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Show PAGE 15 Dadge City Nets _JUNE 17, 1994 _ ease eee NOTICE! Kitchen Aide needed at Milford Valley memorial NOTICE!! SOFTBALL Hospital for split shift work, mostly weekends. Applications will be received until June 17th. MEN, 387-2411 16 ANDO j17 2 bdrm, 1 bath, large living & & dining rms, large country together kitchen Angie New & utility gas plumbing. fumace room. & On double lot. Asking $25,000. 167 N. 400 W. Call 387-5597 295-6506 It's TTEN WOMEN -ED CO LDER Get your teams 34 South BEAVER NOW and bring list to Hardy, cleaning time you with all your cleaning needs. We have monthly specials and all of the old time favorites that can help speed up your cleaning jobs so you'll have more time to play. Call Belinda at 387i124 Springtime is here. is close behind. heat now! Have ready to go. Call Summer Beat the your a/c Kevin at j24 387-2840 PAWN FREE make changes in the fiscal year 1993-94 budget. Primary All Jerold Roberts dropped out of Opening for part-time cook and aide at Milford Valley Hospital. Applications will be accepted until June 24, 1994. Dr. Yates, Podiatrist, will be here Friday June 17th. Call 387 - 2471 for appointment. RENT: 3 bdrm, 1 bath, family room & living room. Immediate occupancy. $400. per month/water paid. 166 N. dropped _ out Assessor's race. Actor. Please return any City Recreation equipment that has been stored in your homes to the city office. 1__ # $2.00 per Week PRICED TO MOVE FAST - --- - $35,000. 1/16 page 1/8 page 1/4 page 1/2 page - - $7.50 $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 /s/ Susan Netto Full Page- $60.00 Subscriptions: $35.00 per Year $20.00 per 6 Months EXCELLENT INVESTMENT - - -- -$25,000. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath,full unfinished basement, large lot, 450 N. 100 E. P. O. Box 224 Milford, Ut. 84751 DEPARTMENT CLINIC SCHEDULE - June 21st- Immunizations Health Department, 385 East Center in Beaver. | June 22nd- WIC in Beaver by appointment. June 23rd- Immunization LOCATION - - - $64,900. Clinic in Milford from 10-4 at the Health Department 21 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, sprinkler system, detached garage & shed, | West 500 South. fenced yard. INVESTORS DREAM AT $21,500./FIRM. a June ] 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, single detached garage, full basement, natural gas furnace, brick construction. A BARGAIN AT $45,000. | | # 105 Acres highway frontage - BLACK ROCK, UT. $20,000. | 10 Acres West Milford. AD DEADLINE: TUESDAY NOON Ph: 801-387-2676 Fax: 801-387-5521 rd Ci r i24 SOUTHWEST UTAH PUBLIC HEALTH | Clinic in Beaver from 2-5 at House with a view - 3 bedroom, | bath, newly installed natural EXCELLENT MINERSVILLE South the attending veterinarian. _ ‘wo story house with apartment down stairs. Great location with gas furnace. 302 fuvi.-at the Fire Station. Dr. Richard Bagley will be 1 bath, full unfinished basement, single aeached saree view. Call Mark for more details. GREAT VALUE - -$28,000. Advertising Rates 4-Line Classified: Office, | clinic on Saturday, June 18, 4 10 Building lots in SUNNYSIDE SUBDIVISION. Curb & gutter, water & sewer lines and utilities included. TERMS AVAILABLE - - -aa 00: 7 are PUBLIC NOTICE All dog licenses are due July 1. Payment and proof of vaccination should be presented to the Milford City Office, 302 S. Main, prior to that date. There will be a dog vaccination BEAVER _______B.-bL,. f.-_,, oaf___tha— Licenses /s/ Susan Netto Advanced Development Roger Williams has i124 NOTICE! City has the Treasurer's race. Business j17 Main, prior to that date. Election 85 N. MAIN im due for renewal July 1. Payment should be presented to the Milford 9 A.M. THRU 6 P.M. Changes Ci PUBLIC NOTICE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK j24 100 E._ 789-2641 302 South Main, to consider adoption of the operating budget for Milford City for fiscal year 1994-95 a to 1 - 800 - 837 - 0949 to start July Ist! June 24, and all day Saturday, June 25. He will maintain this schedule during the fourth week of FOR & Council in the Milford City Office, rd Main or call: 387-2370 before June 25th. Will try Dick: Banks will be at Country Floral to cut hair starting at 2:00 p.m. Friday, HOUSE SP ORT HAS A TOLL City June 20, 1994 at 6:45 az: NUMBER garage. every month, Ll]ION Milford will hold a Public Heari: | or again. let Fuller Brush help 2840 The | i124 spring : PUBLIC NOTICE - PRICED TO MOVE - - $2,000. 76' X 116' COMMERCIAL LOT - ONLY $6,000. 24th- Cholesterol Screening in Beaver from 8- 1; at the Health Department, 385 East Center. Appointments are necessary. June 30th- Immunization Clinic in Milford from 10-4 f at the Health Department, | Beautiful, authentic, solid brick home complete with 3 bedrooms, | 21 West 500 South. 2 baths, family and dining room w/fireplace, upstairs library, For further information or to double detached garage, sprinkler system. WONDERFUL LOCATION & VIEW -- - - -$69,500. MILFORD, UT 84751 405 S. MAIN make an appointment you can call the Beaver Office at 438-2482 or the Milford PHONE: 801-387-2244 TOLL FREF: $00-215-38639 Office at 387-2671. |