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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH CHILDRENS WASH FABRIC FROCKS; VIVID KNITTED SCARFS IN FAVOR bow THOSE alluring us,newandginghams, what a coaxtempt ing way they have of suggesting ways and means of transforming them into lovely frocks for the children. They surely are a challenge to deft fingers and creative minds. Now Is the time for action for time Is fast Warm weather will arrive all of a sudden and school dresses, likewise playtime frocks, cool and Inviting, must be ready at the psychological minute. Not only does the supply and variety of charming materials seem to he endless, but there seems to he an inexhaustible fund of Ideas to vivid colors In neckwear departments or In sections devoted to things knitted. The newer knitted scarfs have attained to heights of luxury and elegance the like of which was not known among the ordinary types of yore. This seasons knitted scarf Is longer, wider and with an enrichment of color which glorifies any costume with which It Is worn. The scarf In the picture Is knitted of tan fiber silk with border stripes of brilliant orange. In choosing ones scarf be sure to see that It carries the predominating color of the hat, for, as we all know by this time, the entire scheme of fashion . Radio Towers Now Span Globe Stations Springing Up All Over the Earth. . I got Hastings, Neb., Washington. last night I" Hastings is on the lips of every radio fan who merits the name. Hastings, an obscure village of Nebraska, Is the goal of millions. There may be other cities, places like Llncen, Omaha, North Platte, but for dial turners, Hastings is Nebraska Nebraska Is Hastings. Radio Is a Croesus of fame, playing the prince for many Cinderella cities, says a bulletin of the National Geographic society from Its headquarters at Washington. Once Hastings was Just one of the American cities under 12,000 population.Now it is g radio mecca. A tube set that has not made a pilgrimage to Hastings and back Is an outcast, Indeed. It Is at once the best known and least known city In the United States. The huge relay station for KDKA of Pittsburgh located there Is nearly In the geographical center of the United States. Why Station Was Chosen. "Absence of tall buildings in Hastings and of high hills in the neighboring countryside and the presence of good ground water are conditions counted in favor of establishing a station at this place. When America tunes In on Hastings, it gets a Main Street town on the edge of what used to be called the Great American desert. If Hastings could broadcast motion pictures of its activities it would show the large pens down near the railroad where steers and sheep are stopping off for a bite to eat (according to government regufor Kanlation) before sas City or Chicago. We might see laborers leaving for the sugar beet fields near Grand Island on the Platte river. For scenery there are the foothills Just to the west, of the Bad Lands farther north. Probably we would be shown farming operations to the east, where fertile loess soil, sometimes 100 feet deep, supports corn Jack of the Beanstalk would admire, and seas of wheat. And we would see the volcanic ash diggings where raw material for highly advertised scouring powders is scooped up. Although wireless telegraph stations pepper a world map, radio broadcasting stations are still scarce except in the United States, Canada, Cuba and England. Cuba, with 30 stations, a is far ahead of England with 21. France has eleven broadcasting stations to Germanys nine. Even India will shortly have ten. Despite severe In nearly governmental restriction every pluce except In North America, new radio towers are springing up all over the face of the earth. On the whole, American listeners would find , out-ride- THE SUM TOTAL OF LOVELINESS draw upon In the fashioning of dresses for little girls. Put plenty of butter on it, say the children when buying their bags of pop corn, and with equally earnest enthusiasm fashion says In regard to tub frocks for little tots, Put plenty of For the investhandwork on them. ment of time and material nothing yields a more fascinating reward than childrens clothes. A bit of hemstitching here, a few embroidered rosebuds, some scallops and a frill of lace, how of lovelithey do count In a sum-totness. No doubt, the little girl In the picture has been saying, He loves me, he loves me not. as she gleefully counts revolves around the ensemble Idea. Plaid knitted scarfs are among the newest numbers and others are Roman striped. Special mention should be made of green In connection with the knitted scarf, for it is a most popular color from almond and apple to most vivid shades. Bright red Is of Increasing favor. Scarfs In solid color with elaborate borders are favored. Not only the scarf itself Is of supreme Interest this season, but ways of wearing present a new angle of Interest. Perhaps later some enterprising fashionist will be Inspired to Issue a booklet of Instructions as to diverse arrangements of the scarf. It probably would tell you of that smart new man- - the overseas programs little different, except In language, if they could get them successfully. Argentinians now sit In on the discussions of their national legislature. The heated debates are carried to the firesides on the pampas. Vienna and some other European capitals have broadcast operas which have been. denied American fans thus far. In England It is now becoming fashionable to go to your favorite cafe and listen to the evening program. Despite the challenge of the electric bulb Old Sol has had a pretty stern hand on the habits of man. Until radio came along, the sun alone seemed able to stir up a froth of activity on the earth, as It swept the surface with light and plunged It In darkness. Then a few weeks ago music for evening diners in the United States served as a breakfast concert In Australia. Old Sols scepter wavered then. To add Insult to the Injury that that accomplishment gave to the suns control of mans affairs, residents on the west African coast abstain from sleep until 2 a. m. to hear that same American Jazz. Around World In Five Seconds. Once the sun considered it pretty good time to travel 27,000 miles around the earth In 24 hours. On a recent relay test radio telegraphy galloped around the earth In five seconds. Broadcasting is too recent a devel-- ; opment to have experience with the' ogre, war. What would happen to It under military necessity is mostly conjecture. The last war may have cast a portending shadow by the fact that broadcasting has been suppressed In the occupied territory of Germany. The League of Nations, In the interest of preserving peace, Is reported to be planning a great station on ML Sal eve, overlooking Geneva, capable of sending around the world. Mexico Is probably the only country which has made use of radio broadcasting In war. During the recent revolution bulletins from the front were put on the air at Mexico City. Cameron, S. C. Reviving an old Southern sport, fallen into disuse for nearly fifty years, the people of this little South Carolina town have the annual tilting tournaments. The sport consists of horsemen charging down a course in attempts to secure upon their wooden lances small rings suspended above the track. Following the tournament, the most colorful event of the day Is the coronation of the queen at the town auditorium. Originating probably In the "quintain, a sport of old France, in which five, Instead of three, rings were used, the Southern sport of tilting is thought to have been Introduced into this country by early settlers of French origin. h Harnessing the Wind a New Invention Slip a package fa your pocket Wnen yon eo home to nttM. Give (he youngsters this wtoiesomlonj. lasting sweet for sd benefit. -- pleasure Vt H yoanttf after smoking or when work drag. It's a JmtMfiker . rein-stltute- d s- New York. A remarkable example of the strange workings of the subconscious mind was revealed when Lincoln Schindler, a deaf mute for 55 years, burst Into fluent speech as he emerged from the influence of ether, after an operation at Bellevue hospital. Schindler is sixty, an engraver, and lives at No. 224 East Seventy-fiftstreet. None of his friends ever had heard him speak a word and he said, after suddenly regaining the power of speech, he had been utterly mute since jewas five years old. Jeveral days ago he was taken to Bellevue suffering from a tumor of the neck, and Doctors Sutton and Bromberg decided to operate. Silent During Operation. During the actual operation he was in a complete repose, but as he began to regain consciousness words poured from his lips. forfrtmymff&T Tilting Tourney Revived by South Carolina Town Dumb Since 1870 Man Now Speaks Ether, in Operation, Removes Inhibitions and Patient Talks Fluently. X3, 'Hello Daddy 'dont A hunch Is a bit of reasoning that does Itself without revealing its processes. For Hard Workers and Hard Walkers Everywhere USKIDE Bring Doctor Bromberg! he cried. I want to tell him what he has done for me. It Is wonderful. I can talk. When Doctor Bromberg entered the Tbs Wonder Sole for Wear patient thanked him effusively. Wears twlea as long am baat Imath art The mans vocal cords ..had not been touched during the operation, and the and for a Bettor Heel . case was without precedent. Doctor Haala "Ius. SPRING-STEBromberg feared that after the effects United States Rubber Company of the ether had completely worn off the man might relapse Into unintelligible mumbling. However, five hours later, SchindIt is spring. Now, again, how much ler still was talking, and it seemed certain he had permanently regained of a snake Is body and how much li his voice. A third physician explained the case. This doctor, who has been in Intimate touch with the patient, said: It Is a phenomenal case of the operation of the subconscious mind. A study of the case reveals that, even as a boy of two or three years, this man was extraordinarily shy and His own voice frightened him and he avoided speech whenever possible. During the year, between four and five, he lapsed into long periods of silence, allowing whole, days to pass without talking. All a Delusion. And by the time he was five he had deluded himself into the belief that he Alabastine is suitable for all could not talk at all. It was autointerior surfaces most plaster, of the suggestion, wall board, brick, cement active kind. or canvas. Its applied with After that time he never talked, an ordinary wall brush. Its and he began to delude himself into a powder in white and the belief that he could not hear. From tints, ready for use by mixthat time he went on under the Impression that he was a deaf mute. ing with cold or warm water. Full directions on Actually, he heard every word spoken in his presence. And he used ordinary every package. Properly words in the train of his thoughts. But applied, it wont rub off. the words he heard with his ears did Ask' your dealer for color not penetrate Into his conscious mind. card today or write Miss Psychologically, he did not hear at all. The ether did nothing but break Ruby Brandon, the Aladown his inhibitions, release his subbastine Company, Grand conscious mind and return him to the Rapids, Mich. Dont take condition of a normal individual. something "just as good," Mr. Schindler lives with his wife and daughter. The wife is deaf and speaks Her affliction is the with difficulty. result of spinal meningitis, suffered In childhood. According to the daughter, there were rare occasions when her father spoke among the family, but his words were so Indistinct as to be understood with difficulty and outside the family circle he invariably used a pad and pencil for conversation. The daughter, as well as Mr. Schindlers three other, children, is perfectly normal. SOLES P s. - The ministry of agriculture of England is now erecting an aerodyuamo. Is a German invention. It works on the same principle as an airplane. The Invention is supposed to aid In producing heat. It CHINESE WINS RACE TO BUY LUSTROUS PEARL Jewel On the Way to Port With the When Valued at 500,000 Francs European Buyers Arrive. SCARFS ARE BRIGHT AND GAY the petals of each daisy so daintily emwhite the organdie along strip which borders her glnglmm gown. Since one "cannot have too much of a good thing it Is a pleasure to the eye for these decorative dnisles to be continued around the wide organdie collar. The confining of the side fullness by means of glnghum ties Is a welcome suggestion. The mode calls for severe tailored suit and knitted scurf of high color, If we with emphasis on the scarf. wear will wo bids as us, fnshlon do with our spring tallleur the brightest, gayest knitted scarf that over was. The iboya are full of them, flaunting their broidered ner of wrupplng the lightweight gorgeously colored knitted scarf about the throat, bringing the ends to the bark where they trail out In graceful abandon. Perhaps It would Illustrate the new French fnshlon of tying the scarf In a bulky bow Just to one side under the ehln. Again we might be Initiated Into that charming method of catching the scarf to one shoulder by means of a bouquet of colorful crochet flowers. e frocks or Jumpers With there Is a way of tucking belt a with one end of the knitted senrf under thb belt which indicates smart fashion. JULIA BOTTOM LEY t 1111, Wuliro Nwppr h'iiloB.) one-plee- there thnt the pearl was at sea In the possession of a Chinese trader, who had purchased it from the native diver and was bringing It to Tahiti. The undoubtedly price What paid to the native Is said to have Tapeete, Tahiti. been 110,000 francs. Experts at Pais the largest and most valuable pearl Pacific ever discovered In the south Gam- peete who have examined the jewel appraise its value at from 500,000 to 000,-00- 0 was brought to Tahiti from the Is francs. weight Its In Islands January. bler carats. The coloring is brilliant An unusual number of fine pearls 2G with green and golden hues predomi- have been found In the Islands during of the pearl the nating. One hemisphere diving senson just pnst. I.agotms is marked by two distinct Iridescent closed for many years hnd been opened on that for bands, which give the Jewel, diving, and It was from them that of side, something of the appenrunee Its the most valuable pearls were tnken. the planet Suturn encompassed by Many years ago the Gambler Islands When the news of the finding of this were a center of great Importance In the South seas. From t)ie lagoons came pearl reached Tahiti, the European headthe most valuable shell ami the their make who Papeete buyers choicest pearls, Thnt was before the season, the diving during quarters chartered schooners to take them to days of restriction on pearl diving and the Gamblers, distant nearly 1,000 the lagoons were stripped year after mltesi only to find on their arrlvul year until they became fished out and the trade drifted to other quarters. During the Inst ten or fifteen years the Gamblers hnve been the least visited Islands In the eastern Pacific. 1923 Was Healthiest Year Known to Irish State Dublin. According to the official figures of the registrar general of the Irish Free Stale, the year 1023 was the healthiest ever known In Ireland. The marriage and birth rates Increased and the dentil rate decreased. The death rate was 13.34 a thousand, r as compared with 15.80 for the The births average, 1013-22- . numbered 01,000, of which 31, SOS were boys and 20.SS2 girls. The estimated population there tius been no regular census since 1011 Is 3,100,000. ten-yea- Romance Slumbers London, Ohio. A romance of youth culminated in old age with the marriage In St. Louis recently of Carl and Mrs. ElizaHuddle, seventy-five- , beth Wagner, seventy, both formerly of this city. Both are parents of fan children. You will know what to expect from your motor when you know what you' get from the oil you buy. Indifferent choice buys indifferent oil and questionable service. MonaMoior Oil is the choice of motot wise drivers. MonaMotor Oil does th job of lubrication BETTERI Buy 'dependable motor service and longer motor life. Use only MonaMotor Oil. MonaMotor Qjl Company Ban Francisco, Cal. Los Anycles, CaL MonaMotor Oils & Greases W, N. u. Salt Lake City, No. 25. |