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Show Dodge City News PAGE 7 COUNTY COMMISSION The Board of County Commissioners met on June 6, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. Those present were Gary E. Sullivan, chairman; Chad W. Johnson, member; Ross Marshall, member; and Helen Christiansen, deputy clerk. Paul Barton, clerk, was excused. Minutes of the May 2, 1994 meeting were read. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, and unanimously passed to approve the minutes. Joey Leko met with the Board to discuss road and weed issues on the South Milford area, particularly the roads along his own property. After discussing the various issues, Mr. Leko informed the Board that if action is 10:00 a.m., and invited the ‘bids were received: commissioners to attend. Leo Kanell, County Attorney, reported to the Board that he had been informed that Judge Green has requested that the tax sale on the Immanuel Foundation property not be tatified today, or he may - Truckland, Cat engine and After due discussion, it was antilock brakes includes dump body and snow plow $75, 874.00. Great Basin #1 ~White, Cat engine includes dump body and snow plow $77, 385.00 Great basin #2 GMC, volvo the consensus of the Board that if the Auditor and the Sheriff can work the budget to finance a part time man, then send the young man to issue a restraining order. _ Howard Pryor, Mayor of Minersville Town and Larry Sower, - fepresentative from Milford City, met with the Board to discuss the Building Inspection Contracts. Craig Davis, Bldg. Inspector, was present. He stated that he be increased and year. Seven from Beaver, two from Milford, and one - from Minersville. The cost is $160.00 for each boy. The boy pays Commissioner $80.00. Johnson _ excused himself as he may ~ have a conflict of interest. After a short discussion it was decided that if funds are available in the county budget donation will be made in the amount of $200.00 or $20.00 for each boy. Mark Nelson, Extension Agent, reported that Craig Barrell; the 874. 00. The request of Bill to hire the road discussed. The road foreman was instructed that since there was no one he could hire with a roller in Beaver County, that a road employee could do the job. | The bid for the repair of the motor on the check the figures from the figured in city budgets. Warren Peterson, contribution for Boys State. Ten boys from Beaver County will be going this and antilock brakes for $75, Dalton Attorney for Smithfield’s, met with the Board to discuss the implementing of and Agricultural Protection Area. Resolutions, Ordinances and fees will be needed. Mr. Peterson will be bringing a proposal Agricultural Protection Area, in the very near future. A hearing for the Public on this matter will be noticed and held on July 5, 1994 at 3:00 p.m. Glen Nielson and Associate, from UDOT, met with the Board to consider the new FAS_ Road requirements. Reclassification of the roads and the signing of them. Beaver County has 3 roads for this program. GEO Thermo 157, M/M 130, and Manderfield 160. Signs will be placed every 5 kilometers. The state will be livestock specialist will be in in Beaver County sometime in October 1994, to place Milford Tuesday June 7th, to discuss the issues of the swine project. They will met at the Station Cafe at the signs. . Bids were opened for a new dump truck with snow plow. The following grader was discussed. No and oil for the gas bulk tanks were discussed. The old pumps need to be replaced. It was the consensus of the Board that no action would be taken at this time and other Sheriff Yardley met with the Board to discuss replacing Wendy Holme. Wendy is taking with the He proposed that Wendy work one dispatch shift a week to cut the over time on dispatch, and replace Wendy in the secretarial department starting at $6.00 an hour. All agreed with the Sheriff's plan. He also discussed the possibility of sending young man to POST and refused to grant a Restraining order on May ' Tax Sale, but counseled the _ before ratifying the sale. Commissioner Johnson made motion that on May 6, 1994 Tax Sale be ratified except the Immanuel Foundation property. The owners of the Immanuel Foundation property have until 5:00 p.m. on June 20, 1994 to pay their taxes under protest. If they do not pay their taxes, the tax of such property ratified is and the tax deed to the successful purchaser shall be issued. This action is taken at the suggestion of J. — Thomas lane was discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that they gravel the north parking lot and make them a price for chipping and sealing the parking lot and ~ emergency lane. school. Immanuel Foundation had met with the Federal Judge Thomas Greene. The Judge Greene, Federal District Court Judge. Al voted in favor of motion. Mr. Kanell stated he options will be looked at. Milford Hospital parking lot and emergency employment Leo Kanell, County _ Attorney, reported that the sale a. was unable to find part time secretarial help for $4.50 an hour. received: Sevier Heating& “Plumbing: Courthouse, $1,200.00, Fair bldg. $1,090.00, Road Shop, $700.00. Addition for larger lines $400.00. Change LP to natural gas $250.00, POST. automatically action was taken. Dykes hire him for part time work. Board to give them to the Immanuel Foundation to pay taxes under protest Truckland with Cat engine covered him. The city representatives assumed the insurance covered the inspector, but would check. Craig was instructed to the [problem, legal action will be taken. Letters of his instructed to answer the letter. Harry Wagner met with the Board to request a passed the Beaver County accept the low bid Ford roller and operator to lay mulch for hay pad was records for the past year so new fees if any can be the Board and were discussed. Mr. Kanell was for $75, 874.00. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson seconded by Commissioner Marshall and unanimously asked if the liability insurance of the cities not taken soon to remedy complaints were left with engine and antilock brakes felt the fees for the cities should Ford JUNE 17, 1994 The following bids were He was given permission to pay $6.00 an hour. The Lease Agreement on the county crusher was discussed. In the event that loss or damage should occur, the cash amount was changed from $ 10, 000.00 to $15, 000.00 Mr. Kanell to inform North America Resources of the change, if they agree the agreement will be final. The Thomas C. Hammond Trust property donation was discussed. No action was taken. The bid for gas water heaters for the fair bldg, road shop and courthouse was opened. convert Quality heaters $120.00. Plumbing &. Heating: Fair bidg., $972.00, addition for larger line $200.00. A & F Electric Corp.: Courthouse $708.00, Fair bidg., $845.00, Road Shop $402.00, total bid $1,955.00. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Marshall and unanimously passed that the low bid of A & F Electric Corp. be accepted and the clerk ask for the price of increasing the line size feeding into all three places. "Mr. Kanell reviewed the letter from Art Tait of BLM. Mike White is requesting Beaver County to abandon the road through his property. It was the consensus of the Board that they will not abandon the road. The RS-2477 roads was discussed. It was the consensus of the Board the Mark Walsh of UAC be invited to the next meeting July 5, 1994, to go over the road maps and submit to state. Pat Nelson met with the Board concerning the Van for the COA. They were successful in receiving funds from the State of Utah in the amount of $17,135.00 and on the advise of the 5 Co COA purchased a 1994 Dodge Van, from Lunt Motor, that has been used as a demonstrator. Bills on file were approved for payment. There being no more business, the meeting was adjourned. These minutes will be presented for approval at the next County Commision Meeting. Until such time they are considered unofficial. |