Show I SUGAR SCHEDULE COMPLICATED VERY I SO Much So That Senate Sub on Will Make STATEMENTS en 1 C Conference That Thai 40 II at Int Jt April 0 h tile the ans b r I i isun sun If ii ill h auger fir and or of n beet segar I tt that til In u rl cf the tet oil or Of flIn ban de U to 1111 t step hp 10 I lest what woe the laII a at atOn t t On ter Ill XI Mr n 11 Warren Var nl ot I th tb and of f Thi was waa held beld ILl at the Bo In thie elty efty sad ad at tilt the coo COli elusion All Mv that Mi 11 Taft hail ma made a proposition In re regard rd to I the boot admissIon ot of PhilippIne which tut Ut h of tile the Net su u ual gal al IntI III thIs country It baa Ita been tJ I bid bUl an anfor for 11 frn of muss tOIl tutis if t Philippine ly h t In wIth that but since the bI n wits taken ken u up by lbs senate protest tM the u section made t bV beet sugar r la r TheIr chief aWe pro 18 protest test I Is not directed d ent tile th Intro introduction ot of tons ton tree fits Of t duty but the belief that quantity viii m bt be and IlL a mueller Jut luty paid upon Ulon t the whole of Ute time imports Uon A ani was wiit tn Mr It antI last lut night a him to come to Wash at 1 ones and inform Ute Use commit 1 tec Just what ho he oJ to lia lonn the tha wIth Mr TaU Taft I hu has n resolved from n hInt soy soyIng Ing h arrive rIe here on com tin timI tonight and IL a ton of 01 lb aub on will be held Up ii hila hi the capitoL 1 It I 1 Q h hal al also that the mem of Ik will KO gD to 00 this White H and t wIth tIM th t thi AChed last May |