and destroy d Ute the or of a masterpiece it itle Sa le hi bl child chUd and then ben persuade hirer hIm to n destroy roy hl himself f beautifully o III the theother ot other woman wanes will be desolate In III Ih tha end she ahe shoots herself beca because h hr I is h hUte ho Ute the power of a cynical Iral old mutt mu who hn III gives ve ter Or the Ue of tUI I or tote tete et tote tete lip while hf her bk worm husband and nt lie Mr 1 Eh 1 haled sit It together a bigot from nut Jealously pr p served I by S luck L is the cOlI of f lh the sound j story y The opening of u the II a I with II h ha tr the fatal abt ot of Hed Hedda Ia and II 1010 ye lua to In Ind and d fro amid atu tit ta like Ilk th the eua OU oss she ahe la I 11 lens I It t For FI three nee Dul a word wag sags lit tiu but bUL It If th tier Is anything In III those I Its t I iy balla lit Ih Leal It her very cory soul Again Caln Just juat ill tt I tile the eM of I the pr act N 1 mova of frenzied Jealous rage when she he burn borne tile the manuscript page C b by page la Is Ir immense The anal Irene Dt too 10 long drawn oat attains the fW nerves with I Its tension Ion to near snap nall snapping pIn ping point Throughout the tour four acts or of the play are those of deliberation aid It all the spectator I I is Of the others in tb the piety Y Mr r Per Perl Interpretation of the blind bookworm husband stands out all as a aal adear dear al cut character study tu In the UJ role or of Judge Brack the rouP roue friend of the gamily made his bla lint arst hero here with the com company pany n and that be was a capable actor In a 0 part pan that Balled fur for furno forno no great effort Bra linen the dissipated young oun and home borne wrecker gave him better opportunities than hi his role of at In hi A Doll DollHouse House of at which he took ad advant advantage vant vantage Mir fIM Evelyn as III another marital mist who It ham the rou courage to throw aU all overboard to redeem her lover loer played a part with Mrs Jacque Mar Martin 1111 tin In the role of the motherly aunt and Sties II singleton as Bertha the mad competed Ih the caste Hut Hul Interest In Nil lImo and undoubtedly t the theater will tae 00 packed tonight tomorrow to wit witlie witness lie ness this clever woman In the comedy rol rok of tone Coquette If for fOI noth nothing lna ing elm I but to remove th the bitter better taste e or of Dead DMd see fruit I u 1 le society night nl III Ih the Orpheum where a ly I bill I la holding the boards which runs II the gamut mut from It a arite rite fight through th the eases In or of g ll on horizontal han bare and piano to a wild Id t n ro rop roping ing art act wll with h an n agile tie pony pon and lid t two cowboys for oal c color colora lor a e In a tint class production of thaI J Irish The Kerry KelT flow Is b playing In 10 good houses this week Tomorrows matinee and evening close th the when the earn actor will pr appear In baun Rhue all next week The Beauty Deaul bow with Ith It its II of girls girl and other accessories to a musical romed comedy closet a at t the Bungalow to tomorrow tomorrow morrow night after a IN I WHit week run S GouldA Runaway Tramp Is still doln good b in lIS at the Grand The maU matinee at al tomorrow and tho event evening qs close clOae tiro e gage ment when the same company will pia play for tor the entire entice week k the P melodrama In five r acts entitled 0 tn the Stroke or of Twelve Th ThI h I the strong trong man and some malt good Kod mutton ont one of th the best bills bill Pen tit III any ny motion picture hou house In this d It ItI tl I date |