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Show r tta truiKorn record Mrs. C. H. WeFo is expected IBB UAI210TH RZCORD, MAMMOTH CITY, WTAH to Any healthy, normal young man NOTICE. between L K. DIEHL, Editor and Publisher. went a few weeks ago to visit her the ages of 17 and 31 years, and who In the Fifth Judicial D'ririel Court of daughter, Mrs. Ross Rowe. Soon is able to speak and write English Juab County, Utah. Entered in the postoffice at Mammoth, after reaching Idaho, she suffered an may attend. In the of the Petition of Chief OF THE STCJUCJ attack of rheumatism and her duugh-teThe Government pays all necesmatter. Utah aa second-clas- s fonsolidated Mining Companv, a CAUSED 3 TEARS OFSUfFHlM Mrs. Rose Church of Dividend, sary expenses and provides Corporation: Plntus Mining Com good Mrs. Rosalia Kama, 39 Silver went to Idaho to bring her mother food, expert medical attention and panv a Corporation; Los Angeles Street, New Britain, a and Salt Lake Railroad Company, terrible experience and rives full means for recreation and amuseSubscription price $2.50 per annum, home. a Corporation; Denver and Rio cmt XhfrJwd!COTrT to ments. Payable in advance. Religious services are held Grande Western Railroad Com cramps for three A meeting will be held in the Parand thought I would yew and the greatest emphasis regularly panv, a Corporation, praying, never be any better. I could amount Theater Sunday afternoon of the s not eat without among other things, that certain distress. training in on character buildNothing helped me. I had for the purpose of organizing a base ing. areas described in the petition MAMMOTH LOCALS of catarrh the stomach. . he disconnected from Mammoth ball club. There is a generous supNow, after talcing careful physical examination a have no I Citv, Municipal of and am Corporation cramp! in of players camp this year and a given reveals feeling well and healthy. I Claude Wheelock is in Salt Lake ply any physical defects Juab county, Utah. wish every sufferer from a can hold its own against that may exist team that and enables parents to get his new Dodge roadster. To the County Clerk of Juab catarrhal disease would take all comers and maintain its record to take d steps to safeguard their sons County, Utah: to the should be available for the 1925 health. There are thousand, pain Court; to the Mayor and Councilmen B. Y. Andelin is spending the week racked and miserable as the season. Mammoth Citv; to the inhabitants of of soma catarrhal comresult The comes boy home erect and of Mammoth end with his family inRichfield. plication who could Just as City; to all property well be strong tod healthy. strong after a month of healthy ac- owners of Mammoth City, Utah; and FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN FOR tivity in the open air. to each and every one of vou. Clyde Humphrey has moved into MR. AND MRS. STERLING SMITH You, and each of you. will please Young men are taught first aid the LeRoy Dunn residence on Sioux notice that the above named take and Avenue. personal hygiene. They learn all real property owners A farewell party was given at the to safeguard health and grow in per- petitioners, of Mammoth City, Utah,' have filed L. D. S. meeting house Thursday sonal James Lunt, Jr., has moved into pride, appreciate the value of with the clerk of the District Court REPORT MADE TO THE BANK COMMISSIONER OF THE STATE Mr. and Mrs. Sterling OF of Juab County, Utah, their peti regular habits and cleanliness. the Wright building just south of evening for UTAH and Smith The was time OF THE CONDITION OF THE family. Parents and friends can be sure ion, praying that 1101.56 acres of the hospital. pleasantly passed with an impromptu that no cleaner, healthier or more lands, lying within said Mammoth described and City, and stimulating experience can be given set forth inparticularly Clarence Reid has gone to Salt program, luncheon and dancing. the petition of file in the is the program: Following their boys, than this combination of office of the Clerk of the District Located at Lake and will drive back with a new Piano solo, Vvs Fotheringham. Utah,' work and play for a month Court of Juab County. Utah, be dis .he Co,. Dodge special coach. during connected Invocation, Bishop T. E. Chatwin. the summer in the great outdoors. from said Mammoth City, RESOURCES: Utah. Recitation, Grace Houghton. At Fort Douglas June 11 Loans and Discounts Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Humphrey Chief Consolidated Mining Company, Vocal trio, Grace Hassell, Fern This summer the Citizens SiI'S f this Rediscounted" (None) spent Easter Sunday in Springville Chatwin and Military ACorporation Overdrafts Roah Anderson. Plutus be Training Camp will, held at Fort with Mr. Humphreys parents. Mining Company, Stocks, Bonds and Securities, Etc Recitation, Mrs. Virginia Stewart. Douglas, Utah, June 12 to Corporation. Banking House July 11. Los Angeles and Salt ALake Vocal solo, Mrs. E. E. Pritchett, Railroad Four courses are offered at each Furniture and Fixtures Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hobson, former Company, Recitation, Clarice Larsen. Other Real Estate Owned camp. The Basic course is for boys teachers in the Mammoth school, A Corporation with and Bonds Concluding who Liberty have not Denver and Rio Grande Western ? L 91nnn previously attended. spent a few hours in the camp this Due from Banks 1:00 The Red, White and Blue until Railroad dancing Company, courses week. 2:111:11 oclock. A Corporation. 5 are for boys who are a little older Petitioners. 1,160.00 Seventy-tw- o plates were served at and who have had previous training. A surprise party is being given Baker and Baker, Attorneys for 5,275.05 luncheon. the The of Currency variety this evening for Mrs. T. F. Thomas 03 .ldu.uu training will be Petitioners, Eureka, Utah. Total Cash Resources given in Infantry, Cavalry, Field Ar124,351.76 by the Primary officers, the occasion Cash Short CITIZENS MILITARY 10.00 tillery, Engineers, Signal Corps and being Mrs. Thomas birthday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TRAINING CAMP Coast Artillery. TOTAL $531,992.83 The C. M. T. Camps have always Miss Florence Gillespie is up from Department of the Interior LIABILITIES: The C. M. T. C. or Citizens Mil- excelled in providing good food. Capital Stock Paid in Spanish Fork and will spend a few $ 30,000.00 U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake Surplus Fund Play, recreation and entertainment weeks in Mammoth with her grand- itary Training Camp, which has be5,000.00 March 27, 1925. City, Utah, Undivided Profits come an essential element in our Na, include athletics, games, field and 4,400.79 Notice is hereby given that David Deposits Subject to Check mother, Mrs. Ellen Gillespie. $357,332.58 tional Defense system, as expressed track sports and the opportunity to S. Powelson, of Goshen, Utah, who Demand Certificates 1,298.56 16, 1921, made homestead Cashiers Checks 1 cc 170 Prank Harris and Clifford Mark- by Congress, originated in a camp take trips, if the student so desires, on March No. ' entry Certified to for 022232, Checks school in for Lots established of high boys, interest in points the SSE!4, 17 23 ham will go to West Tintic next vicinity 17 19 20 Section Total Demand Deposits by the of the camps. 358,804.16 week toVo'th; annual TssTssment ,19f14 at fBurliton SE 14 NE Vi section 34, Lots 2, 3, 26, 4, Postal Savings Deposits 8 957 5fi The parents and friends of stu- 5, 6, 7, Section Edwards, U. S. work on the Jones properties. 35, Township 10 Time Certificates 46 624 19 Army. In this movement the Army dents are urged to visit the C. M. T. South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Savings Deposits 78,20 6A3 has filed notice of intenTotal Time Deposits Mrs. W. R. Cox has returned tc had the cooperation of leading busi- Camps and personally observe the Meridian, 133,787.88 tion to make three-yeproof, to Mammoth and will make her home ness and professional men, particu- program. establish claim to the land above TOTAL colThe Government furnishes rail$531,992.83 with her daughters, Mrs. Roy Laver larly the heads of universities, described, before the Register and CONTINGENT LIABILITIES: and road schools. fare and cost of meals to and Receiver, U. S. Land Office leges and Mrs. Lowell Chatwin. at Salt On Account of Indorsement of this Bank: In 1915 the camp was established from camp, uniform, food quarters, Lake, Utah, on the 9th day of May, (a) Notes and Bills Rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank, (b) Notes and Bills Rediscounted other than with Federal Reserve Mrs. Shadrach Stewart motored to at Plattsburg, New York, and was laundry service, medical and dental Claimant names as witnesses: E. Bank, E. Shelley of Salt Lake, Utah and Provo Friday and brought back her expanded to include training of ma- attention. Bills of Exchange or Drafts guaranteed by this Bank and (c) Foreign ture men. The camp was repeated receive L. E. Applicants free medical exThomas, Oscar F. Horton, and daughter, Garnet, Miss Helen Hansen the not otherwise shown under discounts, following year, and the program amination byphys icians in their own Russell Nelson all of Goshen, Utah. and Florence Gillespie, to attend the T0TAL NONE ELI became basis of F. the of the communties before attending cun. TAYLOR, training Junior Prom in Eureka. State of of Utah, Juab in County Officers instruction Register. the receive another careful Training They o Alex nation at camp by experts and, if Jfx being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Jack Gillespie, a former resident Camps in 1917. he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and that Roosevelt actively sup- any defects are discovered, President foregoing of the Department are Interior of Mammoth but now of Spanish they contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake report advised how to remedy them. these the camps, ported declaring said bank at close the of business on the 27th day of March, 1925 Fork, has gone to Bellington, WashMarch City, Utah, 1925. The 27, tent where Results of ALEX J. JEX, Training ington to work on the new sugar following: side Military is hereby given that Adolph The boy comes home strong after C. Notice Correct Attest: boys sleep by side will rank Olson which of is af factory being erected Utah, who, on J. GEO. JONES,-W- . next to the public school among the a month of healthy activity in the October 10, Riverton, that place. 1919, made homestead F. SHRIVER, of great agents open air. democracy. entry No. 016487, for NE, NMs a STEELE BAILEY, JR., 1 and SELots After United 26 townthe section States 10, entered men are taught first aid and Young Rulon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Directors. 2 West Salt ship 10 South, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of April, 1925. Biglow Bradley reached the age of the War the Governrnent established personal hygiene. They learn how Lake. Meridian, Range has filed notice of (SEAL) C. E. RIFE, Notary Public. five years last Monday and about similar camps for the traininS of to safeguard health and grow in per- intention to make expires on the 8th day of March, 1929. fifteen little folks gathered at the cmerSency officers. The grad'.: .tes sonal pride, appreciating the value to establish claim to the land above State My commission of Utah, Office of Bank Commissioner. a11 these described, before the Register and early camps have formd of regular habits and cleanliness. Bradley home in the afternoon to of Seth Pixton, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do I, hereby cerThe C. M. T. C. student gains con- Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Salt Lake the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the statement that surprise him. They enjoyed a jolly I the Mlhtary TraininS Camps tify of on City, Utah, the 9th of day May, the above named company, filed in ciation. fidence in himself from the my office this 6th day of April, 1925. variety 1925. I of The disclosed e o draft work and sports in which he enSETH PIXTON, Bank Commissioner. that over fifty W. Claimant names as witnesses: L The Boy Scouts will give a big pow Per cent of the young Americans gages. E. Thomas, Oscar F. Horton, Walter Gardner and Russell Nelson, all of wow Tuesday night on the Mammoth I called to the colors had physical de He learns lessons in real democraschool ball grounds just below the I fects. A large percentage of these cy through actual contact with other Goshen, Utah. ELI F. TAYLOR, slum pond. Big bon fires will be defects could have been corrected if young men of good character and Register. in discovered time. and the lighted mentality from other sections of the First publication, April 4, 1925, boys will bury Old Man Grouch with appropriate cere-- 1 Benefits country. He learns restraint and monies. .The C. M. T. C. student gains conNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION fidence in himself from the variety and acquires a respect for AmDepartment of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Mrs. David Larsen was called ri of work and sports in which he en- erican institutions, for law and order, Utah, March 21, 1925. Goshen Friday night by the serious gages for the authority of his parents, his Notice is hereby given that James He learns in the real democracy, elders and the constitutional leaders T. OConnor of illness of her daughter, Mrs. Grace Indian Springs, Utah, Ercanbrack, who is reported to be I through actual contact with other of the country. who, on October 22, 1919, made He is not inoculated with the virus Homestead entry. No. 025004, for suffering from appendicitis and gall I young men of good character and stones. Mr. Larsen expects to gc I mentality from other sections of the of militarism. He learns that right NW!4, Section 10, Township 11 South, Range 7 West, Salt Lake is might down this evening. not the reverse. He ap- Meridian, country. has filed notice of intenI He learns restraint and preciates the responsibility which ac- tion to make three-yea- r proof, to Mrs. A. L. Petty entertained the I Pline and acquires a respect for companies the privilege of American establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the Trail Builders, which is the boys I erican institutions, for law and order, citizenship. District Court, at Nephi, Utah, on branch of the Primary organization, I for authority of his parents, his 22nd day of May, 1925, the Friday evening at an Easter ders and the constitution leaders of Claimant names as witnesses: Chas. Notice of Delinquent Sale. M. Wright, Samuel Taylor, Arnold party. Easter games were played I his Government, De inoculated with the virus and colored Easter eggs were given Ekker, Jake Ekker all of Indian Golden Sunset Mining company, a Springs, Utah. as favors. The lads and their girl of militarism. He learns that right of the State of Utah. corporation ELI F. TAYLOR, not the reverse. He friends of the fifth grade enjoyed a is might Location of property, Tintic MinRegister. I which were predates the responsibility evening. Twenty-tw- o ing District, Juab county, Utah: First publication, April 4, 1925. I Location of principal place of companies the privilege of American I business, Mammoth, Utah. citizenship. Patriotic Americans, facing these areNotice is hereby given that there The spring clean-u- p in Mammoth C. delinquent upon the following will commence about the first of facts appealed to Congress after described stock on account of assesss ment levied on the 15th May. A contract for doing the work the War to establish camps on a day of Feb1925, being Assessment No. 12 SIMONIZING CARS let by the city council Friday tional scale. Congress incorporated ruary, of one and (1V&) mills per night to the Boy Scouts. Cans and the training camp plan as one of the share, the several amounts set oppo-s- it other rubbish is to piled at the side important features of the National A Specialty. the names of the respective shareAct. in Defence President Wilson of the road where it can be loaded holders as follows: Name. on a truck and hauled away. The 1920, approved the bill establishing No. Shares. Amt. Paper Hanging 23 R. W. Dotson, Jr 1000 $1.50 Painting, Boy Scouts will clean an ordinary the Citizens Military Training Camp. 98 Eric Anderson 5000 7.50 C. M. T. The Camps were estab- 100 Simon and Decorating yard for 25 cents, ifyou do not have lished all over the United States in 105 Caroline R.Johnson .. 5000 7.50 time to do it yourself. Berquist 122,000 183.00 1921, 1922 and 1923. Their success 117 Earl Dunn 5000 7.50 Inquire at 129 Gerald Cowan 8000 12.00 W. Scott Walker, a brother of Mrs. has proved the judgement of their MOTOR CO. 2400 3.60 ELBERTA W. H. Wardell, died in Gunnison last founders, and each year Congress 131 Gerald Cowan 132 Gerald Cowan 2000 3.00 Moat kitchens are improperly lighted. The right kind of week and Mr. and Mrs. Wardell mo- has increased appropriations so that 135 Gerald Cowan light to use 8000 12.00 is that fiving plenty of illumination that is softly diffused a of number end um- could larger down tored Mr. applicants And in accordance with law and an Thursday night. formly distributed. This saves women the eyostraln that too oftea DR. J. H. ELLSWORTH order of the Board ofDircctors made Wardell returned to Mammoth Fri- be cared for. causes serious nervous disorders. Successor to Dr, L. E. Pierce President Harding stated that he on the 15th day of February, 1925, day afternoon, after attending the Without obligation on your part, we will Install without cost to you so shares of each parcel of DENTIST funeral service, and Mrs. Wardell hPed 100,000 men would eventually stockmany for 15 days trial the great DAYLIGHT KITCHEN LIQHT. Phone as may be necessary will be us today to put one In your homo and learn of tho plan to buy it for Office over Howlett Drug Store accompanied her parents, Mr. and aend these camps each summer. Thomas E. at his residence 75 cents a month. President Coolidge sent his sons sold at the Chatwin, 211 Phene Mrs. W. F. Walker, to Rexburg, office of the secretary, Mcse in Mammoth city, Utah, on Friday, camps, Idaho, where the remains were ship-e PurPs of the C. M. T. C. May 15, 1925, at the hour of 5.00 ped for burial, Mrs. Wardell is ex-& oclock p. m. to pay the delinquent 8 promote American Democracy assessment A ded to return to Mammoth Sunday thereon, together with the LAWYERS Two young children sur and citizenship and to devclope the cost of advertising and expense of efficient Public Service VvUing. young men of the country physically, sale. Practice la att Marta five tho deceased. ! mentally and THOMAS E. CHATWIN, morally. Secretary. return Sunday from Idaho, where she of good moral character, Mtr r, -- I a, above-entitle- EUREKA BANKING COflPANY new-fashion- ed SI Vnt, 1 see 1 ar three-yearrproo- A--t- f, ime. I DAYLUGIHIT Youir Kitchen 1 self-disc- i- el-la- st nt 1 L. ROWE CO. Na-wa- one-ha- lf SAVE YOUR EYES I I 1 1 , I BAKER BAKER Utah power flight Co. I I I !. |