Show t THE The Publshed f t I' Garland Every Thursday Boxelder Couiity Ti mes at Garland Utah the Postoffice at Garland as Second Class Matter In 1928 Enfered at City Utah k Don’t Lose GARLAND TIMES GARLAND August Advertising a Year In Advance Rates on Application $2 90 Common colds are raging — no one is safe from For your Physicians say “Don’t let a cold run on — start " doctoring it thernoment it starts WE HAVE THE BEST COLD REMEDIES EVER Miss Gladys Tyson passed and Sunday in Brigham relatives IS EVERYBODY Hotel Garland NEW UNDER MANAGEMENT FLOUR your Wheat wm Rooms dealer for It taken on deposit Flour and Bran Shorts and Cleaned European for Mill DINNING ROOM PRICES 1 — £— j— M J Maybe the reason some people speak 'well of s man when he Is dead is because they never spoke that way of Film while he was living SERVICE — FRASER - ' ' ' ' " t i r rf' — Vve Manager lnvnv the sets — jf of “ Purina Feed SET FAKE Q C A and CROSLEY RADIOS FROM flLOO UP CARE OF THE RADIOS UE SELL” Pho Ben Mr Route 3 - Murray Brown Route 5 Murray Player Route 7 Murray i ' “ 't - f J v'' ' & Sit! Only itPairs fiom One HorseMde?” IVJL kind of work dioe —made by Wolverine The leather is Shell Cordovan Horsehide — a nre-o- f bhoe wc now The uppets are sewed thread — with buried into a tough inner makes shell which rips double-thic- or tears almost i m possible 'V’EN7irereJs”irB ew — acid leather found only around the 4efs hip ft dries soft ar:d Uays ioft in all weathers It’s he closest appivVch to ait GE PH ART’S Phone 33 Garland Phone 6 £ The Peel: Electric Shop entertained at a novelty dance Wednesday evenA large crowd ing at Palace Gardens was present and enjoyed dancing by radio music The management had on several radios display Miss Hazel Johns returned to her home In Ogden Sunday after spending the holidays at the home of Mr and Mrs George Beal Mr and Mrs Lewis Lillywhlte enat a family dinner Sunday were Mr and Mrs Lynn tertained Present Murray IF does of Honeyville Mis Millan Peck Hugh Ward No 2 East 45 So Murray Utah Mr Frank Rasmusson Route No 8 Salt Lake City Utah Mr F M Adams State Street MurUtah ray customer w)th two thousand six hundred hens made a net profit from SeotCMber first to December 15 1928 of three thousand e’ght hundred s These and one thousand nine hundred eighty seven other Utah Poultrymen buy Ramxhaws chicks rlusivoly you ask Hatchery Salt Lake F Garland 3G37 City chicks better What for? Florsheim Shoe $085 could SOMERS Ramshnw's UtahSouth State Street Utah Telephone 474 ASx rjjH & I — J Y Rich and P C Petterson have secured the agency for these famous products for Box Elder County and have appointed G G Sweeten as local dealer THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES I l 1 & Q i & -- J ARE r STYLE vty mwmwi Chicken Chow — Food Now Pig Chow Calf Chow The blood demands heavier food in January than in July EAT MORE MEAT— BUT BE StJRE THAT WHAT YOU EAT IS FRESH AND PURE DEPEND ON bUR MEATS A Steer-Fatena-G- DON’T FAIL TO INVESTIGATE meats that build and strengthen KEEP HEALTHY THE WINTER MONTHS BY EAT-IN- THROUGH j Extra Special Prices on Groceries Saturday t WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR EGGS CREAM POULTRY & AND ALL KINDS OF LIVE SOTCK MORE 1 t MEATS and GROCERIES SWEETEN’S Phones 52 and 52-A- -l Garland MEAT Richards Market f ri 'L 9 Special Sheep Feed Steer Fatena Mash —— T You Need Heavier ON HAND Cow' Chow — sjj Home Quality Merchandise 4 Garland -- f -¥--f Bell Phone Utah -t 26 RfOhippet A Florsheim Shoe decidedly popular with the type of man who selects shoes for last min-ute style— who knows that in Florslieims he always gets service A finely modeled smart appearing shoe (jreat value at Ten ‘Dollars Coombs and Perssen Co GARLAND Mr and H Fred Bushman sales manager of the Everbest Products Co 'of Salt Lake spent Wednesday here on business While in this city he visited with the Company’s sales people Mrs Alec Hales and Raymond Lewis Mrs Hales was one of the lucky winners who won a set of silver ware that the s company had offered to their who had made the largest sales for them from October 15 to December 29 I Mr and z Utah Afrent Arrives at Garland 7 They cost np more than other good work shoes Come in today and try on your f norite style ankle lengths to knee-hig- Mr GEO ic 10 Route Gus Kasworm Mr Peck’s hectic Shop $ Farms Fred Utah VGUSTIC — R nSE Utah Froiseth Utah Mr May we please you too? M 7 Utah Who are your neighbors And who are pleased — n I v Trgmonton own their The following Poultrymen own homes have money in the bank and owe no man a dime they buy chirks exclusively Ramshnw's Street Mr H A Schryver Vine Murray Utah Mr Chris Christensen Route 3 Sandy Utah Mr Chi is Ilanscn Route 3 Murray And have sold them lots of them To our customers When a fellow gets ninety days In It’s evidence that Jail for days are more numerous than Jobs Car Load n I y S Vl’ to Wednesday Buy' With Confidence REASONABLE Because Utah Lake Kamshaws Accredited Chicks KOISTEE RADIO CONNECTION OF iJ‘ mwjya wc suggest CLASS 1UG11 Milling Tremonton £ ye- v r and Mrs Annis Hess of antr rlrr and Mrsnartcy Potter SAturd iv motored to Salt with visit fi lends For you — ' Dan Company £— v City Up Products Mill Chopping JHE BEST Tremonton and $100 Bran IN I - £4 V y ie Miss Ekancr Putter who has been in Salt Lake for the past few months is wdth her parents Mr visiting Mis Hurley Potter Frank Peck visited the Stock Show In Ogden Monday also made business good suggestion for Acid In Health Granuls Platy trip to Salt Lake Tuesday your ordtrs through Vernon E Elliott Garland Agent for Excclsis Products Max Beal left Sunday for Salt Lake to attend the Missionary school for two to Mina weeks prior to leaving for his mission Loreno Smith returned Ncv a da Monday after sj lending tl e to Canada firud two weeks In this city with his family Mr and Mrs George O Nye and motored to Brigham Sunday Mr and Mrs Herbert Stayner and family where they were guests at the home Mrs Frank Stayner were in Salt Lake of Mr and Mrs Glen Baron with the during visiting latives Mrs C V Thorsgren and daughter When In need of any extracts or Jeanne visited at the home of Mrs over the toilet preparations cold creams and Sarah Jensen Alex Call Mrs other preparations Petersen Miss Cleopha Hales Garland for the Best Ad spent the Christmas holidays with her parents Miss Mrs James Bigler was in Ogden on Mr and Mrs Albert Petersen school is at Petersen attending business last Friday She chose the Business College at Salt Lake O fL L for her means for transparta-tiothe She returned to Salt Lake to Ogden City last of the week to finish her course In business UTAH Bl'YINO “Utah’s Favorite” Wheat J ' A — BrGrKnoth Pharmacy— Aik t ' i"' i and Mr THE HOUSE? GARLAND permanent wavin'? call on Garland Phone Holmgren Myrtle COMPOUNDED— THE BEST COUGH CURES KNOWN— WHY NOT HAVE THEM HANDY i ' ' l ' '? v' f hue them IN - ' J f over1 Livestock Compary ship rIhc d of cattle and two car1 on" ilucp ftun the Garland Sta- n to Los A:ig!is last Friday Crnt-a- t $ T J H Muth and Mrs vMe visiters to Ogden the O S L last wei k end W h : K FOR It ENT— 2 rooms furnished Call Mrs Charles Minns Phone Eell 134 Jhi'hirt LOCAL NEWS f Salt Lake Mrs ROY WAIILEN Publisher and Manuurr ubscription UTAH a short visit with her Following parents Mr and Mrs A H Archibald and children Mrs Kenneth Johnson returned Monday to their home in UTAH |