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Show N c THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH "Howl Decorated 7 Rooms at a Cost of less than $1.00 a Room (Copy for This Department by the American Legion NewsSupplied Service ) CARLSON RENDERED SERVICE IN RUSSIA After the breakdown of the Russian government In 1918, the allies In the World war were confronted with a very serious threat. The Russian people were In distress. German prisoners of war were pushing intrigues of every sort. To meet the danger, the allies decided to send an expeditionary force to occupy the port of Archangel in north Russia, in order to prevent the Germans from using it as a submarine base and to guard allied supplies. Among tlie first United States troops sent to Archangel was the Three Hundred and Thirty-nintInfantry. In the little American force there were 553 casualties, of whom 109 were killed In action. After the armistice It was found impossible to remove the de-- "Last fall I tried my hand at redecorating the walls of my home, using King Wall Finish. I was surprised at the pleasing results. It took me less than an hour to do most of the rooms. When starting out I meant to try only two of the seven but things went so easily that I did them all In lust the colors I have wished to have for so long. The tones are so pleas-inand fresh that they brighten my whole house. I am sorry 1 put off doing this work for so long. 1 had thought it an expensive undertaking, but the cost was less than a dollar per room. g MRS. F. S. BRIGOS, Racine. Wisconsin Write today for name of Kins Wall Finish dealer nearest you and free beautiful colors to choose from. & OIL CO. S. Western Aye., Chicago, Iil. Color Chart showing 19 THE CHICAGO WHITE LEAD 1 5 th St. SC XlNKWall Finish Distributor h Salt Lake Glass 8C Paint Co. Salt Lake City, Utah Queer Thing Father William E. Cashin, who has resigned his chaplaincy of Sing Sing prison after 12 years service, takes a deep interest in prisons and reformatories. Talking about a reformatory of rather antiquated pattern, Father Cashin said tlie other day: A queer thing happened to a man in that reformatory in 1902. "Yes? What happened? said .the reporter. lie reformed, said Father Cashin. WHATS THE USE Dr.. bUh"-.nd'.- time hrtn'c8- ,nd - a mFG.CO.(Coo Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and itching, by hot baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Also make use Cuticura Ointment. now and then of that exquisitely scented dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio. Advertisement. Same Old Story Gas Preserves Fish Albert B. Carlson. Tlie use of carbon-dioxidgas refrigeration instead of ice in shipping a consignment of 15,000 pounds of fresh fish fiom Halifax to Montreal was so successful that when tlie cargo was unpacked ten days later tlie fish was found to be free from odor and tlie natural color unchanged. The gas is carried in cylinders in refrigerator cars, and tlie system is expected to extend tlie market for fresh fish. New e tnchmenl because of climatic conditions. which prevented movements of urge bodies of troops or large amounts of supplies. One of tlie officers in the Three Hundred and Thirty-nintinfantry was First Lieut. Albert B. Carlson, now de- -' partment commander of the North Dakota department of the American Carlson took part, York World.in the battles of Preluk, Chekuva, In the Turhiskaya and Cherskaya and He was retreat from Pacepelda. Cheap notoriety is usually an expenwounded once in that nightmare cam- sive luxury. paign in the snows of the far north. Commander Carlson, who is now assistant manager of the Minot Wholesale Grocery company, entered the service In June, 1917, and was discharged in September two years later. He was awarded the St. Stanislas cross (Russian) and the English Military cross. As chairman of the American Legions state legislative committee in 1920 he was largely instrumental In securing the passage of a state compensation measure for World war veterans, a bill making Armistice day a legal holiday and another prohibiting the illegal wearing of the American LeHeadache For Colds gion button. Commander Carlson was himself a member of the legislature Pain Lumbago that session, lie is a member of William G. Carroll post, No. 20, at Minot Rheumatism Neuralgia and vus its commander in 1923. h Say Install Radio Outfits in Veteran's Hospitals Bureau hospitals are being equipped with radio outfits, according to information received recently by rehabilitation officers of the American Legion from Director Frank T. Hines of the bureau. The Legion has been urging this step for some time. In 47 hospitals operated by tlie bureau radio lias been installed or the equipment will be completed shortly. Experiments already made prove that the radio is a highly 'valuable adjunct to hospital equipment. It Is withr out doubt the most adaptable and of recreational facilities now provided for the disabled. The therapeutic qualities are considered to be as Uluable as tlie recreational qualities. One important feature of tills form of entertainment is that a patient may listen in ornot as he himself feels inclined. All Veterans Bayer - Insistl Qrtfb Accept only Man 81 Owes Health to Beechams Pills "Eighteen yearsago my husband wastroubled with bad spells of dizziness and dyspepsia. Someone told us about Beecham's Pills and he has been a well man since taking them. "He Is eighty-on- e yearc old and goes to his office every day from 7 till 5. Mrs. W Singleton, Leeds, Mass. For FREE SAMPLE-wr- lte B. F. Allen Co., 417 Canal Street, New York bozeo Buy from your druggist in 25 and For conjugation, fcilioujnejj, nek headaches and 50 other digestive ailments take Beeeliams Fills PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandruff Stops Hair falling Restores Color and to Gray and Taded Hair Beauty 60c and $1 00 TTlBC03f HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Callouses, etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to the feet, makes walking easy. 15c by mall or at Druggists. Jiiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N. T. L. D. S. Business College 60 Handy "Bayer boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists SCHOOL OF EFFICIENCY All commercial branches. Catalog free. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH N. Main St. Wanted Desirable Kelinquighment In Utah, Must be New Mexico, Idaho or Wyoming. worth price asked Give full information TRUMAN BOLAR, lola, Colo. first letter. Any book you want by mail, C. O. D. -- Bayer package which contains proven directions at Druggists. Chcm Wks ,Patchogu.N Y 44 Deseret Book Co, East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah Thompsons EYEWATER HELPFUL EYE WASH 1169 Elver. Troy, N. 7. Booklet. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacidester of Salicyllcacld Paid in Full Junior "llotly is sure a striking She certainly is; beauty." Senior she slapped me twice. Accounting for It "He looks like a musical sort of fish. RESIfJOl Soolhinq and are headstrong? AVliy "Yeb, hes a piano tuna. He&linq For Cub. Burns.5cak.lds weak-minde- d men usually rmp-ula- Rev. Father Bellamy Is to Succeed Doctor Clark There is a story behind the appointment of Rev. Father Bellamy as state chaplain of the New York department of tiie American Legion, to succeed Dr. J. A. Clark of Oneonta. who resigned because of 111 health. Bellamy, through ills activiin line for electies, was one of lh-tion as chaplain at the state convention last year. Ills election was looked for by many, but he lmd a different Idea, lie winked actively for the selection of Doctor Clark and nominated him for the office. Religion Catholic were lines forgotten a stepped aside and v orked for the ap pnntmnt of a Protestant. It was this that state officers cnnMdo' ed In electo loc it Cla'k, thej ing s sucivi-maid MOTHER- :- Fletchers Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Physicians everywhere Absolutely Harmless -- No Opiates. recommend it |