Show ' Remember j A The 4 Big Basket Ball Game Tonight Bear River vs Ogden 8 p CT70 BOOST FOR BEAR RIVER VALLEY IS A BOOST TOR YOURSELF T SEND TliE NEWS TO US IN THE TAPER ADVERTISE THAT THE GOES INTO HOMES OF THE PEOPLE flflQQd VOLUME I NUMBER XXV GARLAND UTAH FRIDAY JANUARY 11 m "THE GARLAND TIMES’ $200 THE YEA'R W19 i Missionary B’-o- Fro:n Garland Boy County Commissioner Meet And Officers Reductions Made la Iknedi The Beard cf County Commissi of Box Elder County met in reWe recv ed the following letter from one of Garland Ward Missionary boys gular session Monday January 7 1929 at ten o'clock and are pleased to publish it Commissioners Sweeten Pond Davis — Fail Virgin and commissioner-fleetIsrael December 23 1923 Jr were present Editor of the Garland Times Miniutes of previous session read and Garland Utah approved Dear Sir- :- More than eleven months James Wilson and John L Pierce have clapred snjce I left the Canners Association home representing my town to fill a mission in the Eastern of Utah were present and urged the of States 'Upon aim mg m Brooklyn I County to make an appropriation was assigned to labor in the West Vir$150 00 to assist in defraying the cost State- ginia District and hae been working of tomato inspection in 1923 in the northern pai t of that state ever ment was made that there is asUr- anceThat the State wilf inake since Fairmort is the eentral location of ion for Such inspection in the future our district the battle field of many but the assistance is needed to pay for heated debates and discussions being the 1923 inspection Upon motion duly was decision made outstanding seconded and carried by the debate which took place reached to allow a claim in the amount in 1012 It is here that new Elders re- of $$150 00 to assist in defraying the cost of tomato inspection for the ysar ceive their first initiation into misIt was here that 1928 and to charge such amount to sionary experiences I receved my first impression of knowthe agricultural Inspection fund from N J A letter was presented ing my weakness in trying to place the plan of Life and Salvation before Harris of Ogden in wheih Mr Harris a that the people urges bounty of 5 cts per head No greater joy have I received than be placed on jack rabbits in Box Elder the knowledge of a good day's work a County Mr Harris reported that the rabbits had taken his crops repeated-stresuccessful conversation or a thrilling all of which leads to ly and he feels that some action should meeting an Increasing testimony of the divinity be taken in the way of payment of of the Gospel Plan bounty to assist in eradicating the rab Many striking instances have reveal- bit pest Upon motion duly seconded and carried Cdunty Clerk was requested to me the power of the Priesthood On one occasion after a tiresome days ed to write Mr Harris that Box Elder having retired to our beds of County has and is taking journey rest only to he awakened1 in the wee steps in the way of the destructon of hours of the morning by a call from a jack rabbits in this county noon Commssioner At 12 o’clock frantic family fifteen miles away Lewis S Pond retiring member of the an urgently requesting as quick moved as possible because the baby Board of County Commissioner was not expected to live until morn- that the session of the Commissioners as of 1929 adjourn sine die whereupon ing Many Jack Rabbils Telephone Service An annual saving to the public of reductions in day rates for toll and long distance calls in the Bell System elf ecli ve February according ta ah announcement made today bjF H Reid President of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company All day calls between from points 130 to approximately 1500 miles apart are reduced In cost This is true of callsas well as calls by number This reduction affects calls placed to any cne 01 the telephones in J - — Being ion pc- termed ndhnZdir'recovery was seen to which the family thanks and gratitude unto God I am glad to report that our work (Elder A E Miller and myself) in the is pfogressing ministry wonderfuly of an Our summer’s work consisting Increase of nineteen additional Z7 i i - I feel well in the gospel and enjoying the best of health with a strong to do all that is In my determination powej to do and keep the good work on$he go Success to all my friends and may God he’p them to ever be found in the straight and narrow way may he also bleos my dear Mother and Father who ate doing their very best toward the cause of truth Wishing you ail a very successful and prosperous New Year I am Your Triend and Bi other R Evan Gee States telephone and Telegraph Com- pany will profit substantially by the reductions This geneial reduction is the third made by the Bell system in two years to and four mounths and according Mr Reid's statement is in keeping with the Bell system’s policy of1 probest the service at viding “the possible least cost consistent with financial tuw rabS Mr Reid points out that in the statement of policy it was announced that “earnings more than sufficient to will provide the best possible service either be stcnt for the enlargement and improvement of the service furnished or the rates charged for the In long service must be reduced” distance service it has been possible both to improve the service and reduce the rates “During 1928 there has been a continuous improvement in the speed with which toll and long distance calls to Mr Reid weie handled” according “The fact that 90 of calls are now handled while the subscriber remains at the telephone has been one of the that has brought about the llunkcrrJr'U' the' d'airhetofoe increasing use of long distance Commissloner Pond marked the year P Russell Wight County Clerk then facUites that have administered the oath of office to “Principally in the industrial areas Commissioners G G Sweeten Israel Hunsaker Jr and County Attorney elect Lewis Jones Upon motion duly seconded and carCommissioner ried unamimously T L of the Davis was elected chairman for Board of County Commissioners two the ensuing years The Board as reorganized convened fces in session William Miller” and John Peterson were present and urged that fininclal assstance be gven to a party n indig- at Penrose ent circumstances A communication was presented Don B Colton in from Congressman which communication the Commissioners were invited to give consideration to H B 152328 a bill introduced in Congress for the exchange of 18 sections of Government land for equal number of sections of state land the GIVEN DANCING PARTY ex&hange- bewg made forBY GARLAND LADIES expei imental sheep growing Upon motion duly wcondtd and carried the Lc'iis Mrs E S Peck Board approved the proposed bill and T'c Mis Harold Poisson Mrs Millon Peck communication to that effect is to be Arthur Mrs Mrs Geuipe O sent to Congressman Colton Nye Felsted and Mrs Grace Haws enterUpon motion duly seconded and cartained at a delightful dancin'? party ried jdans N Kundsoiigviis appointed sidrd Minutes of the prev'iotis dis- road supervisor of Poitnge road ITiday evening at the Palace Gardens read" and approved A large paid jolly crowd were present tnct and Andiew II Yost was appoint- Constitution and" of the to paitiuoate in dancing and the ed road supervisor of the Yost road I were Club read revised and accepted hall of the The district socinbihty evening Club daire decorated Wafers Report of the Annual seconded vas attractively and Upon motion duly Dec 28th was given by the chnir- and punch were served from a gaily carried the following appoinments by booth by Muss Melba Ne the County Assessor were ratified- Wil man Mrs G G Sweeten decorated Review of the Past Years wmk Mas Flounce PetUiu-f- and Miss June lard' Wynn L' DavTs Perry’ John S President Mrs P C Petterson Wilford Music v is furnshed by "he Holtcn Mantua Utayner Hailing Annual Report of Treasurer by Plat A M Leslie Nichols Brigham: Gaety Girl's Orchestra Benson Guests weie present from Tre- - Plat B‘ Henry L Thorn Plat D Walt City New Year's Resolutions Elwood Machen Riverside inonten Lakeside James Harper given by Fielding of Committees: e Chairman were Heneyville and those from Brigham City Parley Hunsaker Mrs M E Andrus — Collinston P trier Barnard Jas Mr and Mrs W H Stayrer Mr and and Mr and A Peterson Corinrie Abe Evans Bear and Chairman of Amusement comMrs Albeit Fieeman mittee ElRiver City Reuben C Holmgren Mis Roy Thompson mwood Mrs T E Bettensen — Chairman of E Jed Mortenson Tremonton committee H Cornwall Garland James T Big- - Playground SPECIAL FARM BUREAU MELTING Mrs J L Harvey— Chairman of Art ler Riverside Horace Udy Fielding TO BE HELD JANUARY' 15th Committee Leo Earl Plymouth Irwin Hess Port-- I and Education Mrs Ursel Rose— Chairman of Civic L Arthur Rawlins Fred Gibbs age A special meeting is called by the Petersen Promotory Wm P Stander Committee North Box Elder County Farm Bureau Howell Radcliff Mrs Charles Munrts — Chairman Henrle Snowville for the general public especially those Joseph J Cutler Park Valley Joseph Membership Committee in farming and agriculture Palmer interested Mrs J H Kirkham — Chairman John Grouse Creek and NOT Just farm Bureau members Notification Committee At ths meeting Mr C S Brown dira neous "business considered Reading '“Old Year's and ew” M:s Farm ect’y from the American L R Walker and disposed of and widely known in During the social hour the hostess Claims allowed sections agricultural throughout the assisted by the Mrs Frank Riser and Meeting adjourned United States wall be the speaker He Cecil Bradford served a' delicious deliver has an important message to luncheon to 36 members and the Loses him Iiitrolu so pieare turn out to welcome Mrs R M McFarland lowing guests and prove to Mr Brown by our Mrs Fred Buxton Mrs Sarah Hilton By and tcndace that we are progressive Mrs Margaret Langstaff and Mis The frame dwelling house Kenneth Johnson ready to adopt new methods that will ef Mr and Mrs Harold Welling of The club adjourned to meet with Riversde wi'li all of its contents Mrs Naomi Grover January 18 1929 was bi mod to the ground Sunday afternoon The home was not covered the unfortunate by insurance Any time Is a good time to go to family lost everything excepting the church but the best time Is right after but dodg- - clothing Mr and Mis Welling and there has been a drop in the price of cups for almost everything ’ car you recently bought were two the children their automobiles wearing ing Welling Home Fire ard Big Continuous Dance woik in a lowing up the distribution number of districts we have every reason to bfliove and know thut a gieat niuny thousand jack l a bints have been 4 stray id In addition to the campaigns apseven hunts and drives proximately lu e been made in the Promotory and South Howell districts two in the Sait Wells district and one in the upper Hanstl Valley As soon as the hunts are completed we will finish destroylocales with ing the rabbits in those poison Many of the pelts have been saved tins seuson and will be marketed for as one dollar and ten high as ($110) enus per pound This winter the is exceptionally It is both good thick and long and as a result it only takes five pelts to make a pound Many men and boys who have no could do well to cooperemployment ate with us and follow up the poison drives and hunts and campaigns e the pelts Last Sunday a thrifty young fellow followed up one hunt on the Rozel flat and gathered up the rabbits as they were shot He paid 8 cents per head for the rabbits This money was turned over to the American Legion boys As a result of his thrift the Legion made some money and he made good money also We hope before another winter to open up a good market for the rabThis year the bity for human food fox farms have contracted for a few thousand head These will be fed to Jack rabbits are a natural the foxes feed for the entire fox family and Virgil Messrs Scott Zimmerman Johnson have cooperated with us in running some of the poison campaigns These men represent the U S Biological Survey and as Socialists are always glad to assist in Rodent Control Within the next three weeks we hope to finiuxh destroying the major portion of the Jack rabbits in the county of all We appreciate the cooperation who have or will aid in saving the farmers' crops RT H STEWART IiOBf County Agricultural Agent COMM UNITY PLAYERS TO PRESENT “AT’S IT” The Community Players will appear Jail 3Iat and Pib 1st at the High Eclwnl A( ditotium ip “At s It” a of rare spii ltcdness From one line to another the brittle b ting 'humor overlaps evoking comt- -i t laughter Henlen Harvey nd Bill Rukenbeek will be cast i'iJic1 luiduig roles whkh haniuA with they will sympathetic deftnebs lis Hess vivid parts Pnyllis Paxton and Am eron Buxton will be as funny as a pair of joliy regular Irish Folk can be and not to be outdoon as an ardent character Caima Kay will apd pear as a dusky maid Ella Homer will assume a sophiscat-eEban Wilcox will be society role deseen as an insinuatingly sinister tective and Oival Grover as a hunted killer Golden Hairis will appear in guise of the law Aside from the humor a strain of of mystery runs riot so the selection the comedy and assignment of roles gives the players a perfect opportunity for a thriller - The regular Carter Concert Orchestra Tinder the direction of Jos Kirkham will h a specially selected program of music between the acts “At's It” is a sure winner that acta dull moment Don't ually hasn’t miss it” The Garland Branch of Gephaitj Stores Company will now be managed L Moore by cur old friend Harvey Mr Moore took over the management iiJJiehUiiineis Oiullu 1st nfJuuuary We bespeak continued prosperity and popularity for this one of our biggest and most progressive business institutions Mr MOofe'- - brings to it long in the merchandising bus experience iness and a thorough of knowledge this community and its needs Hist wide acquaintance and his personal success for him and popularity augurs Oo‘halt Stores Company and we Con- - Mr William Newman the former takes with him whereever his lot may be cast our best wishes We will miss his Rmiling countenance and genial personality and we hope he will not forget us manager Bears To Meet Ogden Herewith we publish the statement of busines done at the railroad station in Garland for the past year ending — Dee 31 192- 8This statement shows that there is more business done at our station here than at any station on the- Malad Branch and it is is some thing to boast of and the outlook for next year we are informed will be greater Carloads Cars cars Palace Hall Garland - 1081 ?Cars ?" Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars i Received Sugar Beets Crude Molasses of Automobiles of Salt of Coal of Lumber Livestock Feeder Cattle of Coke — Miscl Commodities I 7 2 307 33 34 31 23 1653 Cara Total Carloads Forwarded 294 Friday night January 11 at the local Cars of Sugar the first league game of Cars of Wheat- 200 Gymnasium the °Rden division hoop 48 series will Cars of Final Molasses 4 92 staged with Bear River meeting Cars of Livestock — 27 Ogden High Cars Hay Alfalfa For a numbfr of years Bear Rlver Cars of Eggs — 23 21 has played the °wnln game wHh Cars of Celery the 5 nd Cars of Potatoes— dl'p yeara victorious 7 bnmerged the Cars of Apples — although 8 of Flour games have proven very exciting and Cars the scores close This year we expect very keen comTotal 723 Cara a hard won victory and petition and Total weight of all team and Ogden has a very strong Bear River has only one less than car loads 249825719 pounds although Total Revenue for the year which man back- a11 ol the boys have Station la nact considerable m the s credited to Garland experience 84624 hoop sport and we feel that we have handled through a strong team with Total car loads 2376 is station this which to meet the Tigers in the opening game a veteran of three year Cropley Garland Citizens Attend is showing good experience form at forward scored 32 having State Inaugural Ceremonies games points in the three in which he has played Cropley with his clever and floor piay ommffiToherTrrT!'l5ecT£‘fi '“'"bnd' coupled with his almost uncanny scorR Welling and wife Senator Tracy of wife ing ability forms the neucleus Horace L and Representative Bear River’s team We feel confident Richards and wife were in attendance as captain “Virg” will lead his team at the inaugural ceremonies at noon to numerous victories that will spell of Monday the 7th and at the recept- bid for ft ion ball in and a strorjg popularity the rotunda of the State tournament berth for Bear River Capitol in the evening In addition to Cropley the starting The noon ceremonies were dignified for Fridays game will pro- and impressive new officials The forbably be as follows: WHarrls solemnly took the oath of their office Center Holt ward and Lillywhite and assumed the great responsibility Wilcox is a of and Wilcox at guards the affairs of our bemanaging man of considerable and experience four loved state for the succeeding is showing good form at the guard years D Harris and Darley will position band The Fort Douglas Military consideration receive first probably to 9:30 p m gave a concert from 800 as substitutes after which they furnished the music Iiuar IIIvcrhas gone through a Fcr a gfamt kan nrtrre eaptlot traildingr ies of three games without It did the hearts of all of the above a single defeat in fact every game named gentlemen and ladies good to has been won by a large margin with see our own Milton Welling in the van of member the squad of the ni urly every dignitaries who will adminsiter participating The games and their the affairs of State and to him especscorns are as follow's: and to all of his associates in this’ Ninth Cache at Bear Rivtr B Rr ially important work we extend our best S - 45 N O 29 wishes and good will Bear River at Preston 1ur 37 Preston Wednesday Orchestra U 'i' 11 For your permanent waiving call on M ilad ot Bear River B R II S 24 Garland Phone Holmgren JJypWe Malad 11 has every '42-This year Bear R'ver ferior that goes to make up a champ- Good basket shnuters Kinship tcairr Leaves flixirmfTir good Mr T F pood drifilc's and and one of guards and ball rustlers Garland Sugor Company le best coaches In the north end of the sate With these and other fact- who has been Mr T F Coombs Bear ors contributing to its success Sug- the in the employ of the River has a team that will merit 12 years in supiwrt of every person in northern ar company for the the capacity of Field man has severed Box Elder County to with the company Don't foigetl Friday night Jan 11 his connections in the State Come take up employment at the B R II S Gymnasium He was recently appointed out and see the Bears beat the Tigers Capitol of the State stone to the to a position in the office as their fust stepping R D Secretary under the Secretary of State Ctatc Tournament M'lton H Welling and his special dutof the to have be will ies charge GARLAND AND FARM BUREAU TO gasoline collections 51 GAR BEET ASSOCIATION Fred will be missed at the office and HOLD MEETING throughout the north district where The Annual Meeting of the North he has labored so long Tory the interest Borc'der County Farm Bureau and the of the company and thp beet growers We hope that he will Garland Sugar Beet Association will be in his section 1929 14 at one gain a host of friends in his new field Jan held Monday at of labor and we feel that he will do o'clock in the Slake Tabernacle Cocnbs Garland for the purpose electing a this very thing As a token of respect and friendand three President he was pre-- I directors in the Farm Bur- - ship of his additional bag and B( et sented with a fine traveling eau five directors in the Sugar Two young men from Southern fdaho came down to the dance at Gar- Association for this year and to Iran- - the expressions of g"od wishes which were him appropriat- sact such other business that might they extended land Wednesday night under the in ly expressed bv John P IFiinbren in fluence of and tried properly be bought before the meeting he had labored so who's department to run 'the dance but later landed in North Boxelder County Farm Bureau long for the Sugar Company By Mrs P E Ault the City's free hotel Thursday they m — c were taken Harry E Drew Be and Treas before Judge Shumway Whjle you arc trying to solve difGarland Sugar Beet Association and assessed a fine of fifteen dollars Pres ficult problems try to figure— out what By John F Burton each or fifteen days in the City a living for does and Sec E Drew Treas a poet Harry MusicByiiTIre‘Balladeersr!Orcliestra'and“The!‘Gaiety0irlr!— I Station Garland ttanseiiWScmetj Beslroyed D'U’n the t wio wreks many laG rabbits have been killed In Box Fluor County liner in the history of the county have the farmers and SptlilC“cobpei aTwrmore wonderfully tlvn dining this campaign We have nned and piuud one hundred and e ounces of strychnine in the Salt Wells Hansel Valley e Blue Creek Howell East PlynUmth Harper and North bil hum dish lets Tills amount of sti hnine poisoned seventeen bundled aii fifty pounds of leaves ' safety” Ccphart’s Garland Store r ‘ ' i: Of January 16 1929 0entsOc““badies-l-5c- - 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