Show £ TIIE GARLAND TIMES that the cabbage ran better than $23000000? or $14000000 There is no profit unless it is in cash Many a man has gone to the wall because he couldn’t cash promises It is necessary for us to see that you make a profit or you cannot continue to sell us your production Profits make smilesthey are produced by selling yourcreamandeggsTO PRODUCE LUMBER CO Ehlire StockrFens’ and Boy’s Misses Grace and Beth Saigent Luke visitors over Sunday News Come Early - inquire J Saturday OF JAMES BROUGH — ltell Telephone GARLAND ALSO Iif f' — FIRE — INSURANCE AUTO j Garland Business Directory ? Buy Freely And SAVE i T W INNES D D S !7 Garland Building C'i’1 I I iJ V of rhino Vocal and all ui1 Imtrumenti TUNING A SPECIALTY wYor Appolntnii nt Pipir cnl r- t I Place CHAS rut UNO ui inlcul ON LADIES New Essex Challenger and Greater Hudson Call And See Them Leaders in Hudson-Esse- x 1929 Line B K Bf R Have Yoi:rJjhrrs?3S Oiled $125 A’ ir Ytotvt’ ’v FRIR” OF UTAH IT MI J TRIBE Til1’ Haircut WE SPECIALIZE Just Arrived and oil Display Row mTi The Best PDn for a Ter Gar! uvl B y fo Ilill p for a Good ft Alt ! Gtd in it FLA"' RLAXn C Lcu:s PelorsM A rooms were tastefully decorated the Yuletide colors and a radio program followed One of the most pleasing events of the week was the basket dancing Dam Beaver party given at the Hall Thursday night the Amusement Orchestra furnished Thatcher splendid music The KalMiiniu n Alt Wink CARLAXULXUt mentary to their Uncle and Aunt Mr and Mrs George White of Smithfield and their parents Mr and Mrs J J White and family of Garland Covers were laid for 20 guests Mr and Mrs W B Simmons entertained at a splendidly prepared New Years dinner party honoring their and Mrs J A Bigler parents Mr GLENN R PAINT r Bailur Ship & H Green Trading Stamps Build n I'el' Utah B PIANO D S lephnnes' Instructor a M ss and Surg on GVUAND NYE O GEO BETENSON Hank Both Phone Residence Bell 64 J Office Farmers Office Hour 9 a m to 5 p in think E Plosicin Dentist s TREMONTON We Give Items Mr and Mrs Ji hr Saunders and family m tornl to Pieston Idaho Saturday to visit with relumes Is Miss Mary Berlin home on a visit from Ogden where she has been working for several months Colhnst:n was well represented on the busy sheets of Tremonton Saturday Mr and Mis J A Bigler Mr and Mrs W B Simmons and sons and Mlss Thyra Bowen motored to Brigbusiness ham combining Thursday and were with pleasure the dinner and afternoon guests of Mr and Mrs J A Simmons Mrs Edith Bawen had for her New O L Yew diMMcr- guaaU — her- - sail Bowen and family entertained Mr and Mrs Hardwick at a card pm tv and luncheon Tut may Am ' ig the guests were Mr evening Wlv ai ft r i atm to bo dr in mill irodrct as Flour o r n Rian por bushel At Me S HARNESS AND SHOE SHOP GENTS II AIRCUTTING Gailandiiliilin- gORIAN PETERSON i PERMANENT OH MONDAY WAVING OF EACH By Appointment WEEK DAILY BUSS TO DEWEY DAILY BUSS SERVICE AT ANY TIME TO ANY PLACE PRICES REASONABLE Company Garland Utah — - W fcm a MONEY TO LOAN at and no maturity date to wory about If you want a long time farm loan you cannot beat it “ and Overcoats If You Would Buy Wisely You Will Not Pass Up These Offerings Salt Collinston Suits Ladle’s and Childrens Coats and Dresses Who would have thought that this Startling Figueres country Inst year raised a tomato crop that brought $40000000 to it’s proto do has around AD anyone Garland Mrs J A Bigler Correspondent ducers? Or who would Imagine that to get an idea of what a rich and the cucumber crop amounted to over wonderful country he lives in Is to $8000000 Wilford Mr and Mrs that cranberry pickers har- Durfy and and Mrs Clark Bowen and Mr and read some of the figures for 1928 be- vested over $7000000 worth of that daughter Patrecla left for Richfield Mrs E E Lefler bureaus Miss Thyra Bowen deliphtfuly entering sent out by government that the bean crop exceeded Satin clay where Mr Durfey is to work product tained at a home party Tuesday night ftsreral months the Misses Mis Glen Fryer was operated on Out of town guests were of Bnghani and Flora Simmons s Tuff day at the Valley Hospital for the Lucy City r val of her toiulls M G Simmons enterMr and Mis Mi and Mrs R J Potter and fatniy had a pleasant visit with their mother tained at New Years dinner compli I can make you a long time loan 5 interest Mrs F B Rucker and family at Logan Some Our Our Splendid Garmtnis—Biit 0f Mrs John Kidman was called to Ogden the latter part of the week as her father J W Hands was seriously before she but had passed away reached his home Burial took place Sunday at Snowville Utah Phone 18 Garland Utah V Net A Few Miss Inez Jessee and Cornell Jessee of Springville are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Peter Boss Cornell returned to his home Saturday Exposing Your Children to drafts — Use Bosley’s Weather Striping OVERLAND ' Mrs J T Bigler spent Saturday in Suit Lake as guest of her sister Mrs C M Diehl and family STOP Ready-To-We- ar Greatly Reduced to Clear SALE ON SPECIAL HOLlI)Y ('AMiV AT THE BLUE HULL The were 11 Winter Stocks of Men’s and Ladies’ Garland Locals Utah Tremonton m EVES A tmd4ad J W McDowell UTAH GARLAND crop And yet these are among the smaller In this country The recrops raise shows that the corn port for 1928 was valued at $2 J 32000891 and the combined winter and rpring wlrat The cotton crcp mops $477193000 brouphUl 523512000 while hay somethin too many people are opt to crop had a U al asabh The total of all value of$l 243359000 crops raised in the U S as given In Uncle Sam’s figures amounted to It was and even then liki$00000 000 short of the something total In 1927 There can’t be anything wrohg with more than a country that produces eight billion dollars worth of products Addto from the soil in a single year that many more billions produced In from our and taken our factories and oceans and forests tubes rivers why we lead the world In everything worth while But the be‘t part ef It is we’re going right ahead into a new year prepared to produce as much as we did last year and to find a market for it too Is the difference between cost of production and what you receive for your product It is what you get paid for your work on the poultry or dairy farm 4 Stayner zyuco company Brigham City Garland Tremonton and Malad Idaho |