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Show DAILY COMMEKC1AL: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, lbU. OODEiS c' rC'T3"' .wi.im.! T Amurcwu IVaw ro no fJhihuiihropt.ita. jbHoina ejjej a prmil rwiNnn I'If C. P J !rJ with tbe leirclled flnrr, Oh, ilrl with tb lacr rare I ,r What arn rcur teweli and what em roiir wortli to you if, from th( which faabloaabla society tryiajr ordoala Irapotes on its dcTotea. euoucb to toMt ths Ptrenffth and enduranoo of tbs pb)ioU tuot robust, you break down, lom your health r.nJ becom a phygienl wrock, aa thousands do from aucu causea? I'ndcr such oircumatancei you would willingly glvB ail your JcwaJa and all your lacra to rexitin lost health. Tbt you can du if you will but resort to the uo of that rettorativa known tu Dr. Pierco'a great Tbouoands of Favorito Proscription. l women blcaa the day it made known to tht tu. For all deraiijfemcnt.1, and l thu weakniMsea peculiar to women. It , ?! remody. wold by anUor a from th euaraatoe pofltivo tflut it will givtt aatiafuction in evory eaao, or money will be refunded. TUia ffuanvntot hm been priutt-- ou tho u!j, Irreg-ularitio- M f wrl paintinir i:.T;?id retrt.v.t w!ui tfo d'npKM of t ineJ' 'CH? j" Hero nestle ou of r);b- !:vlen lUxt it. l'ove hii:l W;Liitti lKir;d :rva i t'v i pltw a irfcrt irilm of fr lh? pmtfion. Autinally rfm of iiiea teanvi rojnjfiiU" ti'vroil t xrt v.ivl'.a fnni th wrd of la.v.-'tinc- Rta t rVrid .shdWiff ItiA wii had rvtiMl . vUi in -- tmrrot.- i.-- the Upper Sacromeuto tlte beautiful Motvbrao Falls, Caitle Xoci, Mt. Shata and the nefcnlfleeat scenery of the Sit kl you Moumaiue, all by day liht. The Grand Canon ot i 2EDIJG drr :unota ; T, Tha Sjin. fora!ii:i. and inin.,wwtniive'l ; hrmic li y I i J STAMlAlili I'aHrtintr ' Frii-t'- . , Mid TetttilaUou, w.uHorb and aa kidUlullr deigned ienic, it i pflrh Aintne. t i w!U'-- ho t aree are not i noin. v.-a- I J JZrfZ jy. 55 L. " r1ri5; iiaia ra,. JL . ; ' 2 v:u i r J-- na of i v.urov.mtt, ' n , i 2. f AST Mai: raet aia'aVl t t.-- aVa ' Ea-- Sn EH iu-- ; . y. fev t. direct-;t- s - th' itiLT ;osibi:iii Thi-- i 'he ; 1 nt; q;risM rcpvi'culs lil dic ; l';rst ; for lh t.-- ! accused of t'l-;i i: .mp.m'il seal's tho for th; l'ntttre many. 1m ni.-'.- Stock v!iit"rKh Comphiti' ever ; . I n thorough X "r I) A T1 T 1VIJf T? IT? I X lyr.TM viduublo nev.n relatimr t tho discovers ltl ! T 1 I 1 most , ifeueral featureH of the i?re;it and jro'.vini mitii;) ' ihtTTer' leve!otn)'nt. f ale-- .!tand rPJ.. .:m i... :.. n'...u,,r - . uepartmelit. '""""s " n. T 115 s U t .h.'. VjUJiVliNO Ll.l m. t -- iV-'- " betviit of tile. -l - l r- ny I j I i r -i. -- 1 i IS. m J. BURT & ; r .'J-l.'l- T 1 i Denver, Chicago, i TCanSHS AV';iHhiTie;tti Ave. Jl'RFJ? ! s o iiir-etir- ! j ' h , s f - ! u : I J j ! j j I i . j : nay Tifket Agent, or addrchs j JJoimu MOVl'S in; lio .)0 Wall etns't. aem.e, tv-- 11 i X onbun orij.diir.1 itMns and seldeil extracts embodyino; the nmusine;, humof ous and witty. This department has Imo;i decided upon only after lom relle,tior.. as the are inui'h tipposed to it on the ground that it hurts their business. lo-tor- it1-- ' EDITORIAL COLUMNS I)l''S!rviu!;' 11,0 of an intelligent and critical public bivorabUM-onsidorati- ITS TONE j Will be. fearless on every subject, but courteous to everybody. Its columns will be CLEAN, so that reliiied homes. it will be a welcome visitor to the most CO., 17 c ifTl t II lie Ikilfi! Ilfi'lily Produce and 'Fruits. Y ty t'ourt b UJAiVA JLUKA'XX i OGUEN. UTAH. & X Xn effort will be spared to nrnk HalSOrS IL M. BOND Tha Toff oml fvmrr DW npnQTfiTipnt LJ UJJUL lilllUllU AJ J. j A new nnd complete moving outfit. Houses, hriek or frame, moved any deitired distauce or raiced any elevation. Office with K. C. Chafin, 2118 Wahinpton j;;, I) j j St .. TwiMlty-l'OUrt- h ( ' 'ni.l 1 .Mfr-- 1'r.h rllni. Attention mi and Prices Iw J j I i BURG ITT. , ! A FIRST-CLAS- HE. EVERYWAY. IN NHWSPAPHR S ! .SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! ,,i,.,i,iih( .' It! Only H'J.On u iv in Atlvaiu- To advertisers, it will prove a splendid medium. All(l IuiIlClcll DilCCtor - in-n- ow. OoinnuM'cia j S.M. PRESliAW. Iv I A tR. I N ,:o WILL ! : i -a- 5. Sttick'of mh,1s Always for ( mmx! ( iooitx. ei.-!.- It you will icall on u. we. ill .how and vuice .voi there is money iu nj Li I I " jw.r 17.17 Aid ' t tiie bench. 0:1:'a feet, om!v lilocks from WiudiiitKton ave. for each :oi! f,J) 10x9 rods, between ,Iacko.'i and Vaailiii-i-iavenue.s. on tlm Mne: ear b'lr, a .iiap. ..IVo Oil Two acre lots n Twei:t.-eisihami .Jackson 27oO iu Two acrt; lots on Thirtieth and taiocy ft) m REED t Formerly of Denver. - & cstr T -- ir THOROUGH AND PKACTICAL VJ th-fo- ! W. E. BOYLE & CO., ! ,l parlmentH. wealth jIjK.lt Y ", ; assortment of news relating to I'tah. not include.1 ir It is intended to make this department a comprehensive view the development o! the and varied interests of this ijrowin;.: coinmo;: ,,. this! cotiec-rnir- "VV"V".A..I i j iue, apply noon Estate! I loot .'a -- i ;'n ' DEPARTMENT I; TAIL exU-nsiv- e itii-n- .oko.bw tor turther lnlormpooa to i F.speriencp of the past three yearn Ii.hh tam-luh that all j.ropertj lH:i-- )t well . it this season of the yonr will l.rinir at h.aj-- t 50 per cent, profit linriiijf tlie followii'K winter. We ofTer for sale iu;Cchoic-properat those low prices : Sixty acres in cectiou I", overlooking Tie- Lot.--t "RFHI ifJ'i; THAIR PARi XibLLiniilU Vimill Vrl.o ATTACH Cl fit y, feracro. ia'-riori- 1 , THE Our Famous Dining: Cars i feet on Twen; t).:; twHMi Lincoln and '' . i NOW IS TlfK T1MK TO IReal d b-- t- - ON ALL TRAIN'S. j : cl "rn-iii-"- 1 eein-nilly- Aveuue. i; d d of the general news or he Koekv Mount oomprise paragraph ain country. It is expected thnl this department will be hi&lily intereslinfjf as it wul coiu.-iia givnl nmnber n pithy items. ro;idir.s Omaha. ? ! I St. ejoscph, , nil (ltV, Liincoln, ir 1 TIIE INTKIKMOUXTAIX NEWS COLUMNS St. Louis, ;- -.n CURRENT COMMENT COLUMNS. oi s mu-'ifi.- COLUMNS. ! pi-f- ;,-i- ; 1 e: ff CORRESPONDENCE i m.-iil- I j :d ' pm Will TI I1 T 1V1Ii r.ume of tho H j ! l'.-iir- : ca-iiiiv- III 1711. 111 in Ho with thus department tho latent stock markets wil. .Ti-n- S Ml) llwJ , vnlids f ;!n eraft. TI:e time will arrive? r lK'Tjie- the rlct tf the century, tlironh en!1.'iv-iui-nt.from jrenerous publishers and wealthy phila::t'iropists, when an- otliev lMiildinir, for the Miperannuated of the crnl't. will ri.-- jmd fcrni a ?cmid iii the historj of those memorial p.i llie who of mankind nianirm fi;r .f Jrf?iel. Kve t the irr;t-- l r..lhv-rt if late the tal in and then enlightenment, s l iii::'4'"-atho blak art lo.o of a technical eoileirc. a library worthy- - of they ,'ac th laoiiey. With this a nation ai'd otln.-- living hewons for it knosvleilK" that, jnt perly pnttrtd the sea of laoor. ;tud bnruishetl. th; coin would increase Assku:is plans- have been accepted iu number and vaitv. nntil atwill Ik- made and th work cojtva'( there- wonhl lio to a pal. coiutnejiff-.latial home in a sni:ny laml. . h ro building wiil beIn all probabil'ty the occupancy i;i ready health laden breez and inav:e"d waters Al'.KK.-- t of lsfn. or duly to health ;;ud l;ajipi!:----. l'i:nii--i:i;tjof inemon'al rooms afAfter waitin; two f ars :t.ii witne:- - terTi'o of thu home will i: i of th? fund the douht. rrv.-jiiupr ainarveioi; of a friendly rivaltive If pridtu a.t lelcat.-tlie U;.;"a; convention i4' on the different subordinate oart.of ry th Intern.".t:i'::al Typrraplneal utii.oi unions, ott;-hap-dindividuals. :inl r wert startled at a .it otT'-- on i f7ieV"ie' liie Im.ivii nt: i f the theiKirtof tly amount, e.vpcnditr.iv ..f a onsiderablo little capital of tho L.:tr.St;:rst;it-.tei!(lThis feartsiv when e- -e utcd will prove iin ;f !? )ivr!itrul ;iie o:i v.diich t erect ; a never ei:dinic 'Vrir of comment for a Iioiiic. A onimiltce va apHi;;ted visitor; ;im:. iae?it for tho typos nt in explaining the names of tho to and re- - t lv' with instruction to invest Tories, showiiii; port at the next convention. The mh- - lv"',s 1,1 theu 1k'c:;:j:c and ject f a !uis ince continued oi.e of the first iru- - j of th nation, j portant-- to tlw pri?i-rAt the Deliver convention, in lss'j, the VS.WIag citi-e- ns f Colorado Spring; Vmated j Room. tho International TyaKraphi'al union j acres of lr.iid adjoinir.jc that city. ' The only stipulation to acceptance of tho , gift was the erection f a btiihlin within : two years, r.t a cost f not less than K0. Tho proposition wa. accvptel. in Juue of this ; At tin- Atlanta soss-iothe ywir tho delejsitc present ehct'd of thirtee n dint-tors- : following l;ird j V.shinfrto;i, D. C. AKnit Don.-ith-, I). YauKhan, Denver: W. S. Mcdevty, ludianaolis: James J. Dailcy. Philadel- - ' phii: Frank S. Pel ton. (.Tiicaijo; Ilward T. Plank. Irsdian:polis: (.lnuibas Hall, I Wushinton: Amos .1. t'luuminfrs. Wash- iuton; William Aiinison, Nashville; i Jaxues J. Wodwrard. Atlanta, fa.; i i?orire W. Mortcati. Atlj.;-t-i- . iia. Will W li. Parr, Lambert, lion on, J Toronto. Out. niL-;-r FLOoit n.AX. y, incorix;rate fiiev w ro euitKOVJ-reof The Herald "old funiiluro the style" nmler the laws of Colorado, an 1 of The the with c.rtnps-.re"antique" with authority to 1io the. Childs-Dn'Xl.r'ol nlarriu on the advantages of fr.nd. nw amountii:;; t $:.'',(' and a an "E'.cyprian"' or "(Jothio"' couch vera or "3;;odcm point" reclir.in;c vdunt:try Jscriptioll fund- of over ch.di. Tsl, interest luanil'ested in beau- JJTj.bOU rait;el during tk; y iu- by cnthu-joati- c ailvK-atelifyin tiie hfjitio v. ill extend to the spa f building. i ejo:;.; grotTUfl', er.ch FuccoedinK Arbor In additieu an of ill per tho planting of tree, shrub mark:::: d:.y ; levieil to swell t amount so j or iiow. r u tolcen or good will on d, :u..n ;.neii:T,M'iK.'(i.ii- i- win; uie value ( r f j.uvr j.rinterr. in some far awav of the Coloneio Rife mi-- ht adirn the tjv union who like Al:o.i Ce: Adhem levo tract and hanr.onizo with the beautiful their f: :i ,v man. J. L,V.vvGH.y, ciitlvstructurea wliichdot th?mas- - i tVtivtr, Colo, 1 broM.lerK of lc wnncMiticu' -- i'imn!i:i s inter-tuouutai- u STOCK DEPARTMENT THE full 0f interact to an.l dealers tn,k' !,,i;er . ; Kat, 1 iiavc iif-t-ea- Wbi-- e 1 , T3AI!S. : ;tiati T A Til T lir- - et rouitec'.lon mad '.u I'nioj I, tat with . "N T T T T TXTH rTT 1 11 Most . . .1 Trar.is Xom f. n1 H are rmi to accunir.o- Will contain tho latest for in.:'i:d home newrf up to the time of roil)" to ores., 'JVl'l'K l. JllK I i da:- - ocdeu and SfU Lak naeotcrs. ' " -' ruu between effvet Ju" i K. I la trla -'i tin- - ! . v , !; "1 - T r T Biujrhaaa'Juiietiou aoil Ai'.R. T T r tTa a t ' : I i Hiualiam J e.vc:i.iu at lH iV'l arrive I.av 1 N . 1 1 I 9. a. ro. IS AUa Alta at I.cnve at arrive at lnKhKi Junction Kto fOy. Will be a constant worw of p!.:uujre for wive, mothers and children. Antotv tij. . hfca.iKrr; fednros of this deiiartment will be recines for ookini. articles rehttM)!' in drew. Pairs Malcottih d'rey, I'M, w pair u. o. tHjooc, ; niak;;i.ir, 1hmik adrnmi'iit, l!;wors, hikmc, c ha .'iocs, puzzles, jind, in short, Ihf at $ISZ r pair 10 rairv Mohnwk IJivv, dehnttul miscellany that is so attractivo to the liuhes nnd the youiii; people. at ?2.i'i i'r r.iir ('.ui.nia Urey, l'i T.0 Pair 'liite Vi!iTri 'tivi'i vc, holmall wool, i.i'x?:! inri.en, at 5"'.'' per pair. : all wool, arort'.-n) I ; i - !S'nta l'"e Sit ir,j.iiir. Its correspondence columns wi)) contain the nev.'.-- t of surroundim,' to'.vn-- . -t colors, liM, at n iiorb-,by corivspondiMits. Spaiv uill ;iNiie friv(in to the public to I'Njirosji itself Fre-n- o at Holie ,r Wrnpjjer Blanket.-- . upon general topics in this department. jmt pair, S7.IW V.i.,l..n Mill Hlanh 0, MarjTi!!c I'M. ii'.Ol ami f 1.."0. Alxj, Triivchiift pair. llo" aijii Klaiiketf. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS Tho .current- comment columns will contain brief oxtrnetn from tho leadim-p.-ipersthe nation upon toics of the day, with THE COMMERCIAL'S accom panyine; connnonts, eriticisins or conmu'inlatious. - i:r;;de. ::ho?it i- Mh1 Ilia Krom JaH LaXeCUy. dally. 5 rtcini- - "iproa-rr- oa JJenvir, Fuebto. ai.t a: I fotaU Eat. dally.. So. i. Fast Mall From cmivt. ft;- - a lVaturef may be meationed the following !e full of valuable information on subjects of Mpemul Lntenwt to farmer. of tho ranohvrs und valleys. point. BOUND 1 fruit-grower- s s:'i r . !? Will kl Win F-- Weekly Newspaper. Its Agricultural Department ! UeCIf, t 31! ty . , o. m.-nl- i BOUND TRAINS. For il j IM. ?-- loSal: Uk.s0;tr daily. . At:aut!u txprt"!' tl.atie aart ktoto4 weaver, Fuebio. city. Eart da lv No. So. BLANKETS!!.::.' are dfVotei to . rooms aul i thc lite. Tiit sprct'U-atiuyre for aji edifun.' iu it MUuLstoiu. of there air vast jt::ir:i'.- ot; ji fiur qtuiiity i". the Vfcir.i'y. ITiO evstiaiatcii etL of i flit; biiil.Ii:. sli M0' . ' With pieced tiro cwfr woaid brick of . tiht.w-iIhj tin incitj.le.s a wrn;iiS i f.r.Hte,-::i- i bniMimc with thfr.ar. phtnt '.afiiur.e!.-- . 1 nod.tnot:ao::s art-- : L.'n,'lh, Vr; width ot' iu;iiu building, "feet: rhpitu? aiti'tiiieiU. : tJis So. ! fvr a like purpuao in bnitdin. i !;! . ronyen- - Aliinr Througrh In effect Anat? ! tux? First-Clas- s la its several deparlmonts it will be full and comprehensive. It a hoped tha; both tho quality and quantity of reading matter will l.o nueh as to mako it a re! oi" lionus in L'taii and eomo visitor to lljcuflui'.i-lndjciiiiinjj states ami lerritoriey. Line CURRENT TIME TABLE, t I - SALT LAKE CITY ! ctL-fii- r, CrUAGE- Fj.jjCj,jjjj, Directly . x ispeolrt 1L $ j In iw grno.ral ;.:cope it is the intention of tho management to make it in a! W ESTER KM 1 1 i ut. j GENERAL SCOPE. n jrnnr For a ion;r timo tho qtjostion of isuin;r a Weekly in ion with THK Ikim becu coiiFklrel by the mann-emoDAILY OliUKN (JOMMEUC1AL Shasta, for dinner. Oresron. for Kuppcr. Tho field haviuy been carefully examined and found rendyfor tho enterprise, it huf been decided to winu-n-ncI'ublii.'aticri oi' a lirst cl;i."H W'ih y. It v;l! or November ou and about the follovi::; brief .yiopt-:i- of its prn;:o.-e-l l"h., appear is Kiibinitte! : dru-j-ijirfU- oo:sjr. flow t , s i ontiiari(JU. rhen-nlar.rt uiati-rair.iin aMtin!9 o;Ui l iy!ifx'fjiia in Ttrina f'jnus. ad with a lKM'kjfnmnd s. ni:4erial And roe.- - ;"fitn tl: afrtuxtcire forcing all x die nr of th in iU fivciwi hings b.l ritfurona jetk? .'utsn!. th rej'atmtaUng MflJwt of tha tbp imt Kmyiint. 'Vho fairy tale of. rnUih-v- l. wiu'i Hhut ivru"r rfc taak of the iAyi-wtei- r Renii wiii miula real i the rra tha i cian 9niapLa im otmdaotdm: tie tiMRy wa utttMYHL. ara Vrrtvui?! liiMttx'ic ti?uiatt in sacceri:n1 optratitm in this fnrthohcntM iic4 of Mia .rni hop riciRit-Ilia extwior xvd iatariox view iren rf'Ulay. Tha "'onea npc a rims" dabti idi k fotir vera?. wl vi two w licit aold thivaa rit aocoaQiMyiBC caU Ulw AuifTirau iTintin, narawl (5iiMi an? bsiiditu' in rfnauMuto nt?ln of atfiii- aviMinetTieati i:i pnjKrtiana 'nt- THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY i leiuir-g- ; tke MtrnviivouniM of Iukuo i1 CsrriM tb best tine of Trunk ami Vsliw in All Liuds of at MauufiiOlureiV u.ciuM witit tha aMiitariatu. Fur Jiht the viXy LK'fir iriiitf Ui.ui. 'ail nmi .;irrha- - for TreaVfMt. UlSSONB, under Mt, AMiLAND from i?e sfriittr ; : It" .will be, in all respects, worthy of general support and pufclic patronage. nSW EATING HOUSES, F1SEST IS TBS WORLD. of modirina.1 wtitont f M:tnitou, tho rst rf tM? and tho Ute. Arr.v,ahoe rtif eiat: in th iron, rr;iirj ljhur ,i'id hk an ic iina."e fur rttrwuio calairh ?f tha Niicl atid b-- wel. torjsidi t.y of The. ' BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND nnd cloanso th liver, Btorniwii rrjruls'jj nnd boweld. One h dose. Sold by eeats a vtal. elixir td.K-iri- c The Gey- DR. PJSRCE'S PELLET i with ths flora of a world. ii. iTn-Tsz- ii;t- - x xeHlx l rh-irgt- DAILY COMMERCIAL. iJ! s,',Ir, il'i t!ithoall'a ijivinyr )torfumrt of v. irst tii-- j U-.- e ijH.'iiitmi:SI iuttiu: ifttiiii; of nvtuntiuai, whore tint air n;;d ivjit .ind Soon to be Issued trom the Office of The Ogden CABiLSLO BL . a ONLY 36 HOURS d l;ux-rK- d coji--5tio- 1HE SEA. EY and faithfully carried out for many yours. An iiivioniiinif tonic, it strength to the wiiold aystcm. l''orimpart fx;b!o wonion n T'ieroo'a Favorito Preaeri;)-tioIr. Rtnoraliy, ia the gmtttest eirthly boon. bottlo-wraptx- i.-- Iv--rl MOSTK.-- Yoaemiie. Tho Bic Treei. Tahoa. sers aad Ml. Hhaata. inanu-lacturer- a, i DEL weekly Commercial it THE NEW PAPEIi Famsd fcr Calr Kesorts where care comes not and pleasure never cloys. BEAUllFUL dru-jiats- nj - ian j vu rat-fu- i itl ! unfJi-ryoin- c ie Liy (K night ww iiiiiBtSfmt Uweof. TiiiKih th tiiljl, Uurf ww ;i'iiiiiii in a prk lilr tMnvius, tha site blLs- In the riwriT i'ut. is iwrrtiisuf.t by mouiitfuu vnucca on ijc knl inus5m Hint thT wi- -- philidonh-thxo idt.. rltJi a ffr.twr to tha nhuns 1 kii'-lhris-iTrhoy relied oris:: iont'io v.'r't. Th cltiratiou .tbovw fien tiir i :mnt abiiiiy U x- u;vi .shtJ;cr wi li.O'ii) f.x't, yot th trejdiii; n1i;vI- of Mis I h ntto;;!hl n:outi ur. nii i v m from aa ll'icki.v. IK'rj Portk. AnitnaHy.meotiuinmtt'm.iriiwiii! th d.r:"-;- ; .ltiju.1? f over J4.0')t r,et. pri'itu th i t!e Olive and the Vine. Historic California Home of Ramona, And ef the Padre Jonipero Jiera JEWEL9 AlfD LACSI. wl il up e Land of the Fly, J a OF 1 Over the til rrs pnot the celebrated Cape Horn, down thronxh the lovely valley of del 8acrmeuto across the beautiful bay that rivals that of Naples to the gre&t city of 6au Jfrauclbco by the Golden Gate. iiiCutand ondeaTorinc to flaaiirs teilow rrafLanen, they behold no Trt aocumn-latloi- ! of fimda or entatm. Although riiicjilly etlumUwt in Ut ralua of tiiua iwul the intrifrtro worfJt of mny littU pitves f inoU when placed tothar. not TLnd?rstood that fccy appear to a mnekl." Many moke miekles jnany r them otsrod r.ot whether they had tw 1jc a they muckk s at tm tenia tht ltttla liixarin obtain! with jamddes. Fur tharn tha gtxI if eTj'l of h.-v- T THI VIA cwrnry of nocon-Hkdntiio- -- PORTLAND AND THE NORTHWEST . ae- - acaierftX ItoaoraNa Waila tey looh IvwiTrarft period of nearly TO- K-.- o vritb tliova vha iorts. -- i tha frvw fsvmt im Scenic of pTsocal of labor ths- A picae t!iT hare ahraTt If njcaniz.-Uio- GRAND If The intollijiHit cumfitvi tors 01" A::irr!ea iinioa x.fr npe:t-- lVor( tha tw1 C TUB PROSPE Route RAILROADS. Hktcyfc rata snrmaiidins t3t ftvned Sordon vf: th Godj. Th lacd donated occupies tha center INDIGENT PRINTERS f s ra0fM orio iking tha city of Colo'a "HOME FO rs d fiirira from lit east, within com .ESTABLISHED BY THE I. T. U. mile arH. n half from the hoainaaa cw-k- r. Yarned by cnsorratiT appraisera.. f lor Ion ft I'm Watra lt! on rriat-r- r i--he Isnd is worth $! 00,000, and is rapidly Will Anljr tit t.ilt of Mowsr. nluwoins: in valuo, ovrin to the niauy CIrtmi f :inprcTmcna' lieinjj inane Mid eouUsm-j)ltnnil l"no.iol A JSitnated ;noa a coiaaindinj Rrl for (ho T1r4 Compt. fDJi FAGGED OUT TYPOS. t.. Sut'tittl: for Shipment. Orders ami i'repariii ' iio.lies promptly attended to. ly tf ipii "'i 1 tU" ri,y- - AtUll't'rSr-- : I liavo 1vun Jill foi- - 11 1 1 1 1 M I i t1 1 i 1 IS 1 1 OuDEN .WEEKLY COMMERCIAL OU DKN TAIL I ! |