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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: 1 W TIM Vd II H I ' f PI I 1 !Ki:r. v. 1 1 1 1 in i ! M j in THKY SHALL AM SHALL j not" kk ri.Ari:i. . j lueai ll'ivo Suddenly Been veloped on This Matter of OfcTden'sJ Progress. .f wr i Corinne and other sea ort towns camped down there and the continual Hipping of shotguns all day long sounds like a pegiment at skirmish drill. Through the kindness of one of the party the following tabulated result of the expedition was obtained: 1.1. Number of ducks killed Number wounded". . 47 Iraml total ducks : l' Srt An. Ki"t :;, Oiitrr i'r.ib l.im .. 1 K-- Not l he Tbi'tnettOMl lMxtimi Within if That Curb n Pn-gr- of tl: Wi-st- into effect as soon as the neccessary arrangements can be perfected. All the details are not yet ready to be made public but they will work a radical change in the present time card, and A (JttKAT (JATIIRIilNt; OF OFFI-- ( tho connections between the east and west. Each of the three lines, the i:i.'S IX (KJDF.X YESTERDAY. Union Paeiiic, Rio Grande Western and Central Pacific, will havo two trains All Western Lines KopreyentoS A New each way a day as now, but tho card will be so arranged as to give each road a Schedule to Give Closer Con- 1H." ll.Toi 1 i t" XKW . UAl-- E 1.152-- TRACK. i j j i k enti-rprlse- s i t i I j i ! ." -- j ! j rve!--an- I i to-v.;r- .l j i i j I : j j ' . .;r-h- j ' crnu-r.iwe- ' i j ; " L I i -!. '. : : , - -- -- nt s - a---- .' i ; pav-iT.L- ! j wy-ho- j t ! 1 ; B.-ae- s Its Own Line From Omalia to Sioux City An Allianrc ni.'in Pacific HaUiling h ;t-t- u:d ' e . ! to-.v- TEMPLE, Pres. A. A. STILSON, See'y. STATEMENT COMPARATIVE Haulers Associa on , ! 0 I. X . ........ if ! OCTOBER ; ! ; j i: J 128 ! j L-an- e j e' ; ; - i 1 , e : e f t, - ; ( j ; j safe-keepin- g -- Vice-Presiden- j t, j j rpiiTi WM. P. HELLINGS, GOLDEN EAGL it -- f EDWARD Ogden fairly swarmed with railroad BY THE ORIGINAL Tn fact, if you had thrown a stone into the air at any part of the Union Pacific platform it could 4. hardly have failed to descend upon the 1 head of some of tho big transcontinental 1 line managers. Nearly all the head officers of the Denver A" Rio (Jrande, Colorado Midland, Union I'acitic. Bio Grande Junction. Southern Pacific and Bio 1 Ki M ( ) 1 "N 1 OiS. I O YV A Grand Western were here. The purpose of the meeting was to arrange a through AXO'l'HKl! lMCOUTANT 1KATUHK schedule between Denver and Ogmaiu object gained by the and the den via the R Grande Junction, which meeting is that it w ill place both of our will (Organized July 1, 187'J.t eastern connections upon the same footSOON 1!K IN OJ'Ki: VTION JTO 1 V 1 1. CON 1 TK )IS equal advantages on a 'for ing and give them to and system perfect as and tune traffic regards quick Gnarantee Notes through better anil more convenient con- connection. $143,470 31 Guarantee Fund $425,033 ftft It will be a success." nections at Ogden between the BankBenefit Fund and Westfrom Dae Banks liio the both Grande 21,788 4 Union I'acitic and Bio Grande Western ernAlthough new P.ieiiic Union schedules and 1.. Fond 53 ers 5,528 26,357 ft Contingent on the east anil tho Central I'acitic to made not been have are they ready up 47 Fund in The officials of Cash tho coast. the for 98,700 1 68,204 Surplus Treasury some slight changes a will publicationbo asmade. roads had mentioned have DeThey will, how- Securities with State probably number of preliminary talks regarding $571,879 with conform the Central 354,670 00 ever, partment closely tho necessity of quicker time and more Pacific. satisfactory service on through passenColonel $571,879 31 general manager of the ger business and at an informal gath- Rio GrandePodge, had stated it that Western, 1 ering held in Denver last Friday de- been about decided to put on a double 180O. OCW13TTION cided to meet at Ogden without delay and Denver between train service daily and arrange a new schedule to this end. Si 74,804 10 Guarantee Fund Gnarantee Notes $515,744 one over Midland the the Ogden, apd .. of different The repiesoutatives the Benefit Fund Due from Banks andjiank-ers24,506 fife via the Denver & Rio Grande. roads concerned arrived in their special other 13 left last for Tho Fund... entire 0,183 evening 35,752 S Contingent party cars by the morning trains and ty 11 the East, tho Central officials Pacific go87 Fund in Cash 133,268 I 60,348 Surplus Treasury o'clock hud assembled in the oflice of will spend Lake where Salt to they ing Deof Southern Superintendent Knapp .the tho day, leaving this evening for San Securities with State 8709,271 10. Pacific, ready for business. Those pres- Francisco. 467,935 00 partment ent were as follows: IO OHANDK WKSTKKN KAIIAV.W. 8709,271 10 j A Line of Its Own. Col. D. C. Dodge. General Manager, Sps-i;t. Tnr. Commi:kci.vi,. FACTS WORTHY OF THOUGHT. Denver. Omaha. Xeb., Oct. 27. Work has been A. E. .General QMr. SuperintendWelby Old-linLife Insurance Companies failed prior to 1878. and alxut tiftj ent. Salt Lake. foinj on for some time on a track ex- live. still Mr. J. II. Dennett. General Freight, tending north along the river through and Passenger Agent, Denver. the land iieing prepared by the Fast j Boast that the interest on theirinvestments pays all expenses and lomea miNVKK A KIO l.ltANOK K. K. mm but thev still call regularly for more cash from their patrons. WiLVlI for Omaha company trackage purFeho answers : WHAT FOR? FOB? Mr. J.J. Burns, Superintendent Trans- poses. It is asserted today that this Denver. portation, Has existed forty-fivyears and has a hundred millions leknging to it Mr. F. A. Wadleigh. Assistant General track in reaiity belongs to the Union 1 who contribute to this immense sum. WHAT FOB?' still members, Facitic and that it is to be extended to Passenger Agent. Denver. : WHAT FOB? answers Echo again s G. W. Kramer, General Manager D. A Sioux- City so that the road will have a K. G Express. Denver. i Companies in ten years made 812,000,000 in discounting surrender valueau track of its own when its trafiie agree-- ; I oi am: a no iiii..ni i:ii.way. for disgusted patrons, buying them at much less than their value. ) f exinent with the St. Paul A Omaha Mr. II. C. Coloran, General Manager. ' Old-linpi res. Companies, between 1872 and 18S1, reported lapses amounting Unci Denver. 1 is Unfortunate policy holders had to pay this vast sum. extension it ) this When S744,000.((X. completed Mr. C. S. Lie, General Freight and use of to to be a the is said Denver. plan part Passenger Agent. Companies in the United States, during the yead O Of the largest old-linMr. Ijawrence. Superintendent. Den the Sioux City and Northern tracks to and reported 4,938 death' losses. 23,112 1888, policies, O lapsed ' ver. reach St. Paul. Of the largest old-lin- e SOI T1II.KN I'ACIl- If I'OM'.'ANV. Companies in the United Stages show an average to each 1,000 at risk of ?10.2G for Urn to ) of f ratio management expense A Sunorin-leTidenDead. Hall Player Mr. J. A. Fillmore, General Life for Bankers' 1888. Same Association, only 2.80. year S::n Francisco. Thomas Cohoks. N. Y., Oct. 27. Mr. Richard Gray, General Traffic Old-lin- e Life Insurance is good, provided you get into the right company, antf Lynch the ball player, at one time cap- Manager. S::n Francisco. SURE of an annual income during the fifteen or twenty-yea- r ABSOLUTELY are Mr. S. W. Knapp. Superintendent, tain of the Stars of Syracuse, after- BUT IT COSTS tontine eriod that will take care of your annual premiums. wards with the Atlanta, Ga., club, later TOO Ogden. MUCH. It is based on an artificial theory which is making huge banks r UNION I'Af'inC KAII.WVY. with the club at Wilmington, Del., was the older companies, wherein the insuring of lives ip secondary in imjiortanee U and investment of the millions borrowed from the .olicy holder. Mr. C. F. Resseguie. General Manager, shot through the breast today in a sa- - the Tlif as-- j What men in this country want when they take out Life Insurance is PItOTKO loon row. I lo cannot recover. Salt Lake. TIOX instead of INVESTMENT. And they want that protection to be tho very Mr. E. Ij. Lomax, General Passenger sailant was not captured. ' Omaha. best and at the least possible cost. It is the essence of wisdom for every man W Agent. I'mler the New Law. Mr. S. W. Keeles, General Freight and insure his life and to purchase that insurance on a business basis from tho of, Dos Moines, Iowa, whose assets nm Passenger Agent Mountain Division, 27. The mayor this BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION, Oct. Cincinnati. state authorities under tho strict laws of Iowa.. the and with Salt. Lake. guarded by afternoon appointed a new non partisan deposited Mr. Daldwin. Third ' ' Call on or address board of public improvements in accord- - i Omaha. Mr. E. Ruckingham, Superintendent ance with the act of the legislature just Car Service, Omaha. passed. Tho members of the old board seven of have asked the courts for an injunction, After a disussion nearly OCJDKiS:. UTAH, hours a shcedulo satisfactory to all the holding that special legislation in the j j Hues was agreed upon, which v. ill go case is unconstitutional. Agent 101: Utah. Idaho and voMixr;. oflichds yesterday, ! Ie-pon!ei- aid l.otween tiie llurHnprton trrout Northern. Commander-in-Chie- f DEPARTfRK and arrival. Tho east bound trains over the llio Grande Western and Union Pacific will depart at the same hours upon the arrival of the Central Pacific from the west and will arrive nearly together making close connection for tho coast. Tho new schedule of the Central Paeiiic as made up at present will send the "Fast Mail" out at 4 n. m., instead of at 2, and tho San Francisco limited at G The arrivals p. 111., instead of 11a.m. will bo at j:;U) a. m., and 7 p. 111., respectively In speaking of this arrangement Mr. J. A. Fillmore general superintendent of the Southern I'acitic said: "It will be much better for all concerned -- the roads as well as the public- - and will reduce time materially between Omaha and San Francisco. R. Appointment. , ; ! ; Tlio j Friday evening last the Council Horsemen to Have a Kirst- - lus Track an amendment to the ordinance and Tark. j Li h provided that electric light ami Ogden, already noted far and wide as jv!os should be on tlu margins one of the most enterprising cities in the . t ; K streets. ' Trie act of Friday evi'iiinu specified west, is constantly adding to her laurels, is the the latc.-i- t ..: t t . j:lshould bt placed in the , Auion f a j'rst class race track establishment . '.;IR j.ist within tho outer curb. :i Sunday morning Judge Preshnw, ami sporting park, whvretho lovers ... is hairman or the committee on ' spee.l, athletics and nvrerdion can lind sidewalks, came down town a her.utiful and pipular resort. Messrs. W. W. Corev, F. .J. K'iosol, I workmen setting poles tibinson. 11. (J. Fell, R E. King, ; th" Citizens Fleet rie j.Theo. Light Company at two feet within the outer curb of C. C. Kobinson and others have bought w.i'.k. on tin' wof't side or Wnshing-'- . a tract of land, seventy acres in extent, west of the city, and within a half mile :i avenue, from tho Broom corner of limits. The new owners v.iil T.venty fourth street. They hail lav the city a rare out track, nut down artesian as as block the far Stavner ,::ed poles shade wells, trees, and make other hole at the regular distance plant r.lduga improvements. They expect to make it the northward from that. These prveJings Ihvam" interesting a resort for-, opular outdoor gatherings, , the judge right oil. He toM tho such as fair.- spring and fall races, mid rmen to stop that kiml of lA'sinoss athletics. : or ht would call in tho rity A sVarm of Them. al anil have them iut in the i o'er. Marsh'd Howman's oflice has lt-eTnis persuasion hail tho proper elTeet. rushed for two or three days making vl Tie work stopped. Ami it has. uot writ.to post on of out attachment again. how Jul this happen? property to In claimed. Most of these 'ut In this way. The ordinance which notices are for lots owned by A. II. it fourteen Swan A Co. :vats the eurb linelotplaces line. The Klec-toutside of the Of these there were two kinds, namely, Light ennpany was planting its 42 1 not ices of attachment and also 4'J1 ju-i- t inside the theoretical curbline, writs of execution. ..huh was two feet within the real curb j This was. probably, the heaviest .r.e along where the oles were being , batfh or attachments ever served by the has not First District Court, Th Ulea the Council had m mind was boon Fiirpassed in Utah.possibly b it The iol'S should po In another case thero were li H such just within the v.ting curb line, even if it is outside papers to bo served. Just now the mathematical cur!) line. marshal's oflice is doing business by the The ordinance should le mad; to read stack. : ..; t the pv1should be set just within :t. ciotheir.atieal curb line, provided j DEATH F.Y ELECTRICITY. ;; it orri jwnds with the real curb If the real curb lino is outside the The Fir.-- Eil'ort to Set urc Final Act : a'.hematii'id curb line, then the oles Rehire the Scprcinc Court. tion line. .. be set out to the real curb : : if the r." il curb line is within the Washington, Oct. 117.- - The tirst mo. .hcmati',:? curb lino then the poles tion to secure tinal action from the r.'nild bo set. on the mathematical line, supreme court of the I'iiited States on r o".it-U- Ie the real curb lino. over "Iherwise the poles might the in est ion f the constitutionality of !e : n f et fro'n the lot line in residence t lie New York execution law iirt.-'r t!" city. was made in the siiprmo court today. T;." (' !jn il will n t allow tho j.mK It wa- moved that the case be advanced t in d b. set o;i he re tiic and c:irb line set for a speedy hearing. The point or i ! va'tRs to m ir and disfigure l!em . raised is that tho Kemmler execution l ex of the broad walks are one demonstrated that killing by electricity !'.':; vs i.f the city. And they are is a cruel, unusual punishment and as accommodate io'.v none too broad, to such is prohibited by the constitution The henvy strei t travel. of the United States. After counsel Iliiies that, the streets are broad, made the motion Chief Justice Fuller and when they c me to bo paved tho asked. "Is there any distinction between '. vid walks will lesc:i tho cost cf case of Kemmler." case and tho that In s me oasti'ra cities the walks Daniel O'Ca'hihasi. counsel who made ' made streets of wide art the si;ii" tho motion responded. "Yes. Mr; this extend out thirty feet to save cost in distinction - that the carrying out of iiavi r.;. in sentence tho was tho Kemmler . one s Oden's business walks not scientifically successful case and the nj!sh any narrower than they are. will that petitioner hopes te I that that there is some decided to he not theelectricitymode." bo It is sti-p- e proper Toiiind tliis Sunday morning The chief justice "We will take . t . of the Citizens company. ;rob-bithe purpose is to ivt tho more papers." lUirable situatioii for their poles as t Damage hv Flood. iiraiiit rivals. Boston. Oct. U7. An extremely high Tiie sidewalk commit too of the council k over tho tide the past two days caused much was out yesterday t -- Jtu ition.and after an inspection directed damage along the line of the Boston. to see that the IVrkins Mnsiineor City A Liynn railroad. The .kIi-are pulled up a id set next to the Kevere water is clear over the sea wall w hich curb line. protects the railway and at Winthrop 'Junction everything is completely sur-- ' The Little Then iSiir Now. rounded with the iiootl. A gang " TKiry-miears a'o I m.ule the trip of men are at work between large Oak Island "1:1 the Missouri river at Nebraska ami Foint of Fines protecting theout-- . said Mr. ward track, which was washed away for My. Ne!.. to the Sacram'-nto.- " 400 fi'ct vile. In Host on harbor ". l;. itank in yestenlay, diseuiiip the alnHit was title the the -highest today for a long I found but i .y.vnr the west. ''And rivers." time. . r.o vttlcn.etit between the "Tiuit was Snsariville. in Ho:ny. Lake ha.(.i:d himself. i'!!-on the eastern slope of the -Merra. it wasn't much of a town.com-:iris:iiL- l A Citizen ,of Salt Lake but a store and blacksmith shop. Commits Suicide, I same ;iro,iii!' 1 could nowto make the rial to Tin: Commkrciai.. stop at every .r:p and tind a v.zht. We passed somewhere in the Salt Lakh, Oct. 27. John II. Land-reth- , in I'ocotel'o of j.")inr through e't::i?y a recent arrival in this city from .er. Sir.eo Mr. Hank made that trip in Illinois, hanged himself to the limb of N"ilt- - Oiiiiilm, Iiineoln, Denver,s Sioux an apple tree in the rear of his dwelling citK-have on West Temple street early thin mornnil the and Cty, made. Salt mountain Lake City was then ing. Hi: lifeless body was discovered reu little town strutrulincr for an existence. by Lis wife who had been anxionsiy Nebraska. Kansas. Oakotn and Colorado awaiting his appearance, about 4 o'clock. VvTo mainly considered deserts and were Despondency due to long illness seems Then so mark'-- d in all the nooraphies to have been tho cause. Landreth was 5Md in the schools. highly respected by all who knew him. Sinee that time probably 7,0t.it)D have wttled west of the Mis:.sjile Washington Note:!.,, souri river, several continental railways ' 27. Secretary Oct. Wami.m.ton, have len built, and nearly one fourth of :.. states in the Union have been erected , Windoni today determined to call a million:---n this territory. Hundreds-omeeting of the lady managers of the llionsof money have bin permanent ly World's Fair in Chicago Novemlrr 18. .ri vested here, and this region is now the They will all receive ?' a day and ex-- : ..rowing emnire if th I'nited States. What will this urand tloznain become j penses. The inter state commerce commission v. ")1 years more? rendered a decision in the case of (ieorge Rice against the Southern Fire Iiugs. 1'arilie. Atchinson, Topeka A Sauta Fe The little harness sliop just this sid ami others in reference to rates on : Five Points was found to lo on fire on petroleum anil its products to California points as affected hy the long and short Sunday nirht. It was put out and haul clause. The decision was in favor hlU r a time the blaze was Koinjf aain. of tho railways. ft er putting this out the back part of e shop was found to be saturated On fhe Turl. . it h kerosene. Evidently a ease of lire Washington, Oct. 27. - Bennings races, .irs. six furlongs - Mabel won, Watterson Ojrden Ni in rods. second, Leontine third. Time, lilojli". K. W. Faris. F. E. Hilton and W. W. Five furlongs (ienieve won, Syracuse K'ichardson pitated by F. E. Taylor and second, Pericles third. Time, l:(Xl-Mile and Larch mont won, :.eiompanied by a representative of TijKu Sileck second,furlong Ward Frank third. Time 'ommkik iai. returned last nifrht from 1 :". d hr.e-dayhunt for ducks in the Mile Blue Jeans won, Salvini second, regions roural about Corinno and Golden Keel third. Tune, 1:44. the banks of tho Bear river. Hercules won, Steeplechase course Tho party drove overland by way of Down O rev third. Time, second, Zangbar and Willarit, Hrurham City and Corinne, 3:24. was Koche E. F. Dr. of tho by courtesy allowed to roam at will throuKh the Convicted of Murder. nappy hunting grounds which comprise u portion of his 'J0.000 acre ranch. Acburis Neb., Oct. 27. In the case of Speaking of ducks, there are about Charles Johnson, w ho shot and killed no million of them in the maraheB James Whitman last about the mouth of tho Bear river with his brother-in-law- . a fair admixture of Reese, snipe, mud July, the jury this morning brought in a nens, sea gulls and pellicans. And still verdict of murder in the first degree. they are not happy for thero are about The prisoner will be sentenced next iifty hunters from Ogden, Salt Lake, week. Vi MOIIMNCJ AND EVENING nection to Through Traffic. In the above estimate allowance was made for Sunday being a legal holiday. ! panic among the children. Katie Smith, from tho third story window jumped Boston, Oct. 27. was and fatally injured. There were m Veazey of the G. A. R., announces tho other serious casualties. appointment of William Lochren of as Minneapolis judge advocate general. Catting' Rates. 27. The Journal Hay Oct. CmcAcio, Jumped to Death. is unmistakable evidence that; there Baltimore, Oc4. 27. Some waste both the Burlington and Santa F paper in the basement of the colored roads have blocks of tickets on sale tit school on Courtland street caught fire Kansas City at a 52 cut on tho regtilac this morning and the urnoko caused a rate to San Franc isco. G. A. BAUAD Mm De- Total killed and wounded Number seen TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1890. : ; . Street, Has opened an Annex at 276 Twenty-Fift- h which is under the management of Mr. A. L. HOBBS. When wanting anything in the line of Goods tnirnis lung Clothing GIVE HIM .A. CALL Or go to the Main Store at 2410 Washington Avenue, where your hearts desire may be easily gratified. Respectfully, LOEB & MYER Prop's. far-fame- fl -- HE V GOLDEN EAGLE |