Show t Celia Nish "Vera Corrsjiondent Mr Eberhnrt ZundeJ and small son Neil of Driggs Idaho came down Wed and visit nesday to tranaset buslners relatives a few clays They returned home Sunday Nish anBishop and Mr R T nounce Ore marriage of their daughter Leona to Mr Otto Hall of Portage the marriage took place at Ogden Jan wdl make their home at 2nd They Portage The local ball team were basket over the Fielding victorious quintet first League when they played the with a game here Thursday evening seoie of 17 to 10 Friday evening Portage the losers of the rabhit hunt) entertained with a was A large crowd dance in our hall present and everyone had a good time Hot dogs and punch were sold to the It’s easier to 1 lhc “Enjoy JlOlll than it Club comfort out of that overworked stove And it For the lrdnutc vo costs less too install jour Ilcatrola — ami on the most liberal terms c cr offered — just that minute ou Login saving on fuel i!oT OF bilfcrirn d labor — H — after make eres ano t her- - thing )our small injou itial payment you can forget the rest You know of them until next Fall a good thing when you sec it so wc’llbelookingfor Or if you you Here m our wish wcTl conic amazing ffvr to your home and join our J tduh iituking explain the whole memknhip drHsit of only You iNow” —1 ’i'le"“Mbsrr La nr a ‘ Ferre and Alta Petci son our school teachers returned after spending the Wednesday holidays at their homes supper Monday evening a wedding in ii nor of Mr and Mrs Otto Hall was given at the home of the brides Nish Mrs T and R parents Bishop The young Covers were laid for 50 received many beautiful and couple useful gifts Out of town guests were Mr and Mrs Alta Hail Mr and Mrs Bert Hall and son "Butch” Mr Scott - Misses -amMrs and Cora Hall and Jennie Madeline Kundsen and Mr Russel Stephenson Glenn Morrie James Olsen and Mrs Shaffir TX1 ro Correspondent JlC32U3i V Myrtle Jorgensen Bishop R T Nish made a trip to Brigham Tuesday Mrs Hannah I Wolverton to Burley Idaho to spend Vi? ' This cold weather Is to sevfre for Mr Wairen Raswnason so left last Monday for Calif ernia Where he intends to spend the Winter with his mother r Tel w Ac’ains left Monday to In !v stock show at Ot’dcn Mr and M s Lafayette Hawks and family are the guests of Mr and Mrs Mrs Hawks Is Mrs Lafaye’te Grover Grovers sister Mr Didos Atkinson of Clarkston Utah was a last wieks visitor of Mr J L Atkmson and family Hugh Adams and Marion Sorenson motortd to Ogden Tuesday to the Stock Show We hd a V"ry good attendance at our ret Dr Conioin Meeting last Sunday C J JeiiMn teacher at the L D S Sunmarv was the main speaker Board nimbus were also present Mr Mrv take r' ''' y? rv Tjrnr-- J Vc-- i Tli0ipr Ill fnf'tnrr fob bod 6r -- vV y IS All-Americ- an that All America is AcclaimingZlXJ i eN e Wf) a Ja ivl'A the pr:- - of ull month with her daughter Mis Wiland family Zhdtl rtiurmd home from Salt I’’ Wednesday of last week Mrs 'Ihomus Udy of Riverside visited he lie tlier Mrs Violate Archibald r vlhO Is l Thursday Hess Mr and Mrs Lawrence and children of St John Idalio were dinner gui sts oi Mr and Mrs Robert Nish Sunday Mis' Maria Silvester and Mrs Josie — Idaho si tent New Palmer Year's day with Mas Silvesters parents Mi and Mrs Fred Silvester Mess’s and Mesdatncs Orson Watson Hailey Potter and Hyde Hess of business Garland spent New Years here with friends' and relatives Mr Garr Rose of Logan is spending has gone a few a few cays here last is to coax UTAH Eatt Garland New Items Item New Plymouth GARLAND TIMES THE GARLAND t!o uilmiralkm bur Lore tuu-o- A nveieun is v in - uierlia o:iJfjTiij by its new beauty with ill line car feat urea as an ‘“line of drive’ Aiul those funilliar quality laurvcl at bin accurately halunccd ted balanced conn dynamically ' crunk-ha"‘exclusive patented rubber cu-iicil enpiiie mounting four-- v bo g ! I Small wonder ItrakeH constructed wonderfully btvlcil "act Tal nil idumbl thut m u car briliianlly Aiucrieu’ be winuing “ ” $n?t fob (n 'wv pitta rft'Iisvy mite Sinn k Alortw ni aprint roiri Prtcta £lfJ chargra Included I heck in Itmt priiM Httrn$ra mud rear findrr guard extra lotwil Iuind(4n charge Djinanii b luyrrtl i unarm Matmra ima i'uytumMl 4‘tmn avaiimbla ( minimum rM PECK and ’GUNDERSON — utali -- New Pontaic Makes Big “Knjoy-I- hv $2 00 the lull amount of w!ii h ia applied u brut payment uu your Islutr llrulmU out tmir oid 2 ami lakt ou illow for it (500 if you left thr Ik'atrold I'lim Jinior for your horm in aNo aiilicl on tlio uHoHtfntr ' purrlianr pri of lie Hfatria Up instnll the lhntnla It Vibiti m your lioinr hour'll time ha will liae it ynur up onilftc — H'KMling o v hole huuiif with fi At Auto Show Hit proposition 1929 York Jan 8— The new Big Six revealed to the pubthe first time "with the openShow ing of the National Automobile here on January 5th measures up In every respect to the advance promise of “practically a brand new car" Judging by the attention which it Is receivwho daily ing from the thousands throng the Grand Central Palace A bigaer car in every dimension— increased In measurcably length and with scores of chassis Imwhich cause the specifprovements ication chart to read like that of a six of dollars costing many hundreds more— this newest creation of General Motors appears destined to grace the highways of America in even great er numbers than did any of Its three record breaking predecessors The power plant of the new Pontin size iac Big Six actually exceeds that which was used in the Oakland Six when the original Pontiac was introduced three years ago this month The chassis is larger stronger and New Pontiac lic for ftifat II atrob lux rr u (onwiiH'nu ami oniiv from iiuk on htiiiutd n aki ti amdin'r pa'iufnl nidi' nc"t it h a ni:b un t uil b hr n ur to mi ulrtul u m ov )tv ihr suited lu nioiithix ihhIhIIhichIa to u r? jf if life adAhi Hyrum Jensen Furniture and Hardware Co Utah Garland And the newly designed bodies present such smart and lines 'that the car gains a distmctive identity all pleasing and unmistakable its own With the greater power of a Inch engine the new car has achieved a degree of speed acceleration and response previously considerIn the field of ed unattainable sixes Although the first showing of the 1929 Pontiac is taking place here it Is Oakland officials undei stood from York Automobile visitihg the New F DRIGGS car will be dis- -' new the Show that played In all sections of the United I Serving SAWYER’S FAMOUS TAMALES States just as rapidly as there assembly lines can turn out the new CHILI AND SANDWICHES THE in Pontiac model: at the factory Michli an Them to Satisfy in and Appetite the Pontiac however Meanwhile Eg Six will make a radio bow to the world on Monday evening January T Car when the Oakland Motor Compcritic says that all new When a woman can’t brag about Aliterary any assumes the role of host during the regular General Motors Hour over having the best husband in the world books are forgotten within a year He she seems to get Just as much pleasure probably means by those who bonwr Chain the National Broadcasting out of braggtpg that she has the worst them heavier Fisher BLUE BELL Confectionery A Manager BEST ALSO Call Your Try Society News Items Tliiv Heoolti — ESTATE builds it OV is W E GETZ Gar' and neonle can be glad of one lmw They re not the only hung incs vvi h Chriotmas bills to pay jnt l he 'nnati Cn A ! Hi Expert Eye Testing - WATCHES DIAMONDS) JEWELRY UtplJ Tremonton dit ' that ruled There heard d a i'rw ai' pj- 'is iiiii 'J V A "frr:-rrzrj&i- l way 'ive v CITY L - iT tvjf SHOE REPAIR F AUrtO rren j H seu j I j j 71 r A r Li I l insf SERVICE Tremonton Bankirfg Co Tremonton Utah j NIGHT FOR i fe Tor i Thi-D-Tn- or at I i ! Ail i- - x nus r oi ’ 11 a iud tar r :: cz' u ' rn:y J’js rn? he V'"i i t’n ry iv- - rked cd IIoiLtcrms it r :VC': aryilii IN’SUPAZCE U’Tm A WISE and WOOD Managers Phene 50 Utah - yc’J NOW LITTLE IE! RE ZQ : Y CDS': 3 r in PeckSFrvice"Sl'aTferr Garland v’iU GOrUE IN AND cf FREE TESTIItG SERVICE AT J j ’ Tiber-- syevr-- v v tV O t 'w I c U your iaJialors cl ring this pjr'cl STATION All work guaranteed L'm' - fnr :rlS ju I 4t? d j - 1 PECKS ' - I J if’ ' r O inTprnition and Generator Repairin PHONE y can j I I I it a- f Utah GarlsnJ J - 'I yr i o (SERVICE j m mv f: tj I I ho of r vonr ‘fw naTu e a d to u! r "e ny a oa fa V repair "g Sew imr MaG r h J R L i v JygsPQhn AUTO REPAIRMAN Gr T'ral Auto Repair- j Si e l Va I al' Bell Phor'j 23 ' j I ¥ k r 'ar 'he rer n'o f f iJian he'a ' - order TC'DION rnv Alfred Mielrociis Cool Yard l r Hei'ie't u- Kiiig and Knights Spring Canyon Utah’s Best Coal tir S'rrir !')- - 1'ied he - nt j nruA nnn vvlo r fov- - ti take answer lus t) take l as a the rest of lus Lfij after rn fu 'Ns has Juclpc :c is not no’so that he ha- - nut n s ‘:W OfH4eiir 4r and and ‘trh'f Tiers Of ttie 'nr-- f Mr-T W pines ad Ms and Mrs J L of the Gai'and and Mss Gladys Tson and pleasant sovuvl afternom at the home of their presl- - T Will am Cocavne — The af- Mrs J J Shomway vno ae Mr and Mrs Herbert Rtayner ln h3n()r of i iv the rt a family pa’li'iniR at the w”! and Dr Dimi' r v as Tlmnr th n the 'ae New Year's Da :l n ed covers bena laid fur Mr and rs vir on )” res in e u S n of B' nun W If f'pr’ud !v anc1 Mrs Funk 'im of Port- vre pn it M- - arid Mis H J St a rr r —- and Ms A’th'ir Irl d Mrs v anicd a' he- j e Ltaner Mus M 'J ie tuj n '' prlriary aaodenon yLd at 'Thuisday ohn i CL znumvvav Bank Building i Bear River Phones: Bell 120 2 |