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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: 8 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1890 SlIHIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllltllltlllllllllllHIIII!: GOODRICH & GO., 01 1 EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE ARE UNEXCELLED SHOE DEALEES, KhiV UW III , Ml ' I I o. .113 FOR F am U1IVI SHOE DEALEES, t-- 1 I II, iV Xo. 313 DISTINCT COURT. ; ( ( ; j -- AND ORDKRS W W. FUNGE. to consult with tho Pope regarding the rights of the Catholu church in Malta f(i came oangerousiv near to BiipiKJi ting- j iJLJ i Hawkeye Club tonight. lt r -, tho papal claims to the clerical domin ion over a part of Italy. Campobello Thursday evening. Continuing, said tho accounts of internal j The election takes place in on week Gladstone in Russia raised feelings akin AC9RN oppression from today. to abhorence, and he trusted the world Judge li. W. Cross was at Salt Lako would soon be favored with better re- 4 hundred different kinds of City yesterday on business. lorts ajid tho misrule The Chamber of Commerce meets on of Regarding Armenia Heating Stoves in stock and can the porto, he said tho long series of M U 1 If Wednesday evening and don't you forsuit almost anybody, both in style VORLP outrages committed by the Turks on get it. Christians might eventually seal the and price. OJer erte propose to keep In tho regular order of things tho doom of the once great Turkish empire. MILUN wont the and will meet head of the procession and will today county court elect a county superintendent. j Church Educational Scheme. will satisfy always make prices Tho water gathered in tho basement Nkw Yor.K, Oct. 27.- - The annual meet- our customers. of the IJostou Syndicato block about a ing of tho church university board of re- foot deep and enjoyed a quiet Sunday. which is the central Inmrd of the The marriage of James Murphy, of gents, Protestant church, was held- j Ogden, anil Miss Jennie Mulroy, of Syra- here tmhiy. Episcopal tho measures disAmong cuse, New York, took place in Ogden on cussed and adopted was a proposed Sunday. meeting of the general conference in this j been arrested Malan has by city next May, representing educators of Ceorge Sheritr Belnap on a charge of house the Episcopal church in the United Sl .MiAV SERVICES. STORAGE. breaking, the act having been committed States. Jfoncy to Loan. last May, it is charged. For morchand;V or all kiritii : cor. STOK.Wtlvloan to on real estate on two to Money !old for American Produce. mill Liucoln nve. Cm U' H OK TIIK GOOO SlIKPHKilD five The case of John Winslow against time; . years' security must lo unTwenty-fourthS. OTt MJAGK hof'ort storitiu irnrxls r any San Fkancisco, Oct. 27. The steam Corner of Grant ami Marshal McLellan and the Hear Kivor of C. II. MuCIure, questionable. Inquire i ncol n . antl rector. b Unsworth, Morning prayer Federal office. Clerks Canal men, for alleged trespass, was ship Zealandia. which arrived this morn- - sermon, 11 a. in. Sunday schH)l, p. "OASKMKNT For for Ktorinp from Australia, brought j?2,(HX),(0O ' in. Evening prayer and sermon, 7 :'50 i. " i"";'"" " and voKfiaojiw. Apply pstoned from yesterday till next Sat- ing rtxnu A. n 1 lanin oor. block, in English sovereigns, which will be. re- - m. ami urday. Lincoln av-- . 1 rein is Tho mint. at coined the money son of old Samuel, a little eleven year CtiKKr-itM. Rev E. J. Hill, Wesley to One-haKKNTAmerican for "IT of tore room and products shipped R C. Keeler. died at Mrs. Joseph W. turn pastor. Preaching .t 11 a. m. and 7::iO I Alley rtx.ni A. Taunvr biock ; cor. k Young's residence at 2 a. m. this morn- Australia. and Lincoln avo. p. m. bv Rev. C L. Libbv, of Salt Lake ing. Funeral will' be hold in Ogden close of the at the Class Citv. Vocal Music. meeting -30 TYYcnty.flfth St., Ogden, lfl'N? Kl.'cnnt furnished rtximf, sinele from the Kpiseopal Church on Wednesmoruin g serae. Sunday Khol it -.- JU h .ori num... in Tanner block; cor. Miss Craig, lato of New York, in- day. b:.50 m. and Lincoln fourth ave. at in p. vocal technique, will receive p. successfully, when A mftn fell head tirst through a largo struct r in541 I. KM -- Nicely furmho,i rooma Twenty-seconstreet. IOU at all other pupils Takk. remedies have Hkkakkast. in the of tniohts Taiiucr in i Cream block ; cor. front it kkpork glass window pane fourth mid Lincoln. K. H. Kkmikk k. . Twenty-fifton meat Ukkaki-aststreet, market, failed City Takk it v.ekork heretofore, by means If von are on the outs with your "best yesterday evening, and not only broke of can you square yourself by buying It will be famous as long aH beautiful girl" the glass but scratched himself up T"" XT a bottle of Skookum Root Hair her or to man woman. is an hair object effectively. iNew Grower. What? Why, Skookum Root Hair Tho masquerade ball which takes Grower. place at Wotnlmansee Hall next ThursCall ujon J. S. Peery and inspect day evening, for the benefit of the First TvT St. Pktkrsblkc;, Oct. FRANK MOXKOE..'. TV jJLvnagke. Utah Natioual (inards. promises to bo a rooms in First National Bank building, popular affair. A number of the beauti- which is thoroughly apiointed with ele- CJazetto states that Carnot. president of ful and costly Carnival costumes will vators, steam heaters, water and all the France, will visit this citv in May, when A PTfl"FmQT-irMA- 7' 'Kti:, Kpilfpsy. Catalog. St. VitUrt l)Aiir4'. - 1 other modern conveniences. be worn on that evening. he will open tho exhibition of Fnnchl LriXT-L- : stSiftl'- - Habit. AJcohoJ .orvoun Dfbilitv nnd'Es-haustioprtxlucts to bo held hero. M. M. Miller, lato of Helena, Montana, iianit, inuvoionco, Takk it iikkohk IJkkakkaht. All 1 lisonxo- - of tho Klood, Klioumu-tisWKliK COMMKNCl.Na has purchased from C. A. Hussell, the iout; wffytions of the Heart, LnnKv. ' The World's Championship. Liver. Kidneys and iiladder, PUit, receiver, the stock of furnishing goods, Skin eastw. DyKMi.ia. AlTections of the Stomach ami hats, caps, etc., formerly owned by A n: 27.troubled with chamWorld's diabetes, Airectioimof Oct. Nkw ijou Kowels; gravel, York. the Throat, DiseaseR Pen-lia- r to Women, all Privntn Diwa-sePhillips Bros. & Co., and will continue or of or the mid many derangement kidneys any i the business at tho same place. Pre- pionship, sixth game: Louisville, First jppnarance of JOK ITOYVUm .n.x others not. mentioned here. xea organs: Oregon Kidney 8. urinary v .ftLiA, America Kreliiunl s.k'tch artparatory to putting in a most complete Brooklyn a safe, sure and speedy remedy for ill ists. stock in this line. Mr. Miller will close Cancer Cured Withe it the such troubles. . Wonderful attraction. IU RELL TWINS. Job work of all kinds at Tiik Com.mf.i:-ciaiout tho present stuck as rapidly as Hit thorn Use of the Kni; c. and WALDO The best hard. the WHIPPLE, Black job rooms. possible at cost. r act? omi'tliari. Diamond of Merchants. Failure cheapest. Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic nkw vokk, Oct. 27.--TirLdr h. wickham rtion'd i Tapeworm Removec With If vour hair is falling out. ask your A; cures indigestion and constipation and d Act. TKAPico LKA'iOKis. 20 of Maiden diamonds, ''' Co., in TWO Hour-Lane- , importers druggist for Skookum Root Hair times up the entire system. '1 Art Ut. MISS 1H)L- . is to. lav. r Preference Grower. assigned j given to John Munroo Sc. Co..i:ot to ex- L ist week of the FnvotUos. F.l). IMMAV linling done to order, and special blank Unprecedented sucros- - i ccmnI one third of the est n to. vi'.iv Md. i 1,1.. .No xuwv tl.i.-- week. work of all kinds, at Tiik Commkkciai, .Masquerade. The t'harmii-.i- YocaliM, MISS MAl'D CI AY- - the treatment of th bindery. If vou are going tti tho Utah Nntioir Ut Ltntn Mtuiey leases of Women an.; Alli- Deeds, mortgages, leases and other Guard ball on Thursday get your fancy- On Arti.-t- . MISS t.il,t",,..Vr,.iT?,!V.S:.,:,? lD,! eti and watches diamonds, jeweirv. , i'a.iuI. r,. .KI1I ?1.(K from to .A0 Kohn. cost nines from dren and all Acute ! blanks at Tiik Commkkci i job rooms. 2M ami 20G Tweuty-tift- h Street. over Fa'rr. Sears A Co.. .'od Twenty-liftTin" h iriirantie (x rforinance to Dko.dowitz Dkos. conclinV matory or Febrile S Ycc- street. Takk rr bkkork Hkkakkast. frank )ffy'n latwt sriiccesy. ent ill. il ujtli tions. Real Estate Transfers. Your hair i full of tlandrulf. wliit hi Pl'.KSO.NAIi PAKAfiKAI'IlS. be reinovetl witliout. mm rv tt Tho transfers reported in tho office of ran onlv cr- ami lAhl ,... ,! ii.!cm i.i'Mif. 1,.. I,v by the Surgical. Operations l.',t entire company. the County Recorder yesterday were as Grower. formed with ih. Mr. W J. Holcomb.'Jr., of Pocatello, follows: S OPKN CHVLLKXtiK Will ( was an Ogden visitor yesterday. c Utmost Skill. Another Cliicatro Walk Out. A. W. Wertz antl wire to W. H. any orchestra in t tnh for f:o:n 100 R. Miner and to contest to take place iu Otfiten. .Ki, Attorney I Judge part of lot 0, block 13, plat A., Four hundred Chicaoo, Oct. 27. 11 gers went to tho l'ear river coun l,OtX. iip Xoto the eveniuc' steam inTformanro bet'his at S 13 W of cent fitters, comprising per E. R. Cropsey to F. T. Johnson, lots try on a duck hunt. rnarp. in men union the the struck this citv, ad12 and Y.l, block 1, Cropsey 's second Mr. W. S. Ryder, of Pocatello, supercent ad- - Popular Trico, Twenty-Fiv- e lor r twurs, 1U per and Fiftv Onts morning Ihiurs, s fio to 10 M a. m., 2 to . ; 1. intendent of tho Union Pacific Idaho dition, ?20L ...,.1 Seat.s iu Ikises. Fifty tent. to 7 :110 p. m. ot uie jiLrt' in uim itnt;ti union 10 tecog lots to E. Schtiltz, John E, Cropsey division, went north yesterday iu his anil 11, block 1, Cropsev's second addi- union. special car "(XK)." ?2G4. Mr. Paul Wells, trainmaster of tho tion, K. Li. Nuto antl wife to James II. Excursion Tickets to Salt Lake Via Utah Central ami Mr. C. 11 Ingalls, Stevens, certain lots in Prospect Heights Union Pacific on Account "Try-ta- l : travelling passenger agent of the Union addition, $1. Eimao;oment. Slipper" Pacific, both of Salt Lake, came as far S. J. Hurt to C. K. Gale, lots 1 ami 2. For all afternoon trains from Oilon as Ogden yesterday on tho "Liberal block :i. West Ogden addition, fcIT-0-. to Salt Lake on October 21th, :$0th and of U. P. R. R Co. to A. I. Stone, part special." f Union Pacific will sell excur.1. Hist,-thG. section north 21, range. township Messrs. Zimmerer and Fred F.iks of i sion from Ogden to Salt Lake at tickets Nebraska City, Neb., friends of Frank li. 80. for faro Ihv round single (.l.o0) trip, Total, 82,578. Hochstetler," are in the city for tho purTickets will he good for return tho day lot intenof over with tho it iG Twt.'nt pose iking Ht. Woocltiiansoc following date of sale. On Saturday.; tion of locating. They are very much November 1st, tickets will be sold on all pleased with what they have Keen of it. trains at above rate good for return 19 4..--Sundav. II il oun; r- - e. n r.c a m z n S. W. E U la rinir Election Frauds. P. RailwMv. G. P. U. ; A.. VJO-5WDi r Goods. S. Rostov, Oct. 27. The Globe says 1 Vc'.l Trotu . IV rr ipJ. Kyo, Eur and V form i tics'. Hiiticians aro greatly excited over tho .... .. , j . ; . T. J. Eaton, twentv-tiv- e Dr. 1 vears rr. h.nlTy l i i 'm Mi uie l ly n iMt discovery of glaring inaccuracies in tho svii ri;r.';i j. All diseases antl of ear ; c miH'i'I le.rn iu !.t;J. tho eye practice. 1 .l:.l j; . U i'ri'-.-V. St. .!"lo!is oil; It congressional elections of two years ago, treated ami operations performed. Cross cared P.. SUANNliLL. which those investigating the matter eyes straightened without pain, artificial tind it difficult to explain on tho ground Tho iljrtj.'r Outwitted. eves inserted, antl bracts for the cure of of carelessness. Tha discrepancies in M St it. 'J'J. uss. Oil., deformities furnished. C';:n be seen at I wax kickcil l,y u tnulo on n'Riit knee und Interone district alono aro over 1UOO. llroom Hotel until November 1st. Could in t v.i,k fir thieo tlayr.; sufiercd two esting developments are promised won. week. but Si. JucoU Ol cured inc completely, L. IVXGJJON. Sktxikum Root Hair (Jrower will A Double Traaredy. At I'Kru.asis and Dkalxhs. cleanse your scalp ami develop a new OCrDKN. UTAH. TKE CHARLES A. V0CEIER C0W B.ltlmert. U4L growth of hair. For sale by druggists. Austin, Tex.. Oct. 27. Rill Darnwell, this afternoon, shot antl ) DLVIDENI). killed Maggie Null and then blew his ! Wo arc Jobbers in our line. own brains out. Drink and jealousy. Fred. J. Kiesel 4 Co., CITY IX KI.lKF. r--Mr.i I HKYKKAL Kt'MMiS Htreet. Tvrenly-Fourt- h 7llllltllllllllll!!tlt::illlillllllll!llltlllllllllllllin: 9B MWJlrOC- - THE Street. Twenty-Fourt- h GOODRICH & CO., I SHOES X li,? i UAPK YKSTKRIUY. ; 3 at no Buslneaa of General Interest Was Taken Up. In Fact the Session Was Brief. WE suites I ! i HAVE NEARLY ONE j j U ; We j A Prominent Xin inan at Losan la Added to the Jions Lit of Those Saints Who Have Had Too Many Feminine Alliances. Tho Judge James &a follows: that D33J j fr r J. Nagle. et. al.. vs. Ogden ity Railway Company, et. al., demurrer OMtained. ten days to amend i - retroactive. " At any rate it did not so ljeeomo in at 'east one instance. For .James F. lirown. landlord of tho IVopIe's Hotel at Liogan, and a proiui-rsed- t Saint, was arrested on Saturday under eiroumstan es that show that the !aws of nature will act in the regular way, manifesto or no manifesto. He is charged w ith adultery. '. must accept one or tho other lorii of a dilemma, namely, lie is the father of a newly-borbaby mt. of wedlock, or of the same kind of a whtso mother is his plural wife. lby Another thing alxnit this baby is that it has ronie right along without paying to the Kdmunds law. In any attention fact, it i a baby that may rist up and its fat her blessed, but it looks doubtful whether that paternal individual w ill feel like returning the complement just n now. The defendant w as required by Commissioner ( toodwin to put up a Itond of I.O.H) to explain tho intricate legal iMints onnected with tho appearance of this. baby to the grant! jury. mm " rf-n- t. ' j : - . lf wci:t-lurt- Physician & SurgeonA . l)iis.-i!ifnt- j Till ELK. DR. E. wonty-fourt- i li , Twenty-Epwort- ! M. d h Treats h f i j ! NOVELTY THEATRE! i he i j uiscovenes, New Methods and . i lIvCL' ?f n; m, j j D. i j And lie "W"asIiinfftoii Avenue, j 27.--T- Still They Come. President Woodf utT, who, ;is vicegerent ff the Almighty, recently proclaimed tli at the- matrimonial policy of Utah Xaint will be modified so far as to limit Mormon men to one wife, probably did not intend t have the manifesto become 2441 ISTo. j Willard City v. Thomas Wtxylland, notion to set aside verdict ami to grant evr trial denied. Willanl City vs. Thorn a Woodland, days time granttnl t rtv and thirty file statement on motion for now tfial. tieorgo W. Carr, ot al.. vs. Ralph Ing-hxnow trial denial. motion Ceorgc W. Carr. ot al., vs. Kalph Ingham, thirty days time granted in which 1j prepare ami sorvo bill of exceptions. Ogden Military Academy vs. Sidney Stephens, no cause of action. Rliarh-vuIn re application of Mmuio for writ of inamlatc. nntion of defendant quash alternative writ or mandate denied. In re application of Carl 1. Anderson to Iecome a citizen, order admitting him. A native of Sweden. I). Zilla Asbby vs. 1 C. Funge. et. al.. demurrer overruled; ton days to answer. Km ma r j I of tho First District Court, A. Minor presiding, were at ' y.as. illtiS" ! sZi !:' , f 1 - 1 h j I "TWO BARXABYS. .:, ir Stub-bletiel- -- ;;d-J.n- i Taki: it kkkori: IJkk.vkv.vst. J. O. O. F. "Notice is hereby given that a now lodgoof tho I. O. ti. F. will he iustitutetl Nov mber 14, IS!, in this city. All holding visiting earda or other 4'ards wishing to join the new lodge, uh ch.titer members, ami any not members of the order wishing to lecomo memliers of this new It m1, can obtain full information by calling on M S. Luty, 2472 W. nhington avenue: J. F. Brow nng, ZUXl Twenty-fourtstreet: C. 1). Hayes. 2ol Twen James Hopp, reg-is- t stret; r window. posio.Iice and John Ke.'k, Twenty-fourtstreet. All (Mtl Jr., Fellows intenlihg to ji:n who have not sent for th?ir withdrawal cards are requesU d to lo st ait one. C K. Coulter, M. D.. physician and 2127 Washington Jivenue. over Kurgon, Ho r rocks A: Sons. Telcpliono 21o. resi-xfeot- .s h .r h Iowa Association. All liersons interested in tho forma '.taon of the Iowa association, are re piestel to meet at the New West - academy hall, corner of Twenty fifth and Adams "on Tuesday evening. October 28. at in. IJv order of Committee. 7:p. Daughter of llchckali. Tliero will lo a meeting at the otliceof PUTNAME IVilL j y-Foti- ave- ftlt j M4 t ly !. v.x-A- . ! i.: j J j ! Hi M. Hals, Cans, Fiiniisliii)!? SHOES, TRUNKS. VALISES. l All Goods .Sold at CHICAGO P11I0ES! I THIJil REAL 'ESTATE Our Potato'Crop. Ciiicaco, Oct. 27. Tho Farmer's Review will pay this week that according to statistics received tho grand total of tho potato crop of this country for 1890 will bo aljout 1.731.000 bushels as against tL C Wordleigh Washington nue, over Dal ton. Nye & Carmon'a store, TuetMlay, October 27, at 7::iO p. in., f all Daughters of Kebekah, for tho All who have purMst of organization. otition and all others who the signed aro eligible and desiro to join the lodge 2J2,701,OtX in 188'J, and 21G,C1G.XX) in are earnestly ntjtiestod to bo present. 1K88. All Odd Fellows who have attained the TH E EX; MSH LI ItKliALS. Third degree, their wives, unmarried over widows the age of 18, and daughters of Odd Fellows are eligible to member- Gladstone Addresses Them on Subship. jects of National Importance. II. C. WAKir.Kit;n. , Oct. 27. A meeting of tho J. O. Wnn f; W. M. Clakkk, Liberals was held hero today at which W. D. (it Kll K. Gladstone delivered an address. He J. I). Ht;i;i, said tho Liberal party was prepared to W. H. Ykki.ki:. wait for an expression of tho country's opinion regarding homo rule before anTAKK IT lil KlKK HkKAKF.VST. lie nouncing a premature Hchonie. Patronize the new C.m.mkkciak IxkjIi urged tho people to closely watch tho naval antl military expenditures which bindery, where you can get rirst-clas- s ho declared had gone beyond tho bounds work at Omaha and Lincoln prieeB. of prudence antl prosperity. Wistloms Kobertine is meeting with Referring to tho foreign policy of tho great sueec ss everywhere, and is rapidly"a govcrnmo.it, Gladstone blamed Salissupplanting every other preparation of bury lor sending an accredited envoy to like nature. Ogden druggists sell it. tho Vatican. Tho sending of Simmon 237tJ - . Eii.-ju:k;h- I 11ARGAINS. hotweon (irant antl Lincoln on 24th. 05x1V), front fotit. $31 W 30xl:t2 on 'Jlth lxtwMu front foot. SCk) Grant and Lincoln. opposite post ofllec ; f.VX) front foot. Wxire oj)poKito Utah Loan & Trust Co.' buildinK; $650 front fot. 145x132 cor. 'Jiith nud VVnshiiiKtou ; SJiOO front 25x132 ftKit. 19?x2SI cor. 2th and WasliinKton ; bargain. 9!xi:I cor. 27th nod WasliinKton fott. KlxUHcor. 27th and Washington : ; $225 front $20.0D(). fitxltt cor. 2lth nud Jackson ; $:l.)0, WxI32 cor. 21th nnd Jnrksou ; ?I.IKH. 5lxi:'.2ou Jeil'ertion, Msi:J2on JefTt-rs-.n- , 25th a nil 2tith; Ixdween 2..tli and 2oth ; $7,000. lxS rodi cor. 'Ul and .Jackson : $S'S per rml. acres south of city ; RUM per acre. 2'iO acres south of city ; JKKIO Hr acre. Mt acrtb south of city; $10,500 for all. M) If you want to buy or sell come nnd see me. buggy is always at tho door, and I take great pleasure in showing strnugers around tho My city. ,L. II. MITCHELLWnsliington Avo. SMW Incorporated. ) Wholesale Ilealers in (iroceries. Liquors, To- bacco and I'igars. Ogden, UtatiJCWt. 13, ism A rpiarterly dividend (dt1l imt cent has leeii ileclaredon the capital stork of this corHration. payable temlxr 5th, iconl Oct . 190, to all stockholdeni 25, jiersonally upon presentation of their st4ck certificates or non tKeir written, oidt'r. TIIEO. SCHANSENBCH, Secretar-- nI .six;cAdams I & ) IV Kicscl I I Salt KX1 nrt lnanulncturcrs, and raaktt to order, but Stock of do not carry a . ). Co. Works: SYIIAI't'SK. Ollice: OIIDKX. Ogden City, I'tah, 2Oct. 15. 1v.k. A quarterly tlivitlend of xr cent has l,Mn ileclared on the capital Mock of this corporation, payableofNovember 5th. l,s), record Oct. 25th, to all stockholders lersonally upon presentation if their ceitificates tr uptm written order. H. A. LIM)LEY, Secretary. Notice Is hereby given that bills will he received at Flit I. J. Kiesel Ac t'o.'s oHico for the tearing down and tho material of tho buildings now standing on tho ground whore the. prooed avenue intersects Twenty-fourt- h strnet. bids will be rtoivefl for the Separate work and materials. Work to legiu November 1st. Kiksi x. Fred. J. i And can Fill vour orders at a moment's notice. Our Prices are Itoek Bottom. Wo will Save vou Money on these Goods, our Prices are Lower than Eastern prices; freight added. V m S mm MM m aim 1 m 1 mm m.. Mm Favor us with your Inquiries. OGDEN PAINT, OIL & GLASS COMPANY |