Show HOW DOW OVER MONEY ENDS IN SHOOTING N Nets ls Paulson Shot Down In His store by James L r HAD BEEN DRINKING HEAVILY 01 8 to Club AI it s While l lI I II down to 10 sea bait about the IM taw and Mor M was w with me I 1 Nt felt hurt at the tM manner mallner In 10 whIch laul Paulson had toward me ma and when hen I to talk to him about nut the led matted matt M lOt angry teed roe mf by br lIM t e throat and becan to choke me lie He had me by br the tiro throat trying to throw Ins leto the Itt atnel when I 1 drew the revolver vol a and nd him Paulson had two not note of mine for money I o owed the arm for lab tables I Ib b ld him several verat dayi da ago that 1 w wea to II one Ofte of the to Major 01 for tor sm and I would give ve Ial wn n led money moneT to apply appl on one of the notes note laut on at lint Bald IId to apply the money mone on en the open ac red not on a see the notes note dm draw anally It was u agreed reed t apply the mane money on the nut not I IL 1 L po the tm In Walkers Walker bank to credit When h he attached ale Ille table at al Fort I 1 was WAIl moat mat in indignant and nd when I demanded all an he attacked me and I tied statement to the Ne Net Newa to t the city jail last Jut night b by James Jamee L LI LN N I alone lIon At the hospital today the announce nt was wa made that thou though P 1 1 a very night he was In condition and recovery I la lal l ed an alteration over a bit bli table Nele Nel manager mer of t the J I P Pauleon Br Bar A Supply company 1 was shot hot and wounded by James L Ma Maat Iau at 6 atter Ion non The occurred at Paul noa place or of bounces west e eec nd south street Malone lalone was ant rd 1 after the hooting and I 1 IId Feld Id at the thEl city jail pending result ault of nt I ale h wound Both Buth men are well known h here n and the shooting created a llen tn Jinn The fhe affair was walt the of a long ionIC longstanding standing dispute between the two men Malone claims absolute for tor forhia llis hia act but eyewitnesses to U the I date he fired the shot hot kilo into y lody without The quarrel preceded the shooting leat lalit even ng IC wa was over our a billiard la table le which saltine had sold to Major Mato M ot of Fort Douglas ABUSES who fer II years year was the h POOl pawl of the world I n Ii a tool and billiard hall IlaU la in the 1 base tit Il or of the AU Atlas block Ire 1111 had bad pus pur II a number of tables and other 11 C from the company Not NotI I I n lug nom roem for tor tit seven Yen table tAbI In Int InI I t I hall he Sold oM one Q of ilk lintel to toh h ra club at Port Pert Dou The H was attached ched b by P l lson y Tee 1 1 Majur called upon for all ats explanation stating Une that I h latter sold a Lable on which rv wall eve Ii a mortgage c stone who whon n II d hun during the dAy be beme c me angered at the actIon of Paulson not 1 with Major JaJor called talon UllOn I and according to those In too the darn at al the time used vile tIe language n red l abused Paulson The latter ordered halone to leave the tore store and the followed Malone declares on had him by the throat when h d 1 the lite shot abot but 1111 this statement ment lit is uIt by c eyo witnesses to toU U ble alter aller the shooting Drs Dra Pinkerton and were celled lh Ihy d Pauleon removed to the thee e L n I S H The wounded ha had u restless night hut bul this morn mom 10 was wa reported to lie be In fairly wood fOOd Taw TIk bullet truck struck him In hr he abdomen under th the hort and upward but w far a as known n did didt t 1 tull touch h a vital organ uran and hiss hili oha chances r 1 recovery are excellent fter the Malone ne went ebl to tois is IM loot hall hail but said 4 nothing about i hu affair Ue He w was taken Into bi 10 h Mau eo who made maad the tat rent lust lut night tt that Paulson w we eying to Malone from the MAJOR lUu TORY on ore ot of the Ule wll wil made mado the following statement of at I agate me da days ago o the be Ollie club at atIt It pt purchased a billiard bill able abito from u II r prying hun him 4 6 fur for the 1110 A few days 1161 after altur te hd bid bidI I ln eced Wt le cur cuo WO we aou 1 b by Mr lr Paulson that k ha held a on oar uw table a and d t 1 sold It 1 w wee to 10 look Into the and it 11 out I called on fr and tug r or 01 II III nut I tr r had a clam claim otI on In the lIel bl blud ud 11 tattle lie Ira replied pUd ho he did have aa raim on 00 the table but bm that the thew w y which the club had paid lIW r 1 Ih tao w wee tur tumid ld lder er r to 10 Mr LI odo I dIR ask aek askI aekI tJ I to 01 oar to tol iii I l J fur for UI the a of pt get I the affair right and thue tk do away w th any 11 further that I bt Malone told I sue tnt that bu be had sold 1101 II ua table with and ands ul s lIr red 1 tu to ma W to hJ his lOll ti at al Mr uW e 0 1 0 to to hint that lee tut lab ball bad ballI badI I m luC by too the club In good ud and told bim h rah detail of lit and I lie aired 4 tbt l u ur err r clear from buoy crone rah In th dvd i told Mr fald Paulson that UIt It 1 lay b tw w air I Irma lilli sod Mr Malone w to tine It II and that we 1111 het 1 IAO mote I tt du I with It I thou away aWA i 1 desk cINk end Mr Malow and andL ail aili L i Is gun n talking t I hII wedged 1 lJ ecru ed end wid IIII M 1 nine n rasun and his I Chi th start was profanity H He called w to the ooh D l t dud and gel ud It if he Md had nut not b bJ ben benh J h nail 01 j rc amount ot of mp t 1 II III tiro II b that the th had IMad OM eat OMI I lu AI hi his Malone assum d I I Ile II iii Jr r od f U I man aid ad ours HI till llon II II d II lila Wk use of f Ik II t nd 01 Ir Rua ou dug t Iu lid et 55 Y II 11 t I I d 1 ati h i I ti h It h al AI alI I I thin h I ii uld nl I I did Ihl II cot l II l I Ii h ul 11 oar t I Ii h MI ii I I I 11 I el 1 lh Ih tier Dui uhl irl sib 1 durI Ii h lc II Mr 1 I hull hU Lurie languid Mr 1 at 1 to I stet N M ary fl glum hi his II I d I fur II tit rout H t L t hue o t f w step dun ahem I heard I r II ht f I 1 I ml I St 1 x J i U II f I Ln I I II Iu u i I I 1 Ij ll I j II I z In hie hand I celled i ni hl to In halt end I the he gun to In ml me A AWAY W Y YAt At Urns point a hy I 1 li would MOd attend to Malone talon and nd I 1 lum I mr m eloa to 10 the UMI wounded und titan n II IIo did not tall rail alter after he warn shot nl lIr Ilor III he ha n iii clerk Ier In the be ton and a r I Mr ton to a ben bench t anti 1 I 1 n 11 I UM that tM the pollee bo b n nor I kJ j n the a II I In hig sad II a 1 II mn If Mr I r Paul Paulson III son asked that thaI Mr h t 1 her tor and glen J ot once or r hla hIli II n to notify WI wife I finAs All As 1 did not my to Mr I fin n 1 not see 1 not MII tr Irene In tea ran when h he Irb d Ih the t t tl II did not ey a wood In the lit lIton lea ELATED BY GOOD 11 While Malone Malon f felt most maet hiu I I 1 Paulson he wan 8 who wh I toW told that the wounded man would 11 pr Ir bably recover Malone Malon that when hIli he wa u III with pneumonia aim lire ago Paulson came me to his hi pl ph and took tonk aWA away Insurance papers and I other or of valve Malone was horn born July 4 at Cleveland O 0 Ne is mArried and resided Id with hi his wife at No Nn I 3 Union avenue enu For man many year yra h he was WAR th the worlds champion pool p player r losing the title to hll hie pupil Alfred I fo Or bro n lie h hen is well en known all OVI over the country and hn has many friends the wounded man ale Ie bro brother ther lher to J r P Paulson on president of th company lie lit is married and ho has three children The family resides at 10 1026 avenue I Is about tl fa yeas arll of age lived In hi Denver and nd came eam here her about ten years yea ago 0 lie I Is well and most moat favorabLy known here and hi his many Mends are shocked hocked over 01 the Mra Mr laula was u ImmedIately fter the hooting and went to lb the h hospital wit with her husband huband and remained there until assured aured b by physician that the wound wounded ed man had an excellent chance for recovery I |