Show ( THE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAH TheA Marked Man Romance of the Qreat Lakes W N U ScyIc By KARL W DETZER ' to Buy since Jim Nelson's advice wait t llule longer before coming hutk lie hud written again a short old en to embarrassed letter (lusinf From French Pamullnn hit Nuiman Erickson mutlipr closing tin It tils second pay che k He diMnwte herit for life on the lint N'el would like to go to Madrid atcr wUiih is beyond the un 8n knew best probably lie was dersta ruling of hit father GuiMaf fill a friend of both ErJoJfons fn aAilor veteran " He told not There alill wus Julie lira "Tlrfchson s death utnf ho NurL'lfilhwrit leu her— dairl mot kuow!t what to hat been working for a groer he fell that Jlllle write Nevertheless hit partner in hit Ashing hour at would he glad to see tilni In spite ot In rebellious once mood Nor man cks comfort fiorn Julie Ills long xlleuie Kic'haud Firm Canadian piuy It had been two months oh mite of his bool da v (lustHf to iotigei than Unit lie wrs ashamed going to the au) of a drowmna ll hud friend is crippled After months been figure how long litfstnf in in a measure able to nettitv Mnee otonlbs sines be suited Kd sume hi occupation Bnkr tut farm to the the lie Untied lifeyoung fisherman Normans left up a r kv hilly entile path long enemy fans ill feeling tween father and aun and Norall 'llus looked like lank country man tioteiminea to seek employ Another lie felt lost wot Id right seivif merit in Hie Iightlmi Now how could be explain inland Noirnim Hefora he hut accepted —bo — writ — iTnrrmyfrrrmbte - dbnf ?— Mvru upTii v PW'f ntieV on a fWlitng trip during a fh roe on the lake? lie xln tigged dtls slooil of him storm (iustnf aceueea tiers with one of Ins mother's funny coward ue Norman Indignant It was loo deep little gestures for goes to Wind Maua Ke ('riptain him is In command Stocking living Nd with his duughUT Susan The Uii bauds all Here busy on the Baker and his gives Storking fui in him Julie whtri she stw up daughter a biased account of prouth pul down (he box ol cherries Norman's conduct While filling a lamp with kerosene Susan sets which she was pitting and opened Are to her aklrta the bars at the end of the lane Her cheeks Here shut ply related whefi he cume up with her and her purple CHAPTER IV— Continued hlmk Imlr was curling In the heat More than ever she looked like a little a tarpaulin Jerked (iuwli ami girl “You she after'--' all this time!” Slummed II oij (lip Hour Fire? Sure lie could bent Orel cried and slured at him “Whut’s wasn't wind It wasn't Worm Nortuun? to your head who happened " deeded 8 coaVf And your hands?"to drown "Burned a JJttle” he replied out lire? Ue lie felt dlVy cool this mind hud s short way ol answering he planted cure tpies n d— tlons Ills mother used to tell him here tliert fully It there waxn It nns rude any tire Wasn't uuy "Burned?" danger Just tluit llllhy smell t “1111 L'u (f n In !" he shouted lie laughed off her anxiety lie was huskily glad lo see Julie gladder than he had “The boy's a d— n fool I" Cuptulu he Imagined he would he Somehow So Purlsh suld distinctly "Flue IhuiikH expected her to have changed uln't it? Try to suve a man's life and many things had happened since lust loive him knock you down a million he saw her yeurs had run by In n few niontha miilrr! Bui If she hud The fool was drown d In II was tire on that she was changed "The lire was out tell you linmHomer that her eyes were dark And It ulu’t Josluh I'urlsli er and rounder und that the color on titling such talk her cheeks whs h deeper scarlet She My my whut’s happened tide Erlckwn put Sue’ held her head a little higher perhaps tire day But she looked so young out Joiduh I’urlsli Coast guard didn't as If have an onr In IL We didn't need the soil had been kind to her had coast gunrd Fullh and I'd knocked permitted her to huve quiet thoughts was And her eyes told Normun Just now your ninn down too days wlsli’l there’d been a hun wild that she was happy deliciously happy dred and eighty steps to see him and nothing else In the world was bothering her head “Is the fire out?" arked Norman cume buck" he said "Well He The group In Ids hedrom aturied luughcd Mild then wondered why he Captain Stocking wus walking vloleut It was because his shoes up and down the ol ly without lunghed I’erhnps hare painted floor Captain I'urlsb of Julie's smile You are thin I" she the coast gunrd sat astride the chair “Bui Normun He coughed Just as Norman spoke "Tliln as a bean pole And told him Sue Stocking came toward the bed your head must he very liadlv hurt “All out" she answered When Here come Into the shade were you hurt?" “What's the matter then?" Normun demunded Bid you heur "Two weeks today “Nothing !” answered Sue Her voire Julie tu working at the lighthouse?’ “Lie rtlll " was mild deep crease shot urrosS her fore “You pul out a mean mess o kero "1 know " For s moment she head lie mopped sene" her father cried silent was and then her mood his fat red face “Sa ed a lens' f a‘i chungeiT S lie' Viu s' Ilk e Hi 1' N ir Pin h saved as I can the whole She could shift her remembered tower" like a (I real Lakes wind huniots sue "Have you hud your dinner?' Captain I’arrlsh Interrupted “You knocked my number sewn man "Ours Is late toduv Mother asked " clean downstairs and father will both he glad to see hurt me’ didn’t cried Sue “It him!” 'nine In with you Stocking She opened the kitchen dour "Knocked him Parish growled: The room was full ut Memo oi clcun downstairs for trying to lug you of “the Inviting (Hceut little iMcliuud out I" Uhl Gotuiuluv nt Helicli conking "Whu’d I hit?” Norman asked was si nibbing bis face In n towel ' be cried “ lie kimmi “You till Ed Baker" Sue explained “1 In Normun to him “lie cume up to the tower und 'saints above Who who hurt you knocked him down Normun dido you?" And know he tilt him Captain Parish He rot gotten lunt Noiiniio grinned was out" the lire lie was bow (iermuine could sitcum “Sure the lire was out I" Samuel as excitable as tnpliiln Stinking “N" Stocking turned on hlr daughter Just lutint a lime 'Tin not hurt You certainly thanks to you Suaun He told the story bluntly (leruiMlin have done yout share o' tnUehlel n when lie hinxticil seemed Impressed Wind a day what a day I” lie were adndiltu It day ull the faintly “It Ids amok to Norman switched pleased Normun for the Kichnutls to room flrst your Trend was think him a hero - They even called stairs like a Busted up Baker There hum a thought to Pirn one You was cnpslrd In muke the coast guard tHiigti’ At din Co'V seasick You was veitin while your hend Erickson ner Julies mot Pet hopped ran up you wild and when linker pnslh hPoiiI flic table with tieimilne - knife and link pitched Into him how first" crowing waving “It didn't hurt hltu" repeated Sue gulping carrots und peas between ex ami with sememes Julie Stocking cited And It wouldn't of have Norman in Klclinml silent “Might described lillnd Mans Eye and Ills been the hist time lie plunked him eitherCaptain Parish strode mu days and nights on duty Sami" he "Night "Come with me" Julie hade when of the door “1 from the hallway called “Night rnusi they flnlsbed their dinner Mias Sue" carry “stlL t"o blocks of "It" over Ills hands tried to think there" she pointed toward the north Norman west “The sheep are In that pas and arms and face were bandaged ointment that lure” with sickening Norman picked up the suit and he was like flat oil smelled had been strode a there lie wus willingly beside her very sleepy Julie had glad to be aloue with her lire he had knocked Ed linker down become flight she whose tongue wa the tower stairs to Bilcm-unactitstomed She walked "Why’d I ever do that?' he asked now gravely as If there were a matHue Shirking So ter she wished to speak of and dared She had slipped from the room uot apparently had Captain Stocking “Have you heard anything ot my fa The assistant keeper turned oxer amr slept liter?" Norman asked miserably Julie turned and her pink face re It was seven davs before Normun uniform and bis She had been waiting tor tliul In taxed prowled dressed reser“Yes-- ' she answered “lie Is very dizzily wronnd the lighthouse had Been hltu In twelve he resumed work vation angry apfyou Normun once hefote sime you went away ID In two weeks he took his flrsi day off wus sngty then because you did no' duty He go out tu the storm with him He was undecided where to go ll was something else He hud wanted to ee hla father And tie heard that you broke a diiid'i head in wanted to talk with Julie Ulcltaud Your futhet was very angry the dark He bad bad do word from Madrid THE STORY He screamed at tin t Madild Buy listened Eddie Hater says It " girl CoprrigJit so loud all He told me wus over a "What’d he saj?” “Eddie I’nJier?" "Baker? No my father don't cure wlmt Baker says" JuBe looked at him keenly then dttrtred“Your father sat on the bridge Sun "We related day” she stopped my So long we have father and not asked about you Zut heard of you He gave me the look of a panther That hoy Is nd tnv son Normun he screamed 'He's fear'd lie cried out to you must never come buck Madrid never "'Bond!’ J raid 'Maybe he wilt But uot iime to the farm Eddie Knrku f i i ? u r' J t ' I t M t bf The Co I get very angry Is outy a rheop ” IL Sometimes Norman "Sometimes what?” “You are like a sheep" Julie said "When your lather wants gravely When you to fish you want to farm else wants you to farm you mlk about lights" He arose turned quickly 'Norman nu her jcith s swift htirsh unger but was (ooTng 'lie did not shrlnET-Shnt him from her One black eyes he suld shortly He iiniud uwuy a dozen steps 'Good by" Julie answered There lu her vuice regret and wav regret Puglveiieas hut no hiul of relenting Ci me again Norman” At the malu lie ilid not look lank mill lie turned south walked rapidly mil spoke to no one on the way lie al Sell aT iYiTpy" uligTy Julie Wise Julie had at his father told him what he hud told himself a llmusiiid times It never would he Lake or land! His mother ids own decision and He brohably bad teen to that one minute this iis a sheep the next minute unolher Julie way lin hand could not understand that tug wliiilu him all she- saw was the fmillsli way It made him look and act He felt that she did not object to the water as her father dhL Only she wanted him to love It And she hud meant or leave IL her with "N!” Pointed Down ths Valley and Norman Following Her Gesturs an House and Unpainted Shs Saw Barn Raker has told your father about the he says you went lighthouse " there because of a girl “A girl? Baker said that?" Norman Tell tils face redden “That Is ridiculous! Julie I” The girl tinned toward him he What she suld appalled seech Ingly He hud never thought Julie him would ask this “Next year you will farm Noriniiri? There south uvross the river do you see that nice forty aires? You cun have It on sharer front old Henri i’la She pointed down the vul ttiotrdon" Icy and Nortuun followed her gesture saw an unpalnted house und bmp “Till then you can work for my fa liter Nornmn If you want lie does not w Irh mi to live at the lighthouse" ? mpk is head Impudently am signed up tit the tight "Hut tulle ' tie piiiixt d seeking sniiiething that would appeul to Iter “I Inive tine ti ii for in Julie with little silvei on Hie cop And at lighthouse niglu lie lamp slugs lust like the vliolr over ut t'opperlicail iliurili only quietet You would love ll hi the light Next week Ju'lt ivti you come see It? Come and see Blind Man's Eve!" Julie raised bet tliln Her glow Inn tilin k eyes iilmost met Ills nine ones believe "I would nre lm tPe Ic til 'loose business” she iitiswereil ll t wet tills ness Noiiuuli No 'Ike tlie form him not meant tp wet lakes You told nie uto e v'ui iiiotPer nnule udsiqka He leaped "In niuirvlng a siltor?' at ‘Yes Inn I'm tod s the word sillor !" ‘And wete not talking id marry nig!" Julie's tone uuih InM Ins "But we might?' “No Nut Ill nu t ou liuveli found truce when youi plate yet Norm in mu wete hole you told me you nevei in u ut Here storm pence "I suld on Holer Julie!" "The liglilliouse Is Hater “No !' She did not urgue turilicr A new tenderness had begun to glow lu lns face and she turned uPruptlv sturdy It seemed fiotn It tie Has a ru grown uiau Uukiy — ile missioned nnne assurance a strength tluit Hie ad mlreil She sal down tmdei beet tree and he dropped liesnle tier rot ky deilivity A WHSlitxl spread be low llietll liheep wandered alliilessy up ami doHD Ihe northwest pasture under the cover ot dark pine nMls There was pence here Normun ad mined lo himself “You come Sunday afternoon’ he In slstetl - His voice was pleading (J took her fttnd sffectlonatelv in tiis “ “1 II think mIhiui Ii stie rnt as If done with that sutijeit sPe with drew tier Imiiil from Ids slid pttirned "tie huger dpwti the valley “I to you see Hunt?’ she uxketl "Mv tutliers sheep? Ihe one but s nearly Well ll Iras no Sense while? When want tf Ittlie lower pusune Ii must wan j ifl go iu the upperr- - When the upier It must go In Hie lower p bus uot the sense to do wlmt I tell it fi nn And what did he love most? He had missed the presence of the Eye today un missed it eveu iu the daytime It was a bard demanding lighted mHress there on the coast pan lake He felt yurt land like nis own blood for Blind Man’s Eye a u sympathy kinship for II Landsmen hud built He pitied the the sen It to serve light perhaps he loved it a little too Normun shrugged his shoulders ns Into the woods he passed After oil wlmt what he did or how matter He wished he had people luughed not come away from Julie so hastily him to work at potatoes She wanted eh? Well lie would noL lie would not fish but neither would he dig potatoes fresh exploring wind struck at his cheek It puffed outof the north east where foul weather Is born Well there had been storm making? Norman came to no real blow since Let her blow Blind Man's Eye he was willing for a test Julie was an Independent girl he And it was not a had told himself out forty arres which site pointed Site hud not said ucross the river Imw much Henri Blamondon would A fellow might work It want for II then on shares for a year or two Julie certainly was It on time Imy independent CHAPTER V Djog jrhCaptaiti’s rupfilTv wulked the litsf Nortmtn The hlmk cloud that of beach hud been visible only from the ti! II top now a half hour before lex? than liiumed over the lake pulling out Its fbieutening ilaik cheeks him Normrn Mow!" told tier "let self lie spoke aloud iltu onscioiisly His voice sounded flat and he fried “let her blow'" he slioutgd again was belter Thai to ttie Eat up Hie bench halfway coining light be saw Sue Storking She wus walking hrixk low aid him swinging tier arms hs It she en ly loved It in a short dm k skirt und sailors middy with her hair blowing When Jlke a small hoy s In the wind mile she would have reached Norman in another hundred paces she sat down on a drift log and waited “Ahoy there flrst mate" she cried JShe was In “lt’e time you came" ‘‘I high spirits began to wonder (lave you no sense at all? Sane men with their beads tied up in bandages Sit don't walk so long In the beat down Rest a minute" Norman beside sat her This was the second tltun ‘today a girl had ordered him around and he rather suspected that Sue didn't care a broken fishStocking hook whether he obeyed her or noL “It's going to blow” she said “Yes” "The storm warning’s flying at the const Parish teleguard station kickBarometer's phoned a bit ago Where've you ing out Its bottom been ?" back Visiting country “Visiting friends" The I'hiriese claim that silk weaving vus practiced m I'hitia In Vlka) B t Hiul the art ol weaving was certainly known to the Egyptians at u sub believe Some scholar earlier period that weaving was Invented in I’gy pt all pioMildlty It was Invented iml — hv s difTeienl tour places Iu al least nnm a primitive white primitive h primitive red man vellow man The hlmk man Mild a primitive enrtlest nHempt —at —u caving — ere blades imply Ihe plait ing ot grass band dou rushes by or reeds With the aid ol a loom without ol the Iimuii— even ol he Invention used the simple! kind such as Is still of the among American Indian tribes mads strides were iMiit Invest— great Hut gram In Hie art of weaving Stolen Coodt aged five hud Just come Bobby home frvan Ihe hospital and hi uunt While bought him a small linker toy was playing with It his mum liohhy remarked to another sunt tlmt It had small hy cost so mint' for smh ll Is The other auur said: "tih well H made of steL' well constructed them overhenrd talking and Bobby Yon ’stee'ed said: "OIL I heard you You did 'cauas I beard you say It so" A physician watched the results of constipation for 47 years and believed that no matter haw careful people are of their health diet and exercise cotistlpi tion will occur from time to time Of next importance then is how to treat it when it comes Dr Caldwell alwayi was in favor of getting os close to natun as possible hence his remedy for consti known os Dr Caldwell’s Syru Pation is a mild vegetable compound ft can not harm the system and is no' nabit forming Syrup Pepsin is pleasant tasting and youngsters love it Dr Caldwell did not approve of drastic physics and purges He did no believe they were good for anybody’s What did she “That's pleasanL say that left you so quiet?" "Who?” “Your friends" Normun Sue laughed stammered then no reply as If she erpected stood up and adjusted her sailor tie “See how that fog fa rolling down? You’d best get along young man and help the keeper with the slgnaL It's a don't or double stilft tonight In the Dad's know old Michigan tower for weuther" she watching the house j!ji!odasUie£Ppracbcd “I’m going fn door lil gefltuppeF It You'll be wanting right away never saw any reason for their use when Syrup Pepsin will empty the bowels just as promptly Do not let a day go by without a bowel movement Do not sit and hope but go to the nearest druggist and get one of the generous bottles of Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin or write "Syrup Pepsin” Dept BB Monticello Illinois for free trial bottle early” After she had run up the steps Nornmn turned toward the tower On the high Iron deck that circled outside theuntern t’uptaln Stocking was leaning oveFthe low rail bareheaded lq the wind "And It's a fine' blow she’s going to be tonlghL" the captain greeted him Norman assented without spirlL of where all bis enthusiasm Strange the morning had gone The keeper’ cheeks shone hrlght red with exciteNorman's own burned to the ment Ue realized now point of discomfort It why the day had felt so stuffy had not beeD the land's fault after A storm was coming all Already In the rocks of Blind Man’s Teeth quiet water had turned a bilious saffron enlivened hy flnshes "Best get the fog signal started" directed “Fire’s Stocking Captain laid up?" "Yes sir” I’m comWalt “Touch It off I want to watch ing along of you watchln’ a It's healthy the water It starts good blood blow muke runnin' and kindles your liver" Nornmn shivered asked Captain "Cold?" Stocking This ain’t cold “My oh my muni It’s sweltering’ You not cold?" He lighted his pipe before stepping Norman strode beout to the sand side hint Thev punted together up the ninety one steps Out of the north the fog the closer marched overwhelming bata gray Invincible open spaces talion cheered on by the voice of the winds Norman looked out across the wa He was appalled by its threut ter It seeetmt before a storm Always wetter reudy for drownings there?" he moving "Something shouted Into Stocking’s ear “Off that He pointed wesL "Way ouf way?" " there The keeper squinted tbi “Cnn’t see ought to brought Millionaires Own Less Ode out of every thirty persons In United States Is a “capitalist” If we may believe the statisticians He has Invested In bonds or other securiown less than 7 ties iltUlonalres cent of outstanding corporation per 6tock8 Large numbers of men who live In little homes are the principal stockholders Nowhere else In the will you find anything like world the this :— INFLUENZA o can do will A NothUkf protect you Beainot Coida in fluonxo or Grippo m kooping your organs of end elimination active and yonr digootion free from poisonous accumulation system N stare's Remedy N? Tablet) does more then nd onay bowel action moroly cnase plenoant It tones and strong thons the system increee ing resistance against disease and infection ot Vmt Dragglo Oet a IM jo lei ’tv Gat Mask for Housewives Fumes from onions are kept from the nostrils and eyes by a gas mask which has been especially adapted to domestic Instead of ''war use It Is easily slipped on or off and affords an unobstructed vision through wide It may also be used by lenses vlrtfms to avoid dust— Popular Mechanics Magazine Tottie’s Busy Life oldest known cat In Great Is said to belong to a lady “Tottie" Is living at Oswestry years and ten months old und Is now engaged In rearing her two huntwentieth kitten dred and The Britain Appreciation" steamer?" "A ave “I ton t see Aye you've Mine used to be good eyes Erickson that s a steamer a Aye like tliiL It see No now one small plain thill's not steamer Maybe It s Shea moving fast eight a tlsbbonl a gasoline mile out ten maybe hunt yacht" run Into harbor heal "Shed at “ Mtdi id It's slipping too "She’ll best not close under Hie shelter o Mustache point that’s the end ot manv n good Gel's Mowed across vessel rudders bust up all kinds of drag things " TO BE CON l'lNUliU Part "What did W’alde say when you gave hint that homemade necktie?” "Why lie looked at It very long anil then aid ‘No ollidr eyes shall feast on this loveliness’’’ themselves Enou fb Complaint "1 see Him doctor's attending What's he got?" again “Money" — Stray Stories TO RESIST THE in Civilization nd mot her ireinlle loom the hand and The etirne wus In gen ue un Doctor Onrrw right ur ol whom it was said that Englishman tie had never seen a Iimuii in tils life the power loom In 1737 Invented Since Ills day the loom has been si icred and Improved until ll has now come to a high stale of perfection 'ral ATTACK-- of bronchitis winch were very severe I would I took cough and choke up with phlegm I)r Pierre’s Golden Mrdir&l Discovery and it has entirely rid me of this trouble9 have never had a spell of bronchitis since taking I have a bo advised other this medicine to take it’— Mr W J M Relit 17th St KID All dealers Fluid or tablets Write Dr Pierce’s Invalids Hotel in Buffalo N Y for free advice Toad Burnt as Witch WOLF tBskwettofia COYOTE FOX ITXBMIHXTOB awd SKUNK CiPMTl IK tut coroMM on night Brought till to Frca Urattv Fra Fanmiaa an Uvasstm Maatoas PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM ' Ratov(iiitfniff Popart air Failing Rooter— Color and B—trty to Cray and Faded Hob or ami at Ivntrtfu I1 FTORESTON SHAhfPOO— Uuir connection mtb Vrkr'a siota Hiacoz dwmical y Pnttltvyttf Meal for nse in oam Makes th N Patcbogoa bJrn’!or H orka Early Sewing Machine It Is probable r?ia the chine was Introduced Into Saint who made riioiru rhlne and had It patented lToa him of colds or grippe — put your system and your blood in order Build up your health with that splendid herbal tonic Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery which has stood the test of The air we sixty years of approval breathe is often full of germs if our vitality Is low we're au easy mark colds or pneumonia for One who has used the “Dtocovery” or "G M D" writes thus: Vuh ‘‘I hv hd quite a lot of Ogden throat and bronchial trouble would have SrlU ci a have uTwayaTihciTThe couutry peopie In Austria so much that It gives me ir slunk to reud a truly dreadful incurrence In that land says a Dally X'bronlcle contributor peas ant's cows were attacked by some mys A toad was found li terlous Illness and al once It was sug the cowshed that witchcraft hnd been at gested work the witch had turned herself Into a toad the toad must be burned So brrned Hie wretched toad was wide the pen sunt walked rcund car rv ng crucifix He wos fined fov but wlmt s state of appalllnj cruelty ignorance the Incident uncover d! — " How to Avoid glass" — jOqiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCvCh'j Lcom H?is Played Big WHAT DR CALDWELL LEARNED IN 47 YEARS PRACTICE sewing ms England bj such a ms j on July ? W N U Salt Lake City No f 9 ' y |