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Show FRANK, T. i. T32HS The Mamfiotlhi fc- - - VOL XXX. Pi. MAMMOTH CITY, JUAB COUm . UTAH. SATURDAY. LLBJ Miss Cluff and Miss Curtis spent list Glee Manwell is on the sick Easter at their homes in Springville this week. and Spanish Fork. Manwell Clyde Nelson and Glee Mr. and Mrs. Schempp motored to were fishing Sunday. Salt Lake Monday, accompanied by Mrs. J. N. McLeod. Bert Morgan has returned to work after a short illness. Mr. Fred Johnson is a visitor of Dividend this week, shaking hands Mrs. Arthur Blain was a visitor with his friends. many last week. of the Miss Margaret Berquist celebrated her 9th birthday by giving a PSF for her friends. A nice lunch wjte served and the evening was Bp&t ' Vs ' in playing games. $ notes ILL- APRIL 18. 1925. eat im an Fin ELECTRICAL REPAIRS The Eureka Mercantile Commission company announces that O. A. n and competent Allred, a has electrician, opened a repair shop in connection with the E. M. C. Cos, Mrs. W. B. Simpson is seriously Mrs. John Nelson and Mrs. Ralph electrical department and is now preill this week. Shaw were callers for a few hours pared to do all kinds of wiring, intoday on Mrs. I. E. Diehl in Mam- stalling of electrical appliances, reDavid Foutz is on the sick lis. moth. pair work promptly and in a satisfacagain this week. tory manner. A message received Thursday by Phone your troubles to 324. Hyrum Madsen has moved his Principal T. W. Dyches announced family to Provo for the summer. the death at Wales, Sanpete county, Mr. Dudly Dowvalle resigned Jis position at the Tintic Standard. i$r. Dowvalle has secured a position w?$h the Ingersoll-Ean- d Machine company. We wish him the best of lutk - V but hate to lose his smiles. ' . Ferol Elton received word from American Fork that one of her little Bernice Stewart, .while t friends, Capital Jesse Johnson of Provo is spending on an Easter hike, and in'imTue the week end at the Fuller home. C. Mrs. Cal Mrs. J. Kirkendall, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thomas motor manner ruptured herself internally Elton and Mrs. Ira Miller were Goed to Salt Lake Sunday. dying very suddenly a few hou Mr. and Mrs. Sam Werrett motorshen visitors last Thursday. later. ed to Salt Lake last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. T. H Thorvaldson Mrs. J. H. Manson and son, Garth, Easter. motored to Nephi Sunday. Prof.Watkins and D. C. Manson toC'-- spend of Provo were the guests of Mr. and the Girl scouts to Arrowhead, wherri Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wheeler and Mrs. D. C. Manson Monday, Morgan Bates has been suffering they enjoyed a plunge in the pom,f family motored to Provo last gatur-alte- r with tonsilitis the past week. which they enjoyed a nK-- f Mr. and Mrs. Haycock and family day and spent the day. were visitors of Mrs. Haycocks sis lunch which they had prepared at DiviJack Smith has returned to home for Easter Sunday. Mr. and ter, Mrs. R. C. Fote, Sunday. Miss Aldia Elsmore and Miss Vera dend after a months vacation. Mrs. Wm. Brough took the Boy Dodge motored to Provo today and Mr. Wilson, superintendent of the scouts in their car. expect to return this evening. Mr. J. J. Smith motored to Salt Nebo School district, and other ofLake Thursday in his new lizzy. ficers were visiting school here last The fishing bug is busy at Dividend. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Allen motored week. Many cals leave every day for the to Salt Lake i Monday and returned Miss Helen Okleberry of Goshen lake, and if Dee Coates and Pete to Silver Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Munro is at Provo Angeli was the guest of Mrs. T. B. Felt last go many more times the fi'n with her daughter, Dolena, who un- in the lake will be week. scarce, if what Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Simpson moderwent an operation for appendicitis Dee and Pete say is true. But dont " to Sherry Beach, near Mosida tored Mr. and Mrs. Tot Fowler were the She is doing nicely. be alarmed folks, I think it is one cj and spent the day. last Cal Elton Mrs. Sunday Mr. and of the same guests old fish stories Mrs. J. C. Kirkendall motored to Sunday. The ladies of the Relief Society Arrowhead Sunday, taking a bunch held a quilting at the court house on Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sullivan mo- of the kiddies for a plunge. Lloyd NOTICE OF PUBIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE Tuesday. Lnucheon was served for tored to . Spanish Fork Saturday Sullivan was chauffeur. the workers. evening. Whereas, Juab has receivMr. and Mrs. A. P. Harper were ed Auditors Tax County 'Mrs. J. H. Hansen entertained a Grant Boyack resigned his position visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew estate hereinafter Deeds for the real which of ten Silver ladies at a quiltparty at the confectionary and returned to Mickleson of Mammoth Sunday. said real estate has described, been heretofore bee Wednesday. Luncheon was sold ing to Fork. it for taxes fov Spanish delinquent They went to see the new arrival. the served 1:30. . 1920 at and the time provided year Mrs. Mickleson has a baby girl. by law for redeeming said real estate Dr. and Mrs. Garn Clark of Provo The Girl scouts of Dividend played in said deeds described has expire'1. Mrs. Hyrum Madsen went to Sterlwere visitors of Mrs. Clarks mother, Now, Therefore,' notice is hereb a game of indoor ball at Goshen Mrs. Thorvaldson. last week to attend the funeral ing in given that with the 7th and 8th grades Friday. pursuance of Section of 6056 of a the relative, Mrs. John Edwards who Laws Utah. of Compiled of in favor Wm. Brough, Jr. was visiting his The score was 26 to41 1917 as amended by Chapter 14(E oi died at that place. folks last week. Bill is attending Goshen and they all came back with the Session Laws of Utah, 1921'ihe the salt grass blues. undersigned, the Board of Count, school at Payson. Lavonia Fuller returned Monday Commissioners of Juab County, Stic of Utah, will offer for sale at public from Boston and West Virginia auction to the highest bidder, fc; where he has been serving on a cash, at the front door of the Count mission for the past two years. Court Hcuse at Nephi City, Jo r - .c P County, State' of Utah, the real Er-est Mrs, Wannatt Uite liertiiiai ter - fwferit to, those certain lots, tracts, ror parcels and son' and Mrs. Lewis Shand were of real estate situated in Juab county, in Silver this week and spent a few Utah particularly described 'as foldays as the guest of Mrs. W. H. t: lows, Green. MAMMOTH Distributors of Tax Sale No. 469, William Forcey, Mr. and Mrs. Creth Simpson and Lots 24 and 37, Blk. D. Middle-TowMr. and Mrs. Percy Crawford motorTax Sale No. 475, Mrs. A. F. ed up from Bingham last Sunday Strum, Lot 22, Blk. B, Middle-TowTax Sale No. 121, Lizzie A. Hutch- and spent three days in Tintic. While inson, Lot 17, Blk. G, Robinson here Creth shipped his household Townsite. goods from Dividend. to Bingham. Tax Sale No. 122, I. E. Diehl, Lot 3, Blk. H, Robinson Townsite. The Ladies Study club met this Provo, Utah 490 West Center Street Tax Sale No.J.23, Lucy J. StClair, week with Mrs. Perry Dodge and Lot 30, Blk. H. Robinson Townsite. Tax Sale No. 124, Eugenia Allred, completed their review work. Next Lot 5, Blk. I. Robinson Townsite. week the club will meet with Mrs. Tax Sale No. 128, Margaret A. Lyman Baker and take up the study Brown, Lot 21, Blk. B. Middle-Towof the Department of Agriculture. all them beats JEWETT few Blaine reasons No. Sale Tax Simmons, 132, why gives a . AddiLots 16 and 17 Blk. 4, Moss on ths hills. Miss Naomi Fuller and her friend, tion. Tax Sale No. 133, I. E. Diehl, Miss Erma Branford, came up from to 47 except Lots Provo where they are attending Silent Chain Drive, with automatic adjustment Moss Addition, Blk 4. lots 44-4the B. Y. U. and took in the Junior DISTRICT service. SCHOOL TINTIC free of care miles thousand one hundred Prom at Eureka Friday night. The Tax Sale No. 405, Jesse H. Brayd-soLot 1, Blk. 2, Silver Division. young ladies will return to Provo Tax Sale No. 406, Anthon J. Ped- Monday High pressure oil feed to all main, connecting morning. erson, Lot 5, Blk. 9, Silver Division. In fact practically all inand cam shaft bearings. and Riter E. L. No Tax Sale 407, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brimhall, ternal working parts, either under direct pressure Company, Lot 10, Blk. 12 Silver Diformer residents of Silver City, and vision. or spray from gear driven pump. Tax Sale No. 408, Yankee Girl Pofessor G. H. Brimhall of the B. Mining Company, Part of lot 11, Blk. Y. U., motored up from Provo last 12, Silver Division. 103 Counter-balance- d lbs., crank shaft weighs Sunday and were dinner guests of Tax Sale No. 410, Silver Hill Min- Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Allen. to drive shaft Blk. of flow 14, constant Lot of 4, Part power ing Company, gives Silver Division. speeds. Miss Anna Johansen was called to Tax Sale No. 464, Silver Hill Mm-in- g Company, Part of Lot 6, Blk. 14, Salt Lake Thursday by the death of Silver Division. All steel universal joints require oiling only the wife of her nephew, Dr. Hyrum Tax Sale No. 465, Benner X. once every fifteen thousand miles. Smith, Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 20, Silver Syndegaard. . Funeral services were held from the cathedral at 9:00 Division. above described will oclock Friday morning. Each Dr. and parcel six-inch side w2alls braced with four Frame with be separately offered. Offerings will Mrs. of residents were Syndegaard of continue daily between the hours heavy gussetted cross members. Cabon county. 10 oclock a. m. and 5 oclock p.m. commencing on the 16th day of May, Mrs. James Franklin and baby Four-whe- el 1925, until all said parcels have been hydraulic brakes, Lockheed type. No bids will be accepted earne out from Salt Lake this week offered. for a sum less than the total amount to spend a couple of weeks with her of delinquent taxes, costs and interInterchangeChadwick type main bearing. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simpcovered est accured on the property son. Mr. Franklin expects to reable, requires no scraping or fitting. bid. such by COMMIS- turn from New York about the third COUNTY OF BOARD SIONERS OF JUAB COUNTY, of May, after which he will locate Straddle bearing pinion gear, which practically UTAH in Salt Lake. By W. G. Orme, eliminates all rear end trouble. Chairman. A recital and the cantata, The Dated April 14, 1925. Full balloon tires, 31 x 5.25. Attest: Earl Gadd, Clerk. was given at the school Swallow, First Publication, April 1, lJohouse Thursday evening by the music EFFECT EXHILARATING AN pupils of Miss Mortimer and Mr. A bottle of Horblne on the .shelf at Lewis. The musical numbers on the tbo house home is like having a doctor m Our Mr. Christmas, is in the territory at this relief when violin, saxophone and piano were instant It time. all the gives or time and can be found at The B. and H. Garage in the digestion gets out of order dosesths well rendered and the cantata by is interestOne or two on net. call bowels fail to any He will be pleased to Eureka. the Girls Glee club was enjoyed. Two all that is necessary to start tlnnis movare which ed parties, and show these new models, that fino feeling of ing and winch sisters of Miss Mortimer, Miss Lilaration and buoyancy of stunts Erica the best and most complete automobiles Paige has 60o, longs ouly to perfect health, lian and Miss Irene, came up from ever built. Sola by Eureka. Provo and assisted, the former givRcymer rhnrmnrcy, ing four vocal solos. f No. 16 -L well-know- of the wife of his brother Chas. DyHe paid $16.00 deposit to agent Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Dyches and balance of $30.00 when C. O. D. and son, Ronald, kflr Silver Friday eu" reached him. 'Failed To'get'a fit, nor any refund of the $45.00 morning to attend the funeral, which paid. Astonishing how many victims will probably be held on Saturday have told us of similar happenings. Deceased leaves seven small child- Moral For perfect tailoring, fit and unusual low price, go to ren, the youngest being an infant. ches. OSCAR SILVER. adv. ELERTSON DRUGS -- fiv Mu SANTAOUIN. UTAH Everything in Drugs, Sundries, Confections, Etc. 66 We Serve YouM S w. & GAS OIL ACCESSORIES to-wi- QUICK SERVICE n. PAIGE AND, JEWETT n. AND Six Cylinder Motor Cars RIGHT PRICES STOP AT n. WALTS SERVICE SANTAOUIN. UTAH 5, n, atall ro i IgjSISjgJEISIgEISiaEEEMSEMSEMSMSISEISJSlSEEEEISEElMSEISISISEIEElSSEElSEEISJS Electrical Repairs JV. We are now prepared to do all kinds of Electrical Repairing and WIRING Which will be done in a first class manner by O. A. ALL-RE- D, who has opened an Electrical Repair Shop in connection with our store and will give you prompt and satisfactory service. EUREKA MERCANTILE COMMISSION CO. Phone your troubles to 324 |