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Show TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1890. OGDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: ami says that he thinks they will remain indefinitely unless goaded to desperation ly the constant encroachments of tho whites and their acts of injustice. Me says in regard to courts martial, suppo.-H'irregularities in the court martial proceedings recently have given rise to a .good deal of eoiutuent throughout tho ountry iind proposition has been made to take from the department coininanders the power to order general courts, and rest it only in division I nm of the opinion th;t this a great mistake. It would i.ot would n be in fur her;.nc of the a.linimf-trjitone add would and of justice dimply more to tbe disadvantages of the present division organization." Ho recommends, however, certain improvements in the :i.lmimst ration of military just tee iis folthe secretary authorize by law lows: . ,. ., . ...To .. .. .. i u tfKNSATiONAI. CO! UT St'KNK. Tttrritiruc Story Crime ami the o." Conn., Oct. 27. One f court scenes rm.-'tho for years was in Oimisfti-'uvlun tin end was hero l i:i trial of tin KinvKs fain-iI Jr. CI"ors il'i nf I Knowles, I vrifit his mh jr.. fir fur teti killiiiir of John m:nKl;tnier. Wi.lf'f.rs :ii il'e on the night of The jury, after tn niin-tfAvMst Jd tlliU'rut'oii, fo:i;jI all three pris- rur.-- guilty, ari l .liid ;e Thayer at once v"r.Lno "I her:. Ho said tin murder tin jury a cM iw', andof had munw-r- , ei ft'tmil tl.oio sill ciiitv . , l , Tj:rt:i!;-ii:i.u. eti-wt- ttl M:i-itin- wit-r.ocso- t yo.-itenla- .1 y ro-..?h- ;! !.:.--- t. . ! iht.ut j ic . t . i ,.1 lie . i..n. . III I OSil . I I - 11 .1 FM :. OlI.IO " ." ..... ,.iit j , jforivrtaMiwrIltlelineaotlenceftouuit.nl . .....!, uiniii? Mii'uiw uMii'ii'i t vo m reu.nr.g str.c ' p 0 JS Now York Money. New Yr.K.(pt. 27. Mon.v on call loan 3.,.. I'riiiu mrcae.t iliapiT. S:. rbiiif eirhaiure, oiiii-!- . stad.v. fixty-tt:t- .lust ice of the Pence 1. i'ord. Constable - Justice of the t'onstahle-!- ). Fin li I ..n;J?Jn,IM.v, ' I'errin. (iideon. Steel. NTS VI Id.'; rRIXIXCT. If. T'eace-Y- al F.. Justice of thel'er.'c nirus McKay. 1 ORAFFAM, j Otl-c-.s- 1?-e- buji J , 1. rrio:ti! an 17 !::;. Oadeii. I'tah. I 1 s J - tl-.- A Con-tab- le FOR SALE. LOT ii IJMlRSVLKA BUSINESS vthich is a positive l Ko, and must. !e closer! with in 15 days. Cullnr",in on , r a ldrcs'Jit TwenU-rith str-e- t. ir-OAND THE CIIeTpiVP F lots in 0rden. LotH $1U) to 2.t. SALE-LAN- s AT LAW, t y ainti;r 1 I -- . . Peace--Timoth- tl-.- t' 7" A .1 Kpnvkt. New fir rorn I mt terms. frame house, witli cellar, front nnil hack porches. Call on J. W. Warohani?, Twentj SALK-- 1 j'Oil V Oa lirst near Van Huron. !k-r:pti- on JIMRALL EDWARD M. ALLISON. ALLISON, ifc ATTORN O.Tce. over Ctah National Rank, corner of Washington avenue and Twenty-fourt(V'.fen. Utah. EYS-AT-LA- j ? h . 1 J ACOR S. ROREMaN. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Oflire. Ogdeii. Utah. ::, No. Wafhiaton areune 2iO.S i .iJS LOST. HIP POi KETKOOK. RED IN LOST-- A containing t.ivrs of vnln owner. Amnncr other things 510 bill .tnd n check t:n the Utah. National bank. Finder ill be libirally rewarded on returning book. W. 11. Lyman, li Washington Ato. tth 1 JAMKS N. KIMKAI.Ii. I J CH ICAliO FIRM SENT Mr :, Peace--Simo- - I'tah. nne, Oj.len. Practices in the District Court nnd all the courts. Cersimril attention iriren to collections. Kivnemher thr place, iri Peery's wooden buihl-inine:ir meat shopof C. If. t i reenwell A Pros., :Cd-- i Twenty-fourt- h street, Odon,- Utah. P. O. box Mi!. . . Tt ATTORNEY-AT-LA- . . TRADE It, f . ; JORa tine stock of dry soods, invoicing S.rnrfi, L to exchange, for reni nst.tte. I. el n know what you haTO to trad for it. or pnrt of it n I.-- ctit. Utnh. . mukphyT" & Ollice. 2tl7 Washington r i ri 111 I i. lj, - 1 Q?d-'n- ATORNEYS-AT-LA- - - - 2f'' V.'ashincttsn Ave, . 1 DS per month. City lot for land 4 toSir'h-- out, House and lot Ci. at $15 per month. ..J. Cropsey, Five Points. SALE CHEAP NEW COTTACF. K!'3 roiHii.--. non;. pantry nnd ci. :I.' u nicely press: iorl water in kitchen, all Thi.-te, nished. Imjuiiii of Mrs. Palmer. ,t street, four iloora from station lif teen, nu 'ir line. " Jn-lic- pr:c-tie;ii!- - J-O- . 2 i .- ATTORNEY o . NT street. S. WORTH MAN, f aveuue, ROOM, WITH I ?OR F window, furnished or unfurnished : at !;T Washinnton life. IiOR RENT A PLEASANT VNFF UMHl! W I room to let for liht housekeeping; 7'i rt RENT-FRO- Rank Naiionnl LAWYERS7 Y w i. ( d " FINNISH E") p'.:;;. RENT (iOOD 1 XR trod .Moissner, 413 urant ARCHITECTS, - j FRONT Voihi. PLEASANT 22d St. RENT 1OR CO.. & i.I " FOR RENT. li Lf-ad- . j AR(HITECTS, TwoiCv-fo'irtstreet, room 10. over Standard odlce, Ov'den, Utah. o. v. j!i:i:LKi: a co., r re:-tt-r.i- - FEED (iORJ)ONJ O at Commercial otlice. V. K. ORAFrAM IT. THOMAS. WOODS f . '" I ur-hera- r,;:s ! ......li.., bird stre"ts. -- ! ; !?5.iX) -- THREE TIOARDi:ns AT U ANTED Adams avenue. Fnrrlished room if d ir CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Plans and spec ideation" m'tde and estimates .'iven on applicat in. 'arpenler's jobbing done to order. All work tcuarantecd. Residence anil shop. First street, between Adams and JetVerson avenues. Five Point.' Telephtmo No. 'Si (four rin;;s. Ct,'den. Ctah. Sullivan. O. Tvv'-r.t- C. A. IIVKKOV,.". ARROWS & ITiKCIN't T. A. ar.d .. v 1. 1 I V 1 r.NTED-HOYT- ......-.- STK lOAKIERS. FAMILY TMtlta a week at I7i, corner of 'l'wrtid St. and Adams Ave. T AND BUILDERS. .... ' " i:tu oc.ii:n pur.nxrT Justice of the Constable IVac-- It TANTUI) board P. O furnished. th S CONIR-CTOR- T:.-rne- THIltl) IKiDI'V Rank 1'nildiior. t tah. Oirden, HOQKKKKPKi;. wreferret : opp1.v in ti in. in t'u.. Room' 5. fir-- t Nicioiod Matiire K. F.iNHAr.iT bowsos, j Ot!KN Si:CO.M J. AND-BUILDE- Plans and specifications -- ! !! Cuiistahlo -- lieorfje K. ft rrin, , .. irdly h,d t'.e words left ' ' .g MnouMn Kr.owU Mrs. when l.nr.N Pt.r-- rNt c. mouth, , Y.,RK Vt. Harv.-ttejud m.vuI.u to to...of th Peace-- F. 15. Krorr. Justice v.ilh a shri.k and Ml uhose tluhes hotild he Jhrew (Wr. . . : Ortotn-r.T: 1 I.a!. ff Constable - John iuitld. s!.aly; '; !?-U in a tie ;d faint, 't here was groa ! Jin. rather tirnn r ttrailf, doii.cM.c, W south ooii:n rnix iN.' t. :: in hen rt te rMii. xit4reni A fooMlcatled Acttu. Just ice if tli'- Peace .fames Storey. Ihw jml4 coiiM prolu ; nler. Const able James Oejojier. Bondt. .er :;p;Iir.i to Mrs. Kr.owlr. imt j Ijomo:;, (X-t- . 27. - A rh ver ami cool-- I iM.i!!SMLLK IT.Kf tVCT. : 27. r.v Wick. Oct. bonds cloNed (.):?rni:K-!ivdrOMl eur"l, ::r!-- ?re was carrieti iroui km. led artor preventetl a horrible panic .Test f ice f Peace - William (i. Kawson, tlie : follows url rooM iiconsciois. Laer: ie and ' the Lyceum Cofistabh Jaaie.-- : H. Taylor. at. life of loss S. S. '. great 12tVl ('.'4 rnii'KUi 1Ut' lui Jier c aditi ti is serious. ctNt r. ri..UN r: 121' t Pacific ti's i:t S. 4'sronMn I)r. Kr.ow'.-- .?ni bi-- : son were apparently theatre last night. Tho theatre is in t'. H. J 'is rc"d... l'U'v: l'. Justice of the P.. ace l i:r ?:t:ttl either l.v th. Shaft f.!);;ry ;i u le, tile new street that Joyinh 15. I'arver. tr u h I:! of ;in. mother. pierces the slums of St. Cities. The i:!vki:ia!.i: rituciNCT. Stocks. e ic!sl with tlietn. The doctor exciting scene not on the bills occurred American K.. of the peace "icii.iid lye. jvi?t'y f;. lit N rtl.wwttern pd. V V Constable - John Parker. sd h'- - tii are past e.irs !!. s i during the performance of Andrns' new "4 HI .S. V 4 I'll! I.tl I'll riNT.Aa rkt".cixT. anadi-rfor life. The thi ir nt.vico is Pacific 7 ',Oreron Navigation 2 pera ctmi.jie, "hi Cigale." in which 'an. North American. at1 Southern '2 Kendall. of the Justice bit Miss .'ItLukflUrii'ii f;,f itin. t aitor v I lmar ami the liertddine opular '"Mitral Pacific Orison ImproTm't at Constabl" - Hyron L. Ity bee. J.d tiso ucttfd kitlie. is sups.-t- l to '. tid:e Mr. t:.iodia:i. loading iturliirtoii JJrough, '.H.f Oret:on Short Liino !t NKSVILI.E FRKCIVCT. 4:i' l'.icitic Mail .!vs.-tl t' ban lrj. li.iiwanna by the ge:Kr.il behol ;arts. Justice of the Peace &. 17 K. :i"'a l.Vadinc (i ft.M- ' ! Im. is jo over bright metitali Near the end of tho third act, when !. Constable- - Wils on Poulter. 76 Krie 21' Itock Ish.::i 1 ho story f the- crime is an interest is set to represent a ball-roothe K.'insns & Texas.... 12 Sr. Paul stage ""i n;K as a nt view ri:r.riNTT. Knowles a ad rue. Ir. (leo-g- e hi the ducal palace, some Christmas bake Shore Tustii-oo107'j'St. Paul A Omaha. 27 the Peace- - V. If. C'randttll. 7s jTVxns Pacific A Nash 17i v Constable - (icoruo II. Maycock. .Jay Know tlisputeti for trees used in tho thvoratior.s caught lire l.onis'o M ichitran t Vnt ral id ll'nion Pacific ... CS o er t!o title to an old white farm and the llatnes shtniting upward, the Mo. Pacific .I,ATK!:VII.I.F. TKIX'tNCT. .. .. f.s'. Kariro Kxp'.s ) J?.r ho'sii near I j insville. .lay clattned the elaborate hangings were soon in a bla;:e. Northern Pacific... 2 V jWolls Western Union.... M'J Peace - James Itutcliin. of Justice . P. p'd Constable - John J. Ilutcbins. 71', Am. Cotton Oil.. .. U'1 iLhi to it uniler a tie nl made by his The actors, however, stood their North.vi'Stern Ci l'l."1!;! L. S. Kxpres. MAKKIOTT FRKCINCT. ?.ithor, prtviius to the old man's death. ground, while tho liremen scurried rapn I". Ifalveron. Justice f the Th." point was raided by the io- tor that idly across the stage? In tho midst of t'onstable Caleb Parry. Stocks. Mining: tw, itt referrcni to deed's the audiof tho when the j.hTajf excitement, many I.VNNK PltKCINTT. f the n!d white farm house, ence had already started for the door, New York, Oct. 27. Mtuint; stocks closed as .Titstiee of Peace - Peter L, Sherner. the recent . patch inelud with other jrp-rtf- . Mr. I trough sprang upward, dashed the follows: Ccmstable James llarrop. 3.011 '.V . 3 . .. Con Eureka Silver Horn Finally Jay Knowles was tmstetl burning tree to tho ground, and, by the 1 M WILSON PItKCIVCT. 2' Occidental Creek IV'? the old whit hoi:se. the control ; aid of tho assistants, soon extinguished Sutter 2 2 C'jlielcher Adams Con of tho Peace P. P. Hinfrham. Justice 2". 2 2 A Curry trhicli wan asrajmod hy the admiai.ira-t.- tho tlaaies, the tiro overhead being al- H'idie Constable Ilauiel N. Drake. 2o;' Soeld 1. l ri Halo ,V Norrross tif tho WKSTWKriEli n:KCINTT. !.st duly .lay ready under control. Mr. Ilrough, who Caledonia r.o 1 X llron silver t It 11 KnowL3 !! f.rn hoiis' was struck bv was ''retdi'd with riiiLrino: cheers. cleverlv Justice of the Peace J. W. Hurt. t. Constable Joseph Hokitc. gr.tning ami burnetl. Ity arr ngemeht j iutrHluced the incident as a irag in the Boston Stocks. IMOrKR rKKCINC'T. itb tho tenant, who rented from i;ist :,,.t .,,,,1 uas recalled at the con- Justic" of tht" Peace James Johnson. vod into! .lusion Hoston, Oct. 27. The stock market cloned as f the act us a reward for his1 Jii a lailriistraiim, .lay mK.iow Constablr Francis M. Iielnap. IDI.OU if.o obi whiU h:i". . Jr. hs, hi- - -- KiI:iess and presence f mintl i & Top. lond :t!'s'Mex. Atch. :.Is-script.... look up piarters j v:fe ami their . tir.-- t !He. Mume ton moriKae 17 iioiise. oci-u- i I to to re and Alter. acdtreKhutlimr i:ig th rear part, II A I L K0 A I ) Mi l. ( "en t ral com . 21 .San Dioiio TIM E TAHLKS. of wife aiitl his oat the Jay I a have An Kth! l'r.kt:id Petroleum. ?o:i., t hero they had stored otfc t pi v e of news for(lirl DAILY, SVNDAY TNCLCPrn. J you. I am going to f Mrs. Jay l eccssary to tho comro.-- t 27. Petroleum very dull: Oct. Nkw York. Lvlitii Dear Jack Arrival and departure of trains ciirrjinj; Kichleigh. Kr.owlo. wh w.js in feeble health. Tii;s narry closed at 0. ne! i)on't tel: any one else. Jack m iv spot Pe'uisjlvaiiia p;issent;ers at the I'nion depot, Odcn, L'tah. rta'e svte lasttlf r three hoar of it and run away.- New York tjf tho villagers, Chicapro Prodtice tl.iys at.tl then Heraid. v. Waller--Union Pacific Railwuy. ho sympathi.ed John Ciik'MiO, Oct. 27. IJye Quiet at M. Parley Firm. N). I.MOINTAIX TIMK.J "A wedding is not half a wedding witli Jay and hi wife, went to Whiskey it. 1. m. without tho presence of friends," says help foroo i:i the dxr of the store ShouldersLea Arrive. r. Kro'ls was uway but he had hi exchange. It is decidedly less than Short clear- T..'.m".". !'."i. rits- - '" Vtft Short ('. of the wed h without df a wiili ir::T(x presents ling young No.2 -- Limited Fast Mail, a horst' pisio! and toid him to shoo. friends. Light. Cattls. 0.,. fl n) , a isj Cliicapo II IIM I, Mrs ' old enough Mrs. Cruhhs And so ami . It.,, lPtrmlor, Jl Jay. ;.y . "!!K Aoo. Oft. Keceipt-- '. 22.000; and oast daily i lr. Knowles nist. j urged the son to shoot vour daughter's wedding dav ; lower; steers. Seta M'Swi'." 15 steady to a shade :t arrived. He S then tho sittaoking S5. 15 ,, ; No. st .she Atlantic $'J to is too vou Voung steers I'eras eers, ranire think ...Kxpns.l , t t :t:'.ilii0; active, steady; rouh was evidently m.irrvv Mrs. Dubbs No. indeed. She IIo's - Keceiiits. .:ti k tho b.il!:-.- . m I 15; 7i :i K) ; trood luised. $4 00 Sa Hlutrs. cil f l': 0 v "V :0f' Kansas common an l h".-.City fcr unele Jay. catering , , r,i,.,i t, wl,le familv for three 2.) ; l. niid an outchers 'fl east, daily weights, heavy prime .1 i:n I pi. HuUirs lieart !::nl Killing luai j litrtit. S (iHd News. : . S!ie"p Receipts. lOnKt; strong: natives. $1 00 i I.s,;Uli. i..t: Utah & Northern: li .Ann wouio ton oeiiee it, o.i ii;t fi I n; westerns, fl Oftfi t W): fexnus S4 "O. 1 was lav MOCNTAIN TIMK..1 cashier, my very Weill to Jail. of iuv absence, ran advantage taking Arrive. Leav'. BANKS. Four V::t-i- , Tex. )ct. J7. A great away with all the cash." "Too bad; mis-- f know vou b that fellow, de.;r 't.'uiy No. when created hv ua this Valley ) evening insni.n ly- Ws. V. IIki.fimi h. V.Mii:i:s W. Cota.v, cal. Rattle 'reek, and l'l.m a m 0:l,"i a m K. 11 Hrekham trdered i.,t Cashier. President. intermediate pointb... ); and Muuuwr. Tn r.o. Robinson, "''m1' ,!'!r' retain II. C. Kdrington. president of. No. ft H -- Fast Mail and the nwl tint Nnti-mal i Kutte aurl Helena Ex- bank, tent to ; rNi be rra.iers... I.f1t..!, ;a!!v. .1..? 1 tanks Oh. no: i all roints north, r ti:t." ni r. :: i . :n press and contlnctl there ftr contempt of IJrown m.irrictl n willow, vou know. ;inl daily ourt. lilrinjrt.in as plnintitf in a c;ts"i to avoiit supprtoil f Iciii-- o a -. .M. I.ivvvcr.A rcIioricyin.Hm trip Mic UkiK one ot licr tt irt, .gainst li.ill Utah Central. "lnldrcn alon-,'- . fees out 'overa.--?J,fHliiUoi paid :icys UTAH. MOCNTAIN TIME.l OFOtiDEN, trca.-tiicrfln (ontin-iila- l Moat j Just the Other Way Adonis There V rim ; hi-a I and of on and wore couldn't that's action uronnds thinsr stand, cr.irp,;iij, Leave. Arrive. that l?iC I'nttcd Sti.tcs had made him j wife who won i.I In- - eternally put tiny; her : refund tho :MM. Hall, for the defence, hair tip in curl paners. Matronly Friend Fast)- 2 :00 a m 9:r a. 200,000. No.Mail,701 Saltth-.ntic Lake City, in tv:rtiiJOi ami testified for hnn- Have no fear. Air. Adonis", tiirlstion t daily. Mlf. His tcstiinofjy cop.tlicteil with IJall's o;o to any such trouble after they tire No. ho vmw told to ;vi William Hoax, i married. New York Weekly. 1)1 R El TORS City Er.-- lifc Northl'tah press, 7ht former pre.-ide-nt of tht Trader that'rf no fairy story," protected Warren W. Corey, R. A. Well- -. Joliti Keck. em. Acconiinodation, I A National bank, to lt on hand durinir the t!.i"Why, E. '. Wurtele. '.Roliiiistm. Tlns. nara0:0(1 a. m -- :M) p. m Salt Lake City, Frisco alioon, cirl ;is: licr tia'i.i ci included tho Ad. Kuhii, l'lieo.Koliinsoa and all luteriueiiiatt ftcrrewm ti testify in re'outLd. Kdrinjr- - j t,Ve. "That miht happen to anylotlv. S. S. Schramm. points ton as umler the ruV and ttld to con- -' wiiore dfe the fairv part como in'r" nbout thu "H hv, ho answered, "at the finl, where no'ioof tho wit n 'orc with STATE BANK, No. 707 Atlantic Ex-I!o y;iw Hoa.. tUl hi.n t.iat he the hero ami heroine m;:rry and live .ress. Salt Lake City, 11:: a. m 00 p. m tte.-tifwa wanUtl and for what lie happily every afterward." Philadelphia intermediate points... ) for-etJ tax to teli this Times. 'V3S nailed. o;im:n n tho wit No. 7(i- r- Fast Mail and stand mm Jud'. lleck-han- i I picked out old "Yen know, Fanny, ss. Salt C N. Ex;iriand once lJoa."s rdorl j't tstimoiiy Squ iretoos as a wife husba id for my all City. sent court from the the 100,000. intermediate jury al'Xpunrii. points, to him invited and dinner .) txnn rntl onlereii Ivirineton to appear daughter for a month. Knowing that daily V'foro hitn. Ho told Iii hi he was not an most daily ' sonicthinir of a gournioutl I Rio Grande Westorn. Incorporates! IJntlor ,rrrilorial .enrant mar., but of intelliijenco ami ho was an csiHnsive cook - a real corH.tnkiiiK Liiw.s. business ability, who kin w tho full forco moi xtaix timk.1 f his action. He would therefore order don bleu ami tit ttieeud of thirty days know what happened?" "Xo." H. Arrive. RIOELOW, President. Ijeave. rim to jail, there to remain until th do you he IOHN A. ROYLE. Vie,. President cook." married the Why, Judgo. .aso was 5eeidfil. All 2 tho No A. P. HKiELOW. Ass't Cashier. ,.f Fast Mail. SalO A certain (ioorgia editor, who is alst Provo. Lake M'ity. basker wero in vain ami to jail he went. Pueblo.Den-!- f'iCl a. m! 0:10 p. m Leadville. a real estate agent, a building and loan vr A H1KlaIllK,iIltst.a(.t. Jiisiihss(ifiieral an at association Iiankiny: director, attorney law, J daily la rinir u tlit MvNtrr. clerk of tho town council and pastor til TransaetfMl. c v i.t,..i i.oiln Lomhn, Oct. -- 7. It is probable that tho village church, was recently asked ( 11:10 a m t :10 i: ilLOli Oil. HllMll.tlt p. m f Ho in .ly a was a to marry great couple. tho police- wil! Siiceicd in oKariii"; away ) daily ptrints, HfLIiX ami tho couple surprised him in S. M. DIRKCrORS; ''.hp mystery surrouinliii.i the iuiirdr of hurry, li, I'ti mint T W .Invr j nl i I4 V iiFij: or an editorial on tho tariff. middle the Fri--!rLake Salt II A. Ria:o. E. H. Thoh. C. fit v.Piieblo. ) .:10 p m 10A"i a. m Rioki.ow whos lod was fount I Mrs. kbixk, s.4id look "Time is money." ho, without Denver and . east, daily. .In. Mrs. li liiiNj. LtMi:nt. vou want niht at South iaipstead. up from his work. "Do ""And Nellie M. l'iebby v. liom Mr.. Hc;r visitetl ing Pacific. Southern do her';" The man said "Yes." Frid-.iM U NTA1N TIME. and wliosc house revealed traces vou want him':" The girl stammered INTEREST r.Il) ON TIME DEPOSITS. and who was an allirmative. "M in and wife," cried 'fa strivIc Leave. Arrive. arr:iKnvI tin-- , nlitor. "Oho f.iQc"p:-:!t- l tI!ar liiin: mo , :ht pois.riM itsrt ?!,.v on a .rrliu.mtiry pint-- b.il ,,f SViHn ,", it one-thirSoil Exchange on nil the leading cities of; No. Limited Fast) 2 :rK) a in S::sf a. m :tni in,'. Tla hns:m.1 .,f !, ncirtu rod ilM,.,. ik." Atlnn-.Vmst itution. Me.il, San Franci.-c- o Europe; also on New York, Chicago, Omaha ) Sail Francisco. daily r.rti.T! Jlt:t a li; s .a existed f tw!"n I;'::iis If a;.d tfi: prisoner. lie No- 1'xjrress, i ,vn?. ye;:rs.' CONTRACTORS Ivix LADY T17"ANTKD ?T noirranher ykrc;ek, "Yyr 4 1 s' biil y OFI IC'EF.S. COl-NT- -- lt - ;.; t New York. Oct. 27. Tho stock rnrki y received the benefit of unexpectedly favorable bank statement of Sat unlay jaul tl:e improved tenvjrer in London. Sugar refineries continue to be the most prominent oja'uro iinI covering by shorts went on at ;i rapid rate, with tho result of lifting the price of certiorates before the close to 72'. 4. Tlie bears peered away at tbe railroads last ami made 'a specialty of lltirlinton A Quinry. Tho itiark'it closed fairly activo and stronij at a sli;;lit improve- "nf; The list tonight shows a law majority of .'lilvaiices, ,'eni'rally for Mttall fractions, btit and silver certiticatefl I !4, while stiar is up It'irliiKton A tnincy is I' loier. t bonds dull, steady to firm. tiuvi-rnmn- Dr. st 'tte.iced ... t!.e so f Nv.rgelo ,n.l ii t!,t:;t,preon II j - 1 WKPF.1 WANTED' BUSINESSJJARDS. .rVolmle Jwlir" Roliert W. Cross. Stdeetnieii Lewis V Shurtliff, John Piucock, Fred Key. Clork ('. L. llollinsrsworth. Recorder John It. Tyler. Assessor Edwin Dix. '1 r"isiirT -- .loin: A. Movie, Ctiihftor --- John V. liiuth. Atttirney L. !. 1'ivrs. SherilT tillherr K. iielnap. "oroin-Marshal. Mien. Surveyor- - I. W. Far is. Superintendent ol' Mstrict Scools. FIRST OtMIKS rRWIXCT. I'HKt lN'T tlCKieEUS of the peace K. A. McDaniel. Justice 1". A. Koch. I o!istahli to-dn- !' v OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. AND COMMERCE. New York Stocks. -. com-m;nder- !sr. i.i-i- r FINANCE no n i 1 lif it g$ OTT.rR List 01 rroperties ,1' 1 WILL DELIVER, ANY OF WHICH I .M.-x- K- - Y HEYWOOi). AT10RNEY-AT-LA- HIice, :;? Twenty-fourt- , K'l-.wie- - street, Oirden, Utah. h HANSKOIM) SMTTrt. Sc Two .mirr? Knoh Hill orchard lots--. Eots i'.si:. near Thirtieth antf Jefferson Avenue. 1 Corner, Cxi::. Twentieth and Lilserty, fruit and slie.de trees. and Monroe, between Twenty-fift, j wenry-sixujuxi cnoice. Sftxl Van lhtren, hetuei n Twe $650. !i and Twem j scvent It. t li.tv.r--- n Twentieth nr. $2,100. Madison, Twenty-lirs- t , rods. P r .o;rt. HxlO rods, corner Was' $200 inton avr iiiir anil Tweiit.v-eicli- t st ri'et, t hree rooil houses, rentiiJ liarKain. On Tventv-l;f;h- , hetween Monn, $2,4-00" nnil vuincy. t iioici". hetween Thirty-seconand $ 1 ,400. Adams, frame Thirty-- t hii d, .Ve;l:;7, house, new. 4 'heap. (ninry. im.xir?2, with $2,500. Comer adolMr house, well, city w ater. f".i:i-- . with adobe houw. well, city writer. I have bargains on Wasliinrton avenue. Twenty-fourtaurl Twenty-lif- t h streets in lv.i-nesalso all kinds of acreage- - It U properties, a ple.i-ur- e to show property. $ 1 ,000$300. $ ,250. V, 11. W. SMITH. SMITH, $2,200. ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- s Onic- - - - S!t:ip!.-nt:i:dc- iJe-irg- d " j j . y spe-iail- t t 27.-Ca- j y "-i IK i 1 1 . . i i -- t 1 11 1 :r.t-nde- I I I I I -'.? I -- 'm-irriet- l I JS. No. I D. VAN WICKIiE. M. D. L o ' f .''Ti i - Vice-Pre- li. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. Treat chronic diseases anil diseases of children. ( ieiieral praet ice will riveite prtrmpt attention. Private diseases a specialty. (UTers an experience of '27 jears in tlie practice of medicine. O'hce Vfti 2l;hSt.. up Hair. Rei.lence Lincoln ave. d ' $1,200. ' ; ln-iiit- -- r r CITIZENS' BANK 1 ! 1 of CAPITAL, - -A- f- j ! mm y, v;-- s -- -- i'tah. ! s nt-f- II. HOLLIlMiE. (Late Ass't City Etnri'ieerl CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Plans, estimates, irricatim; ditchers and tub-d-i visions. Special attetit ion riven to the la.ting out of additions and city lots. Otlieo with rdeii Abstract Coniany, First Natiual Rank lluildimr. r. A. j I A. j ' i ! IjtronTr.o and Domestic CIGARS. AlSTlN nuss. L. WAOttKNKIt. 'AlitiENER A Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. ROSS, Xo.r Voting, OGDKN CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. tieueral t'tiKiuecriiiK practice. Cousuitation invited. Olice. room :t Kay block, Oi?dcn City, B. l'tah. DENTISTS. 232 DENTIST. 2127 Wasbimjtoii avenue over norrock Sons store. Teeth without plates and savim; natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or roots tint bail to lie saved by tilliinr or crovtuinp. Sjiecial attention :iven to children's teeth. Office. 1 1 - i i I j j H-'i- A 1 1 I II. (iroeiiwoll (:. y 1 le : d 1 n"-ti;,-- i! f'.ail a :ier:t!y vifn tllil 'Irs. th;r !. !.;ti-I- ht-r- al vj A !!' tliou'iit . kilo,-- , in" Lis r'!a1in:s tvr' i.er ,. anf lh- - )'i. i. tl. strt;. :''.;'.'(, ;m.i! ti.;.i nt It ijd V-- Hk:'-!:- . r::ive iJfi::: tin-i!'.- rt n .. ( -- r-- d .,- y.oi' "vliei i.::t i apis . inoiifi' h.;d taJvi; ul ho: a iiiatl or tho j'.ih.i-i:::. .r J,y I. I i (!::: his .vith of r;t!:is i. t!,i fri'- - ;ind Imtise, h.i m!:::: t M Ij, :.n. ;n t A pi pe;- v - i:e .i;.s: ,h. tJo!f;:iIti. I't i'i i. 1. i laihvjiy, h;;s o viti: Ttust Co. .M;;'..:i::t.iti rr..::v! . ;f,:oI l a:n-:.i- : irt h-;- i f 5 :i LiimMr; U :ivor S;ilt I j ik City. f.':n Tlv i !:,;.h of t!:ei road fin;;'.hi-- Denver ;:!-i'e- , L" I') ini!. y. v. '.iK;i!( L l : ':-- i lit-U- i j ; National ()(ilKX, I'TAH. . .1. O. E. lln.i.. itU-tl r,tt'roiit:-). , C. At:Msri:iiii. 1 ii ;.io,uua Pre-id- cl Cashier. ns W. . A-- t. lii.i f!::' il ' Act iv. i'lVlted. Accounts solicited. i 'i I I c'ino Shil itnirHrv. ' , i i t the StandartL YAMiiNoro.N,Od. 27.-T- ho Hcvrrtary rroTOn in nijlonb lf jts f),r,.0:irt. a ijuinter of a century. It war h.t the annual rtiurt f home- for more than "fed hy the I idled States ( ioverinnent. r.nad r Genera. JohU (ilbbon, remi- - Endorsed by the heads or the (treat Univers ities raaiuliii' the tlet.arttiiont t.f the t?oI- - ?rrl5,Vw7vfeTv,.l'uriTV I wder doe.s not liTnbia. Ho reiortn tlie lntiia.id of tlie contain Ammonia. Lime or Alum. Sold udy . RAKIXO Cans. PRICE POWDER ' York. ieaiefiil New extreme northwest Ctiicaw. ian Fraacioco St Louis - - riK-fivt- : 1 y t ti. lit.im 10:31 ' v : : .ri;i i ' a. e:. p. m. a. lt)::) V, ' ln.1.0 il l ! e.j , rti l. in 1 , ! i: 'imixlaj sur-roundin- rr UllTlA. J. AuAMft. Cashier. I 9 I tA . IYlJUMk)) Hard and Soft Paper ) AM) C Mil" LED, at nn: J s COMMERCIAL repository. IO.. . - - - iiirumn' !HL-;i- - Si? - lOO.OOO. t?L'.-,0- 1 y.,0 t AND SlrtN j i PA-INTIALSO PAPER For LOST or FAILIR G JCANHOOD) Ctraeral endNKV00S Wpakaes.iofExc.-sbcBorly nnd Mind, Effecti of Errorsor in Old or Youne. ! full llfr .ri l. How lir!rT. l.uuu.l. Sol MtMIIIMIl xnKVKi.tii'KiMea.traA-eAHTAtii'HOut In a lie. .ili.o.il-- l onl.lllnx ISOSIK 1 Kli.VTSH n. ie.tr I. from bit StalMaB4l.ivl(!L t nirc.r... IVrlt. Ihrok , lK'rrtlr HaoIi, tplvn.lMm miU IT.,!!", o.il d '.leii fr?r. V ."'-".Adm. ERIE MEDICAL CO-- timt. S:ih.liitiTrl'n HOrK Dooi.Y, President. . W. N, Snii.r.ivc., Vice Prc-iden- t OFrlCF. M.TEAHEN 00 Interest Pnid on Time Deposits. L. B. i KM I , Sl.ilt-- "APlTAh, -- .. .'Hyr j Irl, ;u,d Oein-ra- l !i livery vvin.-loo'c.'o'-!f, ojren a. m. nnil clor :'.t i.i o'clock p. nr. Monte, order v. iniioii- ope! at ' tcIoi-- ! a. ;u. and cIom e. a it oVlocl; p. m. rs:i;i: kki.ufuv sv.r,!. RtiMiies district, tvi ''.elivrrioa day, ::t o diK-- a. m. anri o'clock p. m. Ul. Tnifptl . and . Tm-sdai.-- ;t. ':'! -p. vV i r U.UL bASW.. I. Hi ::'P." m ... Cheyenne Jlui.lsv !e .uir! Mih n. Satiirilavs. Wer t .her a:id l'lon-nc"- das ui ' Tlti: Cii.MMl'.ltriAf Jn's to fall thf at- -to thfir line of tcnlion of ottr, tielnte.st linn stutioiioi-y- lnclutttim tho in call fi.rl.s. wedding jotKt.s. pro- - j 1'ninnnes, invitations, jiapctrics, tableti?,.( etc. have IxmKht tho lfst the market airorus for tnir patrons in this and cities?. With a full lino of new and handsome type we can guarantee T1I1Z COMMEKCLVL perfect satisfaction. J 40 Years Try our Pure Lan!. manufactured by selves and you will never use ai.y other. 4 Mail orders and a special business li st n ei with us. Twcuty-fotir- t 'i. . Correspondence j PMd la UillioasoC Homes R. a. - i J'ii.-d- J i:tral ;ihhons Kt'pori. rlvi!!- -. I'-P- :"' 1 . 1 'i-- I. A !!. !).-:;v- ! r. 1 1 I J j pi ! ! . ! wi vil! -- i irture of l". S. mails at thi! . . . Cnion P 'cut r.d i'acitie Ctah Cei'lral ... Pari; Ci'j and C n:i.rhai.i' C;:v. inrri and Denver and tali Nrirl ir tali t I our- - r BankJ.T&ss - j j p t Springs. Parties wishincr to get a PENCIL & SCRATCH 3Ieat. Poultry vvholr-saliiif- vi Osirittil. U f. .K: llht hoif'T thi i l.vfiio I'r.iJi V ;r::::.... Tii.'.:ti:::s t' hat a'noi.i jfJO.K ',;". at the of it. COMMERCIAL through to San i'ran-- ; cisco and intermediate point.", daily , j ' ,;"xand Fish -- -- St., OtiDES, X$JLfl. Twcuty-Fift- h beautiful and healthful suburban residence can do so by addressing us at the above number. 1UT.1V T I RT? w.-s- s irn-.-tf- Bros. WiioLnsAi.u ami Rktaii, i tha-pcra- & '-' ! r, STEACY:4 CO, Real Estate ,VV Have the only building pr perty at the Celebrated ; - I R. SNOW DEN, A & CO.. di t & OHice. -- US Washiimton avenue, Onlen. -- s HANGING AND CALSOMININfl HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECJALT1 s t; I.- r Ol-'l-lCJ- H Druggists SURVEYORS, Plans, specifications and estimates prepared anil work superintended. Maps, plats, tracings, blue prints, etc., etc.. executed on notice. d , OGDEX. FAR IS, CIVIL ENGINEERS 1 Ii.-ik- e J. W. MeNi'TT Tl sll. 1U'f!H -- s J. D.GILL, 2401 Wa!iindun Ave, JJ ) V. CAPITAL, on-pago- CIVIL ENGINEERS. . i ca. h J s. ..-- . ; noTf-Ca- cho h i. xt Vt'afh-Hirto- n PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS j T ttle is-sT- -- and 7 0, j ! Oni:dla.(-onncilll!Vns- rooms Nos. avenue - X .1 Ni. tne ir north nt the floats OH and Gl8 Ci s I |