Show v UNSAFE AND INSANE yo FOURTH The city government of oC Ogden through Mayor Major P. P F. F Kirkendall an an- announces announces announces that a. a a general permit with restrictions restriction to sell and shoot fireworks fire Is issued In Ogden O Thus the city ell goes back ten years ears earsin in tho the progress of oC common sense And the city city- officials assume a fear fear- jut Jol burden of responsibility of enforce enforce- It If a policy of vigorous nent of o the city elt ordinances or forbid forbidding forbidding ding sale or discharge rge of fireworks was avas followed follo no lather father of maim maim- a maimed id ed 11 or blinded child and no victim of ofA ofA ofa A Fourth of ot July fire fin loss could point an accusing finger in the dl di direction of the city hall But with with the lid off oU so to speak peak through official sanction who ho will get and deserve the blamo blame for accidents The child whose eyesight was as and the boy dangerously injured who had his hand mangled suffer suffer- d d Injuries from crackers picked up in the street so BO the rule of or the mayor and chief of ot police pollee as to supervision by b parents of oC fire fire- fireworks fireworks fireworks works discharge would seem to bo be futile halle If fireworks fire are sold they are quite likely to cause Injury and loss less How Ho about the violent poison in inthe inthe the Fourth of ot July novelty novell which was eaten by a tot In her Innocence with a mighty close call from death Licensed druggists cannot sell such poison polson except under the greatest precautions Yet Vet there thee fireworks have been sold so care care- carelessly carelessly carelessly lessly that children unable to read the he warning on the package have handled them This deadly poison polson can C be sold under the general per per- permit nut mit with restrictions Issued by U-i U Il city In these supposed days day's of safo safe no sane Fourths Fourths Ogden has re re- re gilded one childs child's sight ge gc ed one boys boy's hand hanl maimed an other boys boy's face cut and a made Cade so Ill III that two t doctors for a alime aIme time lime Ime despaired of ot her life When Just ono one of these cases is isco considered co Is all the profit gained froth the ealo ula of all the fireworks that can be sold In Ogden worth worthwhile worthwhile worthwhile while For a month the city hall has haa pre pro presented a comedy com d of ot errors First th announces that there is no law law against the sale ule of fireworks In tn Ogden A reporter finds tho or or- ordinance ordinance In five minutes and shows It to tho the city Then the tho statement to 1 made made the law will be enforced but there thero was a a. wink behind It Next ext came the strong statement from the police chief that every everyn merchant n caught selling c fireworks will be arrested The next day he h he I Ibe city hall says fireworks can both boUt be bo sold and discharged on the Fourth under restrictions Meanwhile Mean there has been one source of consistency That Is the city fire station where Chief George Gt A. A Graves Gracs has given out vig vig- vigorous vigorous orous and common sense inter inter- interviews interviews views vies In la he attacks the fool Cool foolishness foolIshness of buying and shooting fire fire- fireworks fireworks fir works and points In no mild lan lan- language language Ian guage guage to the horrors that firemen prepare for on the Fourth of oC July Jul when It Is celebrated in the tho old old- fashioned and insane manner the city city- hall Intends to permit |