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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH Hammer Is Worst Enemy in Tool Kit of Owners EXHAUST GAS III CLOSED GARAGE (Edited by G. Douglas Wardrap, Editor ot Radio Merchandising.) Sufficient Ventilation While Engine Is Running Will Avoid Danger. Set Illustrated Include Simple Arrangement of a Variometer and a Variable Condenser. This Circuit, Although Not Different From Many Others, Has Enjoyed markable Success. Re- Among the great army of radio fans obtained and will retain Its value unIn the world today there are hundreds der all conditions. The length of the till using crystal-typreceivers. ground lead makes little difference. There Is a reason for this. A good It may be 50 feet long If necessary. wire. Tou may use crystal la perfect In reproduction of Use a e large-gaug- e voice and music. The crystal set requires no batteries and therefore has no upkeep expense. For one who seeks reception over short distances of about fifty miles a eet of this kind is more than satisfactory. There are many fans owning multitube receivers who still keep their crystal sets for local reception. The dear natural tones are a pleasant No change from the loud speaker. harm will result If you take a little snooze, for there are no batteries to run down gnd no tubes to turn out. Selectivity Limited. The principal objection to the crystal set Is the lack of selectivity. It lacks the power of the tube receiver to cut one station In and another out. If necessary tuning devices are used that are essential to make a crystal set selective, the resistance created seriously . Impairs the volume and shortens the range. The energy used In a radio set Is infinitesimally small. If all that is accumulated on the average antenna In a year's time were collected into one charge It would not be It . sufficient to light a flashlight bulb. Is so small there are no Instruments delicate enough to accurately measure It It Is therefore necessary to conserve all the energy possible, i. There are several methods that may be used to make a crystal set selective. hese are loose coupling of the Junlng inductances, the use of several Variable condensers, or adding a wave-tra- p arrangement Aside from being added expense these methods are not wholly efficient., One result Is obtained through the sacrifice of another. uninsulated If more convenient. The parts necessary to construct the set are as follows: One variometer (should have about 80 turns on both rotor and stator). One .001 variable condenser, about 43 plates. One variable crystal detector. One seven by nine panel. Baseboard, binding posts, screws, wire, etc. .boston Traveler. . Describes Simple fester for Circuit Continuity By F. E. MADDOX I have assembled a very simple test outfit made up from odds and ends around the work shop which helps considerably in determining whether purchased parts and laboratory odds and ends are defective or not. It has also been found useful in testing out radio sets for continuity of circuit, testing fixed and variable condensers for short circuits, Jacks and sockets for loose connections, and transformers for short circuits, open circuits Don't start your engine In the garage with all the doors and windows closed," warns Fred M. Rosseland, chief of the public safety division of the National Safety council. In calling the attention of motorists to the danger of automobile exhaust gases .In unventllated rooms. Although many cases of fatal carbon monoxide asphyxiation occur In private garages every year, especially in northern communities, still the hazard does not receive the attention .It deserves as a menace. Induoes Asphyxiation. "A running motor In a garage 10 by 10 by 20 feet with doors and windows closed will In five minutes produce enough monoxide gas to Induce asphyxiation," says Mr. Rosseland. If the engine continues to run, the mounts steadily toward a rapidly fatal amount. If It la necessary to run a motor for any length of time, take care to see that there Is sufficient ventilation to keep the air clear. The deadly carbon monoxide contained In the exhaust gas creeps upon one and does Its work without warning. The victim falls Insensible before he realizes that anything Is wrong. A slight dizziness Is the only warning. Exercise of a little fore thought In giving the garage sufficient ventilation while the engine is running will eliminate the danger." In case of carbon monoxide asphyxiation from automobile exhaust gases, immediate application of the prone pressure method of resuscitation la Immediately and absolutely necessary. Even a couple of minutes delay after breathing has stopped, may be fatal-- a quarter or half an hoar is almost always fatal. The next step after restoring spontaneous breathing Is to accelerate the elimination of carbon monoxide from the blood. Oarbon monoxide unites with the blood and Left in the displaces the oxygen. blood it attacks the brain with disastrous results to the victim. Extensive experiments carried on jecently by Dr. Ye n dell Henderson, of Yale university, Haggard and A. L. pd Dr g, Prince, showed that the only certain method of displacing the carbon monoxide was through the Inhalation of a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Most municipal gas companies are now equipped with the apparatus for reviving victims of carbon monoxX! ide poisoning. Preventive Measures. But preventive measures are much more to be desired than the use of resuscitation knowledge in bringing a victim of automobile exhaust gas back to consciousness," says Mr. Rosseland. In this case the open door Is the safeguard. If necessary to run your motor for any length of time within the garage, open doors and windows. Just remember this and pass the same information on to your friends. It may save a life!" Carburetor and Vacuum Tank Need Attention Spare the hammer. It la your worst enemy in the tool kit. Parts that fit, or that come apart, properly, seldom have to be hammered. When you think you have to use the hammer, that Is the time to make up your mind that yon aren't doing the job right, says a writer In an exchange. It's all right to tap a part when It 'wont come free, and when you are dead sure it should. But In that case use a wooden hammer, or strike with the wooden handle of your regular hammer if you havent got the safer kind. One trouble with hammering Is that youre sure to give yourself some new trouble. Youll either bend something or break It. When a shaft or a rod or a pin wont tap out easily there's something holding It, and the first Job Is to look for the snag. ..Heres where an oil can is more useful than the best of hammers, because it gets at the root of the trouble without damaging anything. If oiling fails maybe theres a rough spot somewhere that you could smooth off with a little emery paper or a fine file. A burred spot on a shaft that you are trying to tap out of a bearing will usually get worse If you hammer. There are more ways than ons of removing a part that sticks, and by this I mean that If you can't drive it out In another direction maybe you can free It by taking something else apart. You wont be wasting any time or effort If you find that the trouble is in the part that supports the part you thought was doing the sticking. - But spare the hammer. That's one point I always try to hammer home. England. An extragedy, reviving the question of Justification in the taking of life under special circumstances, occurred in the vicarage of Hungerton, Leicestershire. The vicar. Rev. William Bettison, after celebrating communion, returned to his study, from which shortly came the sound of a shot. The vicars sister, Miss Bettison, who, with her brother and a housekeeper were the only occupants of the vicarage, went to the study and found her brother lying on the floor. A sporting rifle was beside him, and there was a wound In his head. Miss Bettison went to the post office and telephoned a doctor who lived four miles distant. She then returned to the vicarage the study, refusand ing to permit anyone else to Leicester, traordinary come In. A little later another shot was heard inside the study and Miss Bettison came out. I asked him if he would live, and he did not reply, she said. I saw he was dying in agony, so I shot him to put him out of his pain. Miss Bettison was arrested. Later, after an examination, she was declared insane and taken to an asylum. GIRL FOUND DEAD BESIDE HER VIOLIN Manipulate Auto Lights by Knob on Steer Wheel Charms So Music Before Life. Ends Tragedy that automobile headlights can be adjusted quickly to fit any condition without a sudden shift from one extreme to the other, a device designed for attachment to the steering wheel has been invented. A turn of the dial changes the lamps to any degree of dimness necessary, eliminating the Knob on Steering Wheel Turns Lights Up or Down. momentary blindness that follows an abrupt switch from a bright glare to semidarkness when passing machines at night, end lessening the danger of a collision or running off the road. Easily attached to any car, the control can also be used for parking lights. Popular Mechanics Magazine. Must Warn of Rope When Towing an Automobile ' Drivers of automobiles towing another car by means of a rope or chain who fall to give pedestrians warning that they should not pass between the two cars are guilty of negligence, according to a decision of the New York Supreme court The decision reads: Where one automobile was towing another Into a garage across the public sidewalk by means of a rope twelve feet long which sagged within eighteen Inches of the sidewalk, not visible on account cf darkness, the driver was legally bound to foresee that persons standing on the walk, waiting to pass, would attempt to proceed after the first car had passed, and he was guilty of actionable negligence In falling to give them some warning of the presence of the rope, rendering his employer liable for Injury to one of the pedestrians who tripped over the rope while In the exercise of a reasonable degree of care for his own safety." The owner and service man are often prone to blame the engine lubricating oil when excessive dilution Is found to be prevalent In an automobile. There are a considerable number of causes of excessive dilution which Characteristics of Set can be traced not to the oil, but to the The set shown is a simple arrangemaladjustment, and malfunctioning of ment of a variometer and a variable the fuel supply system. There are several operating condicondenser. This circuit although not tions which tend to cause excessive basically different from many others, crankcase dilution, namely: Rich carhas enjoyed remarkable success. It has buretor adjustment, excessive use of good selectivity, good volume, and an the choke In starting, excessive idling exceptional receiving range. In some of the engine, or low engine operating cases It has been possible to operate a loud speaker on nearby stations and Test Outfit May Be Made Up From temperatures. When these factors are distances of five to seven hundred adequately taken care of and excesOdds and Ends. sive dilution still occurs, It Is advismiles have been heard on the phones. The results are all that could be ex- and ground. This test unit consists able to check over the fuel supply sysof a lamp Inserted In one slds tem to determine whether there is a pected from a crystal receiver. 110-voline to which are con- leaky carburetor float or a sticky The reason for this Is it has both of the two awls. The test leads are vacuum tank mechanism. nected and inductive and capacity tuning of flexible wire. Two fuse sockets practically no losses. All taps and and fuses are inserted one In eact( most of sliders characteristic crystal TEST EYESIGHT OF THE AUTOMOBILE DRIVER sets have been abolished and work- side of the line at Its Input. The In Illusshown is circuit the diagram manship and materials of vacuum tube quality have been used through- tration. . The lamp flashes when a circuit Is out It Is the usual practice to build closed Indicating that the circuit of as a crystal set as cheaply possible. the unit tested Is continuous. In testThis accounts for at least four-fifth- s audio transformers, the awl points of ths trouble experienced with crys- ing to the primary posts and tal sets and Is responsible for the lim- are touched If the secondary side Is momentarily One on of this sets type. itations put a spark discharge may wouldn't expect a tube set to work short circuited, be observed at Its terminals. coil a crude with tapped efficiently and Junk" parts, so It Is hardly logical to expect It of a crystal set. Be- Must Use Care to Keep fore the, days of tube receivers the Vacuum Tubes in Order amateurs built crystal sets, using good would that To and results got prolong the life of vacuum tubes apparatus, make many owners of tube sets today they should be burned as dimly as envious. This can be done now as possible at all times. Excessive filawell as It was done then. All that Is ment current and plate voltage have the necessary If to get good parts, be care- property of destroying the coating of ful to hook them up as shown, and thorium on the fllument. If the opeuse an antenna and ground us de- rator finds that the tube has to be burned brightly and the plate voltage scribed. must be over 90 for good volume, the Antenna, Ground Parts. tube should be taken back to the place e single-wirof the be should The antenua where It was purchased and a test It type about 125 feet long. made. Should one find that It is Ima In run be should perfectly straight possible to guess ot the proper brilline; use only one wire and no angles. liancy, a voltmeter should be added to A multistrand wire of about No. 14 the set gauge Is all right for this purpose. The anthe as Is as Just important ground Do Not Use Steel or Iron tenna, although It Is the one Item genDr. J. Fred Andreae Is pictured here taking a test of the eyesight of H. D' When consideration. mounting Inductances ot any least the given erally Deltner, applicant for a driver's license nt the offices of the automobile comThe best ground Is one connected to sort avoid the use of steol or Iron mission. All applicants In Maryland will undergo this examination before These metals Impair the A several objects such as a water pipe, brackets. they are granted the states permission and license to drive an automobile. Inradiator, metal stake driven In the efficiency of the Inductance by the new ruling of the commission demands that all drivers be able to read sn4 Into the jground, gas pipe, etc. In this manner troduction of magnetic metals distinguish signals at a distance of 100 feet or more. coll. brass brackets ha Use of the to Is sure field a lew resistance ground tt Slays Wounded Brother After He Shot Himself With New York. While Helen Quinlln played the violin in her furnished room on the top floor at No. 122 West Seventy-eighth street, other lodgers gathered In the hall and listened. They agreed that Helen, who was twenty-two- , possessed great talent It was unfortunate that she should have to work for a living as stenographer in the offices of a biscuit company. Still, she had been in the city only four months, and perhaps her opportunity would come in time. Helens playing ceased. The hallway audience waited a while and dispersed after agreeing there was a great future in store for her. Next morning Allie Crutcher, ' the maid, was almost overcome by gas when she opened the door of Miss Qulnllns room. The maid called Mrs. Mary Hickey, proprietress, who summoned others. They found Helen dead on her bed, her violin at her side. Gas was pouring from a tube disconnected from a small stove. How it became disconnected is not known. Fete Reformed Criminal on Return to Home Minneapolis. A man who, as a confessed criminal and an undesirable, left Minneapolis 32 years ago by order of the police, recently returned, a convert to Christianity and a leader in welfare and criminal rehabilitation work. He Is John Callahan, superintendent of Hadley Rescue hall, New York, and chaplain of the Tombs prison. Driven from this city In its infant days as a convict, too crooked to tend bar and as a confessed thief, Callahan, on his return, found Minneapolis paying homage to him In almost unprecedented manner. He passed one week here, and was swamped with visits and messages from Minneapolis leading men and women. Callahan spoke before many of the leading local civic, business and church dubs in addition to Innumerable other gatherings. Faith in the Bible, Callahan told his audience, made me good and kept me good. He still carries the same little copy of the New Testament given him the night of his conversion. Old Man, Angered by GENERAL KNOWLEDGE said the teacher, Jack, a cape? "what Is A cape Is a piece of land extending Into the water. Thats right. Now, Jimmy, define-gulf. r A gulf Is a piece of water extending Into the land." Good. Hector, to a small, little chap, can you tell me what a mountain Is? A mountain, responded Hector, "Is a piece of land extending into the air, Japan Advertiser. eager-lookin- g Not Well Trained Peggy had been to the circus and mother thought to Impress a lesson. When dogs, and ponies, and monkeys obey so well, dont you think a little girl ought to obey even more quickly?" she said. So I should, mummy, was the Instant reply, if Td been as well trained as they have." Where She Looked Darling, that encyclopedia you bought Is no good at all. Why, whatevers wrong wtth It?" This morning I wanted to find out why swallows migrate In winter. And you couldnt find It? Where did you look for It? I looked under why, and I couldnt even find the word there at all." " . DANCING ARTISTS He Youre an artist at dancing. She And youre a caricature at It- - Economy Economy we practice now. Were gradually learning It . This thing of saving cash, we vow. Is harder still than earning itl Let Others Worry ' Anxious Wife Able, have you dons anything about that horrible Black Hand letter? Able Oh, aint I, though. I turned It over to my Insurance company got $20,000 tied up In me; let them worry. Moorestown Star, Desperate Case "That fellow looks downcast. Yes, they are going to shoot iiliz at sunrise. "A deserter?" No, a movie star. And thats a darn mean hour to get out on tho-lo- t Business Man Gentleman What? Begging here? You usually stand In Main street? Panhandler Yes, but I have opened a branch store here. Dorfbarbler (Berlin). Class Must be a gentleman farmer cated near by." Wlmt makes you think ..that? I noticed the last scarecrow passed had on golf togs." - lo- Wi.e WILL RAISE PRICE Argument, Drowns Baby Vienna. After an argument over a turn equivalent to 37, Garl Zledler, a took his pensioner, aged seventy-threlandlords daughter to a bridge over the Danube, flung the baby to her tVath In the river and then gave himself up to the police. e, eighteen-months-ol- d Investigation of Zeidler's record showed that he had once been condemned to death, the sentence being commuted to 25 years imprisonment, which he served. On another occasion he was given a short sentence for manslaughter. Asleep ; Pulls Tooth Gravesend, Cal. F. N. Jackson, auctioneer, bad a dream recently in the course of which he played dentist. During the night he Imagined that a nut was caught between his upper and lower Jaws while he was cracking It. After a strenuous pull he niunnged to remove It. When. he awoke he discovered be bad pulled out a large inolnr which 'ad been aching. Truck Runs Wild Ladderman Walter Glynn was seriously Injured when fire lad der truck No. 1 becnnie unmanageable, demolished a parked automobile and crashed through the plate glass window of a lunchroom. The rear steer tng gear of the motor truck snapped, causing the big firs apparatus to rui Boston. wild. Mother Silence Is golden, Wllllet not sliver, as you Bay. Willie Im glad to hear that sister has never given me moren a quarter, you know. Carrambat In Mexico, And dirty The Injured He done where knives abound, work, victim doubtless cries, me. dirk." Must Be Loony Applicant All 1 ask Is n position with the same pay thut you yourself would want If you were to take the Job. Piute Thunder ami Profiteering lightning; you must be loony. Do you think I'm made of money? But Expressive The Pilot If this squall continues I shall heave to. Passenger (faintly) Wbnt a horrid way of putting It. Stray Stories. r |