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Show PAGE 12 JUNE 17, 1994 Back Left to Right: Coach Chris Thompson, Bryten Walker, Michael Florence, Craig White, Taylor Pearson, Coach Ken Thompson, and Coach Lisa Thompson. Front Left to Right: Jackie Thompson, Rodney Wunderlich, Clay Craw, Brian Hurst, Derrick White, missing Trenton Thompson Back Left to Right: Damon Carter, Brittney Stewart, Justin Carter, Scott Albrecht, Jeremiah Jones, Marcus Henderson, Josh Jones. Front Left to Right: David Long, Austin Mayer, Zack Hollingshead, Bonnie Thompson, C. J. Craw, Coaches Cullen Carter and Nacy Carter JUNE 13 15 17 JETS vs BEES BEES vs CUBS CUBS vs JETS MINOR LEAGUE STANDING . AS OF JUNE 15th : 20 CUBS vs BEES BEES Se} | 22 JETS vs CUBS CUBS 4 - 24 BEES JETS vs JETS 438-2862 Police Offer a Free Ride FY : Unable to Drive Drinking Back L to Right: Coach Mark Whitney, Heather Holloway, Saxon Vandevanter, Clayton Soloman, Conrad Truman, Coach Bud Barnes. Front Left to Right: Coby Eyre, Brady Kelsey, Cassidy Carter, Kyle Thelps, Justin Barnes, missing Guthrie Campeau. Under the Influence With Someone Who Is POLICE WILL: Give You a Rid Will Not Tell Your Parents Will Not Give You a Ticket BEAVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ONLY! MILFORD POLICE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE! | MILFORD BPW CLUB INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS FOR 1994-95 BPW Monday, June was 6, _held 1994 Pat Rimpau's home. members were present. at Ten The main order of business for the evening was to install the new officers. President: Arlene Malchus Vice President: Carol Wiseman Secretary: Maxine Cox Treasurer: Debra Wunderlich Historian: Pat Rimpau Each Officer was given a different color of carnation for each office. The members were, reminded that the BPW State Convention will be held on June 10, 11 & 12 in St. George at the Holiday Inn. The members decided to wait until the July 24 Celebration to draw the _ Winning raffle ticket on the beautiful quilt they made. A wonderful buffet luncheon was enjoyed. Pat Rimpau had _hoagie sandwiches prepared and there were lots of wonderful salads, vegetables, fruits, cookies, and punch to sample. The next meeting to begn our 1994-95 year will be a no-host luncheon at the Station Restaurant on August 29, 1994. |