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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: ERNESTINE A KeinLuUi-tm- Fine Terrace. Arrival Extraordinary. J.ust arrived from San Francisco tho Ogdencun justly lay claim' to having within its limits tho most thoroughly world renowned and highly W gifted dead clairvoyant, Mrs. Dr. interp, who I'onstructetl and best appoint tnl torraco trance while entranced will reveal every hidden west of Denver. It a located on tho mystery in life or death, has lon been corner of Twenty .ixth ntreet and Mon pronoun.'eu the jrrealest mystery of the roe avenue. A description iu detail will present ae. The madatue is ol'ten conto many trolled by the sainted masters of Mordoubtless prove readers. JiM'iaiIy as there are Nf many mon history and they bring words of tleirinsi t rent apartments. K.ieh cheer to their people- of Utah ami Salt is tuent live by tifty-hvfeet ljahe. She reunites the tells in size, and contains n:t:e rooiiis you where you will succeed in busite'-s- , arid a hath room. There are hvo rooms when and ivho yon will marry, selllen frosa c Hbtke. " Sjoi.'! CirrwDenJcnca ) Nr.w York. Oct. U. Probably thetnort lierv orator that the early day of th voin-in'aalTrago caued protluceit. tli Patrick Uetuy of the movement, Krnestiuw L. Rose. Sb was in ItJlO, jmhI her years wers over before 1 caterctl tho moYrweut. bat from tlnvjo who knew her iu her prime 1 havo beanl much tl the roinautio story of her Lfe. ITer earlv home was at I'yeterkovT. Poland. SI. wa tUo daughter of a Jev?-i- h rabbi, so strict iu his ascetic that be praetiof-- lou f;ts U tho injury of hi he&Ith and tamper. Ths earnuat vliiM. Heviuu her fathe r's vastytl lookj. :h-aiked bim why hi iuilictcil upon Liniaeli" such aiutovities. Hi reply pleaaa Uwl" startlod her iuetioum thought, aiiJ oui timo later ah the fiiith of her forefather, to the diitrrii c? ber family and the horror f her l'neiid. Her home was no lunger happy, and after a iluputo ubout the aeti-,i:iiu- t of hfr mother's eatat. in which, though shrt wus then otUy a girl of 16. she plead ker owa cause in court and hr uit. she took the sum? property to which 1 and truvelad h frit herelf ent; In fruroo;-- h she met Inilaiul Karope. h. early lea lei v. :in l iiav kernel bturt and to the cam.? of hmnttn freedom in all it aspect. Whila there-shiuarri--William L. M.hs and ante viih hita t- this country. Ibr public apparatu:-- here ei- ttetl at t!:e ti:uo srreut cuinia-n- t. At a kn o o o IU j j oil.l KnricheJ. j V. anti-slaver- y l e h !;. the VM D.-oad- - ;.:- . th-.Ti- :. !o;.) o'-.f.- td Vnu " s s i: tl-- o:n 1 ;l. i!. . ! - Str':.us ?I-- t a. i::. 7:.- -' - tc. t . .":.'" p. etin i.verv i ( ... by .i. ob-ci-ye- ; el tak-ir- f cor-r- . - 1 lvi s'", s:tot;ii r re-ai- lt j j V. :.' ai-.- o j ,il. . I''ji'.'o, )thc TH CTY! lliii; OI lJii,rcoals and )t 1 'r-- ,nl..ha..Allx'tt. I'linvo tl 1 V;sf- 1 1 1 1 I iI i - t ..I i p. m. inll-ucnees- - - b:.ek o tow ii the '.a:e Ll,,i:: ni. r. - m. m. J:t o p. m. ; . OUR BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING f t'atrunie j v. i: i.r.i .;... bm AKi'.isr. y hiie Mo;-Sa!t Lake t'oraer of Mam ami Second S. a' ai:;. ia'tel in the aiviList cait ;n a:tak M'.-- t oentr.d prtist Cuiou likot a her city. Opposite Will lidteutd to with rejw.vt i:i o:l:cc hotel. and the I'iimau Newiy ie aj)p!aii led. furni-he- d remodeled and throughout. oi l. tall She was the:i only ii) yw unsurpassed. Electric light, bells, dark Table and uiaiiied i: tijjure. with e. .ll Terms. i"J and blai-hair ud a I rilliaur per day.modernli. eivoni.mces. fVM, curiiii 1j. Haij., I'rcprh tor. woiupleiiou. tK.?Jtki:5ir o her a he vra To Soften the Skin. in her prime The lJoioii LiT7tiit r '"ah-excellent was an w hose skm is subject to rough-lecturer, L'di:S fcty: mu-- t ess when eip'ostnl to the air may remeliberal, eioipvat, witty, and. "t'ae lij add. deciiedly handsome dy the ditliculty by applying Wisdi"ns It rcsttres the n.itar d titat all were praUiux.' " Ft i:x ihU Vilr Cr-a;e skin and induces softne.s of action ti of !riod ah?y lie'sms a b I orator e.a-;t- i it v. .rati of the eaus an later tiie woiuau auJ'rav;o agitation. 1 never V'ovin Wash.. Java' --V.. ber sp'-a- but o:tee. anil !h far tli.n au U'. H ilUd:.vti:, ud lady and in frail health, but she Dear Sir: Tv.o jears ago my hair comthrilled tho audience by the electric menced falling out. I tried many touics without aail. and was almost in despair Jorc'j of her vurl. and her dark ey ' lest 1 should lose my hair entirely w iteii. Cached her voice rests in the Ih-ras a last rt sort. I trit il Skookvsm Hoot eometns of her eloquence. Hair Grow er. lt- etft et has been magi Durin,;: the years iT her iiidiie v!:e ci'l, an.', though I have scarce used ora H ;r lauavelvd and spjke it has : t"ppd my hair from tors wyr? peraiitei; iu New .rk stal. lttle, and has developed a i.ew gr.v.th of She addressed I he leisLiture many healthy hair. 1 can reeoiuri.eral ir. tinier', ;i::d it vrai largely if.viuu' to her , tTorti that the state Lv.-- s v. :,- p.vv:.d Very siacerely, IIkktha Ih WiNTr.Ki:. that sectit to married woin-:- i in New !:t ri-to their ear:uri'4 a!l YrU thia!d spot on y their property. Urfore that tia:- tho I'.Ikookum :;l Hair or tn l r i )ney 'i'-i- a i e l'or or lor hi rcry t'. sell br : k i'a s t ." h ! ,:ndelii :i Tonic. buabaad. iml h?nvd to i foi'inor seasons i iol net it mi. I VfkM. any in l'it, ItiTids ntK.'Iy Ti'iinnicd ami of .Snjorior :iHHino- i"urj . J ti;-kiti- it. ! I- - a. t':o iVJ'.t 1 t I Overcoats For further particulars apply to Sister Superior, Oden, Utah. . 1 This Fall wo tShow tin Kiuosi SlncK of tho ton avenue, between 2'd ami iMth St., hygrometers by which to indicate This AVorhnuuiship. changes. atmospheric slightest or ueoas. a Aew nil Jjiiie iso, wth i seem to tho would to alone fact suggest goods damaged by tire. most 'casual the baneful li-is- i Molto.n. IicaVcf, ( 'liouoii T K . IT lIKiOKt; ihlKAKl as;. produced upon the hair by In CMx'Viot. Fi'onoli Ti'ioot nn water impregnated with alkali, water Kashu Jiitfbh Materials. IVunuvNU. Or.. June must he used, and 'persons who reside in I'O. IT. ('. UnU.ch. au aikali district must therefore suffer. in have much, Dear Sir: Not alone does tho water affect the of "Sktikum hair, making it harsh and brittle, and stating that the bottie 1 In-lisi- i lioot Hair Grower." w hich I have used liable to break oil' when combing- or 1 ?ov s 1 u lit little girl's head to prevent the hrushhnr. but the verv atmosphere inoivland. 1 d of a se- cii.ogvu who this hair destroyer per- - ( i I I it hair from sailing out (the I'l'ilKV ( 1 1; 1'1 'S. Alilsh'M, i I !s! loi-nhair not vere fe'.eft has ( meates thncigiaut the vhlo scalp lilK.i Ivinur l'S. only stopped the from falling out bi t has ion to one of luiture's developed carri-ii-ruc- l a luxuriant grow th of hair. noh.iest gifts, a beautiful head of hair, i I lace recommended it to ail my Skookum root hair grover rs fi.rmuk'.tcd Yours tiuly. friendsana is to correct all such evil 1 I'm a iooe. to ai! w ho use it. j.:: Xklso.v. '. at ie - Sj!-i:icv- t' the n.oter at 'f m:;c!e. hil l to discus j the S'1 free tiwls, one of the spc;;k-- !. ', viu-to de!io:::ici v. hut Lei froui i."s :t!I.sl II: s. J..M." !tuo ! up in ten. l!:e in fvo;;t i f the yih ry and tier ph.ee iul!-- t li::a to .roer. A V. II' i 'lie of scit'. r'e::il foil v.e.l. The rv v.- v ru c : i f 'Throw h:r!ov.u! -- ira,r her lier yrui:i h bir l soeti. Lu; she t'.t-!";:r. cwrvt voice rii::.r a!-- . l:r iiupvejiiveIn ponahiv a few ui iiinu respect. fell on the etowj, aa-- 1;t In the musical department IrJon.i are given in vocal music, and on piano, harp, guitar, organ, violin, mandolin and zither. Special classes in art, music, fancy work, etc., have been formed for ladies residing in the city. 1 t ;; velvet. A- - comes. Hoi v.s CLOTHIERS. South street, hours '.) a. Influence of Alkali on the Hair. in: to i v. m.. strict. The Madam locates addresses, heals with massage! Tlie hair is tho most susceptible aptreatment and battery baths. pendage of the human organism, being strongly hygrometrical that scientists Go to Peck, Knowh s Hesore for the so often employ tho hairs of tho head in finest and cheapest cooking and heating stoves. Have opened at -- lot Washing- the construction of tho most delicate - f;: all family troubles, has love potions and fnereu iliridoe charms to drive away evii iuiluences. ff you have been deceived and are about giving up in. despair, before doing so call on the madame and be convinced of her woadeful power. Shows'photo of wife er husband, day arid date of marriage, initials of tirst name. Correspondence solicited tlirotigh mail. Send two dollars, date of birth, lock o" hair and receive accurate lite chart. Four cents in stamps for circu7 West Ollico lar of instruction-- . Sixth The facilities of the present day for thr production of everything that will con dace to the material welfare nnd comfor of mankind are almost unlimited am when Syrup of b'iija waj tirt produce the world was enriched with the onh perfect laxative known, ca it id the onl) ren:c!y which is truly pleasing ana to the taste and prompt and cfiect'ial to cle inse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, r.t any time nnd the better it 'a known the more pop-.i- r K-i- nsJ THE LEADING book-keepin- -- Kaeh ro r.i has a closet. upstairs. Tho b'.hldiiu; is lilted viti all tho nsnal as elet trie modem envenieneiy, sin-liu'Iit, u'as-- , hot and eold .:iti'r, ete. Ventilation in each room has been provided, and all details that woiiid :;dd to the health and comforts ut tho occupants d to regardless of exhave been j.tit-nipense. It wiil be ready for occupancy about November loth. J. (A. liamo is the proprietor. ACADEMY, Is a boarding and day school davoted to the education of youn ladies and little girls. In addition to a thorough practical English course and Latin, classes in typo w riting and short hand are conducted after ihu latest approved methods. French and (Jermanare optional studies. llostdes the e lements of drawing which are taught in all the classet--- , private pupils in the ptudio receive instruction in crayon, pastel, painting in oil and water colors, on China tiik, satin a;uh intt-ret-ti- 3 Utah. Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. O.qrdcji, -- a si-n- SACKKl) HKAKT A ROSE. L. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1890. Iloiiie Indu-ti- ! y. 1hi ytn;r Iron IVnces, Wire Flower Stands. Coal Screens and Window Wire md Iron! Guards at the Ogd-.street. Works. J1 d I "Take it b. fore breakiV.s;," leeara-- it will give you an appetite, regulate tho bowels and c eano the system- of all impurities Dr. Ib nley's English Dandelion Tonic. S iil ever vw here. e DEPAETMENT I i h ) m;1 ( Pencil and Scratch Tablets p"-to'.li- ly At i:uM i I i NEWEST Iciu enn i x li ! k i Fu f NOVELTIES k-- eu f Aires k j I 'Jt!s ami tti tho Lowes' I I 'fifes i i1A l 11 X1 1 St.)l I'APIMi, 'V A III LED AND UIsKULED, anti-Iavvr- rd , lACill iriTII l k , F. V. LAKltKNTZ, 0, Mi ii a aj Ykl, IYiJ l K3i n l i 2ill and 2 Wasliinirkni i a-li- n AT 1)17X1 a. h-a- lo Prident. A. F. Avcntio. rfKH.i:. Sec'y. un 1 'I rt , y - Till: fa!!-kilt- , COAiMHRCiAL 01-TIC- iV('llllf, jittfll. - UNION l - t - - :: v:t-;i'.- e n -- uraw r w: !i 1 tie. ,'liiK'Ut-- ..r. tr.rom: :iKr cu!d a wife hoM'or her co:i-'-:.- t. 10 inlicrit prop.-rtlioI l Antionticcll'.cllt. evcrythnig bciori-l law whL?r lier hu'.Mud. The Mrs. Van older has leased the Ji- v we now live und.vr are due lvith.- tirele.-- s II"t-- i and bought the f ;;rnitare. en the corner e.f Tel;t third and exertions of this gifiel w.:um. and She will run first cias V'ik t Lincoln . never ouglit the vom-- :i of N-house. The room are ail furnished nice the dvbt of gratitude they own forg.-and r. at. and tlio-- e that are iooki::r for lZr:iesiino L. Rose. homeiike place ear. lind it there, lias a Liuju Dnvrr.rxx Ih.t:::. rooms all ready for rent now and by the tirst of November her dinh); room will T!i- - lVoiura f Ttl;y. be open. Hoard by da or w eek. She table in the city for the Nr.w Yo::::. Oct. 1. Whatever may will set the of t!ie p'fiol, a?id !eal nan:y. Wiil be open day and. be said t.r th-g- irl Mis. Van Ga.!h!. however yon i.i-t- ridicule 1 ho current niirht. adealtare. you must "fad" .f p'.iy.-ie-al Tin: rti.M m rjtCi.M. hindi'.uv. is much mit that the woman of t tlian the girls of her The Mosl Complete Hook more West of liener. time. pranI:aother"s l.MM Kin i . i. I hd il isls i nc ( mi a ny Tlr- - articles that were written about Tf now have id aetie operation the n.e.si women and woman's sphere in tho-iami complete book bindery in extensive view of a femininity. rivvr days i;ive I.' are prepared to execute all and tab. For imtance. they never spoka of "a blank tooks of any ami every for orders pretty ":i:l." Oh. la.! That would havo description on hort r.oti--.aad at and imrverent. been tx !';::;;it They reasonable prii es. lioo!: rul'.'il in any eallel l. r .oun an 1 lovely femah-.tlesiril style, and iHiund in paper. And the magazine writers told how el th. and half three quarters teriimm virtues are all of tho retiring UusM-u- i or fiili calf. K- - pecial atten-tiowill be paid to baulc ; iui eoe.nty kind, and are s tu through a v il f fciuinhie timidity and work, and estimates promptly furnished. And they l'ook-i- . rml periodicals maejjw.i'ies added that if men ever seemed ver-ly in any sty !e. lHund )id loks rebmi.d to Jflmire any other kind it was "duo to on short notice. bad tarte ami coarseness of mi:id. A ypeeial invitation to everyone Ut own tiieir They fr;pte:itly compared visjl our bindery nsid inspect work and countrywomen to those of other nation ;, prices. and. with whatever Krudimr admiration or outright disapproval they spoke ! of th. latter, they always turned their delighted ficcs homeward with some oa.w uf t ,r riiy WE vil! i v tin !,or. vneh words as these: "In our country Comi'.niut. Cui t Wli - ! wo i .maul rr.r wit.'i vr lVt.ve:wwoman preserves that retiring ami timid stiptiu l.ivi-- l'i-- v in n ll;i ami rcrt:iii!r, delicacy most attractive in her charac..ni;.anl with. Tln-- mv iiir-lLmt-'J t ill t U'v" tio.i. ter, and calls forth our ro?p?::tful . ..niiiiiix t 1'ilN. 3 tnti. u iiirt--l t.uly by of her iiu:nTlt imitiition-i,. ui.l graceful by .mc.-.uoiu.. west '1'US Joim c It is still th-- Am ricau II Hultt A. UAl.lil.lt. by cttotn t compare tin American woItrustsit. (Istten. I'tali. with tho her to credit, man, greatly woman of other countries: but very litTerent are the wonts with which it is done and tho rean: give:' for h.r ;i-- li:r.A-.- i l:!-ra- 8 ' i - - n Tyx-a-ti- V OV TSTOVES! 'v v'k 3 kT3 1 w.-rl- h-- r E8! : av.-nue- t- c - AlAA lit! 1UIFAiT1 r -- frif tt t-- Uindii;";-Ktal)lihuien- !!-- o i I i t1l 11 II J Hill )n!o!i - " h semi-tran--pan-- V i (i mm . Mm t Co. SOLE AGENTS SOLE A(5ENTS ut t." . -- $500 Reward I rili;.---lii- In-, 1 . Wi-l'i- r e - itin-itioit- s r I.l-r- i art-rt- r tea-denie- Mti-fi- v sv nsn -- - . . i Yn i 3 r fa cr i j j : i ; t FINE STIFF Lined ; i )i IT J GROCERS, 4 and I'iiIiikhI. in LiIit Weijrht?. Call and let us Explain the Merits of the World Renowned 340 Twent) difth Street, (Kd)KN, ITAH. n SECRET S OF j d THK e h - ' ivd t''ix m.x n. edies.dy I'-n- e-ji- tJci;- - I' pien-on- s. and rl::;;!d th fore li-- avoidt d." t think of that time and One is- th.n of this in order lo appreciate traveled the dhhince liiat has cie't'.il notions ahout women in th-.- ' cilice sin h epinions as those vero the ac- -re d o:' an- - lo !,ro i!i'r!ri i!- - U-e- VCi COMJII'.IICIAI, ci). mw riv e" iu ) If Heatin 0 FREE. iflt-t"- wij.-the- se.-Ti:e- Venti atin Hind wnnflprtnr nirpd. Hooks lonrnr.! frm all in ono ronomc. tlm '. Pri"pH'tis ltwr i( parti "BrK, wnt on nrplioatKin to l'rf. A. lyit!w. 2J7 Piftii Avi--. A'tw Yuri. The magazine writers of th' e days it l:.rti-;- : e;l the qu tion 1 to Ik. a prdriot an also a x;u' p rather a d:iriiL tnie .woman. It si?e-xaatt-.rand "return and "jjraeef iu and timid to m well to-tdidn't Si women were .advised not to ; form the:Mv Ives into soci- tics fi;r any pT.rjwee-whafe- , r, since s.ich a oure - !.- Howe i liiilte r ;intrns tJiat Iuto In tlioy ami tii. l;est work in Steiips & Stencils lr!:iit ly'an Otlico: tln-i- t Twfaty-l-'ifi- 1 nt T.otv St., Prlci'S. Od-KV- . We do not Condem Dtiier Stoves to sell ours, but sell them on their merits. m Adviser for those contem A tilatittfr uianiase and for men suilVr- uu: from Private Nenousor Clironic ent prepaiu ny express. L)ise;uses. X. 2:?-l- - W'a.sliixitrtoii Av-riue- . hii honors. Twenty (raduatotl with vcars expericniv as Professor, Ifiirc'. Autlier and SiecialLst l:i the 'entnicajt i'il Cure of Private, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Thoiisnnih' of vo;i!i:r ineti and women saved fnmi va early trrave: niade f;'.thcr3 :u' i penuaueut tn:m mothers; and reshni'd to Head IkkmI mi'l wov.umlnHi'!. "Socrots of Life" sent prepaid hy express rf System. I MBHIlUWUi Merous f,hn.iati.ri Vitality, Confusion of Ideas.n DGcllno.Vari-rf,.ttho Abuses 9 ?.iA Aversion to8ocioty. Loss of Energy, Premature result int'trm l prf fiYiootencv-nyon are fnuv be tn the' first st.ics but rememlM-rlha- t T:nd Y;i .Jeter voti irom '.et :tl r.".! Do 'ttKiclilnir tlie l:.t. -- ;! ei i tooil.ty priloorih:iui u:v.i l.rii'.hl . .ml n itnr.il! ;r!iiel yoimi-li- i unill l.is en so to nm oi ami claimed i'.S i'.tlxn. For reiaeuiU-r-, "PruerafiUniv r.. k.'U h)s intolliH U hnl Lioii ir the thief ol titne. . . t il... i e ' n nnlit Wo have so ;irt ;m(e(i nur irentnvu ior t ue unove ni':s;.i'i it r...l K M ItH It, vyyu..i !? Urm'.UtfrfUe.t but All inter t ;u:-e.li- 1 t!;cTiljrj-:io yom Willi freniu- me.-jis- haarv-nnlsfs- ieh . l jrmwi' T"BSXYlHSJi.& K0BI.XS0N HAKIVWAK'E CO. ConsultOldDoctor :. . f.Vr vr, vtrtnl cose of pntvifr rff.v far uvtv WM .": f..i.Ni,(!i .,mi i',i(. ..it : ,S i..?.... iulert-iv- thr, ..... owl ftuv-iw-.e- 1 . (orct not lO OXClU? bye;ire--- f it full ilesci ip! ion otense i spivvn. out i.iieroreoiiui in till ikikcs lireferrc-!- '.reic.!;;ititti l"ret. SeiuJ eo:iii'r.jiie&tlonnt. , Kt?. LUCAS PH1V4TE C? 'iinilsloh Ch, hicaQO. 111. .mi furtn.iiij-.HiKlwn- t ! . rjlSF-KSARY- r.Mi-kei- l Mi :ii |