Show THE OAKLAND TIMES OAKLAND UTAH Areas of Industry on City’s Outskirts Our Pet Peert The larger Industries are not afraid 1° go farther away on the outskirts of the city than was considered lu the past and there Is a tendency among the smaller Indust ilea hkh are looking to the future to do likewise to II according Findley trench director of the Industrial bu reau of Baltimore This means that It Is now for the man who fs specializing In finding the proper location for plants to reconsider constant-ltauous tracts of land that have heeu passed o'er In the precious gen cral Industrial of the decelopment Ilv became they liace lacked carl oils facilities or hoc ausp of the char acter of the ground itself In looking ahead ten years to the probable ot Industrijd decelopment the cite as the tndustilal realtor must do conditions which brought about the reliction of certain aieas for Indust Ini purposes are found to have now been offset by other fne MT Tor TTehTTrioIntecl mil hiiT tracts which hace been passed ocer can noe be brought Into Uhe und will he found to hold exceptional oppeutu nlties for prolltahle decelopment I or In Industrial buildings good condition not occi specialized In their plans there Is always some market prodded tl ey are situated Id a growing community In the sate or rnitnlaif Indusirl-ibuildings P5 or nnue per cent of the prospects in any town will conn fioin the town Itself To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin 'ablet The action of Aspirin is very efficient And for headache too in cases of neuralgia neuritis even rheumatism and lumbago A nd Jhe r e’s a f tejL ffect giYeJVspirin tCLchildrc- njg° often infants Whenever there’s pain think of Aspirin The genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet All druggists with proven directions Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin it does NOT affect the heart Joptrla ia lb tnd Hurt of Bayor Standing Higher With Peg It Is highly luipm taut that the home builder ascertain that the section In which lie Is contemplating construe (Jon cdll continue as a home section so that he may not only put Ills pi op erty to the highest nnd best use ns h resident ltl site but count on It per slsting In this ue for many years to come lie should of couise Inquire whether the district Is protected by reining laws or building oidimmces tint bar the constiuction of cummer dal buildings but lie should ri mi m tier that zoning laws can be and ate amended if it can lie shown that com mere e or business Is making Jutitl uhle demands on a distilct should The home builder therefeue seek compete nt addee ns to the trend of the land In the sec llmm ml Jneent to Ids proposed home for al though no one can he n magic Pin In use of these matteis the changing districts with the possible ch'inge of zoning laccs can lie foretold with ica sonatde n in n y Developer Important He d esinie i' a business of malic compilations and ccic dose spulali Woikeis concerned with gallon estate ncllcities divide themselves to four maor groups: Developers who impiove nenae and sell It In who built home sites opeiHtors whose held homes fur sile bmkers is the lesile of propel tics and iigenls who man ice tiling propel ths The real estate chc eloper Is the man which takes over nr the organization raw acteige or farm land for diced opmenf ami allotment pm poses lacs It out linpiows it cals it up and Aftei tie markets It as home Matwho blazes the bail pulls pioneer the Mumps am! ied”cms the kind fiom the vvl'ds of mitur" the dcceloHr lavs llio foundation tof nil Mibse quint re it nI estate activities THE FEATHERHEADS The Dub Conider!on of Color Is a Mini' tod iv low v co'ot ri and imue lizirre I’efoie adopting anc of llieni schemes for your bouse take this hint fiom nntuie One of liei huger childien the clepbint has a solar grac tonal wlnlf the tine Idids and Insects Ity This colored cividlv are psinillv Is useful when s cling e ihought lerior color schemes spec idle now lull idacs when such got oils an uut Acdnrs nui avaUelde- jp paints gmh A small amount of t right col tains r will he more effeitive than con while neultnl la go expanse or seivathe tones an ImfTedual as dec 01 at lv e Iota lies If used dinnrily Theie Coljr Cement Driveway idi h By culm lug fhe icmini of the driveway Is miih using n ds grays and perhaps other reMful eoir that harmonize with green of gi and color of Fottse— attractive Colming nei d mu com add greatly to for with p' rum nent mineral pigments r little color Ing material goes a long way Tree Avenue Planted halt mile of trees has belli A plant ed on each side of the road alona the Stockton Sacramento highway bv the Tree club the American Soroptlmist This plan for Is Informed association tbe roads of the count rv beautifying Is being pushed In many acitmriR of iie United Stales “ Pa:nted Trees mainly Tree of Value at cornets and erms roads along the Route Notion ile In France are being painred white up to the height of about six feet Ids plan U to recline the number of mo roads lor accidents due to darkened Moaooeotleieldutor of SoUcyUcoelS In Hally Use over alt the world Home Builder Should Look to the Future FINNEY OF THE FORCE ot Huafutwo THOUSANDS Cif women have come to regard Cuilcuf u the true netunl aid to e lovely skin end attractive hands snd hair Regular daily use of Cuticura Soap assisted by Cuticnra Ointment when requited purifies and beautifies the skin cleanses the scalp and keep the hair live and glossy Ointment 25c and 50c Talcum JJc Soap Sample each free f0rttii“CuticcuraM Dept B6 Malden Shaving Buck ISe Maaa P CaUearm The ptarmigan a bird that Uvea In lonely high places wears white plumage winter and gray brown In summer Oklahoma Girl Strong as Boy “Louise Alice was fretful nervous and all from whooping cough” says Mrs F J Kolnr 1730 West 22“nd St Oklahoma City OKIn The little I could force her to cat vvouldut ever digest She become underweight sallow and week “Then I decided to try California Fig Syrup nnd t’ie results surprised Her tuccels started working Imnip tie or no time she mediately and In was eating ho she got to be a pest at the table ulvvnys asking us to pass things Her weight Increased her color Improved and she began to romp nnd play again like other children Now she’s the picture of health and strong ns a boy” vegetable purely California Fig Scrap acts surely nnd quickly to deane yotir child's stom- h mid bowels of ihe souring wnsle that Is keeping her half sl k bilious sallow feverish listless weak nnd more U' Hut a laycaflye than iijiny It tones nnd strengthens the nnd hoevds so these organs to act norninllv of their own ord Over four million bottles used a v vein- shows its jtopulii Ask for It name the full California Fig '"viwp" so you II git the genuine bv physicians for fk) yenrs For Cuts Burns Bruises Sores Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh for Honor - Ont bottk If sot The States on all tween boundary between the United and Canada Is to be merited the International bridges bethe countries Should Be Affidavit Go With ThU Story Lieut Col It C Fielding DSO relates an Incident that t both amusing In hacking la and peculiarly British car into a parkin? space In lamdon he humped Into the cur behind him and stove In the mudgunid Doing In he a hftrry to keep an appointment the owner of the car did nut wait to return hut poked Ills card Into the steering wheel and went on his way In due course of time he received the following letter from the owner of the damaged car: “Dear Sir: found your card In my car stating that you had dumugcdtle am only front mudguard to tell you that the damage writing you have done to the mudguard has now made It the same as the other three tints again balancing the design of'the cur In face of this I extend “ to you my apologies fur causing you any anxiety In the matter”— Los Angeles Times fr Eal Oytr For the Orel time to Music tn the history of of the famous annual opening oyster season at Gloucester England the bivalves were swtullovved to music lids season To encourage the guest to the mayor of Gloudo so rhythmically cester Incited many distinguished Ini hiding Sir Edward Elgar Sir Henry Wood and Sir Hugh Allen director of the Royal College of MuA sic special train took guests among them being the duke of Marlthe lord Lord Birkenhead borough mayor of London and Signor Marconi The Innoto the rose decked tables vation was a sin cess and will be tried again next year the All dealers HiwjPUaty ef Rope Mrs h I’herHon— I caught the "inking love to the Iceman again ad In iter speak to her Mr ITierson— What The nun— win n we still owe fur ninths lie’ Giv maid You lee last No Use Shirking Trouble 'He lot shirks the piesent trouble” aid III Hu the suge of Chinatown finds himself at a disadvantage as wttb e -- is urned— width he Is less familiar” — Washing on Star Here! Here “ hat was your fiance chatting bunt so gay ly 7" ‘Oh nothing that you should hear mother” — Excelsior at your age Mexico City Self effacing ss a treasury surplus — under Hie eye of Andrew Mellon Chicago Dally News — Reciting as sitting In the Metropnl and copying down old Itan museum — m iMCr llejwnnd Itroun as a fellow v ho has Self sal 1st c a needle In threading succeeded for his wife — Baltimore Sun — Both Naked The arihiluaMin uf Nottingham wui taking a fling at the younger generation “They are quite beyond me” he ndmltted “and their lack of reverence Is appalling Very soon I think I shall have to put a sign on the door of the ministry reudlng: “‘Men take your huts off women put yonr Hklrts on’” — Los Times No Puzzle to Him ITIs “Mother— And “If “ ynij—jper to and pay attention school regularly you'll soon know as much as your toucher Small Son— should now If I had the book In front of me like he has — (London) It keeps some lazy people Invent excuses buy to Good breeding shows Itself most to an ordinary eye It appears where the least— Addison The most certain sign of being born with great qualities is to he born without envy— a Roc hefnucauld The law of sitnplici'y and mlcenesa holds pood in all tine art for If Is comwith what Is most Milo me — I— liojiculuun r — patible ! |