OCR Text |
Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: AN ORDINANCE determine the form ami mn.l of tor the iniiictit of the cost and of complot intt the sidewalk on the hereinafter i out within th limit! I out. t onl.o'ncd by the tity Council nfOjrdon f t!; payment of t'tv ro--that for t he purpose in.-- sidewalks-ii of tJw t nI expeiv c!nplt t ti-riff C"iii d :s follows, to win Tvrcntv-- t bird u from Wall avenue to avenue on lw? h -- ides with asphalt um to vl'ud dinrict No. :.i. Iw l.i: roiu avenue from rwentvccord tdreet to on Inith Miles tt ith plank, uhtli ivni'j to derailed dptrict No. z. ah.irtt;tni avenue from Twenty-tixt- h ftreet to Twenty-eighton Imtli fides villi No. '1. to l called 'I v em sixth street with plank from Wall to ou both tin to he called 4 :tn.-- t No. :. Twenty-seMh street from Yaliinrto; to .leiler-i.- n on lt!i T.ith plnnk. to tn- railed distnc: No. '11. Wall ttvvniio from Twi.ty-vcntrcct to t with plank on both si lcs, 'l"r tit. foiir!h-stre ".V No. ;o le called Washington ateri'ie fron Tweiit ft reet t o!" liirrr on both des, wit li plank to he t .i!h'il district No. IV.; a local tax bo nd i.s tiT levied and ussc-se- d upon the phve- - of srom.il nhuttiriK mon the nbvivlk in rnrii i the said district, as follow e : la liirtrtrt No. L. &"$1.7" per front foot. J No. 21. front foct- rntserper l:i No. front foot. .1.. r' Its No. .M. cents per front foot. No. I't, t." cents r front loot. Iti in district No. ""cents ; r front foot. In district No. i.'o, ' rout1 per front foot. Tc n rl-e- . h ili-Tr- ict -- nri-nu- r deore-entere- i I cl to-wi- nt!i tv-s- i-- wiuo frM rl tn-et- for txif oivniiii pivmnt tiiirisli . r.f t!:t av?iii to nin-ty-s- it ordnirirJ. by tlio f'ity Council of Oj.Ji'n I "ity. ; 'i'iint for the of and jrradii.v' TJiirtirtli ?rrft 'J tvvl wido tnm WaFhincton the foUow-u-utir.KHo I'.vilir trfi fonij-inlnd. to wit : oxx-nioi- x t:.t toint on f hw 'iiiit lin of Sot S..ith tfd-- t iirrrj. S10 frt - Mock 10. 0 of the introi tion of tho centM1 hai- of Lincoln and Tliirtieth Mril as marked td located bf tpdn fity snrvey. noiiatn nli No. Mid point of bKituiitit; beintr nt the wost loundar.v of Dana't addition ami thenre S" aaia. enct. 4'.'S rit&ninir north U 1or-rs- . O rnicutee w.t thrnce north 6 drtrreea. reft, 1 !.4.xl feel more or and to th enet Pacific iitree:: these eouthorly alonK the oaft line f Pacific ntwt V9 thence aotith Mtdnrrerf. CO rain. Mat 1.4M feet. mor- - or and to a point feet aoath 0 .' min. wet of plnee of p ri ; Vience fitting . i" min.. tiorthO to bnrir:--it!aW Tbi- dscrirtia intended Ut cover K of Inntl M wiJe. extenftinjr tlurti-t- h a. laid out br citT from Duan'e ion westward to Pncitic tteet. A lor.il tax he aud rollertel nmoiist two hundred and fonr-ve- " inr t lioilar.-i- , on fol!owinK desr!brl reul ferr-nii-c :m.f at liar - fi-e- 7H-P.- Fri. . tl-.- A. C. Hihinii-- lleferres. fit orthe part of lot!linr within 155 in each trvt outiT line oP Hiid vri'"ix-und on either the limit ilork within rcf.r.-rh.'inif iH! to "Kx. A." i.le "i ij attaoh"l and t;ide n inrt hcrot'f. t lie real estate ntT- cN-- hy this tax. is h.ria lu.vw;:. iu color, tliedArkit hlimle etrt-elii j th from the iiroiHw-ea i roiK-". f K7 and tax - hT( hy leried. Ami ! it f urt-unLnncI ttmt the form nnd tux fhaUlHt!at inoteof ase?-iin-r.- t fir iliiu'VUi'TS i'f ral eM.1t which the tax All ALIAS SUMMONS. e-- In the District Court of th First Judicial I tr'.ct of the Territory of I'tah, Webe- - "ounty-ara- h Mc tremor. plxinfilT v. Alexander Mc- ilefenetalit. lii'nr, l'l.of tiie Territory of I'tah send treetii- to Alexander Mrfirwr. You are hereby required to appear iu an action brought a'.'aint yon by tlio. alve.e natneil pliinf ill, t lie District Court ol the I ir.--t .Indic.il t lie Territory of I'tah, . and to answer t!i compjaint within ten davs, xclnive of the lay of service, aJ'tet the mtv ice on you of this if eervi d within thi county: or. if out of t hi- - county, but in t his District, within tvve:it day.s; otherwise within fort d:ivwill be taken or by ;UMiiil ou, aivori!:n to t!i prajer or said complaint. action is brot'irht to obtain the The of thi court to dissolve the lM.nds jinisr'ie-ni; bi'tween the heretofore of plaiutiiT and I'laintili a'let;,'s that she is'iititlel to tlecn-i!t the ground thnt the tieteudnut has willfully and withont j'i.--t cause deserted this plaintiiT: plaintiff fmtlier sas that the lias vvillfidly tieleeted to furnish her of life. I'laintili with thi roiuu.on ie cesai-iean actual and lomi''de resident if has Oden City. Wetx-- county. I'tah Territory, since the luthday of .lanuary. I"v. Kr further and fuller iart ieulars refer' I'Ce is hereby made to t h. coiulaint on I'd" herein. And yoi? ;ire hereby noi itied t hat if ou fad to answer tliesaid complaint ai: above nploar amithe:-aiplaintiiT will apply to the rci'iired, therein. ciurt fur the rcliiT deieamled Witness the Hull, .fiimes A. Miner, judtre and the seal Court if the of the First .judicial District, in lsKt..j and for the Territory of Ctah. this nth day of October, iu the year of our Lord One thousand hundred and ninety. c. ii. Ily L. IS. Ui:vr, Deputy Clerk. Miller A. Maiunis, attorneys for i; i. iit-:nr t d i- tH-t- r lt. Agricultural levi'Hl i wi-o- r li:l of :r:i.n :!ie l.ii- aeM,d th' lw said tax. of - tiun-- pro- - hy ft'd ihx f. acrordini; t asc.-rt.iin- tw-tift- t rvd fit tft rf"t. aad t clivo ri'maiitrj th. fr!nt aid r.pose-- tii-i- r lih-.- l ! l llnt acrd:nr in tit" real - owned hy re; tl'i-- cotvr d for trnt:i" n'y. iroidiil. however. of l.iml !..u the corner j i:ot f roll! oa -- aid Mo.-than oi:t- huudted tret t d tl ivtoMT ::. l'1". I lilll .1. KIKSi:!.. Mnv..r. l 'm.ai.. I J. V. Jlf'Nl'TI. 'ity : r irtv-tw- - t- ed tK-- - f,-- -t o P..-ve.-l ATn-HT.- J "notice C3 C5 impiemcnls, HOUSE HUNTERS ! 6-ro- om Wajjon Matorial, Heavy Hard- 124-- 0 iron and Steel. ware, I e liore :i.-- e I'tah. KKANK U. S. W. DAIIKK. attorii"y for . Maud of. F.V.wter. rl.iituaut. IVnni"-- tf Weler aiel T. Order to ; a liror. t I e'.c. d - cn.-fd- inU-i"es- . ten days if serv-- ct you d 2-.- -l -- - Ch-r'.- !' r-l- n! i r !. i. I f.-- e!- 1 !oi-l.i- I " v. I v .''l--i:- .:-l : o;.;i-rji!n- .!u-;.- I . v- i' at . si-- l t.-'Tx- k :. . l ! "si-- , ! a.l'l:-"-'.''- . . . - !;-- . :i ! HIik-I;- - r r--. v j- - i:;-i- n -- l ! ilKIMTOCIXG - BLANKS ee 1 an-vv- i-r to-vi- -- t 'osi-tlh- le WD. I the Kurth, Pocatello, Idaho, j I AGENTS FOH Is an I'.xquLsitc Voilct Article. Is I'rce from al! coloring matter. 1 OiMtrlbutlfiK llcpov Ogden, Utah. CARL UPMANN'S a k STRATTON STORM'S " " ) Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican hand-mad- e, Custom house C -I- O-A - R- r COMMERCIAL ()1:I;ICH NOTIOE j ! WHOLESALE DEALKKS OF We have lately opened the Central Carriage Works, 23d rn auu vv abiiiiiioii rvvenue, anu prepared to do all kinds of Brainard. Robinson & Co. are Carnage and Wagon Building and Repairing. LEGAL NOTICE. Are the only firm ia the city la the I'rohale Court. County of Weher. Territory of I'tah: lu the Matter of Adoption tinier to prepared to Repair, Paint or ) I run a of Carriage or nuggy te. " John .Mctiiau;. a minor, l ral Severa braska. ood farms in Kansas and Ne- ; j i.n.u iiiermpwiiig n . ijm ...... n- rtorn naiiy s MiiwauKeoDoer EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND H0FBRAU, CONSTANTLY j IN I !; ! ' TO EXCHANGE. r ,ir .i.t:: Small Fruit Farm miles from City Hall, for grocery business, residence or business property. 8'Ji) acres Washington land. IrO acrea in t?an Luis Valley, Colo- - to-vv- it: ili.-iM-'- U: J JSKf' ; d - I hitnInifT. Stops I'allin"; Hair. Is a Preventive f Baldness. Grows Hair on r.all 1 leads. aUUIllUB,(7-,,I1,V,,;,i-,..,A.i . 1 f v:IW t m IV, 1 335 orchard, Nub Hi!! addition, 2 Iot8 in .V0 oa;h. , 1 I.radiratts Darcains: lotf. University Heights addition, Srl'SO to ;i50 eaeh. 10 lots hetwoen o."th aiid 30th Sts., t ear motor. ?lL'.ieach. 'J lots on Washington ave., only 200 OJOIM, UIOCK , .aeii c''-' City, ut of said citv but in the county iu which this action i.s brought, and within twenty days if served elsewhere. This action is brought to recover of you the nnd interest nt t per cent, from suinof Sl- -. February -- 1. Is'.ni. alleged to lie due plaintiiT from you as follows: For Roods, wares ami merchandise delivered to you at your special instance and request by D. K. (ileason whose claim against you has Iwen duly assigned by said D. K. (ileason to this plaintiff. Frfuilher particulars referent" ifill- hereby now on made to plaint ill's coinpl-'iiu- t at my tlUce. iu this action. Probate Jud i lied not Ami that unless you you are hereby I err tory o I'tah. do so appear ami answer said complaint, us t mnlv ( eU'r, alM.ve will reipiired. plaintiiT clairie-- takeb.v judgment 1. 'harle I. I b.Jini;sWfrt h. cierk '"f the lr- plaintiiT, t 'ourt in and for said Weber County, do aa;aiTist yon forthosum and interest at ti per cent from is a full, true February.$l2.rl I"!", rrt by ify that the forefoiiiir ost and of suit. rid crr-tirder to show or any Constable of Veter To the Siiei-iiioy of t he ort.-i-i- l nil e, t'.. in the matter of adoption of Maud coioity. Territoi y of I'tah, : Make lejri'l iireeiiim and recorded in my service and due return n's. a iunr. Sic.-- , on ihe.'Jd day of October. A. D. 1":. ;s liiven under my h mil this Vh d tv of OcIoIm t. :!. faua ai'H'.ir of rev,d. IS. TKh'NKS A. D. I '!. In witness whereof. I have Just, ice f t he IVace for l!i" Second Odeu hereunto iet m.v hand and e.f- Preeinct. "..a!.. I ttxed th" seal of the Probate . ti. llovv. Attorne.v. tin' day and year lirst C:rt. ve ritt- n. 1 IFI V 'HUU.AKS I ASH t HAS. I.. IIOI.I.INCSWOt.'TH. Clerk of the Probate Court. . I. l l.l.Pvv, t.v: I . Deputy I'olii up(' Hill Athlitinii And S2" a M.a!li--Iliibiruatetl niMitioti SUMMONS. Thi l'".int it'nl an.t the l"tvve.Mi the trreai Met hwit I uiier-tt- y Iief.i-- e I!. Tern . i f t'i" ; eaee f,r S cent-t Ii" of f ten .sii;:i-("roni eitv. It only (.r- - einet. e"Uii;i:;!i'iin t!e in I eeii.ie-a I i.:i:i hk: t view i ; ol.aiee'l fnm whieh a t ' its uuri ale.l fii'rounili:u:s ant t he real l win !. f V. -. ' Salf La!;.1 !".mi: '. t;ier ..!l, p ihei'T -. i i All ;ir.iii-- i ioi:: fi.r elect rie lines inrliiil" i in uiil a ' see: iei. an I ;i'lva:i"e viluej :'o!-o!: Ti rrilery mwI 'I '!! raj.i' 1', to Tim I'n'' i' v a'oimuil! i.i i'.e i e;-- . loeai-it- v 1 i.rnr'r. ei int : i :iee pa-- t ol' fhelouta to ftjM'.ir io :it:-- '.'i"- a.e - of- 1'i.r a hrief te;:e the . Ir.f.-rf ! Pe.n " :,i.i.ve t'.e ih.-,- lo'-.Vh(i!.0)i-ir!- ; to i". .,'.ieaie lit i I in !'U.' Citv. .;t''"l. t;.e ;' c.if i;.)ii.!l ii ."! ea-- li aii'l S"." li' tifh v.le're a ; tir l.iit.( ;l t.teii I ,i-- t ani vv it hiii:i: perfeel title m' t:k i: a ;if; ii :"veii :n :e:ii. nT ehar-reati-iiiijiieiiiiih. r.' l fi ' it" se.-- t e. t ..! JOU III 0.l--"I - very il.'-- ii ahl" nail thi' '1 ei! of' .i'liili te.l'Iiv- - ii '.v uteler t !e m h i t . li t .'tel mi ! l"u:i.'l:t. - For .ltl.e eoii:itv i". vw'm fu. tiiec n t I' ivs call on !' ' it liin t'. nl ..Ifl iTVe'l ; of Ii. II i:v i:v.. iv I Ii- - ;iM?om i'- l..u ;lt i r v-t'ie . ;.iii f I !.:; on i in". e.iri:i r V:i.'ii n. ' : t if f tit"-:i.'I t roi:i u.u ev eii'ii antl I'v, i,; Ii T: h I to l. .l ie ,; .inti i S r. 1."'. jill.-.li.e,, I i.".i :i .: follow-'- : nt .o:: : ,'..:r.-- t vim in !:i;. :v:ti iv.:i:t.i;ive I.tVYP. in r'ii-.ol' l. I'. t! ;.inj ' liiia awiIi!'l to .1. t ". I iiiMMin ol t).e:i, ' " i 'ntiriilnr- - r. l ort'urtlier liereliy ::i!'.' to I'l.iint ill'- - eotu l.ii:it now on lil; at iv.y 'tlil'e. ill 1ll" .let ion. .si Awtl are liere!:y ii' til'.e. I tli.it u:ile Oecils, MorlgiiMi Leans. F.ti, sriiil I.m jou a;:;e:ir anill:ii:itill will t.ike jn.lirue nt tisiiiril. t .nrnint .von for .tie? mm rlaiinetl ly him, at t::k : $"i !.;). iiit'Ti-stami rte-- of iuit. Welx-To the Sheriff or any t if 'unty. Territory of I'tah. .'rietinK ; Make lethal Mrv iee anil due return hentif. tiivt-twuler rnv haii'l this tli lav of Oetolxr, I!. TI KMCS. V. I).. IM. Justice of the Peace for the S.r'ailOflen Iru- inct. i A. O. How, At torney 2104 Wafchinyton Avenue, Ogtlcn, Utah. t! CrOTS Hair Rai,i,iy We offer for this week the following earh.i j e -- - I Skookam Root Hair Gvoxxxep. I ih--i'- iu? r ru. .. ! I .f t'l-ti- ee UK0CERS, Liquor and Cigar Merchants For prices deliTercd call nt office of Strain-- i aril. ECobiiifon A Co., 3400 WashlnRtoii At. h 1 r i llarkot. REAL ESTATE! -- prts-inet- 'f 1 ! l.ritnito ItoeU Contains no Mineral or Vegetable I'oisons It is an honest and meritorious Iiefore I?. Ternes dustice of the Peace for SecSxlOrotJs on Quincy, between 2'.)d and ond 0','den preparation. TKRUiTOKY OF CTAIf. i rt.. r.v.i .T rol. ' ) Cm atv ok Wkdkk Nature's Own Remedy. rxl() rods on Harrison, between L'Crd Demanal. SI2..Vi. lohii ('. (il ason, j'laintiit vs. John Hilditch. aim I e r"r.t jfti iuia. 4xlt' rodH on I'llrd. between Quincy and send t;r"et'ij;, The M"ople of I'tah Skookum Root Hair Grower Go. Jackson, ?4r0 per rod. to.lohii Hilditch, defemlant : You are hereby dincted t appear .'and ans141 x ,".000. and 'J4th cor (it ft, Jackson, wer in'fore the. list icoof the Peace above iiameil. NEW YORK. 150 to Ixt8 on monthly installments, at his otlk-- inOirden City, in t aid county, the $300 eaeh. complaint of said plaintiiT tiled herein, within pot Sale by oil Druggists. A $300 enap in Franklin Place add. live days after service oil ouof thi suninion. within !! iu Otrden if served , s company, & WHOLESALE lnirry of iirny the ItcHt in tht n 3f-'lai- Pronounced the lipst in Territory WATK1 ' Tr.v it and satisfy yourselves. SODA SUMMONS. v 'ros-;i!)- Uotel. In the Market. plaiutiil. file I'n.bit i 'ourt. I 'oiinty of of I'tah. bv the iitlid-i- it of Wflwr. . Mary I. Dennis, tirnnce K. "ro. and .Matiida ros, this day J resented and filed iu this court, !i'i the said lieorvje K. I Matilda Cross, lit.-- w ire. are of adopt ins Maud Dennis, i d.onrhtor f Mary. I. Dennis, as their ova and iniintiii-ities.hihl. itht'iial rilit.. triv Iren lirn in the lawful wedlcn-cliil any tf) said (iinrc" K. Cross and Matilda Cress, that tin? said Mary I. I oiinis voluntarily .el y T' of and all r'n;lit to tie' J'i::ihow.-ami oratn over said Maud Dennis, and t in anil to tfie services of ill el.iini anil -- :id Matnl Dennis, to the end that the said child shall he fully adoptslby the part t' adopt the same. Iti- - therefore ordered said court that. Jill tsii:is interested in the by -- aid Maud Denue-a minor, aptwar Iwfore the :iii i'robate Cfturt. on Saturday, t he K.th day of Nv'mbr. IsIki. nt ten o'clock in the forenoon of sai' I day. nt the court roooiu of said Probate of Wclier, Terri Court, in Oi;den City, County tory of I'tah. to show cans.-- , if any they have, why an order should not te granted and in accordance with the conditions and ami that of the affidavits nforet-aidstipulation .1 copy of this order ho published a least once a for three successive wieks ia the Ogden Duiiy Commercial, a newspaper printed ami ! den t ity. County if Weher .Mid r.uble i:. . Claws. Terr tory t I" I ah. ai'"riii-- r l Tito ; ARTICLIvS TOILKT jtrn,ri:n. show-cause- , t - I Ii-tri- et LEGAL NOTICE!. fa t!e Protiate t 'ourt. t oiiuty ritory of I'tah : Iu the .Matter of Adoption i UTAH. ROCK! HOCK! ROCK! ' d 4 m-I- I'room SMITH, Utah. Wraliiiiton. Avenue, Ogdori, Fred. j. kiesel Black- Wire, OGUKX, Ix-e- n - cl-- rk It', Barbed G smith Tools, Ete. t s - e Baker i fifth Slrfcl, under ; t e li-- r Twtntv- O '"Or" -- 4 T--Y. exi.-tin- FOR PUBLICATION. N... i r t Liind ot!!.-- at Svlt I. vkk ';rv. I'tah. I I. 1 hT-hNotice that tinfollowing jr:vn : oneil Mt t ha tiled ntsii-- of hi.- intention of hi claim. 'omrtke tit.al proof in the .ui' that ai.hi- -rrmif will ! made mdc-- ' r in the county of a'"iici at Morean "ity. on Morgan county. I'tah. K. -H. I. viz: November . 1, X. N. K. 'i nt. .'I, Kt. for the 1". K. K. w itii"?--vto prove II" name tl.- - following nud cultivation coi'l iimi.ti.-- v' ; . i,jhi : l' I.imI. William Tonkv tiorjr" Tnks. Kdcar Uihby, Diofiuih Wfft. nil of Moriran. Morgan rotinty, HOl'-HSi- def-ml- ji:d-:nie- ii i rl j oz v -- nr'.t'Aii. Corner Washington Ave., and I Mini-ino- c;.ito !fviil Im of I.in I shall .lpon: !Iotively thi-nin- 13 - ) io Your choice of 3, 4 and cottages, on Wasb-ingto- n Avenue, street cars, city water, graded ave. choice neighborhood, $200 cash, balance payable in Turbine Wheolhi, rent, $25 to $40 per month, at eight per cent intrest. liifiincs Saw Mills. Houses, $1,500, $1,800 and $2,200 each. DlMIGGISr, 111 li-trict- of on te rc-i- M Wiiolii.r .xn - r- Hoad Carts, Buckboards, J. Kuimiiiih, Iv.e - . , I- N- - i F. B. HURLBUT, -- - H ln-r-l- - if- r- H fzj 4 t- 5- 'm U 1 ItLAN'KS. AN TON, C. su c th-rt-- . TL O RICHARD COZUR DE LION LODGE, u. :i.i Meeta erry Wednesday ereninjj in the A. O. V. W. hall, Stevens1 block, 2t: Washington arenne, Ocden City, I'tah. Sojourning brothers in Kod ftandiuK are crdially iurited to visit and fraternize. apply to Applicants for membership Dr. Cook, luil Washington aTeuue, or t any of the ollicers. Pkkcivai. J. ft irh vtt. Provident. 15-- H nc liil thon-itnd- f'-rt- y t r. fe-t- r-- i 5o s 'T e-- nrjs- I SONS OF ST. (JKOKtrK. O RDKR "To St. (iecre and Merria England." 8-- 7-- . es A A A A A U -- DKALEK OdDEN NO. 2, PATIUARCII MILITANT, I. 0. 0. F. Meets erery Tuesday and Friday evening at Luster Park Parillion. Members invited. F. W. Lewis, Captain. R. C. Smb ad. Clerk- - V' 8t-ln- a de-Tt-- ., " - 7-- lt -z m GEO. A. LOWE, UNION LODGENO. 6. K. C. Smk.vIj, Sec. 2-- tii. d-c- fe.-t- f,t F. W. Lmwis, N. O. street. Washington aveauc, near Twenty-fourt- h Sojourning brother- in j;ood !tandini are cor- W. H. N. to invited attend. ii. . .iiaUy fc-tiu- icnitttt nt a 032 til ii TT 17 I a til c3 r f Bonds and Oaths A A Chattel Morttfaoo Other Illanks constantly being added to the above list. sheet cap, class B, V Class A, sheet cap, class C, foil sheet. j Meets erery Wednesday in A. O. lT. W. Hall, eitfht-tenth- V w-- ix 1 tee Hm I. 1 Sub-Witness- llhSl'hiXANKOL'S . W. L. Adams, Kec. Sec'y- O. O. F. 1 't P;u-ti- c I- OfTicial h e eiK-hfy- 'JVstimony of Testimony of CRESCENT LODGE NO. 13. Holds regular meetimr every Monday niuht at. 7 ::!"' o'clock i:i A. O. I". V. It !!. Vasliititon street. All sojournavenue near Tvven'y-fourting brothers ar cordially invired to attend. '.. l'.ir---ev- .... Order Appointinr Ifwirino;.. A. O. V. W. x7o:ric: i AN ORDINANCE l t f-- S, Hall th fir.--t. end tliini Th'!!daya of each month. W. If. Mat. C. P. F. W. Lkwh. fVribe. brothers are cordially inrited. Meets in the si r J. KIF.SKL. Maror. Nl'Ti. City K.M orfU t. o S1 I5LANKS. Executors' Bond I setters of CJuardinnship. , 0. 0. F. I. 1 p-- I.x-a- TJINTAH LNCAMPMF.NT NO. COITRT Administrator's Bond SECRET SOCIETIES. sv-li- n o dit-tri- rt npi'n-iv- i PKOI5ATK t: y 1..-tr- irt l."vin'f a v, h;i:i-dr'-- di-tri- ct 2r O d hiK-he-- Wi-r- 'ovt;. o. o. O " M-ir- -- d Y. .V( H o I Ve.l:i.-:),- -- I 6 r. the' day of October. ty. o:i iietwei :i tiie !ionr of Ii! a. rn. and 4 . m. wili ell bidder at j utilic auction, for to the th" t ca-- h in hand, lite following described iroporty, A certain tract f land be.rinninu t ft point on d the wel lice of Washimrtou nvetei". seTen nnd antl eiuhty-sif,.,.t vf..sf (7si;i) i'.'-.and and two hundred and ninety-twof tiie tiort h- fe t so.lt it of he I,o! t heat.cd.-l;c- r .vt ii.'ir!-- I't'or ertiol twenty township sir oli, Ii). west Salt Lnk Merai'irooi;.' s..tith-otho wri t l:::e f ridian, runimm thence : tle tice north i.'i'o aveniie d.';.ie-.'minntes 'ilid sfeii s;. 7j ; t'ieht v. t one hundred ai-n ileTl feel; ihil e tlenee north par.:!!et to Was!iintton avenue t'.ltv jV.'l fee!: thence soath t ihtj lii;.'" decrees j;nd seveti minnti's iMM7):oast. iije liu:idsed aiwl i ii (h'Ti otlio l.tce of b'intiinc. Al ft trnc'v bejir.niiie at a iminf on the west and a?eni:e seven h!!udr:-.lir;e ( f one handrelth;" i.nd eighty-nin,et rrel rid lp:2i fei't ii.rtli of t he of t orrrr ..f th" piarterSalt ri. liorth rHOic- 17. wit I runStatcH and :iit Laki tnei i ?orn.i.'p survey, iian, and feet, .inijwts; thriH hundred thence p.. rth fourteen an eiht-t- t uths feet to tl e Muth luie of 7th ftrert. thence e:sf j.lotik' the soe.th line ; of "th tree three hundred ntul thence Mut!i fourteen and jnu"tT-is fe"t to the place of beginning. n A!n a part of the cjnarter of t und a part f the northast quarter of s. ctiao V0. township B, north ran;e 1 west Salt Lake meridian. United States fuiryey. bektinninf feet tcstof the font Leant corner at a point of iod guarter fectioB and rnnnint; nortii 115 fe-- t ; thenca east feet ; thence uorth il 2iU feet ; thence 2 : thence west 1:4 feot ; thence east fid feet ; thancu uorth and tit feet to the place of berinninff. lo part of the eontheast quarter of- section 17, aad a art f tha northeast quarter of 2t township , north rane 1, west Salt Lake naridiaa. Vnited State nurrey, "bPtrionini; at-feet feet west rnd point 1,140 north of the northeast corner of atd northeast M','? tiarter of aection Jt.th--and runninga outh feet : eoiith wrt.1 31i.7r-- ii f.vi ; ; thenco north :7 tfcnce eaat t'et (e--t to the place of betfinnintf. Said eale will Im made at the front door of the Court House, in 0den City. Weber County, B. W. Utah Territory. L. l. STr.FtiKxs, , - Pacl attk.J br M.J J. H a O tl-i- v liM. t'KKl O y, .lnst-nA- v VtoiJ 3 CD ilnnvii-ISitirs- I.in-.-oj- tli-tn- LEGAL BLANKS t Mc-i:ir- Ii.-i- ou thel-"irv- pe m-- r In Judicial District of the Territory yEHF.U LDDGE, NO. 6, of 'ter: I'tah. County IlBL.XSnBD AND FOR KALE I1T Charlotte K. Sh.-.rnnd Jane tohne. plaintiff', A F. & A. M. Ts. Kli?:i M. tiarr. Kate Mctiary. Mary tirst and third THE COMMERCIAL FLUSHING CO. Uftfulur communication James Mcd'ary. Charles Mcliary. Ir.i Mctiary, William Hill Mctiary, John Mcliary, Tli'irsdays each nonth. C. A, Hkxht, Vf.hl, T. I. liKTAK, See. llvrr.m Mcliary, Sarah Kleanor Kedtiel.l. 2101 Washinprton ATcntie, Oden, Utah. Pauline Malis.i lliinjins, Wi'liarn .lames e CHAPTKK. NO. 2. Prownixiir. t'harh"i Hrowuinc I)avil K. t. Q(!IKN Wesley ItrowniiiK, Loh.ilia l!rov:i-iritI'OJo' FA" A NCI NO R. A. M. lirovruine, Frank llrowninif. $. trlaiido A. lrtTnini. Ivotta IJoatriirht, NO. CIASS. each tecond convocation StandJnnn MonKvaro. flecular Tuesday Cjntha Tavlor, Zylpha v Doodp. short form A Warrant S(0 11. T. Ssvnr.!!, M .K. H. P. t month. Howen. Lillie 'harles llnweti, ing, CaX) Wm. Pt t,i. Sec, A Howeti, Loi-.illowen, lio;ilE.st;tteMort'i,'o ' en, P.elle Howi-ti-, F.dirli Uowen, Lars (i. Loi Nellie lioMt-nA Contract Option MONTH COM MANDKIIY, NO. 2, hihl and Am. a Cedars' run;, defendants. Loni-o-. A j;L Nii ice is ben by triven that, tiio uni!.'rsirned Bond for I)ool referees i:i the nhov enti(el cause will. ;irsti-ai- 't A K. T. therein and mlT el' to t he 11 of Oisrharire Mortgnyo each :"d WednesilaT conclaves r. Stated ih til in ii'H'le '.i the of (ctor. J )eed Trunt G K. Dis-; tlvn month. J. First ('. riot of Judicial i. ("ih.idi;e, fourt by the Wm. Pit. it, Rec, trict of I'tali Territory, Sitting in Webnr CounWarranty Deed, lon form . .. C of ex-(.'t)- M in-ft- MASONIC LEGAL NOTICE. -n TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1890. appe l lir t o t ,ie roDat e ourt, I ui'litj of hv the alli.iavit of Weher, Teriitorv of .1. II. Winslo-.Koheit C. an.l Caroline. Win-I.ithi-ili:iel lile.l in thi?;1 thes-ii..lolm II. Winslovv a::l Caro- that of :it!i..' iie line Wim low. his ife. are John Kilvvnnl Metnaii.', a mii of John Mrithi,-ii:ra- t heir e.v it chilil. with eipial now ileeea-ei- l. ami privilege.-- , ami ni!!ii:;nit n - ot anv chiliiren h. irn in t he lawful vvedloe!; of the Viiil II. W an ! Caipliii" Wia-loa:;.! John thet-aiil Holier! '. Wilson olunt:'.rily re- that lie of ami po,ver ritlit o t in ami od$W Jfver John IMward i t in ami to the .service.- a i.l arfclninf an oi" silM John Ed.. ii .Mi'l.'uaii'. to the .'mi that lUUMiall I. luU.v a l pt by tiie p.i' lie.s TJt n- ipt t!i- Siinwrt-loror.ler.Mi tiy s::nl cotirr tliat a:! iu the sail! John Kilwanl Ai persolrH TBtere.-iteI !'iMl),it: the (tuai'j.non minor. api"ar VVodm day. liie !'.n!i day of Nov eeiher, ourt ! '.l. at teifoclofk in lie forenoon of said dev. a! t l.ie conn Toom ol said I'rohate coe rt . in den City. County of Weher, Territory of I'fnii, o show cause . if any they have, why an order in accord- should noi lie trruito-- ami anee it h t lie comlit ion- - ami sf ipulat ions of t h ' a iel:.v its aforesaid, and that a copy of thi-od h.' published at !"a-- t once a week for three weeks in t he ( i: Daily ComMe-- : n newspaper p.'intrd ami published in ',;- iler. I ity. t of o 'oer. and en it irv oi i rooate .imie. i K. v . t i. in. I Territory if l"ah,r, : '.oanty of W; I I'leit!.- - 1.. H o! h elerL- of the Pns hate C.nirl, iu and for said W eber County, do hereby cerl ify tnat't lie foreuoittK is a f all, true and correct copy of the original order to show cause, etc.. ia the mat ter of John ICdward a minor, deoosited. tiled it ml recrded in f my otliee. oi the 2."ith day of October, A. 1. VW, i'.s the same appears or recoru. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set ray hand, and ) lixeil the ienl of tint Probate I'onrt, tlit Hay and year lirst a bo v' written. CHAIILKS I,. MOLLlNliSWORTII, Clerk or the Probato Court. J. P. Lkdwiooe, lieinity Clerk. 1 I 1 i v. pre.-ent- e. ay l ile-iro- es . in-lo- w w, VOIlipieiC tic IJITT"' 1M . IjUtIV, 1 TOp v VV OAL. ''ptC, lwanUgC.. . Telephone J. v ii.-o-n. 1 . ' I't-ih- . j T I I j j : ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO OUR "OGDEN OFFICE" eo ihnt every jmlr is '. Tr.p IIEr.v. j s;ortect Srtaps. I j T v i - int'-re- fa'? rk' I i" ajt- - -- :; i j rtKirA (3 u fit) wwa j ' : - v ; and satisfaction guar Orders respectfully solicited . I AND BOTTLED. Xw.'-Ilfi- 1 i STOCK, BULK T" anteed. i j ' r- 1 L b-- ! iiii'a-.-iiv- ! - j : Mr-(Jnai- af-s;:- CONFORMS TO SHAPE OF FOOT n yon want 'rT:l Jti in flu, with frat-rtfront corn- - H id yon w:'j Mtio. the S?irt V eir ilwy It iei uowle.iired as ta tnoi conftirta'.); bes-itculle.znenV sty!V-'he wearing tad riost to; mB.-l- in the w'tl(l. !T ; i j iaelafi 1 t e i F. J. KIESEi Kaud-wcltan- d ton. 9laMH. fiout by ASHBYBROyiMJ CO i DC!IT SPOIL YOUR FEET DT WEARING CHEAP SHOES t he Ilnrt A I'ackurtl Kliof co?-- no mor than any other flue hlnio, though uone approach it la value. All styles In Handmade. 3ur: welt; also Boys' aad Youths'. If not sold by his imtne and your address k. your dealer seud PACKARD & FIELD, o W. CITY MACilINK W0KKS, '".. HOM.A Ml). Practicai. I;ii'nim 1U.Mt Twenty third Dceler In Htoam RucIuvm. Bollcra, Heatem and Machiuery by maehlDe work mii r.lrtn rir-vt-i- h.-- fir.Tii. oo-.tre- V ti.l Machinist.--- - u i r, !,! sm Nnd Lincoln ?i!l furnlith and oroet Kumlncm, l the hetit manrier, Oeoera mrt |