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Show Badge City Nets DIALOGUE ¢ ON INTERMOUNTAIN PAGE 16 HEALTH HEAL eg Tell CARE Preview of Health Care in the Year 2000 same-day surgical centers or physician offices. This helps control costs and frees up more health care resources for more people. For example, just a few years ago a i@ gall bladder operation STEVE KOHLERT required up to one week in a SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT INTERMOUNTAIN HEALTH CARE }« hospital. Today, new surgi- cal techniques can have you recovering at home the next as the old adage says, rationing. We believe our society will develop a uniquely American solution to these issues. One example is the directive made by former President Richard Nixon instructing his caregivers to withhold any extreme lifesaving procedures if he fell gravely ill. All consumers of health care will have to be care. The efficiencies of physicians to these groups. PREVENTION: Traditionally, health care has been about healing the sick. In change, especially in health care. With so many proposals circulating about health care reform, many of our readers what care industry has worked hard to bring down the medical inflation rate. It is currently less than six per- joint quality improvement efforts, and close collegial telationships will draw nothing is as constant as are wondering 2000. By responding to market demands, the health sharing support services, we e Health care costs, one of the HOV social issues of ira saa SOC Ce control by the year 2000. think health care will really serious growth in health care costs. dict a general direction as a result of the market forces which are already molding a new health care system. There is value in looking ahead. It helps us understand the choices currently day. By the year 2000 we before us. It also helps us will see more breakthroughs prepare for the new realities, in technology and more ACESS: medical procedures conducted in outpatient set- The biggest and most apparent change will be access. tings. Health care legislation will guarantee most or all Americans access to satay basic health care. and most services in more quality initiatives and restructuring health care providers into mote efficient systems. Increased efficiency, ' improved technol- and government efforts will help check the will be enacted, we can pre- ea nny be access, expensive hospital settings, patients will go to neighborhood clinics and physician offices for the vast majority of their health care needs. Many surgeries and procedures that once required hospitalization are now being performed in achieved through ogy, plus Dusiness be like when the dust finally settles. While we don’t have a crystal ball to pinpoint which government reforms Instead of receiving basic health care cent—a dramatic improvement over previous years. This has been DIFFICULT DECISIONS AND SELF ACCOUNTABILITY: more accountable for their own health. Those who engage in high-risk behaviors may be asked to share more of the cost of their health coverage. Consumers will need to be more involved in deciding about their own treatment and that of family members. Our society faces Emergency rooms will be used only for the most decisions. Lifesaving technolo- severe medical situations. Most health care issues will some difficult gies bring about medical miracles for a few at the expense of care for many. Other countries, such as Canada and Great Britain, have taken drastic steps to limit access to these expensive services through health care be addressed in neighborhood facilities. PHYSICIANS: In the next century, more and more physicians will work in health care systems which combine insurance, physician services, outpatient treatment, and hospital the future, consumers, These are just some of the changes in health care that we can expect in the future. We applaud all those in our local communities and nationwide who are working to move our health care system into a new and health care providers, busi- improved era. ness, and government will focus more on preventing illness. Health plans will encourage their members to We want to hear from you. Please call us or write with your questions for IHC Dialogue. participate in screenings to detect illnesses in the early stages. Future developments in medicine will THC DIALOGUE ON HEALTH CARE 36 South State Street genetic tendencies and cor- 1-800-889-3337 enable physicians to identify Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 rect potential problems before they manifest themselves as illness. These advances will improve the quality of life and hold down costs. COSTS: Health care costs, one of the most vexing social issues of the 1990s, will be more under control by the year ie IHC INTERMOUNTAIN HEALTH CARE |